Sunday, August 12, 2018

Jesus Heals and Forgives (Mark 2:1-12)

This is about Jesus’ miracle of healing a paralytic man.  Jesus traveled all over teaching His truth and healing the sick.  When people heard He was coming home to Capernaum many people gathered to see and hear Him.  The house where Jesus was staying was packed.  There was standing room only.

There was a paralyzed man who had four friends who just knew Jesus would heal their friend.  They had to carry their friend to the home where Jesus was, because he was unable to walk.  They carried him on a mat which was probably his bed.  His bed was not like the padded mattresses we have today, but a simple mat that could be rolled up and stored easily.

When they reached the house and saw how crowded it was, they realized there was no way to reach Jesus.  They devised a plan to go on the roof and cut a hole and lower their friend down where Jesus was.  They didn’t get discouraged and give up.  They were sure Jesus could heal their friend.  So they dug right through the roof and lowered him down.

Roofs in that day were flat and made out of branches held together with mud dried by the sun and even sturdy enough to walk on.  I am sure everyone was surprised when he was lowered down into the room.  Jesus wasn’t angry that they had interrupted His teaching.  He probably saw their faith and their determination put into action.  He knew the man had a greater need than physical healing.  He knew his heart and that he was a sinner. 

Jesus not only healed his physical body but restored him to the right relationship with God by forgiving him of his sins.  Jesus told him to get up, take his mat and walk.  He didn’t forgive him because his friends had worked so hard to enter the home.  This was just proof of their faith.  They and their friend put their trust in Jesus to heal.

When have you needed to put your trust in Jesus when all seemed impossible?

Jesus could have healed the man and sent him home, but instead He used this opportunity to teach a lesson on sin and forgiveness.  First He dealt with the man’s sin by forgiving him and then He healed him physically.  Then no one could deny his miracles of forgiveness and healing. 

Jesus knew what the Scribes and Pharisees were thinking when they questioned His authority.  They called it blasphemy for God alone could forgive sins.   They were right saying God alone can forgive sin.  Jesus told them the Son of Man has authority to forgive sin.  They were wrong calling Him a blasphemer, because He truly is God.

“Immediately Jesus knew in his spirit that this was what they were thinking in their hearts.”Mark 2:8. 

Did you see that?  Jesus knew what they were thinking.  You can’t hide anything from God.  He knows what we are thinking and feeling.  He knows what’s in our hearts.  He hears and sees all.  We are not alone in our secrets.  God knows all.

“Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account.” Heb. 4:13.

What’s secret do you think you are keeping from God?

Jesus has authority to forgive sins!  Nothing or no one else can do that, but God alone.  No angel in heaven, no man on earth, no church, no minister, no priest, no good deed, no one can take away our sin and guilt and give us peace with God.  They can only point us to Him.  We have a great blessing in Jesus as our High Priest.  He gave us the privilege to go directly to Him.  He sacrificed Himself for our sins on the cross.  We can go to Him for absolution.  He alone can give us absolution. 

Jesus is called many names in the Bible.  He’s called Messiah, Savior, Son of God, Son of Man, Friend, High Priest, etc.  Each name focuses on a particular aspect of who He is to us.  High Priest means one who is holy or set apart.  In the Old Testament the high priest is the one who offered yearly sacrifices to satisfy the God’s law.  Jesus only had to offer His sacrifice once to gain eternal redemption for all who come to God through Him.

Do you know Jesus as your High Priest?

After the man was healed, he and his friends as well as all the people who saw his healing left praising God.  I am sure they told everyone of the miracle Jesus had done.  How could they keep quiet?  How can you keep quiet about Jesus and what He has done for you?

The friends were bold in their belief and confident in Jesus’ ability.  They didn’t care what other people thought.  They trusted to what Jesus could do and were determined loyal friends who wanted to help their friend.  They never gave up.  They found a solution and it paid off.

How do you show your faith?
Do you care what others think?
How much do you trust Jesus?
Would you go to any lengths to save a friend or loved one?

Read this miracle for yourself in Matthew 9:1-8, Mark 2:1-12, and Luke 5:18-26.

Have a blessed day and thanks for visiting my site.  Hope to see you here again.  --  I encourage you to trust in Jesus.

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