Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Evaluating Acts of the Apostles Study

As you know post of my posts are relative to my Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) studies.  We have finished the study of the “Acts of the Apostles” for this BSF year.  As you look back on this wonderful study I hope you take inventory of your life.  We learned that the details of our world is different for each of us.  Paul taught us that Jesus is worth it whatever the cost and that our past doesn’t define us.  From Barnabas we learned we should be an encourager.  From Stephen we learned to keep our focus on God.  From James we learned about authentic faith.  

What did you learn about God this year?
What did you learn about yourself?
What difference has it made in your life?
Has your thoughts, attitude or desires changed?
Has your relationship with Jesus grown?
Have you drawn closer to God?
Has your faith been ignited?

I think the main lesson we learned it that God is truly an Unstoppable God!  Not even the coronavirus can stop God.  He is still working and He will use this pandemic for good. 

BSF will start up again in September with the book of Genesis.  I will be posting then on what God reveals to me through this study.  You are invited to follow me again this fall.  Also please follow my posts throughout the summer where I will post on a variety of topics.

This September we will begin the study of Genesis.  That’s where it all began.  We need to understand that God exists because of what we see in the created world.  We believe the Bible and that it is God-breathed (2 Tim. 3:16-17).  In other words it is God speaking to us.  The Bible gives us history, events that actually happened, prophecy of events to come and instructions on how to life.  It reveals the nature, heart and mind of God – at least as much as we can comprehend.  We need to believe and accept the facts He tells us in Genesis.  This book sets the stage of the entire Bible.  It teaches Biblical doctrines of sin, the fall, redemption, justification, and the promise of the Messiah to come.  It shows us the origin of the universe, life, marriage, and of good and evil.

I encourage you will find a BSF class and register for the Genesis study.  I am sure there is one near you.  The BSF studies are all over the world and are studying the same lesson each week.   Classes in Kentucky are studying the same lesson as those in Australia.  Each class meets about 2 hours weekly.  It’s non denominational and is for everyone - those who are not familiar with the Bible to those who are very familiar.  There are women’s, men’s and children’s classes.  Go to https://www.bsfinternational.org/bsfindex to register.

This world is evil and people get caught up in all kinds of sin even when they don’t realize it.  We need to spread His Word as much as we can.  Satan is hard at work continuing to tempt us, because he knows his time is running out.  He is the ruler of this world and enslaves sinners to sin.  Everyone needs to hear the gospel before it’s too late.

We are all sinners and deserve eternal death.  God has a plan to save us from the judgment to come.  He loves us so much that He sent His only Son, Jesus to pay the price for our sins (John 3:16).  He took on the punishment that we deserve.  The punishment for sin is death, but through Jesus Christ our sins can be forgiven.  We can become part of His family and spend eternity with Him.  

In case you don’t know Jesus as your personal Savior or are not really sure of your salvation, I feel at this time I need to tell you how you can receive the salvation Jesus offers.

How do I get Salvation?

Admit to yourself and God that you are a sinner.  You have ignored God and wanted to do your own thing leaving God out completely.
Romans 3:23“All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God”.
Romans 6:23“For the wages of sin is death.” (You are a sinner and you are condemned to death – eternal separation from God in Hell)

Confess your sins
That means tell God what you’ve done wrong. (He already knows it, but He wants you to admit them to Him.)
Romans 10:9“That if you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved”.

Repent of your sins
That means stop sinning and turn to God.
Luke 13:5 – Jesus said: “….. But unless you repent, you too will all perish”.

Believe in Jesus
John 6:47 “I tell you the truth, he who believes has everlasting life.” Believe that Christ went to the cross for you, taking your guilt upon Himself and enduring God’s judgment in your place. He took God’s judgment of our sins on Himself.  This means that God has pardoned and cleared you from any guilt.
John 3:16“For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
Romans 5:8“But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us”.
Romans 10:13“for everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”

Once you have accepted Him as Savior, be baptized in obedience to the Lord Jesus as a public testimony of your salvation.  Then unite with a Bible-believing church.  Other Christians will be there for you with encouragement and will pray for you as you walk closer with God.  Remember - don’t judge other Christians, because they are not perfect.  If they were, they wouldn’t need to go to church.  Only God and Jesus are perfect.

Can it be that simple?
It’s hard to believe it’s that simple, but it is.  Don’t trust your feelings.  They change.  Stand on God’s promises.  They never change.

There are three things to practice daily for spiritual growth.
Pray – you talk with God, but don't forget to listen for Him to guide you.
Read your Bible – God will speak to you through His Word, if possible get in a Bible study group at your church or one like Bible Study Fellowship - they are all over the world.
Witness – you talk for God telling others about Him and what He’s done for you.

The word salvation means you are saved from Satan and the consequences of sin against God.  You are saved from the wrath of God’s judgment of sin.  If you reject Jesus, you will spend eternity in hell, separated from God and experience eternity judgment.  After you die you will have eternal life.  It’s either in heaven with God or in hell with Satan and his demons.

Join me here next time.  --  I encourage you to trust in Jesus.

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