Monday, February 1, 2021

Genesis 27


Genesis 27: 1-29 – Deception in the Family

Isaac was getting old and believed he was close to death and wanted to settle his affairs.  His eyes were weak and he could no longer see.  He turned his eyes from God.  He focused on what he wanted in the flesh.  Esau was his favorite son so he planned a secret meeting with Esau telling him to go and kill some game for him to eat and he would give him a blessing before he died.  Isaac was determined to pass the blessing to Esau despite what the Lord said when the boys were in the womb, “the older would serve the younger”.  Remember Esau had already sold his birthright to Jacob for a bowl of soup.  The birthright belonged to Jacob with or without the deceit.  Esau had sold it to him and sealed the deal with an oath.  Esau was about to receive a blessing to which he had no right. 

Rebekah heard this and planned a scheme of her own.  She wanted her younger son Jacob not to miss out on Isaac’s blessing.  So she and Jacob planned to pretend that Jacob was Esau and Isaac would bless Jacob instead.  Rebekah is the instigator and Jacob is the accomplice.  Jacob tells one lie after another.  The last one is the worst when he was asked by Isaac how he found the foods quickly.  Jacob said, “The Lord your God gave me success.” Gen. 27:20. 

Rebekah’s motivation for scheming was her unbelief.  She panicked and didn’t trust that God would fulfill what He had promises in Gen 25:23.  She didn’t pray, but took matters into her own hands.  God will not bless you for wrong doing to achieve good.  God’s blessing of Jacob was because He chose him to inherit the promises not by Rebekah and Jacob’s deception. 

The whole family suffered because of these deceptions.  The whole family didn’t trust each other and they didn’t trust God.  They all schemed and plotted against each other and against God.  Jacob suffered because he had to leave home in fear of his life.  Rebekah suffered because she would not see her son again.  Isaac could have given his blessing over and over, but it only mattered if God honored it.  They worked against God, but God still accomplished His purpose.

Have you ever panicked like Rebekah and took matters into your own hands instead of waiting on God?

Genesis 27:30-46 – Division in the Family

Isaac blessed Jacob thinking it was Esau.  He wasn’t thinking about God’s promise being fulfilled.  He ignored God’s Word.  Esau came in from hunting and Isaac realized who he had really blessed.  Verse 33 says “Isaac trembled violently”.  Isaac knew nothing could stop the plan of God.  He had made a mess with his own desires.  When Esau found out about the deception and asked if Isaac had a blessing for him, too.  “His father Isaac answered him, ‘Your dwelling will be away from the earth’s richness, away from the dew of heaven above.  You will live by the sword and you will serve your brother.  But when you grow restless, you will throw his yoke from off your neck.’”Gen. 27:39-40.

Have you ever been deceived by someone? 
How did you handle it?
Have you forgiven those who have wronged you?  Life is not always fair, but God is.  Trust in His sovereignty.

Even though Isaac messed up, he was a man who loved God.  He blessed his two sons even though the blessings were not what he had planned.  They were as God had planned.  Isaac was grieved by the deception, but accepted what happened.  Can you do the same?  God is in control.  We can trust in that.

Esau regretted selling his birthright and missing the blessings.  Isaac regrets that he blessed Jacob instead of Esau, but he repented when he realized that that was God’s will.

Differences between regret and repentance (taken from
Regret focuses on my outward behavior; Repentance focuses on my heart motives.
Regret is sorry I got caught; Repentance is glad I got caught.
Regret is motivated by the pain of consequences; Repentance is motivated by causing grieving of the Holy Spirit.
Regret wants to hide my sin; Repentance wants to be exposed and cleansed.
Regret is defensive and resists asking for forgiveness; Repentance takes full responsibility and asks for forgiveness.
Regret blames others; Repentance focuses only on myself.
Regret only changes enough for the appearance of image; Repentance continues to examine my life and be honest.
Regret downplays the sin; Repentance fully admits the sin.
Regret is embarrassed because my image is marred; Repentance is grieved for the pain my sin caused others.
Regret leaves open the door for further sinning; Repentance seeks the Spirit’s full power to fully change.
Regret is motivated by the pain of consequences; Repentance wants to be exposed

Isaac surrendered to God.  He reconfirmed his blessing to Jacob and gave a limited blessing to Esau.  He told Esau that he would live by the sword and life would not be easy.  He would serve Jacob, but it would not forever.  

Esau hated Jacob.  He was full of pride and envy, because his brother would enjoy greater prosperity.  He wanted to kill Jacob.  Rebekah told Jacob to run to his uncle, Laban in Haran to stay with him for a while until Esau’s anger passed.  It turned out that he stayed more than 20 years.

Rebekah was worried that Jacob would marry a Canaanite woman while he was there, so Isaac told him not to marry a Canaanite.  Instead he was to go to his own people for a wife.  When Esau heard that the daughters of Canaan did not please Isaac, so he went to Ishmael and married from among his family in addition to the wives he already had.  Remember Ishmael’s first wife was an Egyptian.  Esau did this for just for spite. (Gen. 28:1-9)

When we seek our own way, we never get what we wanted and we pay a high price. 
Sin always promises more than it delivers and costs more than we imagine.
Actions have consequences.
Deception can cause separation between family members.
The results of deception can hurt others and last for years.
Despite our sins, we can expect grace and forgiveness when we repent.
God uses broken people to bring about His will.
God is sovereign and we can’t stop His ultimate purpose.
God is faithful and keeps His promises.

How do you describe your faith?
Are you suborn or submissive?

Jacob received Isaac’s blessings but by methods that were dishonest and he left Canaan with few possessions.  He received an even better blessing.  The blessing he received really came from God.  God himself spoke to Jacob as we will see in Genesis 28.

Hebrews 11 commends Abraham and Isaac for how they submitted to God.  They are not remembered for their mistakes just as God does not remember ours.

Join me here next week for the next chapter in Genesis.  -- I encourage you to trust in Jesus.


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