Friday, June 2, 2023

1 John 1-2 – Walking in the Light of God

For the next few weeks I thought it would be a good time to study First, Second and Third John, since we will be studying the gospel of John in the fall through BSF.  All were written by the same author, John who was Jesus’ beloved disciple.  In addition to the gospel of John, he also wrote Revelation. 

This first letter by John was written to warn Christians about the false teachers who were trying to mislead them.  They had moved away from the faith and some had left the church.  These Christians were being taught that Jesus was not really a man.  John taught clearly that the Son of God came as a real man and lived his life here on earth and that He actually died and rose again from the dead.  He wrote this letter to encourage Christians.  He reminded them what they already knew.  They knew what was true, they knew Jesus was the Son of God, and they knew that He came to take away their sin.  They also knew that they can be sure of eternal life with Jesus and they should show they were Christians by their good lives.

This is relevant today.  There are many believers who have fallen away and are believing false teachings.  This book is a great reminder of just who Jesus is and a reminder of what He has done for us.  It helps us to not doubt, but remember what we KNOW.

John used words for knowledge 41 times.  He used the phrase, ‘we know’ 13 times.  So if you are a Christian but you have doubts, this should give you confidence and take away any doubt.  You should KNOW that Jesus is Savior and He has saved you.  “I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life.” 1 John 5:13.

1 John 1:1-4 – The Word of Life

John proclaimed that Jesus was there before there was anything, when all that existed was God.  The Father and the Son were both there from the beginning and are inseparable.  Jesus is eternal.  He called Jesus the Word of Life.  John and the disciples were witnesses.  They heard, saw and touched Jesus and testified about Jesus and the eternal life He brings.  

Principle:  Jesus is eternal and the Word of Life.

1 John 1:5-10 – Walk in the Light

John focuses on the theme of walking in the light.  If you ‘walk in the light’ you know Christ.  Those who do not know Christ ‘walk in darkness’.  “God is light, in Him is no darkness at all.” 1 John 1:5 

Those who claim to have fellowship with God must live as though the claim is true and those who do are continually cleansed from sin.  Those who claim to have no sin are deceived and do not have the truth in them.  The goal of the believer is ‘walk’ in the light, as God is in the light so we can have fellowship and unity with Him.

Light - As light shines, so God shines showing Himself through Jesus.  John uses light to mean all that is good, holy and right.  This shows God character.  God is  good.  He is always right.  He is holy.  He sees all things so we can hide nothing from Him.  To walk in the light is to share in the character of God.

Darkness – This word means all evil acts of this world, all sin, and anything that is opposite from goodness.  To walk in darkness means walking in sin.

God has a remedy for sin.  The remedy is the blood of his Son Jesus Christ.  He shed His blood for us. Admit you have sin in you and confess them to God.  God has promised to forgive us and He will keep His promise.  He put all our sins on Jesus at the cross.  Jesus took our punishment.  He died for this purpose.  Now God can forgive those who confess their sins.  God says all have sinned and Jesus came to die for the sins of all people.  If we had not sinned, then Jesus would not have had to die.

Principle:  Believers are to walk in the light of Jesus.

Do you believe in John’s words?
When have you felt the presence of God in your life?
How is your relationship with God? 
Do you share what you know about Jesus?
Is your goal to walk in the light of Jesus?
How is He changing your life?

1 John 2 – Staying in the Light

John’s purpose for writing this letter was so Christians will not sin.  However, they should be concerned about sin.  We all sin because we are human, but sin doesn’t rule the life of a Christian.  God doesn’t want us to sin, but as humans we do. 

When you become a Christian, there is a change in relationship with sin.  A Christian no longer loves sin, brags about his sin, plans to sin again, enjoys sin as he once did, or is comfortable in habitable sin anymore.

John focuses on fellowship with God.  He has given us an Advocate in Jesus, the Righteous One.  So if and when we sin, we have Jesus as our defender before God.  Jesus Christ covered the sins of all the world and those who keep His commandment demonstrate they truly know Him.  Those who don’t but say they have fellowship with Him, are liars.  Those who walk with Him give evidence they are in Him.  (1 John 1-6)

Principle:  We all sin, but have an Advocated in Jesus.

John warns and commands believers – children, fathers, young men – to love one another.  If you hate someone, then you are still in darkness.  If you love others, then you are living in the light.  Love is often defined as the single most important sign which the world uses to identify a Christian.  (1 John 2:7-14)

Principle:  Love one another.

Believers are not to love the world.  The world is a phrase used to refer to the sinful and material attitudes.  “Everything in the world – the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does – comes not from the father but from the world.” 1 John2:16.  Love of the world proves that the love of the Father is not in them.  These attitudes are from the world not God.  (1 John 2:15-17)

It’s ok to love the beauty of the world that God created, but we are not to love things of this world more than God.  We are not to love things that the world can give us like homes, cars, gadgets, status or even the world’s way of doing things.  We express love in our time, attention, and money.  The world encourages us to give to the things of the world instead of to God.

Principle:  Love God, not the world.

Believers are warned against teaching of antichrists or false teachers.  We have heard the antichrist is coming.  Many antichrists have come so we know it is the last hour.  These liars deny Jesus is the Christ.  But we know the truth.  John is writing these things so you will not be led astray.  He encourages us to continue in Jesus and be confident and unashamed before Him when He returns.   If you know what is right, you have been born of Him.  (1 John 2:18-29)

Principle:  Be confident and unashamed before Him at His return.

Do you abide in Him or just visit every once in a while?

Do you practice righteousness?
Do you obey His commands?

Join me next time for 1 John 3-5.  Hope to see you here. -- I encourage you to trust in Jesus.



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Friday, May 19, 2023

Why does God allow bad things to happen?


We live in an evil world.  All bad things (death, illness, injury, suffering, evil, etc.) can be traced back to the Fall, when sin disrupted God’s perfect world.  God limits suffering and restrains much evil. But when God does permit suffering and evil, He will use it for good, even though we may not see the good during our lifetime.  Nothing happens by chance.  God has a plan.

There may be darkness and confusion in the middle of God’s plan for you, but remember, “For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”Jeremiah  29:11.

For example, Joseph suffered terribly and he could not imagine all God was doing.  He eventually realized the wonderful things God accomplished through his suffering.  God planned good through Joseph’s suffering as He does for us.  It continues even today and will bring Him glory forever.

The suffering of Job reminds us that we may never know the reason why we suffer, but the truth still remains that “The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord” Job 1:21  Isaiah 55:8-9 tell us that our thought are not God’s thoughts and our ways are not God’s ways, but what is promised is God will ultimately work all things for good for believers.

Sometimes God lets bad things happen to get our attention.  He wants us to love our neighbor and to love Him.  If we don’t love and honor Him, we won’t obey Him; we won’t give Him or our neighbor attention.  Jesus said, “If you love me, you will obey what I command.” John 14:15

As good example of God trying to get our attention is the story of Jonah.  God wanted him to got to Nineveh and preach His message, but Jonah refused.  God got his attention by throwing him into the belly of a fish for three days.  Sometimes God is jut trying to get our attention. 

Scripture teaches us “all things God works together for good to those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28  Scripture also teaches us that we are to rejoice in our suffering.  rejoice in our suffering, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.”Romans 5:3-5  So choose to trust God to bring about His purposes when bad things happen to you.

Be confident that nothing will happen to you without His permission.  Nothing will happen that will not ultimately bring you more good than destruction.  Psalm 121 teaches us that God will always watch over your life now and forevermore.

Are people just puppets if God controls everything?  No, people are not puppets.  We have free will.  We make actual choices and are responsible for our actions. God does not override our will, but He does direct circumstances to accomplish His will.  God always acts for good. When people act in an evil way, they are guilty of doing wrong, even though God works through their actions to bring about good.  God never deserves blame for people’s evil actions. He always deserves our praise. 

We can trust God’s good purposes even when we do not understand what He is doing. Living by faith gives God’s children joy and brings Him glory.  We must trust Him to show us all we need to know.  Only God knows His infinite purposes for everything that happens.  God leads His children by His Word and His Spirit.  We do not need to look for signs to know what to do.  Knowing our heavenly Father is in control should be more than enough for us.

Bad things happen, but this world is not the end.  God uses those bad things for an ultimate lasting good.  Those bad things equip believers for deeper ministry.  Jesus suffered and we as Christians share in His sufferings.  Jesus was the only truly Righteous One, yet He suffered more than we can imagine.  “If you suffer for doing good and you endure it, this is commendable before God.  To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps.  ‘He committed no sin, and no deceit was found in his mouth.’  When they hurled their insults at him, he did not retaliate; when he suffered, he made no threats.  Instead he entrusted himself to him who judges justly.” 1 Peter 2:20-23

God never promises Christians an easy and pain-free life.  Actually, we’re promised that we will have trouble and hardship in this world.  “In this world you will have trouble.  But take heart I have overcome the world.” John 16:33.  The difference is the hope and help we have in Christ.

Join me here next time -- I encourage you to trust in Jesus.



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Monday, May 1, 2023

Kingdom Divided Lesson 30 – Final Reflections

This concludes the study of Kingdom Divided.  We end the study with Israel and Judah exiled to foreign lands.  Even though they were scattered, they rested in God’s promises that they would one day be restored.  We may feel are lives are scattered and uncertain, but by faith we trust God’s promises while we wait for His full plan for our lives.  Believers live assured that Jesus will return in triumph and sin’s dominion will end.

How has God spoken to you through this study? 
Do you now have a deeper appreciation for God and His Word? 
Were you challenged or encouraged? 
How has your view of God and His works expanded?
Has your faith been stretched?

God brought you here for this study for a reason.  He knows your life challenges.  He knows your doubts and fears and your deepest needs.  He meets you in your sinfulness and pursues you despite your waywardness.  In Him alone can you find true peace and refuge.  If you are not a true follower of Jesus, what is keeping you from total surrender? He is lovely waiting for you.  He persistently invites you to trust and follow Him.

May you have a deeper trust and a greater confidence in His plan for your life and for this world.  I hope you have grown to recognize your personal sin and surrendered it to God.  This study was very convicting for me.  I hope it has for you, too.  For the most part this study has been a sad one just to see people so hardheaded and rebellious and all the judgment they went through.  But God is not finished.  There are still rebellious people and greater judgment to come for those who reject Him.  Justice will triumph. Sin’s dominion will end and everything God has promised will happen.

Principle:  Believers live assured that Jesus will return in triumph and sin’s dominion will end.

I hope you have enjoyed this study of Kingdom Divided.  I know there was a lot of reading and confusion as we read about all these different kings.  Join me here for my posts throughout the summer and again in the fall when BSF studies return with the study of John.  -- I encourage you to trust in Jesus.



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Monday, April 24, 2023

Kingdom Divided Lesson 29 – Micah 7:18-19; Jeremiah 4:22 and Various Scriptures


Knowing the truth about God secures and prepares us for eternity.  In Isaiah 40:21-31 Isaiah can’t believe anyone could doubt the greatness of God when they see His glorious creation.  He sits above all His creation.  He brings the princes (political powers) to nothing and makes judges (legal powers) of the earth useless.  His power in not only in His creation, but over men of the earth.  He is master over the heavens and all creation by the fact that He brings out the stars and calls them by name.  “The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth.  He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom.” Isaiah. 40:28b.  There is no one like God.  He pardons sin and forgives transgressions.  He doesn’t stay angry with us when we sin; He delights to show us mercy. (Micah 7:18-19)

God revealed Himself to Israel, Judah and His prophets and He reveals Himself to us.  Many don’t seem to understand the fact that there is a God of all creation and He makes a difference in everyday life.  Unbelievers need to hear what they already know:  The Lord God is the Creator of everything.  We can clearly see His invisible qualities – His eternal power and divine nature.  All we have to do is just look around and see His glorious creation – the sky, the vast oceans, the majestic mountains, or the miracles of the inter-workings of the human body.

The fact that God reveals Himself to us is important.  The greatest way He has reveals Himself is through His Word.  He reveals Himself to us through our consciences by convicting us of sin and impressing His law on our hearts.  Within the heart of every person God has planted a longing to know Him. “God has made everything beautiful its own time.  He has also planted eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.” Ecclesiastes 3:11.  He reveals Himself to us through His Son, Jesus Christ.  He is the living, breathing human presentation of God.  Many people acknowledge that there is a God, but God wants us to know Him intimately – to spend all eternity in close fellowship with Him.


We see Creator God’s invisible qualities by just looking around at His glorious creation.
Knowing the truth about God secures and prepares us for eternity.

Jeremiah 4:22 – The people of Israel and Judah persistently rebelled and rejected God and His ways, but God remained faithful and compassionate despite their failures.  It’s the same for us today.  People are prideful and hard-headed.  People rebel and reject Jesus, but God still shows mercy when we repent and turn to Him.  None of us is perfect.  We all have doubts and battle with sin.  But God is always ready to forgive and forget.  The sacrifice of Jesus should enlarge your gratitude for God’s heart for sinners.  “We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all.” Isaiah 53:6.

There is nothing more important than knowing and walking with God.  God created us.  We are His offspring.  He is the source of our existence; life comes from Him.  Without Him we can do nothing.  (Acts 17:28). 

God is light and in Him there is no darkness.  Jesus is the light; sin is the darkness.  Believers walk in the light; we have fellowship with other believers and we experience forgiveness.  “But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus , his Son, purifies us from all sin.”  - 1 John 1:7.

Israel and Judah squandered God’s grace and missed out on His blessings.  They were stubborn and had rebellious hearts; they lied; their hearts were full of deceit; they turned away from God; they did evil deeds; they worshipped idols.  Their sins deprived them of any good. (Jer. 5:23-31; Hosea 11; 2 Chron. 34:23-26)

Does this remind you of people today?  People are stubborn and rebellious.  People do all the same things today as they did in Jeremiah’s time.

How are you squandering the blessings of God?

What is keeping you from God’s blessings?
How are you tempted to take God’s grace for granted?

God’s chosen people, Israel failed Him miserably.  They split into two kingdoms, endured a parade of evil kings, they didn’t seek God but worshipped idols, they felt God’s judgment as they fell to the Babylonians and were held in captivity.  By God’s grace He preserved David’s royal linage and the promise of Messiah.  God preserved a remnant to return to their land.

A greater King was coming – God’s own Son, Jesus the Messiah.  The failure of Israel and our own reveal how much we need a Savior.  The good news – God has provided a Savor – Jesus Christ!

Principle:  Human failure cannot thwart God’s purposes.

God sent prophets to warn the people of judgment if they didn’t repent, but they didn’t listen.  He is warning us today.  But do we listen?  He sends Christians to share the gospel to the world.  Every believer has a message that someone needs to hear.  We are to submit to God because He alone is worthy of our loyalty, trust, and devotion.  Israel’s story is our story; Israel’s Savior is our Savior.

This week’s attribute of God is He is Faithful.  He loves us and will do all He has promised.  He gives us a purpose for life.  That purpose is to know Him, love Him, enjoy Him, and glorify Him.  We belong to God because He created us.  Nothing can separate God’s people from His love.  He is faithful to His Word and we can trust Him.

I hope you have enjoyed this study of Kingdom Divided.  Next time we will be on Final Reflections of our study.  -- I encourage you to trust in Jesus.



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Monday, April 17, 2023

Kingdom Divided Lesson 28 – Habakkuk


Habakkuk was one of the minor prophets.  We don’t know much about him and his life except for what is in his short book.   He prophesied about the Babylonians and the destruction of Jerusalem.  He was not only a prophet, but a poet.  His book is a conversation between him and God.

Habakkuk 1-2 – Habakkuk’s Questions

Habakkuk saw the violence and injustice around him in the nation of Judah.  He wanted to know where God was and why He didn’t set things right.  He saw trouble and sin everywhere which distressed him so much that he cried out to God for answers. (Habakkuk 1:1-4)

God answered telling him not to worry about it and to look at the surrounding nations who will become His instrument of judgment on Judah.  God told him that the judgment would come and it would be terrible and dreadful. He was raising up the Babylonians as an instrument of His judgment. (Habakkuk 1:5-11) 

God’s answer prompted Habakkuk to ask a second question.  How could this be?  Why would God use such a treacherous nation as Babylon who was more evil than Judah.  Then he remembered truths about God in Hab. 1:12-13a – He is everlasting, He is holy, His eyes are too pure to look on evil, He can’t tolerate wrong.  He wanted to know why God tolerated such treachery.  Then Habakkuk waited for God’s answer.

God welcomes our questions.  We can ask Him the same type of questions.  When we see injustice and immorality and violence, it’s only natural that we pray for God to do something about it.  Why does He allow us to see sin in ourselves and in others?  Maybe He allows us to see the sin in ourselves to keep us humble and submissive or to make us value salvation even more.  We’re allowed to see the sin in others perhaps to show us what we might have been ourselves.  Or so we won’t fall into sin and to even to hate sin.  Also to admire the grace of God when He saves sinners. 

Principle:  God welcomes honest questions of His people.

In Habakkuk 2:1 he expects God to answer and he waits patiently.  That is a great example for us.  We should wait and let Him work.

Habakkuk described two different ways people respond to God.   Some are ‘puffed up’ with pride and self-will or they are righteous and live by faith. (Hab. 2:4; rom 1:17; Gal. 3:11; Heb 10:38)  Believers are justified by faith and live awaiting for eternity.  They humbly look to God for salvation.  God calls us to trust Him.  People will live by faith in God or they refuse Him.  Proud people defend their actions and want to rule their own lives. 

You can be proud no matter your status in life.  A rich man is proud of what he has; a poor man can be proud of his honor; a talented man can be proud of what he can do; a man of talents can be proud of his hard work; a religious man can be proud of his religion; an unbeliever can be proud of his unbelief; a learned man can be proud of his intelligence.  Pride is a universal sin.  God hates pride.  It can be dangerous among the people of God. 

Habakkuk used the phrase ‘woe’ five ties upon Babylon to indicate God was really serious and will not decrease His standards when it comes to His holiness.  Woe to aggression, woe to greediness, woe to violence, woe against inhumanity, and woe against idolatry.  To summarize his message – God will always do justice by punishing the wicked and bring deliverance to the righteous. (Hab. 2:6-20)

The truth God declared speaks to Habakkuk’s confusion and to us today.  “But the Lord is in his holy temple; let all the earth be silent before him.”Habakkuk 2:20.  God is holy and above all.  He is in charge so we should let Him do what He does best.

Habakkuk 3 – Habakkuk’s Prayer

(Habakkuk 3:2) Habakkuk plead to God for revival.  He knew how God once worked and how His people responded and he wanted to see that again.  Revival is the work of God and not of man.  We can also pray for God to revive us.  Check your conduct – does it glorify God; check your conversation – is your speech pure and do you talk about Jesus with others; check your communion – are you living a growing, abiding life with Jesus.

We remember times in our lives when God seemed more real than at other times.  It seemed His power was more evident.  We want God to do what He did then.  It all starts with remembering.  We need to remember what God has done.  That’s what Habakkuk did.  When confused about what’s going on in our lives or in the world, we need to remember.  Go back and remember who you know God to be and what’s He’s done.  Then we need to accept what God is doing and trust Him for what He’s going to do in the future. 

In Habakkuk 3:3-15 Habakkuk remembered the acts of God as he remembered God’s power on behalf of His people.  Habakkuk confessed his weaknesses in verse 3:16.  He shook with fear under God’s power as he waited for day of calamity to come.  He realized that he was nothing and God was everything.  In Habakkuk 3:17-18 he praised God unconditionally and declared that no matter what, he will rejoice in the Lord and be joyful in God his Savior.

He said in the last verse, “The  Lord God is my strength.  He makes me like a deer that does not stumble so I can walk on the steep mountains.” Hab. 3:19.  The point is this – if you trust is in God, He will give you stability in those slippery moments of life.  He will give you the ability to stand when everyone else is falling apart.

Nothing has changed for Judah.  The people have still forgotten God.  Violence still reigned in Jerusalem.  The wicked still oppressed the righteous. The Babylonians were still God’s appointed instrument for judgment.  Hard times were coming and there was nothing anyone could do about it.  But Habakkuk changed on the inside.  He realized God is in control and that he could completely trust God.  God would make all things right in due time.  The wicked will be punished and those who were righteous will be rewarded.  If we remember that our God is in control, then we can relax and stop worrying.


We can rest on God’s sovereignty even when we don’t understand His ways.
God is in control and He will make all things right in due time.

This week’s attribute of God is He is Sovereign.  He controls all things.  No one can stop His plans.  He can be trusted when we can’t understand His ways.

Next time we will continue our study of Kingdom Divided with various Scriptures.  Hope to see you here. – I encourage you to trust in Jesus.



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