Monday, February 15, 2021

Genesis 29


Genesis 29:1-30 – Jacob’s Love for Rachel

Isaac had sent Jacob away to escape the wrath of his brother and to find a wife among his mother’s people.  So Jacob left and came to the land of Paddan Aram.  He saw shepherds in the field watering their flocks from a well.  There he saw Rachel.  She was very beautiful and it seemed He loved her at first sight.  Remember in Genesis 24 Jacob’s mother, Rebekah was at a well where she gave water to Abraham’s servant and his camels; soon after Rebekah left with the servant to marry Isaac. 

Jacob was overcome with emotion and kissed Rachel and wept with tears of joy.  He had come to the end of his journey and found his mother’s family.  He told her he was a relative of her father and the son of Rebekah.  She ran and told her father Laban.  Laban probably remembered the wealth he received from Abraham’s servant when he let Rebekah be taken to be Isaac’s wife, but Jacob came with nothing.  He saw an opportunity to exploit Jacob, but knew he would inherit a great fortune.  So Laban invited Jacob to stay in his home probably hoping he would marry one of his daughters, Leah or Rachel.  Jacob asked to marry Rachel, but Laban took advantage of him and had him work for 7 years first.    

After the 7 years Laban arranged the wedding, but Laban was deceitful and gave him Leah, the oldest daughter instead.  The bride wore a veil as was the custom and Jacob didn’t realize that it was Leah he had married.  When he did realize it, he asked Laban why he had deceived him.  Laban explained that it was the custom for the oldest daughter to be given in marriage before the youngest.  Laban unfairly forced Jacob to continue working for him 7 more years for Rachel.  Jacob loved Rachel so much that he agreed.  When the time was up, Jacob married Rachel.  Now he had 2 wives and each wife had a maid.  Just because something is recorded in scripture doesn’t make it God’s will.  With many wives there is always conflict and jealousy.

I think Leah was probably in on the deception.  She was a plain woman and probably had no prospects for a husband.  She may have thought this was her only chance.  I’m sure it was not Rachel’s choice.  She had to go along with it, because Laban was her father and she had to obey.

Remember Jacob had deceived his father and cheated his brother.  Jacob reaped what he had sown.  He deceived Esau out of his birthright.  He deceived Isaac to receive his blessing.  Now he was getting a dose of his own medicine.  God can forgive sin, but sin still has consequences.  Our disobedience may not stop God’s plan but it will greatly affect how we end up experiencing it.  Working so long for someone like Laban will teach many lessons.  Through all this Jacob learned patience, discipline, responsibility, to endure hardship, and to wait on God’s timing.

Do you ever feel like Jacob? 
Do you feel stuck in your job or your marriage?
How have you seen the consequences of a past sin?

God was with Jacob the whole time.  God had a purpose for him and He has a purpose for you.  God is with you the whole time.  You may not have to wait 14 years or maybe you will wait even longer.  No matter how long it takes things will change.  God is with you.  Jacob’s self-sacrificing love for Rachel is an illustration of Jesus’ self-sacrificing for us.  We are his bride.

Principle:  God is always working to accomplish His will.

Genesis 29:31-35 – God’s Love for Leah

 God watched over Jacob and his family as He had promised.  Jacob never really loved Leah, but accepted her as his wife.  When God saw that Leah was unloved, He showed compassion and helped her to have several children.  She had 4 sons:  Reuben, Simeon, and Levi, Judah.  Leah grew in faith with the births of her sons.  God comforted her through her children.  She is known as the mother of Israel, because through her son Judah’s line would come Jesus.

If you are living unloved, God knows your pain.  God loves you no matter what.  Leah turned to God and found faith and praised God in her pain.  This is a lesson for you.  Are you turning to God, counting your blessing and praising Him in what you do have?

Principle:  God will develop our character through personal hardships as we trust in Him.

How is God disciplining you?
What longing would you be willing to surrender to God in your Pain?

Join me here next week for the next chapter in Genesis.  -- I encourage you to trust in Jesus.


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