Friday, May 31, 2013

Walking In The Light

This is one of my original poems taken from 1 John 1.

When walking with Him I walk in the light.
In God there is no darkness.
For Jesus’ blood does purify me from sin,
with Him I have forgiveness.
He’s with me each and every day
and His commands I try hard to keep.
He is always faithful and just.
He makes my joy complete.
The message I’ve heard from the beginning
to love one another.
I have passed from death to life,
because I love my brother.
What I will be in heaven
has not yet been made known,
but I know someday I’ll be with Him
as He sits on His heavenly throne.
God has given me eternal life
and this life is in His Son,
For my faith in Jesus Christ will carry me through
and the battle together He and I have won.
                                                                 --- by Linda Vittitow


  1. A Paz de Cristo,

    O amor é o resumo da lei de Deus. A Bíblia diz em Mateus 22:37-40 “Respondeu-lhe Jesus: Amarás ao Senhor teu Deus de todo o teu coração, de toda a tua alma, e de todo o teu entendimento. Este é o grande e primeiro mandamento. E o segundo, semelhante a este, é: Amarás ao teu próximo como a ti mesmo. Destes dois mandamentos dependem toda a lei e os profetas.”
    Podemos mostrar o nosso amor a Deus guardando os Seus mandamentos. A Bíblia diz em 1 João 5:3 “Porque este é o amor de Deus, que guardemos os seus mandamentos; e os seus mandamentos não são penosos.”

    Não deixe que o seu amor por Deus se enfraqueça. A Bíblia diz em Apocalipse 2:4-5 “Tenho, porém, contra ti que deixaste o teu primeiro amor. Lembra-te, pois, donde caíste, e arrepende-te, e pratica as primeiras obras; e se não, brevemente virei a ti, e removerei do seu lugar o teu candeeiro, se não te arrependeres.”

    A propósito, caso ainda não esteja seguindo o meu blog, deixo o convite.

    Em Cristo,

    P.S. Convido a visitar o blog do irmão J.C. repleto de mensagens abençoadoras; algumas polêmicas, porém ricas de entendimento.
    Acesse e confira:

  2. The Peace of Christ,

    Love is the summary of God's law. The Bible tells them Matthew 22:37-40 "Jesus said to HIM: Love your Lord God with all your heart, with your whole soul, and with all thy mind. THIS AND the great and first commandment. And second, similar to this, and: Love your neighbor as yourself. these two commandments depend the whole law and the Prophets. "Podemos show Our Love God by keeping HIS commandments OS. The Bible says in 1 John 5:03 "This porqué And the love of God, that we keep his commandments:. Commandments AND ITS Location: There are painful."

      That does not leave his love BY love God weaken. The Bible tells them Revelation 2:4-5 "I am, however, against thee thou hast left thy first love. Remember, POIs, whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do as First Works;. And if not, briefly turned to you, and do His will remove thy candlestick place, except thou repent. "

    The Purpose, Case STILL: Not. My blog is following,
    The Invitation leave

    In Christ,

    PS I invite VISIT the blog Brother JC filled with spiritual messages, and some current controversies.
    Go and Check out:
