Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Fruit of the Spirit - Peace

The third characteristic of the Fruit of the Spirit is Peace.  Peace is being in a harmonious relationship with God.  Is your inner person wrecked with anxiety and worry when everything falls apart?  Or can you rest in God’s peace?  “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.” Gal. 5:22. 

Jesus came into the world to bring us a full relationship and restoration with God.  It cost him His life.  Because of what Jesus did on the cross, we have hope and a future.  When in Christ we are able to relax and be at peace in the middle of the confusion and trials of life.  We are able rest with assurance and have peace.

Jesus gave us the Comforter, the Holy Spirit (John 14:15-19, 27-28).  He said, “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give you.  I do not give to you as the world gives.  Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”John 14:27

Believers are to be anxious for nothing.  God promises to guard our hearts and minds.  It is a peace which transcends all understanding (Phil 4:4-7).  That is it is a peace which the world cannot understand.  Its source is the Holy Spirit of God.

How do you exhibit peace in your life?
Do you have a peaceful attitude?
How can you make peace function better in your life?

We have peace by surrendering and yielding ourselves to God’s control (Is. 26:3, Matt. 5:9).  Once we have real peace with God we will be able to make and keep peace with others.  With the Holy Spirit living inside you, you are able to experience the peace of God.

Is your inner person wrecked with anxiety and worry when everything falls apart?
Or can you rest in God’s peace? 

There is no peace for the wicked; however, for believers it is available every time you pray and leave your concerns with God.  Our lives are filled with worry, stress and even fear.  Biblical peace is opposite of all these feelings.  It is resting in God as we remember who He is and trust in Him completely.  There is nothing like the peace of God.  It’s real and never ends, which is very different from the world’s peace.  We can experience God’s peace through the storms of life by remembering who He is and letting Him have control over every part of our lives.  So when going through life’s storms remember God and trust in Him and He will give you peace.  Spend time in prayer and praise God for the fruit of the Holy Spirit – peace.

We are also to be peacemakers.  To be a peacemaker you have to know the Peace Giver.  Mother Teresa said to thank God for His gift of peace.  Preach the peace of Christ as He did.  Show peace to others.  It starts with a smile.  Smile 5 times a day at someone you don’t really want to smile at – do it for peace.  Radiate the peace of God to rid the world of hate.  (Mother Teresa)

Are you a peacemaker?
Do you know the Peace Giver?

Next time we will talk more about the characteristics of the fruit of the Spirit.  We still have patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control to cover.  Hope to see you here.

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