Sunday, September 24, 2023

John Lesson 2 – John 1:19-51


Last time we learned that Jesus is the Word and has always existed.  He is the One and only true God.  He is part of the Trinity.  He created everything.  He gave us life.  He is GOD. 

John 1:19-28 – Jesus Revealed to the World

John continued writing about John the Baptist in John 1:19-18.  John the Baptist lived in the desert, he wore clothes made from camels’ hair, and he ate strange food.  He was the son of the priest, Zechariah and the cousin of Jesus.  Like Jesus he also had a miracle birth.  He was not a political leader, but was powerful and many people listened to his message recognizing his authority was from God.  He told people to repent and be baptized.

The Jewish leaders asked John the Baptist five questions:  Who are you? (Implying are you the Messiah).  Are you Elijah?  Are you a prophet?  What do you say about yourself?  Why do you baptize?  He replied, “I am not the Christ.”John 1:20.  “I am the voice of one calling in the desert.  Make straight the way for the Lord.” John 1:23.  “I baptized with water, but among you stand one you do not know.  He is the one who comes after me, the thongs of whose scandals I am not worthy to untie.”John 1:26-27. 

John the Baptist’s responses revealed a lot about him.  He was a bold preacher and knew the Scriptures.  He teaches us to be bold, to know the Scriptures and to be ready to quote it, and to be humble and always give Jesus the glory.  He wasn’t full of pride.  He never took the glory for himself.  The world  will always give us opportunities to think more highly of ourselves than we ought.  We need to be less and exalt Jesus as more.  People don’t need to be impressed with us, but with Jesus.

Principle:  We need to be clear who we are, who we are not, and who Christ is.

John’s baptisms with water were only a symbol of true spiritual cleansing.  Baptism is a witness for others.  The true cleansing is done by Jesus’ blood on the cross.  His baptisms only prepared for the real baptism with the Holy Spirit.

John 1:29-34 – Jesus’ Baptism

John the Baptist was the first to introduce Jesus to the World.  He saw Jesus coming toward him and said, “Look the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!  This is the one I meant when I said, ‘A man who comes after me has surpassed me because he was before me.’  I myself did not know him, but the reason I came baptizing with water was that he might be revealed to Israel.” – John 1:29-31. 

John was referring to the Old Testament in (Lev. 4, 5) of Israel’s ceremonies that were part of worship.  Lambs were required as a yearly sacrifice for all Jewish families to atone for their sins.  This was for celebration of Passover.  Remember the story in Exodus 12 of the deliverance of the people of Israel from Egypt when the Israelites sacrificed an unblemished male lamb and put its blood on the doorposts so the angel would pass over their houses and not kill their 1st born?  Jesus was without blemish or sin.  Jesus is the Ultimate Passover Lamb.   He is our Deliver.

Principle:  Jesus is the sacrificial Lamb that every person needs to atone for sin.

“Then John gave this testimony:  I saw the Spirit come down from heaven as a dove and remain on him.  I would not have known him, except that the one who sent me to baptize with water told me, ‘The man on whom you see the Spirit come down and remain is he who will baptize with the Holy Spirit.’  I have seen and I testify that this is the Son of God.”John 1:32-34.  For more on Jesus’ baptism see the other Gospels – Matthew 3:13-17, Mark 1:9-11, Luke 3:21-22.

God had previously told John that this sign of the Holy Spirit will show Jesus is the promised Messiah.  Jesus being baptized shows He is identifying with sinners.  This was His first public event of His ministry.  It was a picture of His death and resurrection.

Acts 2:38 tells us to repent, be baptized and our sins will be forgiven.  Then you will receive the Holy Spirit.  In John 7:38-39 we see that the Spirit was not given to believers until Jesus was glorified.  Today since He has been glorified, we receive the Holy Spirit when we first believe.  1 Cor. 12:13 tells us we are all baptized by 1 Spirit into 1 body whether Jew or Gentile.  When baptized we become Christians and are members of His church with Christ as the Head.  Each of Christ’s members has different roles and is dependent upon each other.

What does it mean to be baptized with the Holy Spirit?  Our baptism is only a symbol and witness for others.  We are baptized because Christ commands it of us.  It doesn’t save us.  Belief saves us.  When you first believe, you are saved.  You are baptized and sealed with His Spirit.  This is a one-time physical thing.  It occurs once for every believer – it’s a new birth.  All believers are baptized into Christ.  When our faith is exercised and we believe, the Holy Spirit indwells in us.  This is different from being filled with the Holy Spirit. 

Being filled with the Spirit is proof of our salvation.  It is a continuous activity.  It is a daily thing.  When you are truly filled with the Holy Spirit; you will show the love of Jesus; you show self-control; you walk with the Lord and you obey Him.  He continually fills us with His Spirit as we stay in the Word and grow our faith.  We yield to His control.  His influence affects our character.  How we live our life is a witness to others. 

Have you been baptized with the Holy Spirit?

Are you filled with the Holy Spirit?

John 1:35-42 – Jesus Calls His First Disciples

After Jesus was baptized, John the Baptist and two of his disciples saw Jesus.  John pointed Jesus out to them.  Andrew was the 1st disciple to follow Jesus.  The other disciple is not named, but some believe it is John, the author of the same Gospel.  He told Simon Peter that they had found the Messiah.  Then Jesus found Philip and asked him to follow Him.  Then Philip found Nathanael and told him about Jesus.  (John 1:36-45). 

Andrew and the other disciple responded to Jesus because John the Baptist told them He is the Lamb of God.  John the Baptist said that He is the One who takes away the sin of the world.  Jesus asked them “What do you want?”John 1:38.  Jesus wanted them to know their own hearts and exactly what they were doing.   

Why do you follow Jesus?  Why do you study the Bible or go to church?  Do you just go to make friends or because you are lonely?  Do you go just because you think you should?  Jesus knew the heart of Andrew and John just as He knows ours.  He wants us to clarify it in our minds.  He wants us to be committed to Him and always be willing to stand firm is all circumstances.

Principle:  Jesus is the One who takes away the sin of the world.

John 1:43-51 – Jesus Calls Philip and Nathanael

The next day Jesus left for Galilee and found Philip and said, “Follow me.”John 1:43.  Philip couldn’t keep the good news to himself.  He found Nathanael and told him they had found the Messiah.  At first Nathanael doubted who Jesus was, but Philip didn’t argue with him.  He just said to come and see for yourself.  We should be like Philip.  Invite others and tell them to see for themselves.  Nathanael knew the law and was a thinking person.  He was honest and said exactly what he thought and asked questions.

Jesus reached Nathanael’s heart by showing him a small miracle telling him He saw him earlier under the fig tree.  This convinced Nathanael and he called Him Rabbi.  Nathanael then saw Jesus as the Messiah.  Jesus said, “You shall see greater things than that….  I tell you the truth, you shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man.” John 1:50-51.  Jesus’ words can be better understood by referring to Gen. 28:10-22 – the ladder to heaven.  Jesus is the ladder from earth to heaven.  He is the only way to God.  “I am the way and the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me.”John 14:6  All the disciples would soon see Jesus do many miracles like opening the eyes of the blind, making the lame walk, feeding 5,000 with 5 loaves and 2 fishes, and even raise the dead.

The disciples of John the Baptist proved they believed in John’s words about Jesus by following Him and telling others and bringing them to Jesus.  True disciples tell others they have found Jesus and invite others to find Him, too.  They had been waiting for hundreds of years for the Messiah and now they found Him.  Messiah means Anointed One.

Principle:  Friends bring friends to Jesus, because Jesus is the Savior that everyone needs.

Do you believe that Jesus is the unique Son of God?

Do you believe Jesus is the Lamb of God and sacrificed His life on the cross for your sins?
If you are a Christian, are you a true disciple?
Have you confessed your sins to Him?
If you have yet to accept Jesus as Savior, will you prayerfully study the book of John and “come and see”?
Who do you need to bring to Jesus?

Wow!  I love the book of John.  Next time we will study John 2.  Have a blessed day and thanks for visiting my site.  -- I encourage you to trust in Jesus.


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The Holy Bible NIV

Saturday, September 16, 2023

John Lesson 1 – John 1:1-18


John 1:1-5 – Jesus, The Eternal Word

John starts out with the words, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  He was with God in the beginning.”John 1:1-2.  This shows us that Jesus is God and was there at creation just as in Genesis 1:1.  Genesis 1:26 uses the words “us” and “our” indicating God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit were there – “Let us make man in our image.”  Each person is fully God and is one God.  We call these three persons the Trinity.  The ‘Word’ used here is Jesus.  We usually refer to the Word as the Bible.  The Word whether it is Jesus or the written Word is powerful.  It contains the power of life and death.  The Word of God gave everything the power to exist.    There was never a time when the Word was not in existence.  Even Jesus called Himself God. “Jesus said to them, ‘Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was born, I AM’”.John 8:58.  Believing who Jesus says He is, is basic to the Christian faith.  He is our saving faith.  He is our Lord.  He is the center of all creation.  He is the center of our Christian belief.

John goes on to say that “Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.”John 1:3.   ‘All things’ mean everything in the universe both in the past, the present and the future.  We see this in Colossians 1:15-17 and again in Hebrews 1:1-3.  He made the visible and the invisible.  Christ is the Creator.  He is part of the Trinity along with God the Father and the Holy Spirit.  He was involved with every aspect of creation.

John 1:4-5 – “In him was life, and that life was the light of men.  The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it.”  We see in many Scriptures the symbols of light and darkness.  Light refers to biblical truth, holiness, purity, and Jesus Himself.  Darkness refers to lies, sin, spiritual blindness, and Satan who is the prince of the power of the air who promotes spiritual darkness and rebellion against God. 

Examples of light in the world are those who speak Biblical truth and share the gospel with the world.  They don’t hide their testimony.  They are not ashamed to bless their food when in a restaurant.  They know God and live accordingly.  They love and care for others.  They go beyond the church walls to take the light out where it is dark.   

Examples of darkness in the world are those who are spiritually blind.  They are willfully blind and reject God and His ways.  They choose to be resentful instead of forgiving, or deceitful instead of truthful.  They don’t turn to God, but turn to people for attention, pleasure, partying, or some form of sensuality.  They are out for themselves instead of others.  They are evil and live in sin and they enjoy it.

Principle:  Jesus is the eternal Word, the Creator of everything.

Do you believe Jesus is who He says He is?

John 1:6-8, 15 – The Word’s Witness

John the Baptist’s aim and life work was to testify that the true Light would be coming into the world. “There came a man who was sent from God; his name was John.  He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all men might believe.”John 1:6-7.   The man John can be confusing.  This is referring to John the Baptist not John the author of this book.  John wrote that John the Baptist was not the light, but that Jesus was. 

My primary purpose and focus of my life is to glory God in all I do.  It isn’t always easy to be a Christian, but an easy life was never promised.  I believe in Jesus and always try to do His will – that is when I know what that is.  Sometime it’s a struggle to know if it is His will or mine.

What does it mean to believe?  Even Satan believes.  To really believe is to believe in Jesus Christ, to know that He exists, and to follow Him in His every Word and in every area of life.  It is to trust Him, recognize Him as Savior, and that He is the only way to the Father.  When we believe, we become a child of God and are part of His family.  It means to decide and accept facts as truth.  We desire to belong to Christ and commit to live as Christ lived and have Christ as our example.  Once we truly believe we are a new creation and have a new life, an eternal life. 

John the Baptist described Jesus in verse 15.  He said: 

This is the one I spoke about - meaning Jesus was the one he prophesied as the Messiah. 
He who comes after me has surpassed me - meaning Jesus is greater than him.
He was before me - meaning that Jesus is the Creator and has always existed even before creation.

The significant truth is that Jesus is God!

So now that you know these truths, you should believe in Jesus because He is greater than anyone or any prophet; He provides abundant grace; He is greater than Moses and the law; He is God’s ultimate revelation to us. (John 1:15-18)

It isn’t easy to always follow and do His every Word.  We are only human, but we are to never give up and keep on trying.  He is there to guide and direct us and also forgive us when we fall short.

Principle:  The significant truth is that Jesus is God!

John 1:9-13 – Jesus, The True Light

John said that Jesus came into the world, but the most people did not recognize Him.  Even His own (referring to Israel) did not receive Him (John 1:10).  The world as a whole rejected their Creator and Deliverer, though some did receive Him.  All who received Him and believed in His name became the children of God by being born again.  (John 1:10-13) 

People are still rejecting Jesus today.  They think He was only a teacher or prophet and that there are others ways to Heaven.  Satan has filled them with doubt and self-absorption, pride and lust for the world’s desires.  People are taught to be independent and be self-reliant.  Many think they don’t need Jesus; whoever He says He is.  They think Hell isn’t real and everyone will go to heaven because God is love.  They simple do not believe He is God.  They don’t take Jesus at His Word.  They fear social rejection or persecution.  They live in the moment and think the world is more appealing than eternal things.  They are like the man in Matthew 19:16-23 and are not willing to lose their earthly possession in order to gain an eternal relationship with Jesus.

John 1:12 – He gave people the right to become God’s children by receiving Him, believing in Him and who He claims to be, trusting in Him, obeying and following His commands. 

John 1:13, “children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God”.  John is reminding us of the nature of birth.  Those who received Him are born of God, not of human effort or achievement.  This is a new birth that changes your life.  We are preoccupied with Jesus in our thoughts, conversations, and all activities.  We act like Jesus.  He becomes our example. 

You can you know you are a child of God, because “Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God, and everyone who loves the father loves his child as well.” – 1 John 5:1.  It’s that simple.  Believe it!

Have you received Jesus as your Lord and Savior?

Do your actions show that you believe and are His follower?

We will discuss being born again in chapter 3.  Think about these questions.

Have you been born again?
Are you still living the same old life of darkness?
Are you blinded in your sins?
If so, what will you do about it?

Principle:  Jesus is the true Light of the world.

John 1:14-18 – The Word Became Flesh

“The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.  We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.”John 1:14.  The Word or Jesus was born of flesh through Mary, but has the Spirit of God.  Jesus became human just like us.  God is a Spirit.  When we die our bodies will die, but since we are made in the image of God our spirit will live on either in heaven or hell. 

John 1:16“From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another.”  Grace is God giving what we do not deserve.  First He gives us salvation, then He is constantly giving us grace making us more like Him.  His grace has no limit.

John goes on to say that Jesus existed before him and that we have all received grace.  The law (Ten Commandments) was given to Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus.  (John 1:15-17).  The law didn’t show God’s grace, but demanded holiness.  It was given so people would know the moral standards God expected of them; however, no one could obey all these laws.  They were too difficult so God sent Jesus.  God wants to forgive us for our sins, but we must repent.  When we confess and repent of our sins and trust and believe in Jesus, we are forgiven.  Jesus comes to give us grace and truth.  Jesus didn’t come to replace the law, but to complete it.

“No one has ever seen God, but God the One and Only, who is at the Father’s side, has made him known.”John 1:18.  No one can see the face of God, but of course Jesus has.  We see Jesus in the flesh, but not God the Father who is in heaven.  To see Jesus is to see God.

Principle:  Jesus is God’s ultimate revelation to us.

What would you do if you saw God?
Would your life change?
If you are a Christian, has your life changed?

I love the song “I Can Only Imagine” by Mercy Me.

I can only imagine what it will be like
When I walk by Your side
I can only imagine what my eyes will see
When Your face is before me
I can only imagine

Surrounded by Your glory
What will my heart feel?
Will I dance for You Jesus?
Or in awe of You be still?

Will I stand in Your presence
Or to my knees will I fall?
Will I sing, Hallelujah?
Will I be able to speak at all?
I can only imagine
I can only imagine

Whether you use the words saved, born again or eternal life, they all describe a new life in Jesus.  When you receive Him as your Savior, He gives you a new birth and a new identity.  He is the Light in the darkness.  As you study the book of John ask God to help you to be the kind of witness John was. 

Next time we will continue our study of John 1.  Have a blessed day and thanks for visiting my site.  -- I encourage you to trust in Jesus.


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The Holy Bible NIV