Showing posts with label faith. Show all posts
Showing posts with label faith. Show all posts

Monday, June 1, 2020

Faith vs. Fear

This is a time in our world when many people have a lot of fear – fear of the coronavirus, fear our finances won’t hold out, fear of losing our job, fear we will lose our business.  This virus makes us have a fear of helplessness.  Not only do we fear the coronavirus and how it affects us and our family, but all kinds of fears invade our minds.  Maybe it’s fear of public speaking, fear of heights, fear of rejection, fear of flying, fear of crossing bridges, fear of elevators, fear of water, etc. 

Fear is very common to us all from time to time, but we want the world to think that we have our lives under control and fear isn’t an issue.  It’s something we really don’t discuss not even with our friends.  If you let it, it can dig down deep in your life and then dominate you.  It shows up in all kinds of ways.  It can show in your behavior.  It can show up by you lying, making excuses, and even in denial.  It shows up as anxiety, nervousness, worry, stress, tension, bad attitude, and even in our health.  It impacts your thinking and decision making.  We all have or have had some kind of fear.

Fear is opposite from faith.  Hebrews 11:1 describes faith.  “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.”  Hope can’t be separated from faith, because without hope, there can be no faith.  Fear is lacking faith and denying the hope God’s gives you.  When you grow in faith, fear leaves you.

Jesus knew we would be afraid and we would doubt.  He said “Fear not” over and over again.  But sometime fear is a good thing.  Courage is not the absence of fear; it’s the will to persevere in the face of fear.  It is a feeling and it will pass if we realized what it is.  We need to remember that Jesus is with us and is on our side protecting us always.  We can’t run from fear.  We must deal with it.  “If God is for us, who can be against us?”Romans 8:31.  We must trust in what He said.  We can use the weapons He has given us – His Word, talking with Him in prayer, our church, Christian friends who are there for us and who encourage us along the way.

God doesn’t want us to walk in fear.  He tells us in Philippians 4:6, “Do not be anxious about anything…”  He goes on to say, “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellence or praiseworthy - think about such things.  Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me – put into practice.  And the God of peace will be with you.” Philippians 4:8-9. 

Isaiah 41:10 – “Don’t be afraid, for I am with you.  “Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God.  I will strengthen you and help you.  I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.”

God doesn’t condemn us for our fear, but He wants to free us from it.  He gives us the power to overcome fear.  We can arm ourselves with God’s armor found in Ephesians 6:10-18.

Faith and fear cannot exist together.  Faith can deliver us from fear and worry because it’s the opposite of unbelief.  Faith is a gift from God.  It is an absolute belief that God is constantly working behind the scenes in all areas of our lives no matter our circumstances. 

What can you do to rid yourself of fear?  You need to have faith and trust in God, because He is sovereign and in control.  So take your eyes off yourself and answer fear with the truth of God’s Word.  Let faith take the place of your fear.  Romans 10:17“Faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the Word of Christ.”  Philippians 4:19“And my God will supply all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus.”  When you are not in constant intimacy with God, that’s when fear and panic can take hold.  If you give God only crumbs of your time and attention, your faith can weaken.  When you walk close with God and trust Him daily in all situations, your fears will be conquered.  So stay in His Word and stay in communication with God through prayer.  Then trust Him and your fears will disappear.  God’s got this!

What fears do you have in your life?
Do your fears cause you shame?
Do your fears lead you to doubt your faith?
What do you do at the first sign of fear?
Do you turn to God in prayer?

                                    Faith vs. Fear
                        While fear cowers, faith stands.
                        While fear frets, faith prays.
                        While fear looks within, faith looks to Jesus.
                        While fear despairs, faith hopes.

Principle:  Fear cripples, but faith sets us free.

Prayer to Fight Fear with Faith

Dear Father,
We live in a chaotic time right now.  You know my struggles and that my mind is limited and weak.  I confess that I sometime look at my situation with fear.  Help me to fight back against this fear with faith in your Word and your truth.  Calm my thoughts and my emotions.  Help me stay focused on you and not on my fear.  Help me not to be anxious about anything.  Give me strength to be thankful for my blessings and not grumble.  Thank you, Lord, for who you are and that you are in control and I am not.  In Jesus Name I pray, Amen.                                                                            

Join me here next time. -- I encourage you to trust in and have faith in Jesus.

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Monday, April 20, 2020

James 1 - 2

James 1:1-18 – Faith Revealed in Trials

The book of James was authored by James.  Who was James?  There are several people in scripture called James.  This James was the step-brother of Jesus.  James grew up with Jesus, but didn’t believe He was the Messiah until after His resurrection.  James became a leader of the church and served God.  He addressed this letter to Christians everywhere.  He wrote to teach Christians how to act like Christians.  He wanted to help believers live out their faith and to see life as a series of tests.  We are to consider it pure joy when we are faced with trials and temptations, because we know the results.  It produces patience, perseverance and grows our faith.  We know He is at work in our lives.  As Christians we endure exploitation and slander, because we are followers of Jesus.  We experience this because Jesus experienced it.

Why does God allow trials and suffering?  God has given us free will and the suffering is usually a result from the choices we make.  Sometimes God allows suffering to guide His children back to the right path when they have strayed.  Sometimes we suffer because of the sins of others.  Remember we do live in a fallen evil world.  We all suffer because man corrupted everything in God’s world when he sinned in the Garden of Eden.   Sometimes God allows suffering to increase a believer’s faith and show their witness to the world.  Some suffering is to bring glory to God.

What a perfect message at this time in our lives.  We are going through a huge trial today – the pandemic of the coronavirus.  A few weeks ago we were eating in restaurants, going to ball games and movies, shopping in the malls, children were going to school, and grocery store shelves were fully stocked.  Then the coronavirus happened.  Things are very different now.  We are isolated at home.  Some are working from home, doing homework from home, and some are out of work.  It’s a fearful time for many.  At last count the virus has made over 2,000,000 sick with over 162,000 deaths.  

How do we maintain our faith in such hard times?  James tells us to consider it pure joy when we go through trials, because of what can happen through the hardships in the end.  We’re not happy about what’s going on in our world right now.  But don’t confuse happiness with joy.  Joy is deeper than happiness and is based on how you think about something, not how you feel.

Do you what a faith that can bring you through your trial?  We all want a deep faith to get us through hard times.  We can’t have deep faith if we don’t go through trials and sufferings.  When you choose to endure the hardship, your faith grows deeper.  “So do not worry…. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness…. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.  Each day has enough trouble of its own.”Matt. 6:31-34.  Trust God and He will bring you through it. 

Faith is proven real when we are tested.  How we live our lives shows our faith.  We think life should be fair, but hardships and trials come to everyone.  We should be joyful because of what we know.  God is developing us.  “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purposes.”(Romans 8:28).  How does He use a trial to develop us? – moment by moment.  Running doesn’t eliminate the trial.  The only way is to go through it.

James said if we lack wisdom, we should ask God for wisdom.  When we pray we should believe and not doubt.  Is it sinful to doubt?  We are all human and we have doubts from time to time.  We can doubt what someone says and disagree with them.  Sometimes doubt can lead us to more study, knowledge and maturity.  The doubt that is a sin is when we don’t trust God and His promises.  We should surrender our will to God in trials.  Our belief is what keeps us stable.  When we doubt, we begin to get tossed around mentally and emotionally.  James calls this kind of person double-minded and unstable.

How much confidence do you have in God’s wisdom and goodness? 

When tempted, don’t say it’s God who tempted you.  God cannot tempt anyone and no one can tempt God.  We are tempted by our own evil desires.   We’re dragged away and enticed.  That desire gives birth to sin, which leads to death.  James said “don’t be deceived”.  All good and perfect gifts come from above from God.  He chose to give us birth through the Word of Truth. 

No one is exempt from temptation, but God never tempts.  Even Jesus was tempted.  There is temptation everywhere you look in this world.  We are tempted to gossip.  We are tempted to lie to make ourselves look good.  We are tempted to argue our political views.  We are tempted in many ways.  We live in a sexually immoral world.  Sex is portrayed everywhere – TV, movies, magazines, etc.  Couples are living together as if that was the way it was supposed to be – even Christians.  Babies are being born and then couples get married.  When we give in to temptation, we let Satan get a foothold and then we have sin in our lives.  America is giving in to Satan with our selfish and lustful desires and one day we as a nation will be sorry for His judgment is coming.  “For the wages of sin is death...”(Romans 6:23). 

Where is your faith today?
How useful is your faith in temptation?  Trials reveal our true attitude toward God. 
Where are you on the surrender scale?
How can we avoid falling into sin?  We can stay away from places and situations where we might be tempted.  Send a message to Hollywood by not watching those “R” rated movies.  Stay in His Word and fix your eyes on Jesus.  We can use the full Armor of God. – (Eph. 6:10-18). 

Principle:  God’s purpose in all trials is to develop spiritual maturity.

James 1:19-27-2:1-13 – Faith Revealed in Attitude

James lists several ways a Christian should behave.  We should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.  Usually anger comes from being self-centered.  If we are eager to listen and slow to speak, we are others-centered.  Our anger simply promotes our own agenda.  Our anger doesn’t bring about the righteous life that God desires for us.  We should get rid of all moral filth and evil and humbly accept His Word planted in us.  We should watch our tongues.  Our tongues will get us into trouble every time. 

We are to not only be hearers of the Word, but be doers of the Word.  Many hear God’s Word on Sunday mornings at church, but they are not doers of the Word.  One way to be doers is to bridle the tongue.  James uses the example of someone who is religious, but is not really right with God which is evident because he doesn’t bridle his tongue. 

Do you gossip?
When was the last time you walked away when gossip started?

James says the real walk with God can be seen by looking after orphans and widows in times of their distress and to keep yourself from being polluted by the world.  Who are the orphans and widows and how do we help them?  They are the less fortunate and are all around us.  We can visit the sick and elderly, send them encouraging cards, mow their yard, run errands for them, take them to their appointments, etc.  We can donate money or give our time to organizations like Salvation Army, the Red Cross, food and clothing banks, etc.  There are many ways.  Just look around and you will find them.

How eager are you to hearing from God?
Do you study the Word out of habit or hunger? 
Do you accept God’s Word as authoritive living?
Ask yourself, “Am I living as a hypocrite”?
How has God placed in your heart the love for others? 
Has it changed you?
Who is on your mind that is lonely and thirsty for love?

James says we should not discriminate.  Don’t shun those who are different from you or whose appearances don’t live up to what you think they should.  God shows no favoritism.  “But if you show favoritism, you sin …”(James 2:9).  None of us are perfect.  We are human and we all break the 10 Commandments.  There’s nothing we can do on our own to make up for it.  But Jesus did.  He died on the cross for everyone.  He paid for our sins, which make us perfect in God’s eyes.

The poor man may not have earthly riches, but if he is a believer he has something greater than he could ever imagine.  He is an heir of God.  One who has Christ has all the spiritual blessings of Heaven for eternity.  The rich man (if unsaved), has only his worldly riches to hold to.  So if rich or poor, we are equal.  God does not look at our bank account.  He does not show favoritism by the clothes we wear or the company we keep.  The rich are not any higher, because of their riches.  It’s all going to fade away anyway.  If we are Christians, we all have the wealth of salvation, which is an eternal value.  Worldly things are not eternal.  God had chosen the poor, but not because there is a benefit to being poor.  Here in this James passage the poor are a class of humble people who put their trust in God.  They depend on Him, not on things they own.  God chose rich and poor people who trust in Him.  They all have a place in the kingdom of God. 

We are to keep the royal law which is, “Love your neighbor as yourselves”James 2:8, Matt. 22:39, Mark 12:31.  It is the royal law because it comes from our great King Jesus.  If we keep this law we are doing right, but if we show favoritism we sin.  Judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who hasn’t been merciful.  Mercy triumphs over judgment. (James 2:8-13).

Principle:   Authentic faith produces genuine love for others.

James 2:14-26 – Faith Revealed in Deeds.

James gave examples of both false faith and authentic faith.  False faith knows about saving faith, but is a stranger to living by it.  This faith in only an intellectual faith and is useless, but it has no value and produces no results.  Authentic faith is a complete faith with words and deeds working together.  Authentic faith lives in hearts born for obedient service that works in cooperation with the Spirit to please God.

Faith without action is not a saving faith.  Real faith produces action and changes your heart.  Our works (deeds) don’t save us, but faith without works is dead.  “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God – not by works, so that no one can boast.”Eph. 2:8-9.  We might be a good person, but being good doesn’t count.  Being a good person or having faith without works does not bring salvation to a person.  Our deeds are the proof of our faith.  We have to do more than just believe.  Even the demons believe in Jesus.  We have to put our belief and faith into action like that of Abraham and Rahab.  They believed, had faith and followed with actions.  That’s true faith.  Works don’t save us.  Every believer knows God and that He died on the cross, but if we don’t fully surrender, we are lost, separated from God and destined to Hell for eternity.

James tells us there are three elements of true or saving faith: (1) The first element of faith is to believe – to embrace the basic teachings of Christ; (2) Then faith involves our response to what God has done - not only did Jesus die on the cross for all, but that He died for you and me; (3) Finally, faith involves trust or commitment - trust in His promises and commit to living to please Him.

Put all these elements together and faith means that you receive Jesus as your personal Savior and Lord and are committed to following Him.  Does this describe your life? 

Principle:  Authentic saving faith transforms our hearts to love and to serve like Christ.

How do people know you have committed your life to Jesus?
How are you displaying love to others?
Does your faith prove authentic love?
Do you struggle to live out what you believe? 

Join me here next week as we continue our study of the book of James  --  I encourage you to trust in Jesus.

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Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Hebrews 11-13

Hebrews 11 – Faith Examples

This week study is on FAITH.  Like oxygen is air to nourish to the body, faith nourishes the soul.
Some call chapter 11 the “Hall of Faith”.  What is faith?  Faith is to have a confidence and assurance in something without having tangible proof.  The word faith is used loosely today.  Some people today think if you have enough faith in something, it will happen.  It’s almost like they will it to happen.  It’s really just wishful thinking.  Heb. 11:1 says “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.”  Faith is belief, trust, loyalty to God.  Faith has action. 

True faith is belief in God and acting on that belief.  It’s having complete trust in God, His Word, and His promises.  It’s knowing that He is in control.  It’s trusting that He died on the cross for us and was raised on the 3rd day.  Even demons have belief in God and tremble, but they are not saved.  It’s believing God created the universe.  It’s believing in God’s holiness and requires sinners to accept Jesus’ sacrifice for their sins making Him their Savior.

Where does faith come from?  Faith comes from God.  “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God – not by works, so that no one can boast.” Eph. 2:8-9.

Saving faith is threefold:
1.       Content – Believing in something
2.      Warming of the heart – loving response to God
3.      Commitment – following after Christ.

Many in the Old Testament had faith.  This chapter gives us examples of true faith.
·         By faith Able offered God a better sacrifice.  God is holy and establishes a way man is to approaches Him.
·         By Faith Enoch was taken by God and did not experience death.  Enoch teaches us there is life after death.  He walked with God and was personally rewarded.
·         By faith Noah in holy fear built an ark to save his family.  He teaches us about the judgment of God.
·         By faith Abraham was called by God to leave his home and go to a foreign land.  By faith Abraham became a father in his old age. 
·         By faith Abraham obeyed God when he was told to sacrifice his son.  He trusted God’s word.  He believed God when circumstances seemed impossible.  God called him to go into a foreign land.   
·         By faith Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph lived and trusted God in His promises.
·         By faith Moses identified with his suffering people and chose to be with them instead of having the riches of the Egyptians.  He looked ahead to his reward.
·         By faith the prostitute Rahab acted boldly.  She was an unlikely person to be in the Hall of Faith.  She didn’t know much, but she believed and acted.  She was saved by her faith.  She became the mother of Boaz who was an ancestor of Jesus.

All these examples given of Old Testament believers were not admired in their time because of their faith, but were persecuted.  None received what God promised in their lifetime.

Principle:  Jesus is the superior object of our faith.

How is God calling you to believe what is hoped for and certain of what you do not see?
Does it give you hope that your faith could change the world like those in the Old Testament?
How would you describe your faith?
How would others describe your faith?

Hebrews 12 – Faith Tested

Chapter 12 tells us how to live our faith while our faith is being developed. 

God has personally marked our race in the line of faith.  Every race requires perseverance.  There are four steps listed that urge us to take to persevere in difficulties –
1.       Fix your eyes on Jesus – That’s our actions and our attitudes.  Get rid of everything that makes you doubt.
2.      Welcome discipline – This is not punishment, but acts of a loving parent training his child the way he should go.  If we are believers, God considers us His sons.  As a father disciplines a son, God disciplines us because He loves us.  He tells us to endure hardships as discipline.  It may be painful at the time, but it produces a beautiful harvest of righteousness and peace.  He is the King Righteousness and King of Peace.  His discipline develops our character like Christ.  Have you seen God’s discipline?  What refining process is He developing in you?
3.      Handle our relationships with others right – Reacting with people is a BIG ole life test!  Sanctification is not optional.

Trust in the promises of God.  Consider the Old and New Covenant.  “See that you do not refuse him who speaks….” (Heb. 12:25).  There will come a time when the earth will be shaken.  This refers to the great earthquake that will occur to end the present world and where God’s Great White Throne Judgment will occur.  “Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe.” (Heb. 25:28)  Freedom and peace come by trusting God completely without fear, because of He is unstoppable and unshakable.

Is your life shaky? 
What do you count on for security?
What is hindering your faith? 
What does it take for you to further trust God?
Are you wrapped up in anger or unforgiveness?

Principle:  God is pleased when we trust what He says.

Hebrews 13 – Faith Expressed

Hebrews 13 gives us ways our faith can be put into action.
·         Be loving – Keep on loving each others.  Entertain strangers. 
·         Be sympathetic– Remember those who are suffering, those in prison, and those who are mistreated.
·         Be pure – Guard your marriage and be faithful to your spouse.
·         Be content – Keep your lives free from the love of money.  Be satisfied with what you have.
·         Be loyal – Don’t be persuaded by false teachings, but stand firm in your faith. 
·         Be bold – Don’t be afraid to speak the truth and worry about what others may think of you.
·         Be worshipful – Praise God in all things.
·         Respect your leaders who speak the truth – Imitate their faith, submit to their authority, and be supportive.  Remember that Jesus is the real true leader and head of the church.

Principle:  Faith in Jesus equips us to do God’s will.

How can we grow in faith?
Ask God to increase your faith.
Focus on obeying God. 
Spend time reading and hearing God’s Word.
Spend time with other believers.

To sum up the book of Hebrews:  A life of faith pleases God.  Faith is reflected in our choices.
Trust that He is developing your faith.  May we become a cloud of witnesses for God. 

Jesus’ example of faithfulness is encouraging to us.  “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”Heb 13:8.

Join me here next week as we go back to the study of Acts 15.  --  I encourage you to trust in Jesus.

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