It’s the Christmas season
and we all know what that means.
Shopping, pageants and parties
with stress in between.
It’s the time of the year,
when we think more about our fellow man.
We show our love by giving gifts
to the less fortunate when we can.
But, why be so nice
just at this time of the year?
Could it be the first Christmas
that we remember so dear?
When a long time ago a man Joseph
and his wife Mary,
Traveled a long way on a donkey,
the unborn Christ child she did carry.
Back to the city from where Joseph
had once belonged,
To be counted for the census
they journeyed, the two of them alone.
When they arrived in Bethlehem
the city was filled within,
With fisherman, tailors and merchants
and their next of kin.
Mary was tired and weary
with her time drawing near,
To give birth
to a Heavenly Child so dear.
No room in the inn
and no warm bed,
They found shelter with dry hay
in a barn instead.
That night the long awaited babe was born,
a gift greater than gold.
A prophecy the ancient saints
had once foretold.
With awe and love in her heart
Mary wrapped Him in swaddling cloths,
And placed Him gently
in the cattle’s troth.
Angels sang and there shone
a great heavenly light,
Out in the fields as the shepherds
watched their flocks by night.
“Go to Bethlehem
and worship the new King,
for God has sent us a Savior”
they did sing.
What a joy and fulfillment
that first Christmas to tell.
What great love God gave us
in Christ Jesus, our Emmanuel.
Why can’t we show kindness toward others
the rest of the year,
And not just at Christmas time
should we care?
So don’t let your heart be a busy inn
and no room for thee,
But a cradle for the Living Christ
and His nativity.
Be thankful to God
in all He has done,
Loving one another, for in His
power we have won.
With all our hearts and souls
we must ask Him to be our own
and He will always comfort us.
We will never be alone.
To those who choose to follow Him
He will take away all our sin.
Praise to God and may peace on earth
bring good will year long to all men.
By Linda Vittitow