Saturday, November 9, 2019

Acts 12

Peter Miraculous Escape
Herod began arresting some of the Christians intending on persecuting them.  He killed James, the brother of John.  Peter was arrested and put in prison, but the church was earnestly praying for Peter.  The night before his trial and while he was sleeping an angel came and his chains fell off and the gates where opened and with the help of the angel Peter escaped.  Peter sleeping demonstrates the power of prayer, peace and trust in the Lord. 

The church prayed earnestly to God.  Many times our prayers are weak and matter of fact or even habit.  We don’t really come into the presence of our great and holy God.  They prayed trusting God for the outcome.

Why are we so surprised when God answers our prayers?

Prayer is usually for petition, but it’s much more.  When praying, you should include the A. C. T. S.
A – Adoration of God
C – Confession of sin
T – Thanksgiving
S – Supplification

Does it make a difference, if we pray?  The Scriptures say we should pray continually (1 Thess. 5:17) and to pray for your enemies. (Matt. 5:44)
How are you earnestly praying for your church?
Are you praying for other believers?

Prayer is a vehicle for God to change us.  When we get away in a quiet place to be with God in prayer, it changes our thought and desires.

There are great lessons on prayer in chapter 12:
1.       Prayer works – the church constantly prayed for Peter when he was in prison.  God sent his angels and miracles happened.  His chains fell off and he was freed.
2.      We need to remember this example and have faith that God will answer our prayers.
3.      God answers prayer.

Principles:  God acts with power to bring change through people’s prayers.

James was martyred and Peter was rescued.  We don’t know God’s reasons for this, because only He knows the reasons He does things.  Being a believer doesn’t mean God will always deliver us from trials.  He doesn’t love us less when He allows tragedy into our lives.  He loved both James and Peter, but allowed James to die.

Herod’s Death
Herod went to Caesarea, because the people of Tyre and Sidon had been quarreling with him over their food supply.  He put on his finest clothes and addressed the people.  They shouted praises to Herod calling him a god, which was typical in those days to look on leaders as gods.  Herod loved the power and all the praises.  He didn’t give glory to God, but took it for himself.  So the Lord struck him down and he was eaten by worms and died.  But the Word of God continued to increase and spread.

Today we look up to political leaders, movie stars, and rock stars.  Some hang on to their every word and if we don’t watch out, they will influence us in ways of the world.  They are a type of god to us.  They even think of themselves as gods.  God wants us to give Him the glory and glorify Him alone. 

He gives judgment when judgment is needed.  He has the final say, because He is in charge.  If we seek glory for ourselves, the Lord will surely humble us.  Be aware of the temptation of pride and taking credit for ourselves when it’s God who deserves the praise.

Principle:  To seek glory for ourselves is to commit eternal suicide.

Join me here next week for our next study of the Acts of the Apostles.  We will take a detour from the book of Acts and study 1 Peter 1-2.  --  I encourage you to trust in Jesus.

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