Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Introduction to Genesis


The Bible

The Bible is an authoritative book written to be the authority in our lives.  It is divided in 2 sections:  Old Testament and New Testament.  There are 66 books in total and tells 1 BIG story about the Lord Jesus Christ.  The Old Testament sets up the story beginning with the Creation of the world and the New Testament is the conclusion of the story with the revealing of Jesus.  It reveals God’s plan to redeem His people.  The New Testament also tells about Jesus’ 2nd coming where He will reign as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  It’s the best-selling book of all time.  It has 1 author, God.  The Holy Spirit inspired over 40 different authors to write down the words of God.  2 Peter 1:20“Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet’s own interpretation.  For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.”

The Bible is God’s Word.  It’s a love letter to us from God.  The Bible is a story of redemption.  Why did God write the Bible?  He wants us to know Him.  We all need redemption, because we all mess up.

How have you messed up? 

Do you know how much you need God? 

Do you know how much you matter to God? 

The Bible teaches right living and every bit of it is true.  How sure are you that the Bible is true?  Do you believe everything about the author is true?  If you read and study the Bible, you will discover a trustworthy God; The One who knows how you mess up but loves you anyway.

The Bible has stood the test of time and many critics.  It’s trustworthy and true, consistent and dependable.  People across time are witnesses of God and His promises.

It’s the most popular book in the world.  It’s the most published book of all time.  The Guinness Book of World records it as the best-selling book of all time and estimates that more than 5 billion copies have been printed.  Experts say it’s the most stolen book in the world, although it’s free in many places.

Principle:  The Bible is God’s speaking to us and reveals His heart and mind.

What do you think about the Bible? 

Do you think it’s a book of rules and just history?

Have you actually read or studied the Bible?

What the Bible Can Do

2 Timothy 3:16“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.”  The Bible has very good information.  Our heart is top priority for God.  It’s human nature to sin.  We are born sinners and our sin separates us from God.  God wants to change our hearts.  He offers to rescue us. 

 Because of sin our relationship with God is broken.  He sent His Son, Jesus to earth as a man.  Jesus gave his life for us on the cross so we would not have to die in our sins so our relationship with God can be restored.  Allow the Word to influence your heart.  We have access to the Creator of all things, to peace, to joy in sorrow, to strength through weakness.  How?  When you believe in His Word and give Him the access to your heart you can be changed.

Principle:  Believing and applying God’s Word will help you grow into the person God created you to be.

Is growing into the person God created you to be a priority for you?  He created you for himself, for His glory (Isaiah 43:7).  He had a special purpose for you when He made you.  Your life should draw attention to Him.

What do you need to adjust in your life so you will study His word every day? 

How submissive is your heart to God?  God wants us to be submissive to the His Word so you can grow into the person He made you to be. 

How The Bible Begins

Genesis is the very first book of the Bible.  It is considered to be written by Moses, since it is part of the Torah known as the Law of Moses.  The Torah is the first five books of the Bible (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy).  The meaning of the word Genesis is “beginnings” and that is just what Genesis is all about.  We need to understand that God exists because of what we see in the created world.  Genesis is where it all began.  The Bible teaches many doctrines like that of sin, the fall, redemption, salvation, and justification.  It teaches about the beginning of the universe, the heavens, the earth, man and woman, and human sin.  It shows how sin came into God’s perfect creation.  God reveals His purposes in Genesis:  the promise of redemption and God’s plan of redemption.

The book of Genesis revolves around how God chose 1 man, Abram, out of all the nations and through him He would make a nation to bless all nations.  This book provides the foundation upon which the entire bible is built.   The Bible tells about the beginning and climaxes in the book of Revelation.

Genesis introduces the concept of God in multiple persons know as the Trinity.  It also gives a hint of Jesus’ future suffering and victory when He cursed the serpent for deceiving Eve.  It answers the question “Where did I come from?”  The answer can give us meaning in a world that’s otherwise hard to figure out.

There are several themes throughout the Bible that start in Genesis:

God’s authority – God is the maker of all things.  He is sovereign over nature and humanity.

Main’s rebellion –This started with Adam and Eve disobeying God.  Cain killed his brother Abel; the world became evil and violent.

God’s judgment – God evicted Adam and Eve from the garden for their sin, destroyed the earth by flood, and rained fire on Sodom and Gomorrah.  God is holy and sin must be punished.

God preserves life – God promised descendants to Eve, saved Noah and his family from the flood, delivered Jacob from Esau, used Joseph’s wisdom during harsh famine.

Blood sacrifice – God used animal skins to cover Adam and Eve after they sinned, provided a ram to take Isaac’s place for Abraham to sacrifice.

Outline of Genesis:

Genesis 1-11 – History of creation, the human race, the fall of man, the flood, the Tower of Babel and covers thousands of years.

Genesis 12-50 – History of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph and covers 500 years.

Genesis can be broken down into two large stories – 1. God’s relationship with the world and 2. God’s relationship with Israel.

Principle:  God’s story of redemption begins and ends with grace.

Will you allow the words in the best-selling book to bless you?

Join me here next week as we continue our study of Genesis -- I encourage you to trust in Jesus.



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