Monday, July 26, 2021

Are You Like A Pharisee?


What is a Pharisee?  First we need to know what a Pharisee is.  In the New Testament we learn that the Pharisees were an ancient Jewish group who laid the foundation for the Rabbinic Judaism.  They were a religious sect, a political group, and a social movement.  They were very self-righteous, legalistic and hypocritical.  They were all about the Torah, (Jewish Law), but they were missing the key instructions on how to obey God.  They believed the Law that Moses gave, but also believed he gave oral laws.  They believed Jews were supposed to practice rituals and the Law was the only way to God.

The Pharisees had a prominent position in the synagogue during Jesus’ day.  They viewed themselves as the most righteous, the holiest and the leaders of the people.  They took the laws of the Old Testament covenant and multiplied them in ridiculous ways.  Their entire lives revolved around proving to themselves, to God and to the people just how great they were because they kept the laws.  They looked like men who honored God.

They were Jesus’ greatest human enemies.  They misjudged him but they really misjudged God and themselves.  They thought Jesus was a false teacher and were constantly trying to entrap Him.  The Pharisees didn’t like who Jesus hung out with.  They didn’t like that Jesus did miracles on the Sabbath.  They were simply jealous of Jesus.  They were rule keepers and didn’t like it when Jesus broke the rules.  They had 613 rules and commandments.    

The Pharisees didn’t get along with Jesus at all.  Jesus said they missed the big picture.  They neglected justice, mercy, and faithfulness.  Jesus said they abused the Law.  He criticized them and gave them seven woes in Matthew 23.   He called them hypocrites six times.  He called them children of the blind, “whitewashed tombs”, and a “brood of vipers”.  He accused them of leading people astray, straining out a gnat but swallowing a camel, and cleaning the outside of a cup and dish while the inside is full of greed and self-indulgence.

Jesus criticized the Pharisees many times.  It’s very clear as to why the Pharisees wanted to get rid of Jesus.  In their minds by Jesus publicly criticizing them.  They thought He was drawing the Jewish people away from the true Judaism.  So they wanted to get rid of Him by any means necessary.  They followed the law to the letter and wanted to keep people in a right relationship with God, but unfortunately they didn’t recognize that He was God standing right in front of them.

They had lots of faults and Jesus called them out on them:

They were all about long prayers pretending that they were righteous (Matt. 23:14; Mark 12:40). 
They didn’t want people to be healed on the Sabbath (Matt. 12:2). 
They loved the highest seats and public greeting in the market so as to be seen by people (Matt. 23:5-10). 
They threw aside God’s commandments and made the commandments of men and turned traditions into doctrines (Mark 7:7-9).
They did a lot of talking, but didn’t practice what they preached (Matt. 23:3).
They praised God with their lips and their hearts was far from Him (Matt. 15:8).
They were fools, blind guides and hypocrites (Matt. 15:16, 23:15).
They loved to tempt, accuse and oppose Jesus (Matt. 16:1; 19:3; Mark 8:11; 10:2; 12:14; Luke 6:7).
They asked for a sign to believe when many signs had already been given, but would not believe (Matt. 12:38-42).

Are you like a Pharisee?  You might want to ask yourself these questions:

Are you prideful? 
Are you self-righteous? 
Do you do good works just for others to see? 
Do you care more about appearances than reality?
Do you see what’s wrong with others, but not what’s wrong with yourself? 
Has your heart drifted far from God like a Pharisee? 
Are you a hypocrite? 
Do you practice what you preach?
Does your life line up with biblical doctrine?
Does your life match your convictions?
Do you judge people for what they wear, what they drive, where they go to church, or how often they pray?
Do you practice your faith to be seen by others?
Do you just look like you honor God or do you actually honor Him?
Do you take pride in your knowledge of the Bible?
Do you like praise and recognition?
Do you add your convictions or traditions to the Word of God?
Do you lack love and compassion for people in need?
Do you cover your sin instead of confessing and repenting?
Do you refuse to believe? 
Do you give God only partial obedience?
Do you always need to justify yourself?
Do you tend to look down on those you think are worse sinners than you?
Do you compare your spirituality to others to see if you how well you’re doing?
Is it hard for you to be happy for others when they are honored and praised?

Do you recognize any of these symptoms in yourself?  Knowledge is not the key to reviving your heart.  God is.  Knowledge is good but doesn’t open eyes and hearts.  God does.  Humble yourself like a child and come to Jesus.  Tell Him you’re willing to change your life.  Pray that He opens your heart.  Ask Him to help you see your sin clearly and to see others as He sees them.  Allow His Word to soften your hardened heart.  Serve without seeking applause or thanks from others.  Bless someone anonymously. 


The Holy Bible – NIV

 Join me here next time -- I encourage you to trust in Jesus.



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