Saturday, April 20, 2024

John Lesson 28 – John 21

Last time we learned of Jesus’ resurrection.
  His resurrection proved He was really God’s Son.  He had defeated death.  This shows us that death is not the end, but the beginning of a new life with God.  We learned that He appeared to Mary Magdalene, the disciples and many others over a 40 day period proving His resurrection.

John 21:1-14 – The Miraculous Catch

Jesus had told the disciples to go to Galilee and wait there for Him.  So after the resurrection some of the disciples went to Galilee and waited for Him.  Peter decided to go fishing.  Thomas, Nathanael and 2 other disciples followed.  Scripture doesn’t tell us where the others were.  They worked all night, but didn’t catch any fish.  Then early in the morning, Jesus stood on the shore.  He called out to them and asked why they had not caught any fish, but they didn’t recognize Him.  They answered, “No”.  Then He told them to throw their net on the right side of the boat and they would find fish.  They did and there were so many fish they were unable to haul the net into the boat. (John 21:1-6)

The disciples gave up waiting and went back to what they knew - fishing.  It seems they had lost their purpose and really didn’t know what to do.  They had been given instructions to proclaim the gospel, but instead the grew impatient and went back to their old familiar ways.  We grow impatient waiting on God sometime and go back to our old ways.  God has commanded us to be still and to patiently wait on Him.  They could have waited by praying and trusting Him. 

What is keeping you from waiting patiently and trusting in God and His timing?

How often have you worked hard and had nothing to show for it?
Do you get frustrated when your prayers are not answered when you think they should be?
Where has Jesus directed you to spend time fishing for people?

They were experienced fishermen and were frustrated when they had not caught any fish.  They answered Jesus’ question with a discouraging “no”.  Jesus wasn’t looking for information.  He knew they didn’t catch any fish.  He wanted them to recognize they didn’t have the ability on their own.  They needed Jesus’ help.  Just as we need His help.  Remember He said, “Apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5.  The lesson here is if you do what Jesus commands, He will bless you.

John was the first to recognize Jesus and said to Peter, “It is the Lord!” John 21:7.  When Peter heard this, he was so excited to see Jesus that he dove into the sea.  The other disciples followed in the boat with a net full of fish.  John tells us it was 153 fish.  Why is the amount of 153 fish important?  It was an extraordinary thing that happened, because someone extraordinary was there.  It provided further evidence to the disciples that the resurrected Jesus had power over nature as He had before the crucifixion.

 When they landed at the shore, Jesus was there with a fire of burning coals where bread and fish were already cooking.  He invited them to come for breakfast and to bring what they had caught.  They knew who He was and never questioned Him.  Then Jesus gave thanks for the bread and fish.  This was the 3rd time Jesus had appeared to His disciples after His resurrection. (John 21:7-14)

Jesus provided for the disciples.  He encouraged them by His appearance.  He supplied them with their lots of fish meeting their physical needs.  His appearance encouraged them when it seemed they didn’t know what to do now that He was not with them.  They probably were discouraged as they waited for Jesus.  He always provides us with our needs.   

Jesus used the work of fishing to the work they were called to do.  He said that He would make them fishers of men.  “Come, follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.”Matt. 4:19.

Principle:  God always provides for us; it’s better to wait for His provision and direction.

John 21:15-17 – Peter’s Commission

After they finished eating, Jesus asked Peter three times if he loved Him.  Each time Peter answered, “yes”.  Jesus told him to “Feed my lambs”, “Take care of my sheep”, “Feed my sheep” John 21:15-17.

Jesus had privately appeared to Peter after the resurrection and restored him.  But now Jesus wanted to publicly restore Peter as He commissioned him as a leader.  Jesus showed love and kindness when He questioned Peter.  Three times Peter denied Jesus so Jesus asked him three times if he loved Him.  This showed Peter and the other disciples that Peter’s sins were forgiven.  He did this publicly so they wouldn’t question Peter’s leadership in the future.  I am sure this humbled Peter as he looked back on his sin.  It is always humbling when we look back at our past sins.  Jesus knew he was grieving over his denials and He wanted him to know he was truly forgiven.  Loving Jesus because He has forgiven all your sins is essential for serving Him.

This love is referring to God’s love for people and our love for Him.  It is Agape love.  It’s an unconditional love.  It’s the kind of love that sacrifices itself for others.

The phrases “Feed my lambs” and “Take care of my sheep” refers to the church – to all believers.  We are not to put down other Christians even though some are self-centered and difficult to be around.  Sometimes we are not all lovable.  Jesus loved them enough to die of them so we have to love them, too. 

Principle:  Jesus wants to use every believer to help feed and shepherd His sheep.

John 21:18-25 – The Reliable Witness

Jesus tells Peter that from now on his life will change.  He predicted Peter would die because of his faith.  He would die stretching out his hands (meaning crucifixion).  Peter asked Jesus what will happen to John.  Jesus told him that it was none of his business as to what happens to John.  “If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you?”John 21:18-19.

Jesus knew what would happen to Peter, which proves that He knows all things.  His sovereign plan determines the future.  Following Jesus doesn’t guarantee an easy life or a peaceful death.  We all have to die, but our aim should be to glorify God even in death. 

By Peter asking what would happen to John could have been out of curiosity or maybe concern.  Maybe he was like us comparing ourselves to others.  Peter was not to be concerned with John.  We are not to be concerned or compare ourselves with others.  We all serve Him differently.  He determines how we serve Him and how we die.  He uses each person differently based on our individual needs, personality and the work He has for us.

How are you comparing yourself to others?

“This is the disciple who testifies to these things and who wrote them down.  We know that his testimony is true.”John 21:24.  John is speaking of himself.  He said there are so many other things which Jesus did that he didn’t write down, because the world would not have room for all the books that would be written. (John 21:25).

John assured us that he is an eyewitness to these accounts.  He is testifying to the truthfulness to all he has written.  He wants us to believe his testimony and put our faith in Jesus, the Son of God and our Lord and Savior.

Have you put your faith in Jesus Christ as your Savor and Lord?

If so, are you trusting Him for your future?
How are you putting into practice the truth about Jesus?

Principle:  God uses each person differently based on our individual needs, personality and with work He has for us.

This is our last study on The Gospel of John.  What a wonderful study it has been!  I love this book.  It is my favorite.  Join me next fall when we study the book of Revelation.  Have a blessed day and thanks for visiting my site.  – I encourage you to trust in Jesus.


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The Holy Bible NIV

Thursday, April 11, 2024

John Lesson 27 – John 20


Last time we learned about Jesus death and burial.  When Jesus died the curtain in the temple that separated the Holy Place and the Most Holy Place where only the Priest could enter was torn into.  This curtain was a barrier between God and humanity.  The torn curtain now was the end of sacrifices and ceremonies.  It signified Christ’s torn flesh on the cross.  Now this barrier between God and man is removed.  We can now enter into the very presence of God because of Jesus’ death on the cross.

Our Christian faith rests on the resurrection of Jesus.  “If Christ has not been raised, your faith is worthless; you are still in your sins.” 1 Cor. 15:17.  That means that Jesus is the only truth and the only way to the Father as Jesus said in John 14:6.  Each of the gospels tell the story a little differently.  Some add things and some leave things out.  That only proves that they are witnesses and witnesses see things differently.  Their account is not a memorized story.  John explains His account, “But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.” John 20:31.

John 20:1-9 – Jesus’ Resurrection

The Jewish leaders feared the disciples would steal Jesus’ body and claim He had risen so they had Pilate secure the tomb by placing a seal around the stone and posting guards.  Matthew 28 tells us that there was a violent earthquake and an angel of the Lord came down and rolled back the stone.  The guards were afraid and became like dead men.  Later they reported this to the chief priests and were given a large sum of money to say that the disciples stole Jesus’ body.

Mary Magdalene went to the tomb where Jesus was laid.  She saw that the stone had been removed from the entrance.  She ran to Peter and the other disciple, the one who Jesus loved (John) and told them that they had taken the Lord away and that she didn’t know where He was. (John 20:1-2).

Peter and John ran to the tomb, but John outran Peter and reached the tomb first.  John waited outside the tomb while Peter ran in. They saw the trips of linen and burial cloth lying there.  The cloth was folded separate from the linen.  John went inside and saw and believed although they still didn’t understand Jesus had risen from the dead. (John 20:3-9)

Jewish burials involved wrapping the dead body with strips of linen and spices to offset the smell of the corpse.  The head was wrapped separately.  Robbers would not have taken time to remove the clothes and fold them.  I heard someone say that it is possible that Jesus Himself folded the linen was like a customer in a restaurant who folds his napkin to indicate to the waiter that he would be returning.

At first Mary, Peter, and John didn’t understand or expect Jesus to rise from the dead.  They were confused.  Peter was impulsive and often acted before thinking.  He rushed ahead of John to the tomb.  John stopped before entering the tomb and pondered it all.  He probably was remembered all that Jesus had told him before he reacted.  They all believed and followed Jesus, but John tells us that he saw and believed.  What does he believe?  He believed that Jesus was raised from the dead to life.   He realized all Jesus had said and that Jesus was truly the Son of God.  The others came to believe this after He appeared to them. 

What does your attitude reveal about you as you study the Bible?  I don’t know about you, but it seems the more I study and learn about Jesus, the more I want to know about Him.  In the physical we get hungry by not eating food.  In the Kingdom we get hungry, but are satisfied by the eating of His Word.

John said that Jesus “had to” rise from the dead. (John 20:9).  He said in John 11:25, “I am the resurrection and the life.  He who believes in me will live even though he dies”.  How can we live again if Jesus didn’t rise?  If He had not, then none of us will either.   “He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification.”Romans 4:25.  Jesus’ resurrection proved He was really God’s Son.  He had defeated death.  This shows us that death is not the end, but the beginning of a new life with God.

Principle:  Jesus’ resurrection assures us of our own resurrection.

John 20:10-18 – Jesus Appeared to Mary Magdalene

Peter and John went back to their homes, but Mary stood crying outside the tomb.  She saw two angels in white seated where Jesus’ body had lain.  They asked her why she was crying.  She told them that they had taken her Lord away.  She turned around and saw Jesus, but didn’t realize Him.  “Woman, he said, why are you crying?  Who is it you are looking for?” John 20:15. 

She thought he was the gardener and asked Him to tell her where Jesus was.  Then she recognized Him when He called her by name.  In John  20:16 she turned and cried out, “Rabboni!” which means Teacher.  “Jesus said, Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet returned to the Father.  Go instead to my brothers and tell them I am returning to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God”.  John 20:17.  Mary went to the disciples and told them she had seen the Lord and all that He had said.

Verse 17 may be difficult to know why Jesus told Mary to not hold on to Him.  I think He wanted her to not stay there with Him, but to go and tell the disciples what she has seen.  He may have also been referring to His ascension which was to come later.  By her being able to cling to Him shows that He was raised from the dead.

Jesus called Mary by her name and she recognized His voice.  He knows the names of all His sheep.  He knows your name.  If you know Him, you will know His voice.  When He calls you, you need to listen.  He has work for you to do, too.

Do you recognized Jesus when He’s talking to you?

Are you listening?
What work is God calling you to do?

Why did Jesus choose Mary Magdalene to be the first to reveal Himself to?  She was a woman and not an important person.  Women were not considered reliable witnesses in court.  She had a sinful past.  Jesus had rescued her from her sinful life and cast demons out of her.  This is an encouragement and a ray of hope for all of us who struggle with sin and guilt.  If He can rescue her and let her be the first witness of His resurrection, He can save you and use you to witness and serve Him.

Principle:  Our sorrows turn to hope when we seek the risen Savior.

John 20:19-23 – Jesus Appeared to His Disciples

The disciples were together hiding with the doors locked because they were afraid.  Their faith was lacking.  It had been three days since Jesus was crucified.  They thought the Jews were looking for them to arrest them, too.  Fear makes people hide.  Remember Joseph of Arimathea was a secret disciple because of fear. 

Are you hiding out and afraid to speak for Christ?  If you speak out, it will cause others to follow your example.

Jesus showed up in the locked room with the disciples.  There was no knock at the door and no one opened the door.  He was just there in their midst.  Jesus showed kindness and desire to build the disciples’ faith by appearing to them before anyone else.  He reassured them by showing them His wounds in His hands and side.  He gave them the Holy Spirit and blessed them.  He also commissioned them to go into the world and tell others.  This is the same commission God had given Jesus. 

The first thing He said to them was “Peace be with you”John 20:21.  He wanted them to not be afraid and that everything would be alright.  For them to do the mission He had for them they needed to have peace with God.  They needed to trust Jesus.  When you trust in Jesus, you enter into a new relationship of peace with God through the blood of Jesus.  We have peace through His constant presence with us.  We have peace with God, the peace of God, and peace with one another so we can carry out His mission.

Jesus breathed on them giving them the Holy Spirit.  These men were receiving this new life.  They were becoming born again and born of the Spirit.  Even though they were following and believing in Jesus, they had not been born again.  Unless you believe that Jesus rose from the dead, you are not born again.  “If you confess with your mouth, Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” Rom. 10:9.   Before the resurrection they had not believed that He could be raised from the dead.  Now they believed.  Now they have the Holy Spirit.

There are many proofs that Jesus has risen.  Luke 24:40-34, Acts 1:3, and 1 Cor. 15:3-8 tell us that He appeared to the disciples over a forty day period.  They saw His wounds.  He even ate with them.  He appeared to Mary.  He appeared to Peter.  He appeared to James.  He appeared to over 500 people at the same time.

John 20:23 can be confusing.  It sounds like the disciples are given authority to forgive sins, but we know that only God can forgive sins.  He is giving them the honor, opportunity, and the power to accomplish His commission.  They were given the authority to proclaim His message that someone’s sin is forgiven or not forgiven.  When we first come to believe that Jesus died and rose again to forgive our sins, we receive the Holy Spirit to live inside us.  Then His Spirit seals us in God’s family.  Then no one can snatch us away.

Do you believe Jesus rose from the dead?

Principle:  Our risen Savior has given us great peace.

John 20:24-31 – Jesus Appeared to Thomas

For some reason Thomas was not with the other disciples when Jesus appeared to them.  It was a week later when Thomas was with the other disciples.  They told him they had seen the Lord.  But Thomas was skeptic and said, “Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe it.”John 20:25.  Then Jesus appeared again as before.  He showed Thomas His wounds and Thomas placed his fingers into His side.  Jesus said, “Stop doubting and believe.”John 20:27.  This convinced Thomas and then he acknowledged his faith and believed and said, “My Lord and my God.”John 20:28.  Jesus said, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”John 20:29 

Jesus is telling Thomas that he had seen many miracles and that the testimony of the other disciples should have been enough for him to believe.  He should look at the evidence of all the eyewitnesses. 

How many people have to testify the truth for you to believe that Jesus is the Son of God and that He died and rose again?

How are you like Thomas?
When do you doubt Jesus? 


Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 15:6-8 of the other appearance of Jesus.  “After that, he appeared to more than 500 people of the brothers at the same time…”.  You might ask why He didn’t appear to unbelievers so they would come to have faith in Him.  Peter tells us that He appeared only to those chosen by God.  “God raised Him up from the dead on the third day and caused Him to be seen.  He was not seen by all the people, but by witnesses whom God had already chosen - by us who ate and drank with him after he rose from the dead.”Acts. 10:40-41. 

Evidence of Jesus’ resurrection:

The stone was rolled away and the tomb was empty.
The grave clothes were folded and left in the tomb.
He appeared to Mary Magdalene.
He appeared to the disciples many times over a 40 day period.
He appeared to over 500 people at one time.
His followers watched Him ascend to heaven.
The lives of the witnesses were changed.
All Jesus’ claims and predictions were fulfilled.

Principle:  The evidence for Jesus’ resurrection should lead us to believe in Him as Savior and Lord.

In John:20:31 John revealed the ultimate purpose of why he wrote this book.  “But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.”

Did John accomplish his purpose in writing this Gospel? 

Are you convinced that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God?

Don’t miss the conclusion of this study when we will study John 21.  Have a blessed day.  – I encourage you to trust in Jesus.


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The Holy Bible NIV

Thursday, April 4, 2024

John Lesson 26 – John 19:31-42


 Last time we saw Jesus was crucified on the cross.  The soldiers divided his clothes, which was another fulfillment of Scripture.  He paid the price for the sins of all people of the world, past, present, and future.

John 19:31-37 – Scripture Fulfilled

It was the day of Preparation and the next day was a special Sabbath and the Jews didn’t want the bodies hanging on the crosses.  Also the Jewish law didn’t allow bodies to hang on the cross more than a day or they would be under a curse.  Again this shows the Jews chose which laws they would obey.  The Jews asked Pilate to have the legs broken and the bodies taken down.  This way if they were not dead, the breaking of the legs would make it difficult to breathe and would make them die quickly.  The soldiers broke the legs of the two men on crosses on each side of Jesus, but saw Jesus was already dead so they pierced His side instead.  All these things happened and the Scriptures were again fulfilled. 

Do you pick and choose what laws you follow?

Do you choose those laws that suit your needs?

When they pierced His side, blood and water gushed out.  Blood symbolizes is the cleansing and of God’s forgiveness of sin.  Water symbolizes the new life given to believers. 

Long ago God declared that “The life of a creature is in the blood, and I have given it to you to make atonement for yourselves on the altar; it is the blood that makes atonement for one’s life”Leviticus 17:11.  And in Hebrews 9:22“Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.”  This flowing of the life blood of Jesus, poured for us, symbolizes cleansing from sin (Romans 3:25).

The water that flowed from His side points to new spiritual life we receive when we receive Jesus into our hearts.  “Whoever believes in me as the scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from with him.  By this he meant the Spirit…”John 7:38-39.  Water symbolizes eternal life. (Revelation 21:6; 22:17).

The piercing of His side shows that Jesus was actually physically dead proving He really did rise from the dead as the Christian faith proclaims.

“The man who saw it has given testimony, and his testimony is true.  He knows that he tells the truth, and he testifies so that you also may believe.  These things happened so that the scripture would be fulfilled:  ‘Not one of his bones will be broken… they will look on the one they have pierced.’” John 19:35-37.

The circumstances surrounding Jesus’ death fulfilled the symbolism of the Passover Lamb.  The original Passover sacrifice was made to save people from the punishment that passed over Egypt.  The lamb’s blood marked the doors saving the Jewish people.  Like the lamb Jesus was gentle, innocent and pure.  He was sacrificed to save people from punishment after death.

Matthew 27:51 tells us that at the moment Jesus died, the curtain of the temple was torn.  “At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom.  The earth shook and the rocks split.” 

What is this curtain?  The temple was divided into 3 sections.  The 1st was the inner court that contained the altar of burnt offering and basin used for ceremonial washing of the priests.  The 2nd was the Holy Place that contained the golden candlestick, the table of consecrated bread, and the altar of incense.  The curtain formed a wall between this Holy Place and the Most Holy Place where only the priest could enter.  Only once a year called the Day of Atonement, a day of sacrificing of a goat, could the high priest enter.  This place represented God’s presence.  This curtain was a barrier between God and humanity.  The torn curtain now was the end of sacrifices and ceremonies.  It signified Christ’s torn flesh on the cross.  Now this barrier between God and man is removed.  We can now enter into the very presence of God because of Jesus’ death on the cross. (Heb. 10:19-22).

Do you believe?

John 19:38-42 – Jesus’ Burial

Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus were secret followers of Jesus.  They wanted to honor Jesus and give Him a proper burial.  They asked Pilate for Jesus’ body and Pilate agreed.  They wrapped His body in expensive spices and strips of linen.  They took Jesus’ body and put it into a new grave that belonged to Joseph.  (The Jewish people would cut out caves in rocks and use them for graves.  I am sure this was hard work and took a lot of time so it was probably very expensive.) 

Jesus’ agony was over.  Now His enemies could not touch Him.  He was forever among friends.

It took courage to Joseph and Nicodemus to ask for Jesus’ body.  They were secret followers, however after His death they didn’t follow in secret anymore.  This may have cost them their reputation and they may have been rejected by the other Jewish leaders.  It costs them here on earth, but they gained eternal acceptance in heaven.  Commitment to Christ will cost you.  You will be rejected by those who do not believe that He is the only way to the Father.  So be prepared to be rejected.

When and how have you been rejected because of your belief in Jesus?

How did you respond?
What has your commitment to Jesus cost you?

Jesus was born rich and He died rich.  Remember He was given gold, frankincense and myrrh at His birth by the Magi.  Joseph and Nicodemus gave Him these gifts of costly spices again at His burial and He was buried in a rich man’s tomb.  His anointing and burial fulfilled biblical prophecy. (Isaiah 53:9; Matthew 2:9-11; 27:57-60)

When we become believers of Christ we bury our old ways of thinking.  We bury our former wrong emotions and attitudes toward God and others.  Our old habits and actions are gone.  We live in freedom from our past to live a new resurrected life.  “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!”2 Cor. 5:17.

Do you let Satan make you feel guilty of the past or do you live in freedom?

Fulfilled Prophesies Jesus’ crucifixion, death, and burial:

John 19:24 – soldiers divided His garments (Psalm 22:18)
John 19:36 – Jesus’ bones were not broken, “for these things came to pass to fulfill the Scripture, Not a bone of Him shall be broken.”  (Exodus 12:46, Numbers 9:12 and Psalm 34:20).
John19:29 – soldiers gave Jesus vinegar to drink (Psalm 29:21)
John 19:37 – the soldiers pierced Jesus’ side (Zechariah 12:10, Rev. 1:7, Isaiah 53:3)
John 19:41 - Jesus’ burial – (Isaiah 53:9)


Eternal salvation is free, but costly.
King Jesus died triumphantly on the cross.
The only way to respond to God’s gift of salvation through Christ’s finished work is to receive it by faith alone.
We live in freedom from our past to live a new resurrected life. 


Join me next time for John 20.  I hope you had a blessed Easter.  -- I encourage you to trust in Jesus.


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The Holy Bible NIV