Monday, May 21, 2018


What does doubting really mean?  It is to be undecided or skeptical about something.  It’s to tend to disbelieve or distrust or to question.

It is possible to believe in Jesus and doubt at the same time?  God knows when you doubt Him.  God knows your nature, but loves you in spite of yourself.  You might ask yourself, why is my faith so weak?  Jesus asked in Matt. 14:31“… You of little faith, why do you doubt?”  He proves Himself time and time again.  Our faith needs to be exercised to gain strength.  You know who He is and what He’s done on the cross.  So get off the doubting path and get back on the right path of believing.

Even the disciples doubted.  After Jesus resurrection they doubted He had risen.  He had to prove to them by showing them His hands and feet.  “Then He opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures.” Luke 24:45.  Before He opened their minds, they believed, worshiped and doubted at the same time.  So don’t stop believing and don’t doubt on your own.  Ask Him to show you how to stop doubting and truly believe.  He wants you to take your doubts to Him.  He will listen and remind us who He is – He is God!  We can talk to Him about anything. 

We should thank God for the example of Thomas.  All Christians suffer from doubt at one time or another.  We all go through stages when we question God.  The example of Thomas provides us with instructions and encouragement. 

Even though we have His Spirit within us, we can still experience doubt.  True saving faith always perseveres to the end just like Thomas when he doubted and after Peter denied Jesus.  So when you doubt go to God in prayer.  Ask Him to help you overcome any doubts you may have – doubts about your salvation, doubts about who He is, doubts about His promises, doubts about the Bible being His word, etc.

Christians fight spiritual battles daily.  So we need to be armed with the Armor of God (Eph. 6:10-19).  We have two things Thomas didn’t have.  We have the indwelling Holy Spirit and God’s Word.  With these we can overcome doubts.  The Bible is part of God’s armor and is God-breathed.  It judges our thoughts and attitudes; it encourages, satisfies and sustains us; it guides us through life.

God doesn’t want us to doubt Him.  He wants us to have confidence in His love, in His protection and in His promises. 

Principle:  Stop doubting and believe!

Have a blessed day and thanks for visiting my site.  Hope to see you here again.  --  I encourage you to trust in Jesus and if you doubt, STOP IT!

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