Saturday, November 23, 2024

Revelation (Joel) – Lesson 11


Joel 1 – 2:1-27 – The Day of the Lord

Joel describes “the day of the Lord” as a severe plague of locust that eat everything.  The fields are ruined; the ground is dried up; the grain is destroyed; farmers are in despair; harvests are destroyed; the vines are dried up; the trees are dried up; the grain offerings have been cut off; priests are mourning.  There is no joy on earth.  Even the animals seem to know it’s a sad time.  Joel appeals to the people, the drunkards, the priests and to the elders.  He calls for repentance of all the people.

This destruction is brought about because of man’s sin and Joel calls for repentance.  God has rules and we must obey.  The Scriptures tell us throughout that we can escape God’s wrath by repenting, believing and trusting in Jesus alone.  We can be saved.  He will always forgive our sins and remember them no more, if we repent and return to Him. 

“Render your hearts, not your garments”  means to tear to pieces. To rend one’s garment was an ancient custom that signaled intense grief or repentance.  God wants rent hearts, which is repentant hearts acknowledging brokenness and the need for His forgiveness and restoration.

God shows He is full of compassion and grace.  By repenting the Lord will restore everything.  He will take pity on His people and send them grain and new wine enough to satisfy them.  The pastures and trees will be green again.  He will repay them for the locust years.  He will drive the armies far from them.  The people will rejoice in the Lord and know that He is the Lord their God.  Then He will pour out His Spirit on all who believe.  In other words God will restore the lost years, the years without Him.  He will multiply fruitfulness and faithfulness.

Principle:  God is full of compassion and grace.

Joel 2:28-32 – Spirit Poured Out

God promised to pour out His Spirit on all people who respond to His call.  The Holy Spirit is the 3rd person in the Trinity and has always been active in history.  Acts 2 tells of the Holy Spirit pouring out on all believers at Pentecost.  The Holy Spirit is active in the world today and has been throughout history.  Gen. 1:2 tells us He is the Creator.  John 3:3-8 tells us to see the kingdom of God you must be born of water and the Spirit.  John 16 tells us He is our Counselor.  Acts 2:1-13 tells us the Holy Spirit filled all the believers at Pentecost.  2 Peter 1:21 tells us Scripture was not written by men’s interpretation, but by the Holy Spirit. 

The Holy Spirit was sent to convict the world of guilt.  (John 16:7-11).  He applies the truths of God into our minds.  Once we are saved and belong to God, the Spirit resides in our hearts forever.  Gal. 5:22-23 tells us He begins harvesting His fruit in our lives – the fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.  He is at work in our lives as He guides us to do the right things, helps us make the right decisions, and prompts us as to what to say and do. 

It is important that Scripture remind us of the last days, because judgment is coming and people need to repent before it’s too late.  Jesus will return.  That is a fact and we need to be ready.  God promises if we call on the name of the Lord we will be saved. (Joel 2:32)  Then we don’t have to worry or fear the future, because we are sealed forever with the seal of God.  We are His and no one can take us from Him.

Principle:  Once we are saved, the Holy Spirit resides in our hearts forever.

Joel 3 – Nations Judge, People Blessed

God controls the destiny of nations and He will be the judge.  On that terrible day it will be too late to decide to follow God.  The time for the decision to follow Him, is NOW!  There will be no escape.  God will restore Judah and Jerusalem and He will judge the nations who were against them.  (Joel 3:17, Rev. 11:8).  Then God will bless His people and Jerusalem will be holy and never again be invaded.  (Joel 3:17-21).  This will be the Millennial Reign referred to in Revelation. 

Principle:  God controls the destiny of people and nations.

2 Peter 3 – Be Prepared

Peter reminds us that “the day of the Lord” is coming and we should have wholesome thinking and remember the words of the past holy prophets and the command given by our Savior.  When that day comes, there will be scoffers - people who mock Christianity.  They will insult and criticize believers.  This is happening now, but we are to make every effort to be found spotless and blameless and at peace with God so when the day of the Lord comes we will be ready.  We don’t know when Jesus will return.  It could be today or next week.  God’s timing is not our timing.  “… With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.  The Lord is not slow in keeping is promise, as some understand slowness.  He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.”2 Peter 3:8-9. 

God created time and is not limited by it.  Earth’s time is limited and God governs the schedule.  He is waiting for more people to repent, but He won’t wait forever.  He has defined a day when His final judgment will come to the earth.  The time is near.   If a 1,000 years is like a day to God then Jesus has been gone only 2 days.  That’s something to think about.

2 Peter 3:10-13 tells us the Lord will come like a thief; we won’t know when He’s coming.  So until then we ought to live holy and godly lives in preparation of His coming.

Principle:  We are to stay prepared because we don’t know when Jesus will return.

Join me next week as we continue our study in Revelation 6.  I encourage you to trust in Jesus.


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Saturday, November 16, 2024

Revelation 5 – Lesson 10


Revelation 5 – The Scroll and the Lamb

In this chapter we see the scroll with 7 seals that no one could open until the Lion of Judah, the Lamb came and was worthy to open them.  The four living creatures and the elders sang in a loud voice.  “Worthy is the lamb, who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise!”Rev. 5:12.   

John saw a scroll with writings on both sides and sealed with 7 seals.  The writing on both sides means it is complete with nothing left out and there is nothing to be added to it.  A strong angel (some translations say a mighty angel) said no one was worthy to open the scroll.  These strong angels are mentioned 3 times in Revelation.  These angels are not identified; they are special and proclaim God’s revelation.  God could not open it, because He had given the right to Jesus due to His sacrifice and perfect righteousness, making Him the only one qualified to reveal the mysteries contained within the sealed book.  Jesus was the only one who satisfied the justice of God.

John reacted by weeping and weeping, because he seemed to know the importance of this scroll.  John felt hopeless, but God never leaves us hopeless.  Then an elder told John to stop weeping, because the Lion of Judah, the Root of David has overcome and He could open it.  That was Jesus, the Messiah who was foretold in Genesis 49:9-10 and Samuel 7:8-16 and others books in the Old Testament.  Only Jesus, David’s rightful descendant and heir to the throne of Israel was entitled to open the scroll.  He had achieved the victory over sin and gained the right to open the scroll and loose its seven seals.  Only He had the moral authority.

Then John saw a Lamb standing there as if slain meaning He was slain, but now is alive.  He had 7 horns and 7 eyes, which are the 7 Spirits of God.  The Horns indicate great power.  The eyes show He knows everything and nothing is hidden from Him.  The 7 Spirits show His completeness, the Trinity.  The Lamb was slain as a sacrifice for our sins.

The Lamb took the scroll from the One sitting on the throne who is God.  The Lamb is worthy of worship.  This Lamb is Jesus. 

The creatures and elders responded by falling down and worshiping the Lamb.  They had with them harps and golden bowls of incense, which are the prayers of the saints.  Then they sang a new song, “You are worthy, to take the scroll and open its seals, because you were slain and with your blood you purchased men for God from every tribe and language and people and nation.  You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God, and they will reign on the earth.”Rev. 5:9-10. 

He was the only one worthy to open the scroll and the song tells just why He was worthy:

He is the Lamb who had been slain. 
He died on a cross for the sins of us all. 
Now He lives.
His death provides a ransom for His people. 
He bought us freedom from the power of sin.
He makes His people into a kingdom and priests who serve God here on earth.

Then John saw thousands and thousands of angels around the throne and together with the creatures and elders they sang a song of praise.  “Worthy is the lamb, who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise!”Rev. 5:12.  You will notice in this verse there are 7 qualities indicating perfection.  Then every creature in heaven and on earth sang, “To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honor and glory and power, for ever and ever!” Rev. 5:13.

Wow!  You see a lot of worshiping going on and if anyone deserves it, it is Jesus.  All I can say is WOW!

Principle:  The Lamb Jesus is worthy of our praise and worship.

Join me next week as we continue our study.  --- I encourage you to trust in Jesus.


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Sunday, November 10, 2024

Revelation 4 – Lesson 9

Revelation 4 – The Heavenly Throne

In our studies of Revelation so far we saw that John wrote to the 7 churches as directed by Jesus.  He was told to write the things he saw, what is now, and what will take place later.  The letters to the churches are what is now.  Now John is shown the heavenly throne in Revelation 4.  This is the start of visions shown to John starting with a description of heaven, including the throne, elders, creatures, and what they are doing.

John was given an invitation regarding the open door.  He heard a voice calling him to come up to heaven so he could be shown what will take place next.  John enters heaven and was in the Spirit - meaning he was in a vision.  He described what he saw.  John saw God sitting on His heavenly throne.  God is the King of all kings and is the One with all power.  He is the One who controls all of history in heaven and on earth.  He has the end of history planned and He shows John what will happen. 

The throne is in the center of heaven and all of heaven looked to the throne and all worshiped God.  God seems to not have a physical body, but one as a bright light shining through precious stones, which showed His glory.   Before the throne he described the floor of God’s throne room as a sea of glass. (Rev. 4:1-3)  This was only John’s impression as he was probably unable to really find words to describe what he saw.  Can you image?  I don’t think we could describe it either.  I am sure he was in awe of God’s glory.

In these first verses we can see the Trinity.  I see the door as being Jesus, the One on the throne of course as God and the 7 lamps of fire as the Holy Spirit.

Around the throne were 24 elders on 24 thrones.  These are heavenly beings who serve and worship God.  Some say these are the 12 patriarchs of Israel (the 12 sons of Jacob) and the 12 disciples of Jesus, but we really don’t know exactly who they are.  They wore white clothes and crowns.  I believe the white clothes mean that are clean from any sin and symbolized their purity and victory in Christ.  Their crowns show they are royalty.  (Rev. 4:4)  All believers are promised white garment of righteousness and crowns of royalty. 

There was lightning and thunder indicating the power of God.  This is the sound of God’s judgment.  God is beautiful yet terrifying at the same time.  There were 7 lamps of fire which represent the Holy Spirit.  He appears as fire in other places in the Bible.  The number 7 means perfection or completeness. (Rev. 4:5-6a).

Other prophets received a vision of heaven:

Exodus 24:9-11 – Moses, Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu saw under God’s feet was sapphire clear as the sky.
Isaiah 6:1-7 – Isaiah saw the Lord on the throne, above were seraphs calling out holy, holy, holy.
Ezekiel 1 – Ezekiel saw the Lord with flashing lighting and a brilliant light and in the center was fire that looked like 4 living creatures.

In the center around the throne were 4 living creatures - a lion, an ox, one with a face one like a man, and an eagle.  They were possibly located in four directions: north, east, south, and west.  This shows that they were strong like a lion, full of power like an ox, wise like a wise man, and fast like a flying eagle.  Each had eyes in front and back and 6 wings.  The eyes could mean they could see everything.  Nothing was hidden from them.  The wings could mean they had speed when obeying GodThese creatures represent the entire created order of animals and mankind.  The creatures constantly praised and gave glory, honor and thanks to the Lord saying, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come.”Rev. 4:6b-8  They express praises of the holy, powerful, and eternal nature of God.

What do these words really mean? 

Holy, holy, holy  - God is perfect and without flaws.  Every part of God’s nature is holy.
Lord God Almighty – God is in control and has His hand in everything.  It shows His power and authority over all.
Who is, and is and is to come - God has always existed and will always exist.  He is active and present.

What is means to give praise to God is we lift Him up.  We appreciate what He has done.  We acknowledge how wonderful and worthy He is.  We worship by acknowledging Him, by worshipping, by our gratitude, by recognizing and submitting to His authority, by repenting of sin and following His Word.  He is the object of true worship in heaven and it should be here on earth for us as well.  He is worthy of our worship.

When the creatures praised God, the elders would fall down before the throne and worship the Lord, because He is the supreme Ruler, the King of Kings and Creator of all things.  They lay their crowns before the throne.  This is an act of honor and respectfully acknowledges God is the source and authority over everything we have.  He is the giver of every gift.  Crowns will be given to the faithful and we will lay our crowns at His feet, because all our rewards come from Him.  No one else, not any king or anyone is worthy of such honor and praise as God.  The job of these elders was to solely give praises to God.  “You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being.”Rev. 4:11.

Can you image standing before the throne a seeing and worshiping the one true living God?  One day we will be right there in heaven before His throne.  Oh, what a day of glorious worship that will be!  Wait until you see Him!  We will be like the elders and creatures and never tire of giving Him praise.  That will be our job to worship Him.

Principle:  Our Creator God is worthy of all honor, glory and worship.

Next week we will study Revelation 5 where John’s vision continues. –  I encourage you to trust in Jesus.


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Saturday, November 2, 2024

Revelation (Daniel) – Lesson 8


Daniel 1 – Daniel’s Faithfulness

In the 3rd year of the reign of Jehoiakim king of Judah, Jerusalem was taken captive by Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon.  God allowed the people to be delivered into Babylon’s hands along with some of the articles from the temple.  King Nebuchadnezzar chose the brightest young men from the Israelite families to serve in his palace.  Among them were Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah.  They were given new names.  Daniel given the name Belteshazzar; Hananiah was given Shadrach; Mishael was given Meshach; Azariah was given Abednego. (Dan. 1-7)  Daniel was a teenager, about 17 years old.

Daniel faced challenges.  He didn’t want to defile himself with the king’s rich food and wine so he asked the guard if they would eat only vegetables and water.  He ask to let them do this for 10 days and then compare their appearance with the others who at the rich food.  The guard agreed.  At the end of the ten days Daniel and his friends looked healthier that the others.  Since they were so faithful to God by not defiling themselves, God blessed the four and gave them knowledge and understanding of all kinds of literature and learning.  Daniel was able to understand dreams and visions.  The king was pleased and they entered into the service of the king. (Dan. 8-21)

Daniel’s life changed when he was captured, because God had a bigger purpose for him.  The king tried to change Daniel and his friend’s thinking and make them citizens of Babylon, but God’s kingdom is in every location and in every person.  Whether you believe Him or not, He is the ruler of all.  As Creator, He rules all things.  Daniel shows us what it’s like to be in the kingdom of God.  As we submit and obey Him, we are expanding His kingdom on earth.  God’s kingdom is here and now and also in the future.  God is in charge.

I am sure it was very hard to resist the charms of Babylon.  Babylon was all about self.  It was a philosophy, an attitude, and all about indulgent choices.  It was about beauty and self-absorption.  We live in a Babylonian time.  We are surrounded by a Babylon of our own.  In this day and time the world is all about ME.  As a nation we believe in luxury, culture, education and beauty.  We have everything, yet we are still not happy and satisfied.  Daniel and his friends resisted Babylon’s poisonous harms.  They are great examples for us to resist our Babylon.

Principle:  God is Creator and ruler of all things; God is in charge.

Daniel 2 – Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream

King Nebuchadnezzar had a disturbing dream.  He called on all his magicians, enchanters, sorcerers and astrologers to tell him what he dreamed and what it meant.  If they couldn’t, he would have them cut into pieces.  Then the astrologers remember Daniel who could interpret dreams so they call upon him.  Daniel and his friends prayed that God would reveal the dream and that night God did just that.  God revealed to Daniel the mystery of the dream.  Daniel was faithful to God and God was faithful to Daniel.  Daniel told the king what his dream was and what it meant.  He praised God for His wisdom, power, knowledge and for revealing to Daniel the meaning of the dream.  Daniel didn’t take credit for his wisdom, but told the king that the God in heaven is the one who reveals mysteries. (Dan. 2:1-28)

The dream was of an enormous statue.  The head was made of pure gold.  The chest and arms were silver.  Its belly and thighs were bronze.  Its legs were iron and its feet were part iron and baked clay.  Then a rock was cut out not by human hands, struck the statue’s feet and smashed them.  Then the rest of the status was broken into pieces.  The broken pieces were swept away without leaving a trace.  Then the rock became a huge mountain and filled the whole earth. (Dan. 2:31-45)

Each of the parts of the statue represents a world empire: 

The head was Babylon - historical fulfillment in 626-539 B.C.

The chest and arms was the Medo-Persian Empire – historical fulfillment 539-331 B.C.

The belly and thighs were the Greek Empire – historical fulfillment 331-63 B.C.

The legs were the Roman Empire – historical fulfillment 63 B.C. – A.D. 476.

The feet could be the outgrowth of the divided Roman Empire.  The toes and feet may represent a political system yet to come.  The ten horns foretell a ten kingdom confederacy that will operate jointly at the time of Christ’s return.  (Dan. 7:7, 24; Rev. 13:1; 17:12) 

The rock represents the kingdom of the Messiah, which will fill the whole earth.

History has proven Daniel’s interpretation.  We learn about God’s relationship to earthly kingdoms and rulers.  Dan. 2:29-45 tell us that earthly kingdoms come and go, but the Kingdom of God will last forever.  It will NEVER be destroyed.

Principle:  Earthly kingdoms come and go, but the Kingdom of God will last forever.

Daniel 6 – Daniel in the Lion’s Den

God continued to bless Daniel.  He was put in charge of all the king’s wise men.  He had distinguished himself among the administrators and satraps.  They became jealous of Daniel, but couldn’t find a way to discredit him.  Then they came up with a plan.  They told the king that he should order everyone to pray only to the king and not to other gods or they would be thrown to the lions.  I am sure this flattered the king so he agreed.  They knew this would finally be the end of Daniel, because they knew he would pray to God.

This didn’t stop Daniel.  He continued to pray 3 times a day to God with his windows open.  Of course he was found out and put into the lion’s den.  We all know the end of this story.  God saved Daniel.   Daniel said, “My God sent his angel, and he shut the mouths of the lions.”  Dan. 6:21.

Dan. 6:24-28 – The men who falsely accused Daniel were thrown into the lions’ den along with their families and were overpowered by the lions.

Daniel was loyal to God and was spared.  His faith should be an encouragement to us when we face difficult choices.  But loyalty to God’s kingdom often comes at a personal cost.  He doesn’t always rescue us when persecuted.  Sometimes rescue comes with suffering or even death.  With death we are rescued from this world then we can be with Him in heaven.

Principle:  God continues to bless those who are faithful to Him.

Daniel 7 – Daniel Prophesied

Now Daniel was about 68 years old and he himself had a dream.  In his dream he saw 4 heavenly winds churning up the sea and 4 great beasts came up out of the sea.  The first was like a lion with wings of an eagle.  The second was like a bear.  The third was like a leopard with 4 heads and was given authority to rule.  The fourth beast had 4 horns and was frightening and very powerful.  Daniel then saw a little horn that came up among the others.  This horn had eyes like a man and a mouth that spoke boastfully.  (Dan. 7:1-8)

Verse 17 interprets the sea to be symbolic to the earth and the 4 beast to be 4 earthly kingdoms.  We saw these kingdoms in chapter 2 in the form of the statue.

Then Daniel saw a vision.  He saw the Ancient of Days (God) seated on His throne.  He was clothed in white and had hair like white wool.  The throne was blazing with fire.  There was a river of fire coming out from the throne.  Thousands attended Him.  The court was seated and the books were opened.  This is the Great White Throne Judgment and the books are considered to be the book of deeds.  God is about to judge the little horn, which is the Anti-Christ.  See Rev. 20.

This gives us great confidence in God and His dominion over all the earth.  God is in control and in charge and there is nothing or no one greater or more powerful.

Then Daniel saw the judgment of the beasts and little horn (Anti-Christ).  (Dan. 7:11-12)  Then he saw one like a son of man (Jesus) coming in the clouds.  The Ancient of Days gave him authority, glory and sovereign power over all people and nations.   All men worshiped Him and His dominion is everlasting and will never be destroyed.  (Dan. 7:13-14)

Daniel said he was deeply troubled by what he saw.  (Dan. 7:15; 28)  Does this trouble you or does it give you hope and encouragement?  I have mixed feelings here.  I am saddened that there will be those who will suffer, but encouraged that God is in charge and He will win in the end.

Principle:  God is in control and there is nothing or no one greater or more powerful.

Next week we will study Revelation 4 – The Heavenly Throne Room.  – I encourage you to trust in Jesus.


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