Thursday, September 3, 2020

Pro-Life vs. Pro-Choice



First of all just what is abortion?  Abortion means the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy.  Abortion is a huge topic these days.  It can be a personal or a political issue, but it’s a moral question.  This topic is a sensitive subject and can quickly divide people. 

Babies are aborted in many ways.  There’s the abortion pill, the morning-after pill, the intra-uterine device, vacuum aspiration abortion, dilatation and evacuation, dilatation and curettage, and partial birth abortion.   It’s a quick fix for unwanted babies and is accepted by the world’s standards, but that’s not God’s standard.  God creates life.  He is the Author of life.  “your eyes saw my unformed body.  All the days ordained for me were written for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” Psalm 139:16.  “Before the Lord came to me, saying, ‘Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.’” Jeremiah 1:5.  “Before I was born the Lord called me; from my birth he has made mention of my name.”Isaiah 49:1. 

Children are a gift from God.  “Sons are a heritage from the Lord, children a reward from him.  Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are sons born in one’s youth.” -  Psalm 127:3-4.  God opens and closes the womb.  He decides when life begins and ends.  “Do I bring the moment of birth and not give delivery?’ says the Lord.  ‘Do I close up the womb when I bring to delivery?’ says your God.”Isaiah 66:9. 

The argument for most people is when does life begin and why does it matter?  Some states legalize abortion up to the time of birth.  They say it’s a woman’s body and she should be able to do what she wants, but really it’s not.  It’s the baby’s body and it has the right to live.  The woman made her choice when she had sex (with the exception of rape and only 1% is due to rape).  It’s really funny and doesn’t make sense that if a pregnant woman is in a car accident and the baby she is caring is killed the person causing accident can be charged with murder.  This makes no sense.  Either it’s a baby or it’s not.  You can’t have it both ways.

Abortion is often used when a woman finds herself pregnant, but finds it’s inconvenient   so it's simply unwanted.  There are no unwanted kids.  Lots of couples who can’t get pregnant want to adopt.  Pregnancy is not a mistake.  God makes no mistakes.  We don’t always understand why God brings pregnancy to some and not others.  He is the giver of life.  People are more concerned about life of pets, animals, turtle eggs, etc. than human lives.  The issue should not political.  It’s a moral issue.  People make the choice to have sex.  They know the risk and should be responsible for their choices and the consequences. 

Some say a baby in womb isn’t a person.  Science says when a child is conceived a brand new DNA is formed.  At 6 weeks the heart beats and there are brain functions after 18 weeks.  By 20 weeks and as early at 12 weeks the baby can feel pain.  So when abortion is occurring, the baby feels it all. 

There are two sides to abortion.  On side is called pro-life.  They are against taking the life of the unborn.  The other side in called pro-choice.  They are supporters of abortion rights and think it is acceptable.  The act of abortion has been legal since Roe v. Wade was made law in 1973 establishing that abortion was a constitutional right.  The U. S. Court now possesses 5 t0 4 with the majority opposed to the abortion law.  We may see this law overturned someday soon.

The Abortion Argument:

Pro-Choice -

US Supreme Court has declared abortion to be a right.

Reproduction choice empowers women giving them control over their own bodies.

A person begins after a fetus becomes viable, able to survive outside the womb.

Fetuses are incapable of feeling pain when abortions are performed.

Access to legal professional abortions reduces injury and death caused by unsafe illegal abortions.

Modern abortion procedures are safe and don’t have lasting health issues.

Women who receive abortions are less likely to suffer mental health problems.

Abortion gives women option to choose if baby has abnormalities.

Women denied abortions are likely to be unemployed, be on welfare, be below poverty line, etc.

Abortion protects women from financial disadvantage.

A baby shouldn’t come into the world unwanted.

Abortion reduces welfare costs to taxpayers.

Abortion reduces crime.

Abortion means population control.

Many religious organizations support women’s choice.

Pro-Life -

 Abortion is murder.  Killing of an innocent human being is wrong.

Life begins at conception so unborn babies are human beings with the right to life.

Fetuses feel pain during the abortion procedure.

Abortion is the killing of a human being which defies the Word of God.

Roe v. Wade was wrong and should be overturned.

Abortion cause psychological damage.  The Southern Medical Journal reported that abortions increase risk for depression and 54% likely to commit suicide.  There are symptoms like guilt, anger, anxiety, depression, grief, flashbacks abortion, sexual dysfunction, relationship problems, etc.

Abortions reduce the number of adoptable babies.

Women should not able able to use abortion as a form of contraception.

Women should accept the responsibility that comes with producing a child.

The Hippocratic Oath taken by doctors swears to practice ethically medicine and forbids abortion.

Abortion promotes a culture where human life is disposable.

Abortion conflicts with the unalienable right to life recognized by the Founding Fathers.

Abortion disproportionately affects African American babies.

Abortion eliminates the potential societal contribution of a future human being.

Abortion may lead to future medical problems for the woman.

Abortion Stats

According to the CDC the total number of abortions in the US from 1973 – 2018 is 61.8 million and 186 abortions per 1,000 live births.  In 2018-2019 Planned Parenthood aborted 345,672 babies.  Women who obtained abortions in 2016 were 35% white, 38% black, 18.8% Hispanic, and 8.2% other.  In my opinion Planned Parenthood is the worst thing ever to happen to us.  It’s a holocaust all over again.  Their current annual report reveals that they will continue prioritizing abortions as their other services decline.  Abortions make up 95% of their services.  Not only do they kill babies, but they sell the body parts.  See the video of the sworn testimony on selling baby parts by Dr. Dorothy Frogperson, a Chief Medical Officer of Planned Parenthood.    They are in it for the money.  Their assets are $2 billion. 

Where is the outrage?

If you have had an abortion, it doesn’t mean that people are opposed to you as a person.  Abortion is forgivable.  God offers forgiveness and healing after abortion.  We all have pasts that need to be forgiven.  God is in the business of forgiveness.  If the apostle Paul can be forgiven for killing many, many Christians, He can forgive you of abortion.  There is nothing God wants more than to help you feel His forgiveness.  “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and purify us of all unrighteousness.” – 1 John 1:9.   ‘There, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus…”Romans 8:1.

What can you do to end abortion?  Of course we can never stop praying that this horrible infanticide stops.  Write letters to your Senators and Congressmen.  Support and even donate to organizations that are fighting to overturn abortion laws.  You can help elect competent, high moral thinking people of good character to govern us.  Vote for people who believe that abortion is morally wrong to take the life of a human being.

Join me here next time.  -- I encourage you to trust in Jesus.



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Thursday, August 20, 2020

Psalm 100 – A Song of Thanksgiving


 There are 575 references to praise, singing and music in the Bible.  The book of Psalms in the middle of the Bible and has 150 poems or songs of praise.  Music is often the form where we express our gladness, joy and praise.  From the beginning, music has been an important part of the worship of God.  Today we are looking at Psalm 100.

“Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth.  Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs.”Ps. 100:1-2.  To make a shout for joy is making a loud noise like cheering at a ball game or concert.  We are to be happy and excited.  God wants us to be excited when we worship Him.  We can be so excited that we lift up our hands in praise and worship.  We are to recognize who He is and sing His praises.  He invites us to serve Him and He wants us to be happy about it.  It’s a privilege and duty to worship God.

Are you happy going to church?

Is it just a chore for you?

Do you feel you have freedom to lift up your hands to Him or does it embarrass you?

Do you consider it a privilege to be able to worship in freedom?

We worship in gladness because He is God.  “Know that the Lord is God.  It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.´Ps. 100:3.  We didn’t make ourselves although some call themselves self-made men.  Christians recognize the origin of their being.  It makes sense to be thankful and worship the One responsible for making us and our world.  Nothing and no one else is worthy of worship.  When you think about it, we owe it to God.  Where would we be without Him?  We are His sheep.  Sheep gather around their shepherd who looks after them.  It’s the same for us as we gather around the great Shepherd of mankind who provides and protects us.

“Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.” Ps. 100:4.  We are to come together in His house to praise and worship Him.  Of course we can worship Him in private, but we are to publicly worship God, too.  When we do, we are to be thankful.  There is something very special when fellow believers come together in worship.  It unites us and we become stronger in our faith.  Our praise and thanksgiving should be in our hearts as well as on our tongues.  Be thankful in all circumstances, in the good times and in the bad times.  “Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”1 Thess. 5:16-18.

Do you only praise God when things are going well?

Do others see your praise and thanksgiving as fake?

This Psalm tells us to do 7 things:

Shout to the Lord

Worship the Lord

Come to where the Lord is

Know who the Lord is

Go into the Lord’s house

Thank the Lord for everything

Say good things about the Lord

Why must we do these things?  “For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.”Ps. 100:5.  The Lord is good.  If you are going through difficult times right now, it may not be easy for you to believe He is good.  Satan wants you to doubt God’s goodness so you won’t trust Him.  If you don’t trust Him, you won’t obey Him.

Verse 5 sums up God and His character.  God is always faithful and good.  He is good, gracious, kind, and loving.  He does what He promises.  He is good in His plans, in His grace, in His forgiveness and in everything other thing in life.  He is faithful to us and we should be faithful to Him.  His mercy is everlasting.  He loves us so much that He sent His Son, Jesus to die for our sins.  Do you know anyone else like that?  Do you know anyone else who would take your punishment and die for you when you didn’t deserve it?

Principle:  Our hearts are to be full of praise and thanksgiving for our Creator.

God is willing to meet us anywhere, anyplace and at anytime.  However, we need to come into His presence with a heart and mind that acknowledges we are in the presence of the King.  What a privilege we have to have an audience with the King.  So don’t take Him for granted.

Do you praise God even when you don’t feel like it?  If you are experiencing doubts and don’t feel like praising God, remember every believer has doubts at times.  It’s a part of being human.  Having faith has nothing to do with how you feel.  Don’t let feelings dictate you life.  They go up and down with your blood sugar.  Faith is resting on Jesus.  So when in doubt, embrace more Jesus and focus on Him rather than your doubt.  Then those feelings of doubt will soon fade.

Join me here next week for the next time.  -- I encourage you to trust in Jesus.



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Monday, August 10, 2020

Sound Teaching Leads to Godliness


The book of Titus was written by Paul to his friend and helper, Titus.  Titus was working as a leader of the churches on island of Crete.  Paul wrote this letter because Titus needed to appoint men to lead the churches there.  Paul wanted to remind Titus about the kind of character these leaders should have.  They needed to know how Christians should behave.  Paul also advised Titus how he should teach all types of people.  He needed to emphasize the true message of Jesus.

Titus 1 – Instructions for Elders

Paul starts the letter by calling himself a bondservant of God.  A bondservant is slave who is loyal to his master.  This title shows Paul was humble and was honored to serve God.  He also calls himself and apostle of Jesus Christ.  An apostle is someone whom God sends and has the authority of God.

Paul and Titus had visited Crete on one of their missionary journeys.  Titus stayed behind to get the churches organized and do it by appointing godly leaders (elders) in every town.  This was a big job because Crete was the largest of the Greek islands.  An elder is another name for Christian leader.  He is a spiritually mature man knowledgeable in the Scriptures.  Paul told Titus the qualities and standards these leaders should have which still apply to Christian leaders today.  These were to be chosen by the kind of character Paul described.

Qualities of an elder:

“An elder must be blameless, the husband of but one wife, a man whose children believe and are not open to the charge of being wild and disobedient.  He must not be overbearing, not quick-tempered, not given to drunkenness, not violent, not pursuing dishonest gain.  Rather he must be hospitable, one who loves what is good, who is self-controlled, upright holy and disciplines.  He must hold firmly to the trustworthy message as it has been taught, so that he can encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it.” – Titus 1:6-9.

It was very important for Titus to appoint qualified leaders.  “There were many rebellious people, mere talkers and deceivers, especially those of the circumcision group.”Titus 10.  There were many false teachers in Crete and many of them were Jews.  These types of false teachers were not useful.  They told false stories, led people away from God’s truth, had bad effects on family life, taught lies, were greedy for money, and didn’t care about others.  Paul told Titus that these people must be stopped.  He said these difficult people believed that nothing was pure and their minds and consciences were corrupted.  They claimed to know God, but their actions show they deny Him.  They were detestable, disobedient and unfit for doing anything good. (Titus 1:10-16).  A person who truly knows God will behave in good ways.  Actions show who a person really is.

“They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny him.  They are detestable, disobedient and unfit for doing anything good.”Titus 1:16.  As Christians we need to examine ourselves to be sure our lives line up with our profession of faith in Christ.

What do your actions reveal about you?

Do your actions show that you know God?

Does your life line up with your profession of faith in Christ?

Do you sometime stretch the truth?

Are you teaching your children what you ought to teach?

Elders should work together to shepherd God’s flock in their given church.  There are many ways to shepherd the church flock.  Elders must feed God’s Word to the church and know the Scriptures enough to teach.  They should help the young grow in health and maturity, bind up wounds, and nurse the sick back to health.  They should disciple the younger men to train some to be future leaders.  They may be involved in determining church polices and decisions about church and community needs.  With godly men overseeing the church, the church will be strong and resist pressure to conform to the evil of the world.

Principle:  Christ runs His church through godly men who shepherd His flock.

Titus 2 – Instructions for Sound Doctrine and Sound Behavior

Paul charges us we must teach sound doctrine.  He gives instructions for different groups of people and how they should behave.  Older women are to be reverent in the way they live.  They should train the younger women, be self-controlled and pure, be kind and subject to their husbands.  The purpose is so no one will malign the Word of God by their actions.  Young men should be encouraged to be self-controlled.  A good example should be set for them to follow.  They should be taught integrity and sound speech.   Slaves should be subject to their masters.  They should be loyal and trustworthy.

The reason why every Christian should live a good life and set a good example is because of God’s grace.  Grace means that God is kind to us.  His grace trains us to give up anything bad and guides us to do good things.  When a person becomes a Christian, he starts a new life.  The old character is put off and the character of Christ is put on.  Christians are not satisfied with wicked desires anymore.  God’s grace teaches to control of desires and how to behave.

God’s grace trains us to reject godless ways and worldly desires.  We are all still in training.  Our transformation is still a work in progress.  We are still working on our relationships with one another.  We are not perfect yet, but one day we will be.  Until then we need to keep our eyes on Jesus and let Him work on perfecting us.

We should think about the future.  One day Jesus who is both God and Savior will return in glory and power.  Christians wait in hope for this blessed event.

Principle:  Teach sound doctrine and practice sound behavior so our actions will be attractive to others.

Are you actions attractive to others?

Are you waiting expectantly for Jesus’ return?

Are you ready to meet Him?

Titus 3 – Instructions for Godly Living

Paul wanted Titus to remind the people how to live godly lives.  The lessons are for us today.  We are to be subject to rulers and authorities.  We are to not slander.  We are to live peaceable and be considerate.  We used to live foolish, disobedient, deceived and enslaved by all kinds of desires and pleasures.  We lived with envy and hate.  Because God has extended His grace and mercy to us through Jesus Christ who saved us by His death on the cross, we are to devote ourselves to doing what is good and live productive lives.

Where are you living with envy or hate?

Do you gossip or talk bad about someone?

What trivial controversies and arguments do you participate in?

Do you have desires that you know are not what God wants for you?

Do you live peaceable and considerate showing humility to others?

Principle:  God’s grace is the motivation for living a godly life.

The book of Titus is an important book for the church.  We are to be strong in what we teach and watch how we act so the Christian life will be attractive to others.

Join me here next time -- I encourage you to trust in Jesus.


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