Monday, November 20, 2017

Romans 6

Romans 6:1-14 – Dead to Sin, Alive in Christ

Paul emphasized God’s grace, but some suggested to get more of grace they should do more sinning.  He strongly opposed this idea.  He is saying that sin ended when we became Christians even though we still do wrong things.  We should not let sin control our lives anymore.  We were buried with Him in baptism so we too are raised like Christ to a new life.  Paul says we died to sin and repeats it several times throughout the chapter, because he wants us to really get his message on living a godly life.  We are rescued from sin’s power.  We still sin, because we are not perfect, but sin doesn’t control us.   (Rom. 6:1-4)

Principle:  Christians died to sin and were buried with Him in baptism to live a new life. 

The word “died” refers to past action.  We are not “dying to sin” nor are we “continuing to die”.  We are “dead to sin”, when we believe in Jesus.  Christians no longer respond to sin.  Christians are dead to sin and will stay dead.  Dead is dead!

There is an uniqueness of believers.  Once sin defined us and sin was our life which gave us our identity.  Now that Christ is our life, believers have a new identity. 

As a Christian your identity is now in Jesus and you cannot return to practicing sin.  You can sin and you do sin, but now sin collides with who you are in Jesus.  Jesus has won the battle against sin for everyone who believes.

If we were united with Him in death, we will also be united in His resurrection.  If we died with Christ, we believe we will also live with Him.  Our old self was crucified with Him so we will not be a slave to sin, because anyone who has died has been freed from sin. (Rom. 6:5-7).

When you decide to turn from your sin, baptism follows.  Baptism is taking part in His death and resurrection.  Baptism means to immerse.  Our sinful lives end and we rise again to a new life to live and serve Christ.  You begin a new relationship with Christ.  We were redeemed when Jesus died, was buried, was resurrection, and was raised.  This actually happens the instant we believed.  We express this symbolically in water baptism.

Christians are united to Christ by our faith.  Our old nature died on the cross with Christ and now sin has no power over us.  When Paul speaks of our old self, he is speaking of a life of evil desires, a life of self-indulgence, and a life controlled by our sin nature.

If we died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with Him.  We know He was raised and cannot die again and death no longer has mastery over Him.  He died to sin once for all and now He lives to God. (Rom. 6:8-10).

Christ died only once for all people then, now and in the future.  He will never die again.  Our resurrection will be like His resurrection.  Like Christ we will live to give honor to God.

How does your life show you are honoring God?
What does your union with Christ mean to you?

Being a Christian is not a lot of do’s and don’ts.  Christians are only human and not perfect so we will sin.  God will not stop you from sinning, but He will always forgive you when you do.  Sin will not be the master of your life, because you are under grace.  God is the master.  We will live to God.

As Christians we are to be ambassadors for Christ.  Being died to sin and alive in Christ in your home, workplace, community or church by setting a good example, making sure our children are involved in prayer, Bible study and church, not being selfish, being a witness, and  by worshipping and praising God in all circumstances. 

Principle:  Christians are united with Christ in death and will be united with Him in His resurrection.

Romans 6:15-23 – Slaves to Righteousness

We should not sin because we are under grace.  When you offer yourselves to someone to obey him as slaves, you are slaves to the one whom you obey – whether you are slaves to sin leading to death or obedience that leads to righteousness.  Thanks to God that you have been freed from sin and have become slaves to righteousness. (Rom. 6:15-18).

Either Christ is your master and you obey Him or sin is your master and you obey it.  There is no middle ground.  Everybody serves something or someone.  When God saves you, He frees you from sin and makes you a slave of righteousness.

Who are you serving – sin or God?

Paul is putting this in human terms because we are weak in our natural selves.  When you were slaves to sin, you were free from the control of righteousness.  You benefited nothing at that time.  Those things result in death.  Now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves to God, the benefits you receive lead to holiness and eternal life.  “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Rom. 6:19-23).

God has freed you from sin, but if a Christian begins to sin, they will become more and more wicked.  Sin begins in small ways, but one sin follows another.  Then worse sin follows.  If Christians obey God, they will begin to live a holy life and please God.

Paul explains that Christians used to be slaves to sin and sin was like a master and controlled their lives.  They received no wages and no benefits for their efforts.  Death was the only result of their efforts.  God’s grace is a free gift that no one deserves.  It is the gift of eternal life.  This gift is received when you invite Jesus into your life.  Jesus is the only one who could pay the price to free you from sin by dying on the cross.

How can we win over sin since we have a sinful nature?  If you have never trusted in Jesus, you are hopelessly and helplessly under the reign of sin.  Christ died and rose again to free you from sin.  Let Him be your new Master.  Let Him have authority over your body, obey His Word, and remember He redeemed you.  Look forward to a glorious eternal life free from sin in His presence.  You won’t be sinless in this life, but you can grow in holiness and win over sin.

Principle:  You can win over sin by looking forward to your glorious future of eternal life in Christ Jesus.

Next time we will study Romans 7.  Have a blessed day and thanks for visiting my site.  Hope to see you here again.  --  I encourage you to trust in Jesus.

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Friday, November 10, 2017

Romans 5

Romans 5:1-11 – Peace Through Christ

Since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through Jesus.  We have gained access by faith into this grace in which we stand.  We rejoice in the hope of the glory of God.  (Rom. 5:1-2)

What does having peace with God mean?  Before we were justified through faith in Jesus, we were God’s enemies.  Being at peace means instead of being at war with Him, we are at peace with Him.  We are truly resting in God while all around us there is war.  We now have a friendship with God.  We have unity with Him and have the presence of the Holy Spirit.  Because of His grace, nothing can separate us from God’s love.

What is the hope of the glory of God?  Christian hope is different than the hope we usually talk about.  It’s not wishful thinking.  Hope in God is that He will do everything He promises.  It’s the hope that one day we will see God Himself – that gives us hope.  Sin has spoiled our glory, but one day God will change us and we will be a part of His glory.  That’s hope.                            

Paul says we also rejoice in our sufferings.  This suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character hope.  (Rom. 5:3-4)

How can we be glad that we suffer?  I don’t know any suffering that is joyful.  Do you?  Paul says suffering does something and accomplishes something.  It’s productive and has value.  We know it works and that is what makes us rejoice.  It’s like a woman in labor.  She suffers during child birth, but she knows it produced something worthwhile.

I think he might also be talking about the suffering we endure as Christians.  Matt. 5:11-12 Jesus said, “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me.”  As Christians we are attacked for our faith and belief in Jesus.  When this happens, we are sharing what Christ’s suffered.  He too was attacked and mocked.  When we suffer because of our faith, we become stronger.  It develops our character and strengthens our faith.

Principle:  Being justified through faith brings hope and peace with God.

Hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit.  We see just at the right time when we were powerless that Christ died for the ungodly.  God demonstrates His love for us that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (Rom. 5:5-8)

God will never disappoint us.  He has given us the Holy Spirit who helps us know God loves us.  God has proven His love by giving us His Son, Jesus to die on the cross.  He chose to rescue us just at the right time.  While we were sinners and powerless, He died for us.  There was and is nothing we can do to save ourselves.  He died for all sinners then, now and those in the future.

Have you accepted Jesus as your rescuer?

Since we have been justified by His blood, how much more can we be saved from His wrath.  We were God’s enemies, but were reconciled to him through the death of Jesus.  Then how much more can we be saved.  We also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus through whom we have now received reconciliation. (Rom: 5:9-11).

We are considered righteous because of Jesus’ death made us righteous and God has forgiven our sin.  We will not suffer punishment.  Our salvation is complete.  We were His enemies, but are now His friends.

If you have been reconciled to God, do you rejoice, really rejoice?

Romans 5:12-21 – Life Through Christ

Sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and this death came to all men because all sinned.  Death reigned from Adam to Moses.  Adam was the pattern of the one to come.  Many died by the sin of one man, then God’s grace and gift came by the grace of the one man, Jesus that overflow to the many.  His gift is not like the sin.  Judgment followed one sin and brought condemnation, but the gift followed many sins and brought justification.  By the sin of one man, death reigned so those who receive God’s provision of grace and gift of righteousness will reign in life through one man, Jesus.  The result on one man’s sin condemned all men.  The result of one act of righteousness was justification bringing life for all men.   The law was added so that the sin might increase.  Where sin increased, grace increased.  Sin reigns in death and grace reigns through righteousness to bring eternal life through Jesus.  (Rom. 5:12-21).

Adam sinned because he didn’t obey God’s command to not eat from one special tree in the garden.  If he did, he would die.  Adam didn’t listen and he disobeyed so death was the result of his sin and then sin both physical and spiritual came to all people.  Everyone has the same nature as Adam so everyone has a tendency to sin.  There was sin in the world even before the law was given to Moses.  The law just made people recognize their sin.

Adam chose to do what he wanted.  Christ’s gift came because He loves us.  Many died because of Adam’s sin and many people received the gift of life because of Jesus.  Adam’s sin brought God’s judgment, but the death of Jesus was sufficient to make people righteous.  His death was the perfect sacrifice for sin and He had to die only one time for all people.  Adam’s sin makes everyone guilty, but the righteous act of Jesus can make everyone righteous for those who will invite Him into their lives.  People became sinners because Adam did not obey, but many became friends with God because Christ obeyed.

There is a lot in these verses and Paul seems to be repeating himself and sometime it seems he is going around in circles and sometimes he is hard to understand.  I think it is because he wants us to understand exactly why we must be justified by faith.  He wants us to realize that this gift of grace that Jesus gives us is the most import gift we will ever receive.

The lesson for me is that we should watch our behavior and the choices we make, because they affect our children and others who are watching.  Our choices probably won’t affect the entire human race like Adam, but our conduct will affect others.

Some people believe we are born a good person and just do bad things.  That is not what the Bible teaches.  We are sinners even from the womb - Ps. 51:5; 58:3, Rom. 3:10; 3:23; 5:12, 1 John 1:10 – just to mention a few.  We are born selfish and self-centered.  Just look at a baby and how he cries to get wants he wants.  Because we are born of the flesh, we are united with Adam because of our sin.  We are enemies with God and are separated from Him, because we are sinners.  We must accept and believe in Jesus to forgive our sins, and then we will be united with Him and reconciled to God.

Are you being deceived into thinking you are a good person and have nothing to worry about?
Have you repented of your sins and trusted in Jesus as your Savior?

Through Adam’s sin all were condemned, but through Christ’s righteousness all in Him are justified.
The law is necessary to expose and convict us of our sin.
There is abundant grace for sinners who have trusted in Jesus.

There are 2 kingdoms that reign – the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Satan.  Those who belong to Satan’s kingdom will suffer permanent death and eternal destruction.  Those who belong to the Kingdom of God will have redemption and forgiveness and eternal life.

To which Kingdom do you belong?

Next time we will study Romans 6.  Have a blessed day and thanks for visiting my site.  Hope to see you here again.  --  I encourage you to trust in Jesus.

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Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Romans 4

Romans 4:1-12 – Abraham’s Faith Justified

Abraham believed God and it was credited to him as righteousness.  When a man works, he is given wages.  This is not a gift, but an obligation.  To a man who doesn’t work but trusts God, his faith is credited as righteousness.  David said the same thing in Ps. 32:1-2 when he said a man is blessed apart from works.   Even though Abraham was circumcised, he was credited as righteous before he was circumcised.  He is the father of all who believe but have not been circumcised.  He is also the father of the circumcised and those who walk in the footsteps of the faith. (Rom. 4:1-12).

Paul wanted to prove his message about faith so he started by explaining faith in the Old Testament.  He used Abraham and David as examples.  He wanted to show that to become righteousness is not by our works, but by our faith.

Abraham was called a friend of God in Is. 41:8 and in Is. 51:1-2 he was called a righteous man.  He could have bragged about it others, but he couldn’t brag to God.  God accepted him because he believed God not because of his good works.  He believed God’s promise of a son and that he would have many descendants and had faith it would happen.  Paul quotes David in verses 7-8 as saying we are blessed when we know God has forgiven our sins and credits us righteous apart from any works.

Jews believed a man needed circumcision.  In Genesis God commanded that every Jewish male child be circumcised as part of a covenant with God.  This was an outward sign and a permanent reminder to Israel that they needed to obey God’s laws.  Circumcision is practiced today although it is not necessary for any religious reasons.  God is more interested in spiritual circumcision.  Physical circumcision can however prevent disease and so does spiritual circumcision.  Spiritual circumcision prevents sin disease that starts in the heart.  It is putting off immorality, evil desires, anger, lying, etc.  Today God requires obedience just as He did during the Old Testament times.

A person who thinks he qualifies for heaven because of his religion or good works is wrong thinking.  We are justified by faith and not by our works.  This applies to all people.  Abraham was justified before he was circumcised.  So there is no basis or rule that one must be circumcised.  God can justify anyone who believes in Jesus Christ, even the uncircumcised.  This is the truth is the foundation for your Christian life.  Good works does not save you.  Religion does not save you.  Only faith in Jesus Christ can save you.

What are you trying to do to assure your place in heaven?
Does God see you as righteous?

“However, to the man who does not work but trust God who justifies the wicked, his faith is credited as righteousness.”Rom. 4:5.  Does this mean we don’t have to do any works?  No, it means your works don’t save you.  He is talking about the Jews and those who thought good works would save them.   We are under grace and under grace you don’t have to do anything to be justified and righteous.  God recognizes Jesus’ death as payment in full for all our sins.  We are all sinners so God justifies the ungodly – that’s all of us.

If you see yourself as a good person and deserving salvation, you can’t be justified.  If you see yourself as a sinner and deserving of God’s judgment, then you can be justified.  God justifies the ungodly.  We need to recognize ourselves as sinners and in need of Jesus.  We need to acknowledge that the wages of your sin is death and sin eternally separates us from God, trust in God’s promises and that Jesus died for you, and accept Him in faith.  If he justifies the ungodly, there’s hope for you.  The best news ever is we don’t have to work for our salvation.  Salvation comes to those who believe in Jesus Christ.                                                     

Are you depending on your baptism, your church attendance, or how much money you give to the church to save you?
What outside signs are you depending on?

Principle:  God justifies us by our faith alone, not by our works.

If God has forgiven me of my sins and has justified me through the blood of Jesus, why do I sometimes feel guilty of my past?  It is a lack of faith.  We let Satan into our thinking to make us feel guilty.  It seems too easy for God just to say we are forgiven.  That is lack of faith.  God tells us if we confess and repent, He will forgive any sins and remember them no more and God doesn’t lie.  SO – believe it and move on!

What sin are you looking back on that makes you feel guilty?
Have you confess it to God?

Romans 4:13-25 – Abraham’s Faith Rests in God’s Promise

It was not through the law that Abraham and his offspring received the promised to be the heir of the world, but through righteousness that comes by faith.  Abraham is the father of many nations.  He is the father of us all.  He is our father in the sight of God in whom he believed – the God who gives life to the dead.  Abraham was about 100 years old and his body was as good as dead.  His wife Sarah’s womb was dead also, but in hope he believed and so became the father of nations.  He didn’t waver in unbelief in God’s promise, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God being fully persuaded that God had the power to do what He had promised.  This is why it was credited to him as righteous.  This is written to us also who believe in Him who raised Jesus from the dead.  He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification. (Rom. 4:13-25)

In Genesis 12-23 God promised He would make Abraham into a great nation.  He promised to bless those who blessed him and curse those who cursed him and that all people would be blessed through him.  God promised to give the land of Canaan to him and his descendents.  God promised that Abraham’s wife would have a son and she would be the mother of nations and kings.

God had promised Abraham and Sarah a child, but they were now old and it hadn’t happened.  Abraham didn’t give up.  He had faith and believed God even though it was humanly impossible and very unlikely at this point in his life.  At times our faith cannot be without struggles, just as it was for Abraham.  As we look back on history we see God kept His promise to Abraham and gave him many descendants. 

To believe in God’s promise is the same as believing in God.  If someone promises to do something and you don’t believe him, then it’s the same as calling him a liar.  If you don’t believe God, you are calling Him a liar.  God does not lie and Abraham knew it.

Do you believe God’s promises?
Do you believe in His written Word?   

Abraham grew in his faith and gave glory to God.  This teaches us that our faith should be growing.  Your faith may be weak, but it is still faith.  Faith is a gift from God, but we have the responsibility to grow it.  We can grow it by studying God’s Word and learning His attributes and His ways.  Put your faith into action and as we do that our faith is strengthened to trust Him more and more.

How is your faith like Abraham’s?
What has your faith taught you?
Is your faith growing?

Abraham believed God’s promise in spite of his seemly impossible circumstances.  Maybe you look at your own heart and realize how sinful you are and think it is impossible for God to save you.  Maybe you say God can never forgive all that I’ve done.  God can forgive any sin and He will if you confess and repent.  We must believe God and that Jesus died as the substitute for all sinners – even you.  We are saved by grace alone through faith in Him alone.

Have you personally applied the lesson of Abraham’s faith so righteousness can be credited to you?

Principle:  God separates the sin from the sinner by placing it on Jesus.

Next time we will study Romans 5.  Have a blessed day and thanks for visiting my site.  Hope to see you here again.  --  I encourage you to trust in Jesus.

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