Tuesday, April 12, 2011

My Original Poems




Walking In The Light  

        (Taken from 1 John 1)


When walking with Him I walk in the light.

In God there is no darkness.

For Jesus’ blood does purify me from sin,

with Him I have forgiveness.


He’s with me each and every day

and His commands I try hard to keep.

He is always faithful and just.

He makes my joy complete.


The message I’ve heard from the beginning

to love one another.

I have passed from death to life,

because I love my brother.


What I will be in heaven

has not yet been made known,

but I know someday I’ll be with Him

as He sits on His heavenly throne.


God has given me eternal life

and this life is in His Son,

For my faith in Jesus Christ will carry me through

and the battle together He and I have won.

                                                                    --- by Linda Vittitow


     Forgive Me

Forgive my selfishness,
always wanting my own way.
May I yield only to your will
each and everyday.
Forgive my impatience,
wanting everything right now!
May I learn to wait for your timing
for you know when and how.
Forgive all my desires
to have more than I really need.
May I always give to others
and not be full of greed.
Help me strive to be worthy
all through my life,
So that my name will be written
in the Book of Life.

                                              --- by Linda Vittitow

My Heavenly Father  

He gives me instructions
that teach me right from wrong.
He’s always there beside me
to make my family and me strong.
He cares for me when I disappoint Him,
which is every single day.
He picks me up when I fall
and helps me along the way.
I make mistakes sometimes
and don’t do His will,
but He has always been beside me
and He is with me still.
He answers all my prayers,
but first I have to pray.
He has a good ear for listening
to whatever I have to say.
He’s no stranger to me
For I know who He really is.
He alone knows all of my weaknesses,
but still he makes me His.
Someday I’ll be with him in heaven
and see Him face to face.
I’ll thank Him personally for forgiveness
He gave me by His saving grace.

                                             --- by Linda Vittitow


  1. These are great poems, thanks for sharing:)

  2. Lovely poems. I really enjoyed reading the posts on your blog. I would like to invite you to come on over to my blog and check it out. God bless, Lloyd
