Monday, January 18, 2021

Genesis 24


Genesis 24:1-27 – The Witness of the Servant

God has blessed Abraham and now he is old.  He needed to fulfill his responsibility to God for his family.  God had given him the land He had promised for him and his offspring.  Now he needed to find a wife for his son, Isaac.  He wanted to get a wife who believed and worshiped God. 

Abraham’s main concern was that Isaac would take a wife from the Canaanites who didn’t believe or worship the one true living God.  So he sent his servant back to his country to find a wife.  Abraham had the servant swear by the Lord to get a wife from his own family.  He also wanted to make sure the servant did not take Isaac back to his country with him.  Probably because Abraham thought he might stay and that was not God’s plan.  He needed him to stay in the land God had given to them.  (Gen. 24:1-10).  Apparently Abraham anticipated that he might die while his servant was gone, so he made the instructions perfectly clear.

Choosing a spouse is always a big deal.  God’s best plan for believers is to be united in marriage with another believer.  The Bible says to not be unequally yoked together.  “Do not be yoked together with unbelievers.  For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common?” 2 Cor. 6:14.  If you are unequally yoked together, marriage will be much more difficult.  But if you are already married to an unbelieving spouse, 1 Cor. 7:12-16 tells us you are to stay with them.  You can demonstrate Christ to them in your marriage and perhaps win them over.

A person may check all the boxes in looks, wealth, is well-mannered, and is good natured.  It means nothing if they don’t belong to the family – God’s family.  Some unbelievers appear to have principles and morals, but you should still no marry them.  You don’t share similar values of beliefs or the most important thing – faith.  They may go to church, but if they are not saved, they should be disqualified.

We should also pray for our children’s spouses to come.  Ask God to send just the right person for your child.  Pray that they are prepared to be a spouse to your child and pray that your child is prepared to be a good spouse to them.  Pray that they be godly and love the Lord.  Ask to send them someone who is patient, kind, loving, compassionate, humble, and lives a life pleasing to God.  

We as Christian parents need to bring up godly children: teaching, training and disciplining our children.  “Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.” Prov. 22:6.  “Discipline your son, for in that there is hope”. Prov. 19:18a.  “Discipline your son, and he will give you peace; he will bring delight to your soul.”Prov. 29:17.  “Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.”Eph. 6:4.  “Fathers, do not embitter your children, or they will become discouraged.” Col. 3:21.  

Do you fulfill your responsibilities to your family?
What do you want to leave behind you as a legacy for your family?
What responsibilities do Christian parents have to their children?
How are they different from those of non-Christians?

The servant did as Abraham asked and took 10 of his master’s camels and left to find Isaac a wife.  He modeled dependence on God by praying and asking God to make his journey a success.  He had a tiring stressful trip and traveled 600 mile.  He arrived in the town of Nahor and stayed by the well outside the town.  “O Lord, God of my master Abraham, give me success today, and show kindness to my master Abraham.  See, I am standing beside this spring, and the daughters of the townspeople are coming out to draw water.  May it be that when I say to a girl, ‘Please let down your jar that I may have a drink, and she says, ‘Drink, and I’ll water our camels too’ – let her be the one you have chosen for our servant Isaac.  By this I will know that you have shown kindness to my master.” Gen. 24:12-14.  Notice he prayed specifically for what he wanted.  He cared nothing about the woman’s appearance.  He just wanted a woman of character, a woman whom God had chosen.  This teaches us we need to pray specifically for what we want.  God answered his prayer before he finished praying.  Wow!  I wish God would do that for me. 

Rebekah came to the well and said and did exactly what the servant had prayed to God.  He prayed that she would say and what she should do to show him that she was the right one.  By her offering to give him water and to water his camels showed him her character.  She was unselfish, kind, compassionate, hospitable, and had a servant’s heart.  

What is prayer?  It’s talking with God.  You don’t have to have fancy words or be eloquent.  You and your children love talking together.  We are God’s children.  He wants us to talk with Him.  He loves talking with us.  We need to pray specifically.  He cares about the details.  Take time for Him.  He is always available.

The servant asked Rebekah who she was and if he could spend the night in her father’s house.  She answered that she was the daughter of Bethuel, son that Milcah bore to Nahor and there was plenty of room in his house for him to spend the night.  The servant then bowed down and worshiped the Lord for God had led him to the house of his master’s relatives. 

How do you know if something is God’s will?  There are three things to look for to know God’s will:  1. There is an outward sign after prayer; 2. It is in His principles and His Word; 3. You have inward deep peace about the decision you’ve made.

You can have fear about making the decision, but still have peace.  When facing a decision, pray about it.  Then act in confidence when you make that decision.

Principle:  God reveals His will for our lives when we seek Him by faith.

Genesis 24:28-67 – The Willingness of the Bride

The servant told her family the whole story of his journey and why he had been sent by Abraham.  Rebekah’s family realized that God wanted her to marry Isaac.  Her brother, Laban acknowledged the one true God and agreed that Rebekah would go with him to be Isaac’s wife.  Rebekah also agreed.  The servant gave Rebekah gold and silver jewelry and clothing.  He also gave costly gifts to her brother and to her mother. 

The servant brought Rebekah to Isaac.  Isaac and Rebekah’s eyes met.  They were married and they fell in love.  What a beautiful love story.  Today we marry the one we love.  In bible times, they loved the one they married.

When looking for a mate, we should look for godly character qualities.   Look for someone who denies self and is focused on loving God and others.  Seek wisdom from godly parents and friends.  Marriage is the foundation for love; love is not the foundation or marriage.  Build a marriage on commitment.  The Bible commands us to love our mates whether we feel in love or not; the feelings follow if we obey.

Principle:  God will guide us when we walk with Him and are committed to His purpose.

I love this story.  Notice the parallels.  This story parallels with God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and us.  Abraham represents God.  Isaac represents Jesus.  The servant represents the Holy Spirit.  The bride represents us.  The servant was sent by Abraham to find Isaac a bride.  God sends the Holy Spirit out to find a bride for Jesus.  We, the church are the bride of Jesus.  What lessons we learn!  I have heard and read this story many times and never saw the parallels until now.  We learn something new each time we read God’s Word.  Praise God for His Word!

Join me here next week for the next chapter in Genesis.  -- I encourage you to trust in Jesus.


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