Monday, July 24, 2023

The Ten Commandments and Their Meanings


The Ten Commandments were part of the Mosaic Law.  The Law included over 600 commandments and formed the terms of an agreement or covenant between God and Israel. The Ten Commandments were given to Moses on Mt. Sinai.  They were written in stone by the finger of God.  Each commandment was given to the Israelites as God’s standard of holiness.  They are the summary of the Old Testament Law and was given to guide people until Christ came that we all might be justified by faith (Galatians. 3:24).  The first four commandments address our relationship with God.  The last six deal with our relationships with one another.  They are recorded in Exodus 20:1-17 and Deuteronomy 5:6-21.

God chose Israel as His own special possession, but their sinful nature inherited from Adam kept them separated from their Holy Father.  Out of love God set Israel apart and provided the law as the first step to reconcile Himself with fallen humanity.  This law is vital to understanding the Holy nature of God.  The law played an essential role in God’s overall redemptive plan. 

The Ten Commandments

#1 Exodus 20:3“You shall have no other gods before Me.” 

This keeps our focus of God who created the world and everything in it.  God is a jealous God and He desires our complete loyalty and allegiance to only Him.  This command forbids placing anyone or anything above God.

#2 Exodus 20:4-6“You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below ….”

This forbids the use of any man-made image for the purpose of worship.  No human has the ability to create a piece of artwork or statue that represents God.  He alone is worthy of worship.  This includes anything that is more importance to us than God.

#3 Exodus 20:7“You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.”  

This command forbids mishandling, lightly using, or speaking in vain the name of God.  Many violate this commandment every day.  We do this with common slang.  Jesus said not to be careless talkers for we will have to give account for our words in the day of judgment.  “For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.” (Matt. 12:37)

#4 Exodus 20:8-11“Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy ….”

This command required the Israelites to set aside a specific day of the week to dedicate as a day of rest to the Lord.  He wanted them to delight in His Word, enjoy His creation, celebrate beauty and love, and enjoy a relationship with Him. 

Christians find their Sabbath rest in the person of Jesus Christ.  Hebrews 4:1-11 tells us that Jesus fulfilled this law completely.  Colossians 2:16 and Romans 14:5 confirms that New Covenant Believers are no longer required to adhere to Sabbath laws.  It’s a matter of spiritual freedom, not a command from God.

#5 Exodus 20:12“Honor your father and your mother so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you.” 

This command requires that parents be shown honor, respect, and care.  Honoring parents is crucial to the basic functioning of society.  When we don’t show honor and care for our parents, it threatens the well-being of the entire society.  It also comes with a promise of living long in the land.

#6 Exodus 20:13“You shall not murder.”

This command forbids the premeditated killing of another person.  Because people are made in the image of God, life has value.  Murder says that a person’s life has no value.  God didn’t say, do not kill.  There is a difference between murder and accidental death or an act of war.

#7 Exodus 20:14“You shall not commit adultery.”

 This forbids breaking the sacred marriage convent by having sexual relations with anyone other than one’s spouse.

#8 Exodus 20:15“You shall not steal.”

This command forbids taking someone else’s possessions without permission.

#9 Exodus 20:16“You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.”

This command forbids testifying falsely against someone in court, but the context also implies that lying is forbidden.   

#10 Exodus 20:17“You shall not covet your neighbor ….”

This forbids harboring a desire for some else’s possessions, spouse, or property.

Many people mistakenly look at the Ten Commandments as a set of rules that will guarantee entrance into heaven after death.  In reality the purpose of the commandments is to force people to realize that they cannot perfectly obey the law.  They demonstrate that we have all sinned and need God’s mercy and grace, available only through faith in Jesus Christ.

The Ten Commandments are essential to our Biblical heritage.  When Jesus died on the cross, He didn’t abolish the law.  Instead He fulfilled the law.  Now believers are set free from the law, which was powerless anyway because of our sinful nature we can never keep all these commandments.

Salvation is a free gift and is offered with no strings attached to all who believe.  The New Testament offers instructions and guidelines to help Christians to learn what walking by faith means.  Under the Old Covenant we were slaves to sin, but under the New Covenant, Christ freed us from slavery and brought us into His family.  Now we are no longer slaves to sin, but heirs of God. 

Christians view the Ten Commandments as the foundation of God’s moral law.  Jesus calls people to an even higher standard by obeying the commandments in actions and also in their hearts.  We are to use the Ten Commandments as standards to live by.  They help us in this deceived world to define right from wrong.

You could summarize the Ten Commandments in the two ‘greatest commandments’ given by Jesus:  “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind … and love your neighbor as  yourself.” (Matthew 22:37-40).

Hope to see you here next time. -- I encourage you to trust in Jesus.



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Monday, July 10, 2023

Who is Jesus?


I think I posted this a few years ago, but thought it was important to post it again.

I was watching TV one day and ran across the show “Reflections” hosted by Hazem Farraj.  I think he has a DVD with the same name.  Jesus of Nazareth is the most controversial person in all of history.  If you struggle who Jesus is, this should help you find out the truth.  Hazem was a Muslim who converted to Christianity.  He gives a wonderful description of who Jesus really is and I wanted to share this with you.  No one could have said it any better.

Jesus is the son of God. 
He was in the beginning and before that He was.
He knows no boundaries and has no limits.
For all eternity He will be with you.
If you are hungry for righteousness, He will fill you.
He will give you love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
He is love.
He is the key to peace.
He is the gateway to heaven.
His promises are free.
His love is endless.
His face is glorious.
His light is overwhelming.

Satan fears Him.
Kings don’t understand Him. 
Christians worship Him. 
Presidents admire Him.
Atheists ignore Him. 
Children are attracted to Him. 
Scientists can’t disqualify Him.
Historians can’t erase Him.
Angels bow down to Him.

No boundaries can measure His infinite love.
His love is powerful.
His mercies are new every morning.

If there is a need, He supplies it.
If there is a wound, He cures it.
If there is a doubt, He destroys it.
If you are lonely, He will be with you.
If there is pain, He relates to you.
If there is brokenness, He will mend you.
If you are a sinner, He will save you.
If you are lost, He will find you.
If you are prideful, He will humble you.
If you are humble, He will exalt you.
If you are young, He will watch over you.
If you are old, He will assist you.
If you weep, He will weep with you.
If you are diligent, He will reward you.
When you laugh, He will laugh with you.
He comforts when we are in morning.
He gives strength to the weak.
He saves sinners.
He heals the sick.
He feeds the hungry.
He encourages the discouraged.
He restores sight to the blind.
He heals lepers.
He frees the captives.
He is all knowing, all powerful, all mighty, and self-sufficient.
He is all seeing.
He is all hearing.
He is the greatest miracle in all of history.
He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

This is who Jesus is.  Don’t you want to know Him?

I hope this was encouraging to you.   Join me next time.  -- I encourage you to trust in Jesus.



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Sunday, July 2, 2023

3 John – Following Good Examples


This book is the second shortest book in the Bible.  The word truth is mentioned 6 times.  The theme is the importance of hospitality to those working to spread the gospel.  This is a personal letter from John to his friend, Gaius.

3 John 1-4 – As in 2 John, John identifies himself as ‘the elder’ to avoid persecution.  He is writing to commend and encourage his friend, Gaius.  John prays for Gaius’s total well-being.  He wants Gaius to enjoy good health and to continue his good work.  Gaius was a good example of walking in the truth.  To live in the truth means to allow the truth to affect every part of your life.  The truth is that Jesus Christ is Lord.  To live in that truth is to live as God wants you to live.

This is a good model for our prayers.  It’s not unspiritual to pray for physical health.  We ought to pray for spiritual, emotional, and relational health.  There is also another good lesson here.  We should rejoice in seeing others living out the truth and celebrate one another’s progress.

3 John 5-8 – John called Gaius his dear friend and praised his good deeds.  Gaius was true to what he believed and always helped and loved other believers.  Many were travelers on behalf of the church and the church needed to provide for them.  Today we call them missionaries.  They need food, supplies, and places to stay as they travel. 

Churches are to help and support servants of Christ.  When we do, we are joining them as workers of the truth.  We are helping them spread the Gospel.  As they work for the Lord, we are partners with them. 

3 John 9-12 – John warns and condemns the behavior of Diotrephes a dictatorial church leader because he was full of pride, didn’t receive the apostles, and spoke malicious gossip about them.  He was a bad example.  We are not to imitate what is evil, but what is good.  John commends the example of a man named Demetrius who had a good testimony for all.  He recommended him to Gaius.  Demetrius was faithful to the truth and was a good example to follow.

Not everyone in the church is perfect.  There can be those who try to take charge and run everything their own way.  It is usually their pride that gets in the way.  That pride can lead to rebellion, hinder God’s work, be a stumbling block for others, and result in disunity within the fellowship.  If you’ve been a witness to this kind of rebellion, don’t be discouraged.  Remember no one is perfect, only Jesus.  There will always be bad examples and good examples around us.  Look to those who give positive examples.

John ends his letter by saying he has more to say but wants to meet face to face.  He sends greetings and peace from the members of his church.  As Christians, we can and should have a sense of peace even in difficult times.  Jesus is our source of peace.

Key verse:  “Dear friend, do not imitate what is evil but what is good.”3 John 11.


We are to offer hospitality, support, and encouragement to our fellow believers.
We are to follow the examples of those in line with the Gospel.

I have enjoy studying these writings of 1, 2, 3 John.  I look forward to studying the gospel of John in the fall.   Until then join me throughout the summer for more lessons for encouragement and truth through the Word.  Hope to see you here. -- I encourage you to trust in Jesus.



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