Monday, May 27, 2019


When we talk or think about wisdom, we think of the book of Proverbs.  It’s packed full of a collection of wise sayings and good advice.  Many of these proverbs came from the wisest man who ever lived, King Solomon.   Proverbs was inspired by the Holy Spirit.  It speaks of God’s eternal words about Himself and His will for His people.  Chapters 1 and 10 are identified as “Proverbs of Solomon”.  Chapter 25 is titled “More Proverbs of Solomon”.

In this age of technology, how are you growing in wisdom as a person, family member, neighbor, co-worker and citizen through greater access to information?  Are we better off than the generations of Solomon?

Proverbs has sensible and practical answers to all kinds of difficulties.  It is the greatest “how to” book ever written.  The promises in the book are that those who choose wisdom and follow it will be blessed in numerous ways; long life (9:11); prosperity (2:20-22); joy (3:13-18).  Those who reject God will suffer shame and death (3:35; 10:21).  To reject God is to choose folly over wisdom and separates us from God, His Word, His wisdom and His blessings.

Proverbs tell us to seek godly wisdom, fear the Lord, be teachable and don’t be foolish.  This book is a source of practical wisdom for living a life that pleases God.  It covers many topics and addresses every situation in life.  Following these instructions will result in healthier relationships, honest and productive business dealings, rewarding community experiences and a moral life.  The book’s purpose is to make you wise, but it must be applied which is centered around the fear of the Lord.

The key idea is “The fear of the Lord” and is found 14 times in the book of Proverbs and is found only 7 times outside of this book.  To fear the Lord doesn’t mean we live being afraid of Him.  It means to show reverence, respect and honor to Him.  He is the Creator and we need to look at Him that way.

Ways to fear the Lord:

Be aware of His presence during the day.  Speak to him throughout the day. 

Learn to trust Him daily and don’t be afraid to confess sin and ask God to help you walk in His peace.  He is your refuge.

Value and respect the Bible.  After all it is God speaking to us.  Remember “All Scripture is God-breathed …” (2 Tim. 3:16).  Read and know the Bible and commit to applying what you read. 

Worship God during the day, not just on Sunday.  Let worship permeate your life.  “Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker”Ps. 95:6.

Avoid situations that are not of God.  Watch your actions that may lead you into sinful thinking and actions – bad relationships, movies and TV shows.

Repent of any sin.  Live a repentant life style daily.  Ask God to create in you a pure heart and renew a steadfast spirit within you. (Ps. 51:9-10).

Worship only God.  “So fear the Lord and serve Him wholeheartedly.  Put away forever the idols”. Joshua 24:14a.

How can we gain wisdom?  We need to seek wisdom by asking God for it and then trust it, because all wisdom comes from the Lord.  “For the Lord gives wisdom, and from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.” – Prov. 2:6.

Principle:  Wisdom comes from living righteously.

Some Key verses:

Prov. 1:5 - “let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning get guidance.” 
Prov. 1:7 - “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline.”
Prov. 4:5 - “Get wisdom, get understanding; do not forget my words or swerve from them.”
Prov. 8:13-34 -“To fear the Lord is to hate evil; I hate pride and arrogance, evil behavior and perverse speech.  Counsel and sound judgment are mine; I have understanding and power.”

Summary of Proverbs

Proverbs 1-9 – Solomon addresses the young.  He praises wisdom.  He warns against rejecting wisdom; he gives the benefits of wisdom; he gives warnings against all folly; he calls for all people to find wisdom.

Proverbs 10-24 – These chapters contain advice that applies to those in responsible positions and covers various topics.  Solomon gives descriptions of wisdom.

Proverbs 25-29 – These sayings are Hezekiah’s collection of Solomon’s proverbs.  Here he gives wisdom to leaders, wisdom in avoiding court, and wisdom on individual matters.

Proverbs 30 – These sayings are sayings of Agur.  He declares that every word of God is flawless.
He talks of man being humble and the purity, strength, and integrity of God’s Word.  He warns of speaking ill of others.  He gives warnings to foolish generations and mocking.  He warns of wickedness of the adulterous woman.  He mentions 4 small yet wise creatures and gives 4 examples of majesty – ants, coneys (rabbits), locusts, lizards.

Proverbs 31 – These are sayings of King Lemuel.  He warns of the danger of sexual immorality and of alcohol.  He says we should defend the defenseless.  Prov. 31:10-31 sayings are on womanhood and Hebrew wisdom.  This chapter illustrates one who has found wisdom.  The woman described in this chapter can also be viewed as the Bride of Christ (All Christians) and her work in the world.

When you look at these qualities in chapter 31, do you put yourself down or compare yourself to others?
How do you live out the gospel to build up your witness, family, business, community and church as described in this chapter?

Principle:  God gives wisdom to everyone who knows and trusts Him.

God’s Spirit, living in all believers, works wisdom in us day by day.  His light penetrates every part of life and transforms.  Our Creator God sustains the universe and gives His people wisdom throughout every age through knowing Him.  If you want wisdom, the book of Proverbs is the place to access God’s voice.

James describes the same wisdom from Proverbs that characterizes God’s people.  James 3:17“But wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.”

Where do you need wisdom?
What in your speech or attitude is unwise and dishonors God?
Do you struggle with a particular sin or try new ways to manage it or bring it under control on your own?
Will you take time to confess, repent, and accept God’s forgiveness and ask Him to change you?

Hope to see you here for our next study.  --  I encourage you to trust in Jesus.

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