Tuesday, July 24, 2018

How to be Content

What is contentment anyway?  It’s an inner sense of rest or peace that comes from being right with God and knowing that He is in control.  It means focusing on the kingdom of God and serving Him.  It’s not focusing on money and things. 

Philippians 4:11-13 – Learned Contentment

We must submit to our Sovereign Lord.  He is the Savior who you must serve.  He alone is sufficient.  If you know Him as Paul did, you will know contentment.  While sitting in prison because of corrupt officials, Paul finds contentment.  Paul says in Philippians 4:11 that he learned to be content in all conditions.  So contentment is a process.  We learn contentment.  It’s our attitudes in trials and our submission to Him where we learn contentment.

Paul learned the secret of contentment.  “I can do everything through him who gives me strength.”- Philippians 4:13.  If you pursue contentment through a bigger bank account, you won’t find it.  If you pursue contentment by buying material things like a new car every year or that bigger house, you won’t find it.  If you pursue contentment through parties, drugs, alcohol and things you think will make you feel good and happy, you won’t find it.  All these things will come and go.  That doesn’t mean we have to settle for mediocrity.  It’s being satisfied with wherever you are and with whatever you have.  The secret of contentment is only through the cross of Jesus.  We are strong because Jesus makes us strong.  This verse is often quoted when we win at something, but should also be quoted when we lose.  The reality is that Jesus is more than enough or He is nothing at all.  To know He is enough is to trust and rely on Him. 

What is the “everything” Paul is talking about?  It’s when you can’t hold on to a job that you hate.  It’s when your marriage doesn’t make you happy.  It’s when there is illness or poverty in your life.  It’s even in wealth.  It’s not doing all things in your own strength, but it’s doing it by constant dependence on the power of Christ who indwells in you.  As you serve Him day by day God continually infuses strength within you.

Principle:  Jesus is more than enough or He is nothing at all.

Do you pursue contentment by your own power?  Prayer is the answer.  Prayer is an expression of dependence of His power.  Philippians 4:6-7, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and you minds in Christ Jesus.”

God wants us to be real with Him when we pray.  He doesn’t want us to pretend.  Be honest with God.  He already knows your situation anyway.  Don’t allow your circumstances to dictate your joy and contentment.  Confess to God when you look for contentment in things that are not of Him and ask Him to reveal that to you.  Tell Him what you need and what hurts you. 

Are you easily distracted and fall for worldly pleasures and ideas?  Are you trying to keep up with the Jones?  Do you constantly desire that new and bigger things, the latest I Phone, that big screen TV or other technical devices?  Ask yourself – Do I really need that stuff?  Ask God to give you contentment and joy through all He gives you and help you to be satisfied.  We can’t pay Him back, but we can thank Him and worship Him for all He’s done and is doing in our lives.

Principle:  The secret to contentment is to focus on our Sufficient Lord.

Be content with what you have and where you are in life, while trusting in God.  He wants the best for you.  Submit to Christ as your Sovereign Lord and the Savior you serve.  He is sufficient in every situation.  Don’t let the enemy tell you otherwise.

Have a blessed day and thanks for visiting my site.  Hope to see you here again.  --  I encourage you to trust in Jesus.

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