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Showing posts with label BSF. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Deuteronomy 27 – 30 The Life of Moses

Last week we saw that Israel was ready to enter the Promise Land.  God through Moses addressed the people.  He reviewed what God had done for them and reminded them of His laws.  The people who heard the laws the first time had mostly passed away and now there was a new generation who needed to hear God’s truths. 

Deuteronomy 27:1-8 – God’s Word 

As Israel prepared to cross the Jordan River into the Promise Land, Moses finished reviewing the law and now was charging the people to keep it.  God told Moses and the elders once they crossed the Jordan to find large stones and coat them with plaster and write on them God’s law.  They were to take these stones to Mt. Ebal.  Then they were to also build an altar there.  They would be setting up a new government in a new land and needed these laws constantly before them.  They need to see them as a reminder.  They didn’t have the Bible like we do, but they would have the law on stones to refer to. 

Principle:  God wants His Word published and known, but the enemy wants it hidden.

Do you turn to the Bible for God’s guidance and direction?

The altar was to be made with uncut stones (fieldstones) without any added human workmanship.  It was to be used for burnt and fellowship offerings sacrificed to God.  (Deut. 27:1-8)  Uncut stones without any human workmanship added shows that we can’t add anything to our salvation.  We can’t add or do anything, because salvation is by grace.  Jesus did all the work on the cross.  Sin brings judgment and is punished by death.  They sacrificed innocent animals, but this kind of sacrifice couldn’t really take away the punishment for sin.  Their sacrifices point to the only perfect and innocent sacrifice, Jesus Christ.  Only He can take away our sin.

Deuteronomy 27:9-28:1-68 – Blessings and Curses

When they entered the land, they were to have a special assembly to read the curses and blessings.  Six tribes were to stand on Mount Ebal and the other six tribes were to stand on Mount Gerizim.  These mountains were twin facing which enclosed a natural amphitheater so everyone would be able to hear the Levites speak.  The Levites on Mt. Gerizim were to shout the blessings for all those who obeyed.  On Mt. Ebal the Levites were to shout the curses upon those who broke God’s laws.  Then the people on both sides would say “amen” indicating they agreed, their intent to obey, and that they acknowledged the benefits of following the laws as well as the consequences for disobeying them.

This is like it will be someday.  Similar things will happen.  There will be two sides – those who don’t know Jesus as Savior and those who do know Him as Savior.  On that day everyone will acknowledge that Jesus is Lord regardless of which side they chose.  “…at the name of Jesus every knee will bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”Phil. 2:10-11.

Which side will you be on?
Have you acknowledged Jesus as Lord of your life?

If the people fully obeyed the Word of God, He would give them huge blessings.  They would be unbeatable as a nation.  They would be prosperous in their crops and in their families.  All they had to do was follow His commands and not follow other gods.  (Deut. 28:1-14)  He didn’t bless them because they deserved it, but gave blessings only if they obeyed Him.  They were not to seek blessings, but to seek God, then the blessing would come.

God wants to bless us, not curse us.  We don’t have the same blessings God gave to Israel did, but it’s true today.  Sometimes disobedience brings consequences and sometimes obedience brings material and physical blessings.  Our sin brings curses on us.  Our biggest blessing is God Himself, because of His loves for us.  His blessings to us will get the attention of others.  (Deut. 28:10)  Our obedience impacts us and how others view us.  People are watching us and watching our faith.  We set the example whether it’s good or bad, even when we don’t realize it.

How has God blessed you?
How have you shown others that you are obedient?
Do others see as a faithful follower or a hypocrite?

Now here come the curses for disobedience.  You will notice there are more curses mentioned than blessings.  Warnings may have more effect than when blessings are promised.  If the people didn’t obey His Word, God would consider them as having forsaken Him.  Instead of blessings they would receive curses.  They would be continually defeated as a nation.  They would have diseases, plagues, drought, be oppressed, and robbed with no one to rescue them.  Their crops and families would fail.  This was all because they didn’t obey God and observe His commands.  Curses will come upon them, “Because you did not serve the Lord your God joyfully and gladly in the time of prosperity, therefore in hunger and thirst, in nakedness and dire poverty, you will serve the enemies the Lord sends against you.  He will put an iron yoke on your neck until he has destroyed you.”Deut. 28:47-48. 

What warning do you see in these verses for yourself?
What area in your life do you need God’s help to obey Him?

Principle:  Obedience to God’s Word brings life and blessings, but disobedience brings death and disaster.

Deuteronomy 29 – Renewal of the Covenant

Moses reminded the people of what God did to Pharaoh and to the land with miraculous signs and wonders when they were in Egypt.  He reminded them of how He led them for 40 years in the desert while providing them with food and clothes.  He urged them to be faithful to God.  God helped them defeat nations and gave them the land He promised.  As all the people were there in front of God, Moses reminded them of the covenant and promise God made with Abraham, which was confirmed that day.  This covenant was also with those who hadn’t been born yet.  Each generation needed to accept the covenant for themselves.  (Deut. 29:1-8)

Principle:  There’s nothing higher or more satisfying than in a covenant relationship with God.

Moses told of what would happen to Israel in the future.  They would be removed from their land and it would be all because the people abandoned the covenant of the Lord.  They would worship other gods and the Lord’s anger would burn against them.  He would send great wrath upon them and they would be uprooted from their land.  (Deut. 29:9-28) 

The future is only known by God.  God doesn’t reveal everything to us.  “The secret things belong to the Lord our God….”Deut. 29:29.  The Bible is sufficient for all our spiritual needs.  All we have to do is follow it and trust Him for the future.

Deuteronomy 30 – Repent and Choose Life

Moses ended with a message of hope.  He urged them to obey.  Moses knew they would rebel, but he also assured them that they would return to God and to their land and they would be blessed again having more than they had before.  When the people turn back to God and obey Him with all their hearts and soul, then the Lord will restore their fortunes.  This turning is called repentance.

Principle:  God can restore the repented heart.

Moses told them to choose life.  It’s a simple choice.  It was a choice to live or die.  It was a choice between good and evil things.  Obey God’s commands and live or reject Him and perish eternally.  Moses told them it was not too difficult or beyond their reach.  They are to simply choose to love God, listen to His voice, and hold fast to Him.  “This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses.  Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the Lord your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him…” Deut. 30:19-20

We have the same choice today.  It’s all up to you, too.  Believing or refusing to believe is a matter of life and death.  Do you want to live or die?  “The word is near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart, that is, the word of faith we are proclaiming;  That if you confess with your mouth, Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.  For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.”Rom. 10:8-10.

What choice have you made?  Have you made a firm choice for God?  Your choice is your destiny.

Principle:  A choice for God and His ways is necessary for eternal life.

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Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Numbers 21 - The Life of Moses

Last week we learned the death of Miriam, Moses’ sister and the death of Aaron, Moses’ brother.  We saw how God made Aaron’s son, Eleazor the new high priest to take Aaron’s place.  There was to always be a high priest.  This was essential and anticipates the coming of the only true high priest, Jesus.

Numbers 21:1-3 – The Vow to God

The Israelites needed to conquer the country of Canaan before they could occupy it as their Promised Land.  This took them about 7 years.  There were several kings who ruled their territories within the country.   The Lord delivered these Canaanite territories into the hands of Israel.

The first victory was at Arad.  The king of Arad heard about the Israelites and attacked them as they traveled and captured some of the people.  The Israelites didn’t try to free the captives.  Instead they went to God.  Finally they took their concerns and problems to God.  They made a vow to God saying, “If you will deliver these people into our hands, we will totally destroy their cities.” - Num 21:2.  God listened and gave the Canaanites over to Israel.  So they completely destroyed them and their cities.

What promise have you made to God?
Do you depend on Him to keep His promises?
When should you have depended on God, but did not?
What were the results?

God is faithful and keeps His promises.
Trust and dependency on God results in victory.

Numbers 21:4-20 – The Bronze Snake

They continued to travel around Edom.  Remember in our last lesson Edom wouldn’t let them pass through their land.  The Israelites didn’t want to fight with them because they were relatives.  Also God had instructed them not to make war with them.  Now, Israel became impatient since their travels were taking longer than they expected so they began to complain again.  They complained against God and Moses about having no bread and no water.  (Num. 21:4-5)

Impatience usually brings trouble.  The fruit of the Spirit is patience.  God wants us to slow down and grow at His pace, not ours.  We are to “wait on the Lord”.  God provided daily manna and water for the Israelites.  Jesus gives us the water that gives life.  In the Bible water is a symbol of the Holy Spirit.  Everyone who believes in Jesus receives the Holy Spirit that guides us in the way we are to live.

God had provided all they needed, but they weren’t grateful for it.  They rejected God’s blessing of manna.  So God punished them by sending poisonous snakes.  The snakes bit some of the people and many died.  The people then came to Moses and confessed their sin and asked him to pray for God to take the snakes away.  Faithful Moses again interceded for the people.

When has your impatience and complaining led you to sin? 
Are you grateful for how God has provided for you?
How do you show that gratitude?

Impatience can lead to sin.
God provides all we need.

God did not remove the snakes.  Instead he told Moses to make a bronze snake and put it up on a pole so when those who were bitten looked on it, they would live.  In John 3:14 Jesus referred to this when talking about His death.  “Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the desert, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life.  For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal.”     

I am sure Moses didn’t understand why God told him to make a bronze snake.  God commanded the people not to make images.  Wasn’t a snake associated with Satan?  The snake was the cause of Adam and Eve’s fall in Genesis and sin entered the world.  A serpent is a symbol of sin and evil.  Moses was to lift the serpent or sin on a pole and all who had been bitten by sin would not die.  All the world has been bitten by sin and every person is dying.  “For the wages of sin is death ...”Rom. 6:23.  God didn’t remove the snakes, and He doesn’t remove sin from the world.  Instead He provided a way to cure every person of sin.  All we have to do is to look at the cross and believe Jesus died on our behalf.  Sin is like a serpent’s bite.  It is deadly poison within us.  We can’t heal ourselves.  We can only be healed by the blood of Jesus.

Principle:  Look on Jesus to save you and give you eternal life.

Have you realized that you have been bitten by the deadly snake of sin?
When you look at the cross, what do you see?
What do you believe about Jesus?
Have you let Jesus heal you of your sin?
Do you believe he died for you?

Numbers 21:21-35 – The Victory Over Sihon and Og

The Israelites continued on their journey to the Promised Land and came to the territory of the Amorites.  They sent messages to Sihon, the king of the Amorites asking him if they could pass through the land.  Sihon would not let them and sent his entire army out into the desert against Israel.  They fought and Israel won.  They captured all the cities and the surrounding settlements.  Israel then settled their in the land.  They also defeated the Amorites in the city of Jazer.  This battle would be important.  God would use this victory to shake up Israel’s future enemies.

Then they traveled toward Bashan and king Og marched out to battle with them.  Og was a giant, but God was bigger.  God told Israel not to be afraid and that He had handed him over to them.  King Og and his army were defeated leaving no survivors.   They took possession of his land. 

What fear do you face?  We should not be afraid, because God loves us and in on our side.  He is much bigger than our enemies.  “… If God is for us, who can be against us?” Rom 8:31

God uses victories in our past to build and prepare us for future battles.
You can rely on God for spiritual victories.

When have you ever been attacked for no reason?
How has God come to your rescue?

All this destroying and killing may sound harsh, but today we don’t think it’s wrong to kill innocent unborn babies.  Remember the Promised Land belonged to God before the Canaanites established residency there.  It was God’s plan to give this land to Abraham’s descendants. “In the fourth generation your descendants will come back here.” - Gen. 15:16.  The Canaanites were wicked and rebellious people.  They worship gods with crude sexual practices and human sacrifices.  So God used the Israelites to bring His judgment on them.  Also God didn’t want the Israelites to be influenced by this sinful Canaanite civilization.

Was it fair for the Canaanites to be destroyed?  If God were fair, none of us could see His perfect heaven someday.  We are all Canaanites in some way, but because of Jesus our sins have been forgiven.  Thank God that he is not fair.

Note:  The Book of the Wars of the Lord mentioned in verses 14-16 is a collection of odes of the time of Moses containing the early history of Israel’s battles.  It probably contained stories, songs, and poems about war.  We don’t have any copies of this book today.

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Tuesday, February 3, 2015

BSF Numbers 1-10 The Life of Moses

(My BSF Notes)

Last time we finished up the book of Leviticus.  We learned about the Sabbath Year where Israel is to work the land for 6 years and let the land rest every 7th year so it would be restored and rejuvenated.  We also learned about the Year of Jubilee.  Its purpose was redemption of the land and of the slaves.  We also learned that God rewards obedience and punishes disobedience.

Numbers 1-4 – The Census

The Lord told Moses a census was to be taken of all the people by clans and families and that every name was to be listed.  Moses and Aaron were to number by their divisions of all men who where 20 years old or more who were able to serve in the army.  One man from each family who was the head of his family should assist them.  When all were counted, there were 603,550 total. (Num. 1:1-43)  I am sure with all the mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, and the Levites there were over 2-3 million people counted in all.

The purpose of the census was to set up an army to protect the Israelites.  It also showed that God was faithful and had kept His promise to make them numerous and a great nation.  They started out with 70 and now there were over 2 million.

The families of the tribe of Levi were not counted, but were appointed to be in charge of the tabernacle and all its furnishings and accessories.  When the tabernacle moved, they were to put up and take it down.  They did just as the Lord commanded.  (Num. 1:47-54) 

The Lord told Moses and Aaron to arrange the camps around the Tent of Meeting and the Levites would set the Tent of Meeting in the middle of the camps.  They did just as the Lord commanded. (Num. 2)  This put God who dwelled in the Tent of Meeting at the center of the camps making Him the center of their lives.  God wants us to put Him in the center of our lives, too.  It also protected the Tent of Meeting from enemies.  

What is central in your life?  Is it work, family, self?

Num. 3-4 is the account of the family of Aaron and Moses who served as priests.  As we learned earlier Aaron and his sons were appointed priests.  His 2 sons Nadab and Abihu were killed by God because they disobeyed God by offering an unauthorized offering.  Now there are only 2 sons left, Eleazar and Ithamar.  The Lord told Moses to bring the tribe of Levi to Aaron to assist him.  Remember when the people were worshiping the golden calf and the tribe of Levi rallied around Moses and obeyed by killing those who were disobedient?  At that time they were set-apart, because they obeyed.
The Lord told Moses and Aaron to take a census of the Kohathite branch of the Levites.  They were to count all the men from 30 to 50 years of age to come to serve in the work of the Tent of Meeting.  They were to care of the most holy things in the Tent. (Num. 4:1-20).  Then they were to count the tribe of the Gershonites and count all men from 30-50 years of age.  These men were to carry the curtains of the tabernacle, the Tent of Meeting, its covering and the outer covering, the curtains at the entrance, the curtains of the courtyard, the curtain for the entrance, the ropes and all the equipment used in service. (Num. 4:21-28).  The Merarites were also to be counted.  They counted all men 30-50 years of age to carry the frames of the tabernacle, its crossbars, posts and bases, the posts surrounding the courtyard with their bases, tent pegs, ropes, and all the equipment. (Num 4:29-33).

All these tribes were counted just as the Lord commanded.  I am sure that these men were very honored to be serving the Lord and so should we.  They were willing and I am sure it was a privilege to serve.  Everyone likes to be needed.  It makes us not only feel needed by God, but closer to Him.  It is a privilege to serve God.  It is a type of worship.

How are you serving God?
Do you feel honored to serve Him?

Principle:  God calls us to put Him in the center of our lives.

Numbers 5-6 – The Purifying

The Lord told Moses to purify the camp in 3 ways:
Send away anyone who had infectious skin diseases or discharge of any kind, or who was ceremonially unclean because of a dead body.  (Num. 5:1-4).
When someone wrongs another, he must confess the sin and make full restitution and add 1/5 to it and give to the person he has wronged.  (Num. 5:5-10).
If a man’s wife is unfaithful or if he suspects she is unfaithful or he is jealous, he is to take her to the priest who will perform a ceremony over her.  If she is guilty, she will be cursed and will not be able to have children.  If she is not guilty, she will be cleared of guilt and will be able to have children.  (Num. 5:11-31).

It is important for these things to be done.  It protected the family and community.  It was important to have a pure heart to be in a right relationship with God and with others. 

How has God purified your heart?
Is there something in your heart that needs to be changed?

Num. 6 is about someone who wants to make a vow of separation to the Lord.  He is called a Nazirite.  He must not drink alcohol, not shave or cut his hair, and not go near dead bodies.  He must dedicate himself to the Lord for a period and must bring a guilt offering.  When this period of separation is over, he is brought to the Tent of Meeting with a sin offering and must shave off his hair.  Then he is free to drink wine.

When the Nazirite took their vow separation to the Lord, they looked different.  We as Christians should look different to the world.  We need to be a testimony to God by the way we live, the way we speak and the way we act.

Have you dedicated yourself to the Lord?
In what ways have you set yourself apart?

God told Moses to tell Aaron to bless the people in Num. 6:24-26.  I love this blessing.  I think we all are familiar with it.

“The Lord bless you and keep you;
The Lord make his face shine upon you
and be gracious to you;
The Lord turn his face toward you
and give you peace.”

Principle:  God calls us to have a pure heart and to be set apart for Him.

Numbers 7-8 – The Offerings

The leaders of the Israelite families made offerings and brought their gifts to the Lord as a dedication of the tabernacle.  Each day a tribe brought offering.  There were 12 tribes so this was done for 12 days. (Num. 7).  They gave their best and did not give impulsive.  When we give to the Lord, we need to give our best.

The Lord instructed Moses and Aaron how to set up the lampstands in the tabernacle. (Num. 8:1-4).  Then they were to set apart the Levites and make them ceremonially clean.  They did just as the Lord commanded.  They were to take part in the work of the Tent of Meeting, but at the age of 50, they must retire.  They could then assist, but not do the work themselves. (Num. 8:5-26).

How do you support your church and its ministries?
How consistently do you give tithes and offerings to your church?
Do you serve in your church or do you leave it up to others?

Principle:  God is pleased when we bring our gifts and offerings to Him.

Numbers 9-10 – The Celebration

God told Moses to have the Israelites celebrate the Passover before leaving Sinai.  This was 1 year since the last Passover.  The 1st was when they left Egypt.  It was to be celebrated on the 1st month of the 2nd year after they came out of Egypt.  They were to celebrate at twilight on the 14th day in accordance with all its rules and regulations.  Some could not celebrate on that day if they had come in contact with a dead body.  They were considered ceremonially unclean.  The Lord said they could still celebrate the Passover, but in the 2nd month, on the 14th day at twilight.  And alien living among them could also celebrate, but must obey the same regulations.  (Num. 9:1-14). 

How eager are you to worship fully at your church?

The cloud of the Lord continued to lead the Israelites by covering the tabernacle.  At night it looked like fire.  When the cloud lifted, the Israelites would set out and when the cloud settled, they would camp.  They obeyed the Lord and only moved when the cloud moved.  (Num. 9:15-23).

Trumpets sounded as communication for the Israelites.  With 1 sound of the trumpet, the leaders assembled before Moses.  When 2 sounded, the whole community assembles before the entrance of the Tent.  It was also used as a signal for setting out again on their journey to the Promise Land.

God guides us today.  We don’t see a cloud, but He goes before us protecting and guiding us through the Holy Spirit.  We need to be led by God’s Spirit and not go out on our own.  We don’t actually hear a trumpet, but we do hear God speak to us through sermons and through His Word as well as the Holy Spirit.

Principle:  God is always there to guide, protect, and provide for His people.

Do you trust God to move when He says move?
How do you celebrate what God has done for you?

There are many lessons to be learned in this study.  More than you would think.  Here are only a few:   God has a plan.  He is a God of order.  He is a God of relationships.  He knows all of us by name.  We have the assurance of His presence.  He is holy.  We are His offspring.  He is gracious and led the Israelites with a cloud.  He leads and guides us by His Spirit.  Everyone individual is important, because He created you.  When we give to Him, we need to give our best.

How does time you spend with Him show He is the center of your life?
How motivated are you to love and share Him with others?

Glorifying God is living set apart for Him.  What do you need to set aside to enjoy a greater fellowship with Him?
How in tune are you with the Holy Spirit?

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