Monday, May 11, 2015

Joshua 1-4

I thought it might be fitting to study the book of Joshua since we just finished The Life of Moses.  Our study ended with Deuteronomy 34, the death of Moses.  If you remember, Joshua was a helper to Moses for many years.  God chose him to be Moses’ replacement as leader of Israel.  He was filled with the Spirit of wisdom because Moses Had laid hands on him. (Deut. 34:9).  Joshua’s name means “Lord is my Savior” in Hebrew.  The name Jesus means the same thing in Greek.

The author of the book is thought to be Joshua.  The purpose of the book is to give the history of the conquering of the Promised Land and to show that God fulfilled His promise of providing the land to His people.  It is the first of the 12 historical books:  Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Kings, 2 Kings, 1 Chronicles, 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther.

Joshua 1 – Joshua Prepares the People

In the first chapter Joshua prepared the people to cross the Jordan.  Moses and the entire generation of disobedient Israelites were now dead.  God has Joshua lead the people into Canaan.  God assured Joshua that He would be with him and never leave.  “As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you or forsake you.” Joshua 1:5.   God told him to be strong and courageous and to not let the Book of the Law depart from his mouth.  He was to meditate on it day and night and do everything that was in it.  (Joshua 1:8).  God told Joshua to remember what He commanded him.  “Be strong and courageous.  Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”Joshua 1:9

How often do you spend time in the Word?
How do you let it be your source of encouragement and guide for living?
How can you be strong and courageous?

Principle:  God will never leave you or forsake you.

Joshua 2 – Joshua Sends Spies

Joshua was very clever soldier.  He trusted God and he knew he had to show his trust by his actions.  The best way to enter the land was to destroy the city of Jericho.   Joshua sent 2 spies to check out the land.  The king of Jericho heard the spies were in the city and went to look for them.  God probably brought the spies to Rehab’s house, because He knew her faith.  Rehab, who was a prostitute, protected them and hid them on the roof of her house.  She risked her life.  This showed great courage.   

Why would they have gone to a prostitute’s house?  Maybe it was because her house was part of the city wall and they could reach it easily and it was a good way of escape.  Another reason may be since she was prostitute, the townspeople wouldn’t be surprised that 2 strangers came to see her.

She told the spies that she knew God had given them the land and how God had parted the Red Sea so the Israelites could escape Egyptian slavery.  She acknowledged that their God was the God of heaven and on earth.  She asked them to promise to protect her family, because she had shown kindness to them.  The spies agreed. (Joshua 2:1-14).

The king locked the gates to trap the spies inside Jericho.  Rahab helped the spies escape by letting then down from her window by a rope and told them to hide in the hills.  She would bring her family into her house and when the Israelites came back to destroy the city.  She tied a scarlet cord from her window so when they returned those in her house would be spared.  The men returned to Joshua and told him everything that happened.  They said the people of Jericho were melting in fear.  They were sure that God would bless them and they would be able to enter the land. (Joshua 2:15-22). 

The scarlet cord reminds us of the blood put on the doors in Egypt at the first Passover when God killed every firstborn in Egypt as judgment.  God told the Israelites to put blood of a sacrificed animal on their doors for a sign.  When God saw the blood, He passed over that house and no one in that house was killed (Ex. 12:12-13).   This also reminds us of the blood of Jesus who saved us from God’s punishment for our sins when He died on the cross.

Rahab is mentioned in Matthew as an ancestor of Jesus.  She was not an Israelite, but God chose her because of her faith.  Rahab became the wife of Salmon, the great-great-grandmother of King David.  She is mentioned again in Hebrews 11:31 as one of great faith.  Then she is mentioned again in James 2:25 for what she did for the spies.

James 2:26 tells us that “faith without deeds is dead”.  Rahab’s faith was definitely alive.  Her actions defined her faith in God.  She showed faith, courage and love.  She is a heroine for all believers. 

How do you show your trust in God?
Do your actions show it?
How do you have faith like Rahab?

Principle:  God protects the faithful.

We can learn a lot for the story of Rahab: 
God uses common people to help us support our faith.
 God uses all circumstances to stretch our faith.
God uses many methods to sustain our faith.

What unusual person has God sent in your life to speak to you?
Through what circumstance is God stretching your faith?
When has God put you in danger and how did you react?
Who has God put in your life to get your attention?

Joshua 3 – Another Miraculous Crossing

The Israelites camped for 3 days by the Jordan.  Then Joshua told the people to follow the ark as they crossed the Jordan leaving about 1,000 yards between them and the ark.  They were not to go near it.  They were to follow it because they didn’t know the way since they had never been that way before (Joshua 3:1-4).  This is a picture for us to follow Jesus’ every step.  “To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps.”1 Peter 2:21.

Joshua told the people to “Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you.”Joshua 3:5.  God wanted them to be holy and ready.  They probably needed to wash themselves and offer sacrifices to Him to show they were sorry for their sins.  We need to confess our sins and be ready for Him.  We can’t work for God if we are sinful. 

Are you willing to consecrate yourself to God’s purposes?
What sin do you need to confess?
Are you ready for God to use you?

The priests were to carry the ark and walk into the river.  They had to step out in faith and stand in the middle of the rushing river.  They had to be strong and courageous.  They would be the last ones to cross.  There are times when we, too have to step out in faith not knowing what will happen.  We just need to trust God.

The ark was a wooden box and in it were the 10 Commandments.  It symbolized the presence and power of God being with His people.  God has always led the people and was still leading them.  By following the ark they were allowing God to lead them.  If they didn’t follow the ark they would get lost and wouldn’t know where to go or how to live.

How are you allowing God to lead you?

(Joshua 3:9-13)  Joshua told them that God was the one giving the instructions.  He didn’t want the honor for himself.  He wanted God to get the honor.  He told them that God was alive and not like the gods of the Canaanites who could not do anything.  God is still alive today.  Jesus is alive and will help us each day of our lives.  God would help them with their enemies.  We have enemies today, too.  We have mostly spiritual enemies.  “For our struggles is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”Eph 6:12.

When the priests reached the water and their feet touched the water, the water stopped flowing.  God stopped the water and gathered it up in a heap.  This sounds a lot like the miracle of the parting of the Red Sea when they fled Egypt.  The priests stood in the middle of the dry Jordan with the ark while everyone else crossed over. (Joshua 3:14-17) 

How do you consecrate yourself and wait on the Lord to do wonders?
How do you step out in faith?
Do you trust God and put your feet in the water?

Principle:  God is sovereign and controls all of nature and circumstances.

God does miracles all around us every day.  He not only does big ones, but many small ones.  We just need to look for them and recognize them in all situations.  There are miracles we can see and those we can’t see.  We can see the miracles of nature.  The trees and grass becomes green in springtime, the flowers bloom, the sun shines, the rain falls, the cool breeze blows – these are miracles!  There are many unseen miracles, too.  The guardian angel that protects you from accidents, the phone rings with that long awaited  job offer, that raise you’ve been waiting for, that good report from your doctor, that perfect dress you found, and on and on – these are miracles!

Do you prepare each day for what God has in store for you? 
Do you expect His miracles? 
Do you spend time in prayer asking him to open your eyes to see His miracles?  

Joshua was a man of faith and believed that God would help the Israelites cross the Jordan.  The priest showed their faith and obedience by standing in the middle while everyone else crossed.  The people showed their faith and courage and crossed the river.   The book of James tells us that faith is dead without action.  God wants us to step out in faith and do what He commands.

Joshua 4 – The Memorial Stones

After they had crossed the Jordan, the Lord commanded Joshua to have a man from each of the 12 tribes were to take a stone from the middle of the Jordan to use as a visible monument and would serve as a remembrance that God had cut off the waters of the Jordan for the people to cross.  “That day the Lord exalted Joshua in the sight of all Israel; and they revered him all the days of his life, just as they had revered Moses.”Joshua 4:14.

Then the Lord commanded the priests come out of the Jordan.  As soon as they did the water of Jordan returned.  Joshua took the 12 stones and set them up at Gilgal.  They were to tell their descendants that these stones was represented what God did that day.  “He did this so that all the peoples of the earth might know that the hand of the Lord is powerful and so that you might always fear the Lord your God.” Joshua 4:24.

We have memorial monuments today.  We have communion to remember that Jesus died for us.  We have baptism which memorializes what Jesus has done in our personal lives.  We have church steeples that all can see and know that is where God is worshiped.  We have testimonies from believers of what God has done for them in their lives.  We need to remember all God has done and never forget that He is always with us and is doing miracles every day.

How do you recognize the miracles God does in your life?
Do you take them for granted?
How do you remember what Jesus has done for you?
What are your memorial stones?

Principle:  Setting up physical memorials to spiritual milestones reinforces the reality of God’s power.

This crossing of the Jordan event in Israel’s history was important.  It signified the cutting off of their past and entering into a new life.  The stones were to remind them their old life was buried in the Jordan and now they were able to walk in a new life.  Our baptism signifies we are burying the old life and entering into a new one.

I hope you will join me next week for Joshua 5-7. 


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Monday, May 4, 2015

Summary of the Life of Moses

What a great study we have had in the Life of Moses.  We saw all the stages of his life and how God was always with him growing him to be the man God wanted him to be.    Moses had status in Pharaoh’s place for 40 years, served the next 40 as a humble shepherd and then another 40 years as a prophet of God and leader of Israel.  Moses allowed God to work and shape his life as He will do ours, if we let Him.  Just like Moses we go through easy times as well as tough times, but God is always there shaping us into the person He wants us to be.

God wants us to have a personal relationship with Him.  Moses definitely accomplished this.  Moses was the only man that God spoke to face to face. (Ex. 33:11)  There has never been a prophet risen in Israel like Moses. (Deut.  34:10)  Moses spoke with God in the burnish bush and when he received the 10 commandments.   Moses spent many hours in the presence of God.

Moses did 2 powerful things that dramatically changed the course of his life:  1. He followed God’s call and 2. He had an intimate personal relationship with God.  God can change the course of your life just like He did for Moses.  So God can do the same for you, if you are willing.

Are you a faithful follower like Moses?
Do you have a personal relationship with God?
How has God changed your life?

Moses didn’t start out as the leader of Israel.  In Exodus we saw that Pharaoh feared the Israelites, because there were so many of them.  He tried to control them with hard labor and when that didn’t work, he killed all the baby boys.  Moses escaped death when his mother hid him in a basket in the Nile for Pharaoh’s daughter to find.  She found him and raised him in the palace as her own.  There is stayed for 40 years.  One day he saw a fellow Israelite being mistreated by an Egyptian.  Moses came to his defense and killed him.  Of course Moses had to flee for his safety.

Moses then became a shepherd for the next 40 years until God called him to lead Israel.  God wanted him to go to Egypt and rescue His people.  Moses had several excuses not to go, but God had a plan and convinced him to go and the rest is history.  A baby was born to a slave couple in dangerous circumstances, but turned out to be the greatest human emancipator and law give the world has ever known.

Where has God called you?
What excuses do you make when God calls you?

The Bible says we are to be ambassadors for Christ.  We represent Him to the world.  We, like Moses must be faithful and loyal to God.  Moses had to put up with the Israelites who consistently complained even though God gave them everything they needed.  God gave them food, water, clothing, shelter, protection from their enemies, and was always with them.  Their negativity never affected Moses.  He stayed loyal, true, and on task just as God wanted him to do.  Moses even interceded for them, when God became angry with Israel for their rebellion.

When have you interceded for someone?
What were the results?

God promised Abraham and his descendants the land of Canaan, the Promised Land.  God called Moses to lead Israel out of Egyptian slavery and into the Promised Land.  He led the people for 40 years to the land, but he could not enter.  He didn’t complain.  He remained faithful to his people and to God and looked to his heavenly home.  During his last days he recounted their journey so the people would remember all God had done for them.  Even at his old age of 120 years, he was faithful and never stopped leading the people.  Before he died he blessed all the tribes.  (Deut. 33) 

Moses was a great man, but remained humble never drawing attention to himself.  He demonstrated an unshakable faith in the most shaking circumstances.  He prayed effectively and always interceded for others.  He showed great courage in his final hours.  He walked confidently up Mount Nebo and died after God let him see for the last the land Israel would inherit.  God buried Moses Himself.  No one knows where Moses’ grave is.  Maybe it’s because Israel is prone to idolatry.  If they knew where he was buried, they may have worshipped him.

Do you want to be like Moses?  To be like Moses you must have faith, be humble and courageous, intercede for others, spend time with God, keep your focus on God, be obedient, trust God, and tell others about the one true God.  Moses’ character points us to Jesus Christ, the one greater than Moses.

This finishes the study of The Life of Moses.  In the fall I will post on the book of Revelation.  You don’t want to miss that!  Throughout the summer I will be posting on various topics.  I look forward to sharing my thought with you.

Have a blessed summer and stay holy because God is holy.

NOTE:  If you want to do the study on Revelation with BSF this fall, check out their website for a class near you.  You won’t be sorry.  If you decide to do BSF, let me know.  I would love to hear from you.

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Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Deuteronomy 33-34 - The Life of Moses

Last week Moses told Joshua and all of Israel to be strong and courageous.  Then he wrote a song for the people to sing to remember God’s love for His unfaithful people.  

This week we see Moses at the old age of 120 years and about to die.  He still is thinking about the people he loved and gives each tribe a blessing.  Before he blesses them, he gives praises to the Lord.  Then we see the death of Moses.  No one has ever been like Moses.  He had a special relationship with God.  God spoke face to face to only him. 

Deuteronomy 33 – Moses’ Blessings

Moses was a “man of God”.  (Deut. 33:1) 

Who do you know is a “man or woman of God”?
Will others say you are a “man or woman of God”?
If not, what do you need to do?

Moses blessed all the tribes of Israel before he dies.  He starts out by praising the Lord and describing the Lord saying the Lord came down over them and shown Himself from Mount Paran.  He said the Lord loves the people and the holy ones are in His hands.  He gives them instructions and the law.  He is the King over them. (Deut. 33:1-5)

What do you learn about God’s character from these verses?
Is He your King?
How do you remind others about God?

How do you praise the Lord?  A good way to praise Him is when you pray, start by giving Him praise.  Use words that reflect who He is and His character.  Words you might use are:  King of Kings, Provider, Great Physician, Wonderful Counselor, Mighty, Powerful, Unchanging, Son of God, Savior, Friend, Anointed One, Judge, Sanctuary, Sure Foundation, Lord Most High, Bread of Life, Shepherd, Holy One.  You get the idea.

Then Moses blessed the tribes (Deut. 33:6-25):
Reuben – Let him live and not die and his men not be few
Judah – hear his cry, help him against his enemies
Levi – bless all his skills and work of his hands
Benjamin – rest secure in the Lord and He rest between his shoulders
Joseph – bless his land with the best gifts of the earth
Zebulun & Issachar – to rejoice everywhere they goes
Gad – will enlarge God’s domain and live like a lion
Dad – a warrior - is a lion cub springing out of Bashan
Naphtali – bless with favor of the Lord
Asher – bless with prosperity - most blessed of sons of Asher, will be favored by his brothers, his strength will equal his days

You will notice that Simeon is not mentioned and the list is not in the same order as in Gen. 49 when Jacob gave his blessings.  Simeon’s tribe was absorbed with the tribe of Judah (Joshua 19).

Moses ended his blessings with more praises to God.  He recognized where the blessing came from.  He told them to lean on God’s everlasting arms.  There is no god like our great God.  He is the one true God and He alone is the source of every blessing!  This reminds us that God is for us, not because of our goodness but God’s grace.  We can rest between His shoulders.

How do you bless others? 
How has God blessed you?
How do Moses’ blessings encourage you?

Deuteronomy 34 – Moses’ Legacy

Moses climbed Mount Nebo.  The Lord showed him the Promise Land for the last time.  “Then the Lord said to him, This is the land I promised on oath to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob when I said, I will give it to your descendants.  I have let you see it with your eyes, but you will not cross over into it.”Deut. 34:4.  Then Moses died and God buried him in Moab.  To this day no one knows where his grave is.  This is probably because God knew the Israelites were prone to idol worship and they would have probably tried to worship Moses grave.  He was 120 years old, but his eyes and strength were not gone.  The Israelites mourned his death for 30 days. (Duet. 34:5-8)

Now Joshua was to be the new leader.  He was filled with the spirit of wisdom, because Moses had laid hands on him.  (Deut. 34:9)

There has never been a prophet risen in Israel like Moses.  God spoke to Moses face to face.  God did miraculous signs and wonders through His servant, Moses.  He was the greatest spokesman for God and the greatest worker of miracles by the power of God in the Old Testament.  “For no one has ever shown the mighty power or performed the awesome deeds that Moses did in the sight of all Israel.”  (Deut. 34:10-12)  We are not certain who wrote these last verses in Deuteronomy, but we are certain of Moses’ relationship with God.  We are part of his legacy.

Moses finished well and so can we.  God’s grace gives us power through difficulties and strength to finish well.  Part of leaving a legacy is to disciple others.  It’s modeling obedience and love for God’s Word.  It’s letting others see you in your weaknesses.  It’s letting others see your dependence on God. 

How will you be remembered after your death?
What will others say about you?
Will they say you were a faithful servant of God?

Principle:  “The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms…”Deut. 33:27

I leave you with a blessing that God will give you a lasting legacy.

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