Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Acts 27-28

Acts 27 – Ship Wrecked

Last time we saw Paul before King Agrippa who found that Paul had done nothing wrong and would have freed him if he hadn’t appealed to Caesar.  So Paul would now have to go to Rome.  Paul and some other prisoners were handed over to a centurion named Julius and they sailed for Rome.  Paul’s troubles never seem to stop.  While at sea a hurricane came about and they were in fear for their lives.  Here Luke gave details about the storm.  It showed that through this fearsome storm God is still sovereign.  God had promised that Paul would testify in Rome (Acts 23:22; 27:24).  Not even the powerful forces of nature would stop God’s plan.

Paul wasn’t like the other prisoners.  They were probably condemned criminals, but Paul had not been tried yet so he was given more freedom that the others.  While sailing, fierce winds began and Paul warned them is would become dangerous, but the centurion and the owner of the ship didn’t listen and they sailed on.  Then the hurricane happened which made everyone in a state of panic, but Paul was calm and showed practical leadership in the midst of the crisis.  He was a man of great faith and believed in God during this desperate situation. 

The men had gone a long time without food so Paul took charge.  He told them they should have taken his advice and then he urged them to eat.  He told them an angel of God whom he served spoke to him telling him he should not be afraid.  He had confidence in God and told the men, “So keep up your courage; men, for I have faith in God that it will happen just as he told me.”Acts 27:25.  Paul was instrumental in saving all 276 people on board the ship.  Paul was not ashamed to say he believed and had faith in God.  His unshakable confidence in God made him a leader even though he was a prisoner. 

Have you ever been embarrassed or ashamed to say you believe in God?
What is keeping you from telling others of your faith?

They spent two weeks in the terror of the great storm which was out of their control.  When things seem out of control, they are never out of God’s control.  God caused the boat to drift from the island of Cauda to Malta.  The sailors didn’t know where they were and had no control over their situation, but God knew exactly where they were.  When we are in scary situations, we need to trust in God’s care.

Paul never lost hope or his purpose.  He maintained his passion to spread the gospel and advance God’s kingdom by focusing on the promises of God.  He never lost his focus.

Where is your focus?
Is your focus on your plans or His?
Are you allowing Him to disrupt your plans or are you trying to squeeze Him into yours?

Principle:  God is sovereign over the storms of life.

What kind of faith do you have in the storms of life?
How committed are you?
How much do you trust God?
Have you given up on God?
Is life too much for you to bear?

Acts 28 – Promise Fulfilled

Paul began his trip as a prisoner, but became a leader and an encourager.  They became shipwrecked and had to swim to the island of Malta.  Again God provided.  He provided hospitality through the islanders on Malta.  They showed extraordinary kindness to the sailors. 

Paul made himself useful by gathering firewood for a fire.  There was a snake within the firewood that took hold of Paul’s hand.  The islanders thought Paul was a murderer and must have deserved punishment.  Paul shook his hand and the snake fell into the fire.  When he didn’t die from the snake bite they thought he was a god.  Paul had faced three life-threatening situations – the hurricane at sea, the shipwreck and now the snake, but God continued to protect him through it all.

While on the island Paul healed the father of Publius who was the chief official of the island.  Word spread across the island and many sick people came to Paul and were healed.  The islanders gave them lodging, gifts and supplies.  They stayed on the island for three months through the winter.  Luke never mentioned that Paul preached to the people on Malta, but knowing Paul I am sure he did.  Paul never missed an opportunity to tell others about Jesus.

After winter past Paul and the others continued their sail to Rome.  Some believers there had received Paul’s letter to the Romans a few years before and heard he was coming.  They traveled a long way to greet and honor him.  When Paul saw them, he thanked God and was encouraged.

Are you an encourager?
When and how have you encouraged someone?
Is there someone you need to encourage today?

In Rome Paul wasn’t treated like a normal prisoner.  He was allowed to live by himself with a soldier to guard him.  Now God’s promise was fulfilled – Paul would take the gospel to Rome.  The first thing he did was to call together the leaders of the Jews.  He explained about his arrest and that he was not guilty of any crime.  He explained that in Jerusalem they were ready and willing to release him.  He wanted them to know he was a prisoner because of his belief in Jesus.  But the Roman Jews hadn’t heard anything about Paul and had not received any letters about him.  I think the Jerusalem Jews knew their case against him was hopeless so they made no effort to send anything to the Jews in Rome confirming their case against him.

The Jews in Rome were interested in Paul’s views about Christianity so they set an appointment to meet with him.  Many came to his home and he spoke from morning to evening.  He taught about the kingdom of God.  He wanted them to understand the truth about Jesus Christ.  He quoted Isaiah 6:9-10.  Some didn’t believe, but some believed and trusted Jesus.  This is true today.  Many hear and believe, while others reject Jesus and don’t turn to God to be healed of their sin.  Paul never stopped sharing the gospel and neither should we.

If you are not a believer, what is keeping you from accepting Jesus?

Paul spent more than two years at Caesarea waiting for his case to be resolved and another two years waiting for his case to be heard before Caesar.  These two years weren’t wasted.  God never wastes our time, though we may waste it.  Paul was chained and under house arrest for two years preaching without hindrance.  Paul never gave up and continued to be a witness for God.  Chains couldn’t stop him.  Nothing can stop God.  He was committed to God and always obeyed Him.  Paul’s hands were chained, but the gospel is never chained!  The gospel continued to spread and it spread even more because Paul suffered. 
While in prison in Rome, Paul wrote Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon.  These are known as “the prison epistles”.  We are never told the final outcome of Paul’s trial.  It is believed he was eventually allowed to leave Rome.
God protected Paul through all his troubles by bringing the plot against him to light, by not allowing the crowd to kill him, by keeping him in prison where he was safe, saving him when shipwrecked, and allowing him to preach in chains without hindrance.  Paul demonstrated Christ-like traits during all his trials.  He was calm and trusted God during the storm.  He never stopped obeying God and witnessing for Jesus through messages before the people, the governors and kings.  He showed great courage and perseverance.  The only way he was able to do that was through faith and trust in God and through the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

God will protect you as He did Paul.  So put your faith and trust in Him.  Sometimes it may not seem He is there during your crisis, but He is.  He keeps His promises.  God will use trouble, waiting and the unexpected to show who He is. 

Do you realize that Paul’s effort and direction is why you and I know who Jesus is? 

The book of Acts comes to a sudden end, but this is not the end.  The good news about Jesus had spread in Jerusalem, to Judea, to Samaria and now to the ends of the earth.   Rome was the most important place in the empire and the most powerful at that time.  It’s no accident that Acts ends with Paul in the most important city in the world.  This was God’s plan.

Many books have been written about the history of the church telling the story of the good news about Jesus.  God has written the story on the hearts and minds of many people through the ages.  The Bible has been translated into many, many languages.  Many people have believed, but the story isn’t over.  There are still many people who need to hear, repent, and accept Jesus as Lord and Savior.  You and I are writing the next story of Acts.  Our lives are to be about one thing – glorifying God.  He is the main emphasis of our story.

Principle:  We have an unstoppable God.

Join me here next week for our study of the book of James.   We have only a couple of weeks to go in this study of the Acts of the Apostles. --  I encourage you to trust in Jesus.

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