Monday, May 22, 2017

What is the purpose of life?

Have you ever wondered what your purpose is?  We are created to give God glory.  “... everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made.”Isaiah 43:7.  He made us to glorify Him.  Glory refers to worth, beauty and value.  To give glory is to give Him honor, service, and devotion.  We glorify Him by worshiping Him, serving Him, and forming a relationship with Him.  We are to honor His Words.  Satan doesn’t like that and likes it when we doubt what our purpose is. 

God originally created man to glorify Him, to enjoy fellowship with Him, and to have dominion over the earth.  With man’s fall into sin our fellowship with Him was broken.  Now we have to work and struggle to live in this world.  Our fellowship with God can be restored through faith in Jesus.  We can rediscover our purpose.

Our purpose is to glorify God by fearing and obeying Him.  Then we can enjoy Him and experience true abundant life that He wants for us.  The Bible is a book about God and His glory.  He wants us to be His worshipers. (John 4:22-24).

King Solomon said in Ecclesiastes 1:2, “Meaningless!  Meaningless!... Utterly meaningless!  Everything is meaningless”.  Solomon had it all.  He had wealth, wisdom, women, palaces, and the best of everything.  Why did he think life was meaningless?  It is because God created us for something far beyond material things.  There is much more for us.  “He has made everything beautiful in its time.  He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.” Ecc. 3:11.

God created us in His image meaning we are like God.  He gave man work to do.  He gave man dominion over the earth.  He intended for these things to add to our fulfillment in life.  The real meaning of life is found in restoring our relationship with God.  That is found through His Son, Jesus who gave His life on the cross for our sins.  We can then give Him the glory for what He has done and glory in all things, which is His purpose for us.

We have a choice.  We can go through the motions in this life while gaining lots of material things.  We can strive for that big promotion and that big bank account.  We can be popular and have men look up to us for all our successes.  We can live empty lives or we can choose Him and let Him guide us and give our lives purpose.  We can pursue Him, live for Him, obey Him, and glorify Him.  He loves us and desires the best for us.

How can we give God glory? 
We can praise Him in all things.
We can worship Him. 
We can recognize that glory belongs to Him alone and not men. 
We can help others recognized and repent of their sins. 
We can let our light shine by being Jesus’ example. “Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your father in heaven.”Matt. 5:16.  We can be thankful and show our gratitude that He saved us from our sin. 
We can offer our bodies as living sacrifices.  “Offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God which is your spiritual worship.”Rom. 12:1-2. 
We can stay faithful and stand firm in His truths recognizing false teachings.
We can tell others fulfilling the great commission.  “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.”Matt. 28:19-20.
We can live in unity and fellowship with all other Christians.
We can confess our sin.
We can bear fruit.
We can give God credit where credit is due.
We can be content with what we have.  After all He promises to supply all our needs.

How to you give God glory?
Do your goals in life please God?
Are you content or are you always wanting more stuff?
Do you live in unity with others?
How are you spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ?

“Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”1 Cor. 10:31.

I hope this helps you understand why you are here and what your purpose is.  Thanks for stopping by my site.  Have a blessed day.  See you next time.

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