Monday, December 7, 2020

Genesis 18:16-33 – 19:1-38

Genesis 18:16-33 – Abraham Pleads for Sodom                                        

We saw in our last lesson that two men and the Lord visited Abraham.  When the men were ready to leave, the Lord revealed another purpose for the visit.  Abraham was God’s covenant friend so He announced His plan of judgment on Sodom and Gomorrah.  Sin was so grievous there and had been for a long time that God would destroy Sodom and Gomorrah. (Gen 18:20)  He gave Abraham the opportunity to plead for the righteous people who lived there.

Lot and his family lived in Sodom.  Abraham had risked himself and rescued Lot in the past and even though Lot had returned to Sodom, Abraham still wanted to spare him.   So Abraham pleaded with the Lord to spare the righteous people of Sodom.  He asked, “Will you sweep away the righteous with the wicked?  What if there are fifty righteous people in the city?...... The Lord said, ‘If I find fifty righteous people in the city of Sodom, I will spare the whole place for their sake.’”.  Gen. 18:25-26.  Then Abraham spoke up again boldly asking if there are 45 righteous men, then 40, then 30, then 20.  Each time God said He would not destroy Sodom if righteous men were found until Abraham was down to 10. (Gen. 18:27-33) 

Abraham was humble, but persistent and bold.  He was open to God as he talked with Him.  He knew God was just and righteous and had all authority.  God listened patiently to Abraham as He does when we pray.  The passage doesn’t say that Abraham stopped pleading with God, but that God left.  “When the Lord had finished speaking with Abraham, he left, and Abraham returned home.” Gen. 18:33.

Does this mean we can change God’s mind?  If not, why pray?  God does not change His mind.  He might improve upon His plans, but God does not change.  His plans are already perfect.  Prayer does change our circumstances in response to our prayers.  I think it is a lesson to Abraham and to us that prayer is important and we should never give up.  God allows us to intercede in order to reveal His mercy.  It shows that God takes no pleasure in destroying the wicked.  It also shows the power of righteous people can have and it teaches us the value of intercession.  Prayer gives God the opportunity to mess with your heart and to align it with His.

Abraham’s prayer was effective because it was specific.  We often pray in broad, general terms instead of praying for what we really want.  God wants us to care for people and intercede on their behalf.  There are many people that you probably know that has no one praying for them and their concerns.

Principle:  Walking intimately with God by trusting His Word will align our heart’s desire with His.

How will you describe your relationship with God, as friend or acquaintance?  The enemy doesn’t want you to take the time to pray, because it changes your heart.  
Are you available for God to change your heart?
Does your prayer life involve only those around you?
How might you pray concerning the lost?

Gen. 19:1-29 – The Destruction of Sodom

The two angels arrived in Sodom in the evening and Lot met them.  The Lord did not come with them.  He would not be welcomed there.  Lot seemed to know they were divine guests and offered for them to wash their feet and spend the night at his house instead of them staying in the square.  After they ate and before they had gone to bed, all of the men (young and old) from all over the city surrounded the house.  They wanted the two men visitors to come out and have sex with them.  This sounds like rampant homosexuality.  They came to gang rape the visitors.  Lot pleaded with them not to do this wicked thing and offered his two daughters instead.  They didn’t want his daughters and tried to break down the door.  Lot was not a man of character and was focused on himself.  Hospitality was more sacred than sexual morality to him. 

God condemns homosexuality.  “If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have don what is detestable…” Lev. 20:13.  “Do not be deceived; neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.”1 Cor. 6:9b-10.  .  Our attitude toward homosexuals should be that they are sinners in need of a savior, just like any sinful person.

“God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another.  They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator – who is forever praised. Amen.  Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts.  Even the women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones.  In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another.  Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion…..God have them over to a depraved mind to do what ought not to be done……… they not only continued to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.” Rom. 1:24-32.  This was the story of Sodom.

The men outside wanted to break down Lot’s door.  The two angels pulled Lot back and struck the men blind so they could not find the door.  The two angels told Lot of the coming punishment of the city and told him and his family to leave the city.  Lot spoke to his sons-in-law to convince them to flee with him, but they thought he was joking.  Lot had no credibility with them and was not a good witness for God.  Lot hesitated and was literally dragged from the city by the angels, because his heart was in Sodom.  The angels told them to flee for their lives and not to look back.  

Do you have credibility with those around you?
What kind of witness are you in times of crisis?

God destroyed Sodom as an example of that happens to the ungodly.  “if he condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah by burning them to ashes, and made them an example of what is going to happen to the ungodly; and if he rescued lot, a righteous man, who was distressed by the filthy lives of lawless men (for that righteous man, living among them day after day, was tormented in his righteous soul by the lawless deeds he saw and heard) – if this is so, then the Lord knows how to rescue godly men from trials and to hold the unrighteous for the day of judgment, while continuing their punishment.”2 Peter 2:6-9.  God saved Lot, but he lost his friends, his property, his character and his life’s work.  Lot was saved because of Abraham interceded for him.  We are saved because of the One Who intercedes for us, Jesus Christ.  Lot did not deserve to be saved.  Neither do we.

Sodom was a city of great sin.  Homosexuality was their way of life.  God showed great mercy to Lot and his family and let them live because of Abraham’s prayer.  This shows that God can save others when we pray.  Lot was told to go to the mountains, but he wanted to go the city of Zoar.  Lot was selfish when he asked God to save Zoar thinking it would be a better place to live.  He wanted things his own way.  Lot’s wife didn’t obey the Lord.  She liked Sodom and didn’t want to leave so she looked back and was turned to salt. (Gen 19:18-26)

We learn from these events that God doesn’t need our help and we should not try to manipulate people and events of the world.  There are similarities between Sodom and the world today.  Immorality, perversion and homosexuality are rampant.  Homosexuality is always considered sin the Bible – not an alternative lifestyle as people like to refer to it today.

God will judge all the earth.  Faith is the only way to escape eternal death.  Abraham interceded for Lot and his prayers made a difference.

Who needs you to pray for them?
Are you willing to pray for them knowing your prayers matter?
Do you have an affair with the world?
Of what sin will God convict you? 
Do you negotiate with Him?  

There was a steady progression of comprise in Lot’s life.  He went from looking toward Sodom, to pitching his tent toward Sodom, to living in Sodom and losing everything. Despite the pull of Sodom, Lot was a righteous man who was grieved by the sin around him, but gave in to compromise.  2 Peter 2:7 tells us that Lot was a righteous man, but he is an example of one who looks like he has accepted Jesus as Savior, but never makes Him Lord.  There was evil all around him and he made a fatal mistake by living in worldly standards. 

Many Christians today live in conformity to our corrupt world.  We need to recognize the signs of corruption and need to keep our minds on the things of God.  We should not approve of the evil things going on in the world.  If we do, we are just as guilty as the sinner.  “Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to these very things but also approve of those who practice them.”Rom. 1:32

Are you respected by others for your beliefs?
Are you more concerned for your status than for your family?
Are you continually living a moral life?
Are you living for the same goals as the world?
Are you keeping a little bit of sin in your life?

It’s not time to negotiate, but to recognize how much God loves you enough to warn you.  Lot missed out on fellowship with God and with others.  He had no influence on others.  He had many chances, but chose the world.  He wasted his life.  Comprise destroyed Lot’s testimony. 

What will you do so you don’t waist the life you have been given?
Do you read this story and think you can’t be in it?  You can go to church weekly, but choose not to be in fellowship with God.  You can call yourself a believer, but do you condone sinful behaviors?  Redemption does not cure our sinful nature.  We need to stay close to God.  He reveals Himself in His Word.

When believers live in conformity to this corrupt world, tragic consequences result.
We need to heed God’s warnings because judgment is coming.

Genesis 19:30-38 – Lot and Daughters

God let Lot live in Zoar, but Lot soon left Zoar even though God had promised to keep him safe there.  He did not trust God so he went to live in a cave with his daughters.  He lived the rest of his life scared to death. 

Lot’s daughters were not familiar with praying.  They probably thought because Sodom was destroyed the whole world was destroyed and they were responsible to repopulate the earth.  They may have just wanted to preserve the family line.  Whatever their reasoning they got him drunk and lay with him.  Both became pregnant by their father.  They knew their actions were wrong.  They lacked trust and respect for their father.  Sex between close members in a family is wrong.  Their descendants became enemies and obstacles for Israel.  God did not punish Lot’s descendants because of this.  They became important nations, the Moabites and the Ammonites of today.  Jesus was a descendant of Ruth who was a Moabite. God’s grace triumphs over sin.

Here we see again how alcohol can play a part in sexual immorality.  Lot was not a good father.  He was passive father and let his family spiritual life go by the way side.  He had lost all his possession in the destruction of Sodom and now he was wallowing in self-pity and fear.  He could have returned to Abraham, but that would mean he would have to confess his sin, humble his pride and face up to his choices.  He would have to ask for Abraham’s help; instead we would rather live in a cave.

We see that today concerning salvation.  People are so full of pride that they cannot humble themselves and confess their sin and ask God for help.  Instead they seem to be comfortable in their sin. 

Lot’s daughters could have prayed and waited on God to provide them with the husband they desired.  They had never seen their father seek the Lord so this didn’t occur to them.  They saw their father’s fear and it spread to them.

Principle:  God’s grace triumphs over sin.

Join me here next week for the next chapter in Genesis.  -- I encourage you to trust in Jesus.


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Monday, November 30, 2020

Genesis 17 – 18:15

Genesis 17 – Covenant of Circumcision

It had been 13 years since Abram had heard from God.  Abram knew he had messed up.  He was probably saying, “Will God forgive me?  Has He forgotten me or His covenant?”.  But he was wrong, God didn’t forget anything.  God appeared to Abram when he was 99 years old.  This was another appearance of God in the person of Jesus.  “I am God Almighty, walk before me and be blameless.  I will confirm my covenant between me and you and will greatly increase your numbers.”Gen 17:1-2.    Abram was so overjoyed to hear from God that he fell facedown before Him.  What a moment of grace!  He truly sensed God’s presence and a profound reverence. 

Do you feel God has been quiet in your life?
Do you think, “Is He going to talk to me”?
Is God there?
What life habit is God asking you to remove so you can be closer to Him?

When Abram fell on his face, he showed the attitude of his heart.  Throughout the Bible we see falling before God and kneeling when praying.  Paul, Daniel, John and even Jesus knelt when praying.  The body’s posture can influence the mind. 

What is your attitude when you pray?
Do you kneel in awe and reverence?

What did God mean when He said to be blameless?  Blameless doesn’t mean that you will never sin.  It means that you will walk with God and follow His ways rather than the ways of the world.  It means that you trust God completely and you will try living a life that pleases God.  Then when you do slip up and sin, you will repent and be refreshed in the Lord. 

Do you think God will consider you blameless? 

Principle:  God wants our total commitment. 

This covenant is still in place today.  God doesn’t go back on His Word.  God gave them a new beginning by giving them new names.  Abram’s name became Abraham and Sarai’s name became Sarah. 

Why was their names changed?  I had to consult commentaries to find out.  Abram means “exalted father”.  A father has children, but he had no children.  So his name was changed to Abraham meaning “father of a many”, because he would have sons and become the father of nations.  Sarai means “princess”, but since she will be the mother of nations, God changed her name to “Sarah” which means “princess of many”. 

The confirmed covenant was: God will make Abraham very fruitful; Abraham will be the father of many nations; God will make nations of him and kings will come to him; God will make an everlasting covenant with him and his descendants; God will be his God and the God of his descendant; God will give Abraham and his descendants the whole land of Canaan forever. 

God told Abraham that he and his descendants must keep His covenant.  He told Abraham to circumcise every male and that any uncircumcised male would not be part of the covenant.  God also told Abraham that Sarah would have a son and to call him Isaac.  God would also bless Ishmael (Abraham’s son with Hagar) and make him fruitful as well as Isaac.  Abraham obeyed God. 

Abram was righteous before he was circumcised.  Circumcision was just a reminder and a physical sign that set apart Abraham and his descendants from those who did not know God.  Circumcision is also a spiritual sign that sin is not a part of our lives and enables us to live a life of purity. 

“The Lord your God will circumcise your hearts and the hearts of your descendants, so that you may love him with all your heart and with all your soul, and live.”Deu. 30:6. 

“A man is not a Jew if he is only one outwardly. Nor is circumcision merely outward and physical.  No, man is a Jew if he is one inwardly; and circumcision is circumcision of the heart, by the spirit, not by the written code.  Such a man’s praise is not from men, but from God.” Rom. 30:28-29. 

Jews through the centuries began to trust more in the sign of the covenant (circumcision) than the God of the covenant.  Some believe that the circumcision was sufficient and necessary to save.  Christians today are free to circumcise or not.  It doesn’t get us closer to God.  Believers receive circumcision of the heart when they accept Jesus by faith - that He died for our sins and when He died, our sins were buried with Him and we are raised with Him anew through our faith.

Principle:  True circumcision is not the outward appearance, but circumcision of the heart. 

Genesis 18:1-15 – The Lord Visits Abraham

In the heat of the day three men appeared to Abraham.  Two of the men were angels and the other was the Lord.  The Lord did not reveal himself right away.  We can assume this was the Lord again in the Person of Jesus Christ, because John 1:18 says, “No one has ever seen God, but God the One and Only, who is at the Father’s side, has made him known.”   

Why did Jesus come to visit Abraham?  Perhaps it was a test of his heart.  Abraham passed the test.  He demonstrated hospitality and love for the human needs of those around him.  The main purpose of the Lord’s visit was to confirm to Sarah that she and Abraham would have a son.  This is the sixth time that we see the revelation about the promised son.

Sarah overheard the Lord tell Abraham that she would have a son this time next year.  Sarah laughed to herself in disbelief and said to herself that she was too old and worn out to have a son.  The Lord asked, “Why did Sarah laugh….” – Gen. 18:13.  This shows us that the Lord knows our innermost thoughts and what we do in secret.  There is nothing hidden from Him.  Then He said, “Is there anything too hard for the Lord?” – Gen. 18:14.  Nothing is impossible for God.  After all He is the Creator.  Abraham and Sarah both believed in God, but now she’s faced her unbelief in a promised son.  Now she believed the truth.  Perhaps if she had believed sooner, it would not have taken her so long to conceive.  

Are you tuned in to the needs of others?
How would you respond if God came for dinner tonight?
What truth in scripture seems impossible for you to believe?
Has God asked you to do something and has He given you everything you need to do it, but you don’t believe you can?
Does your doubt impact the way you parent?  The Bible says we should be sexually pure, but this is not the way of the world.  So as a parent do you think this is not possible for your children? 
Do you parent out of your unbelief?
Do you ask, “Is this for people whose messes are like mine”?  Rom. 8:28 says “in all things God works for the good of those who love him…”. 

Principle:  God knows our innermost thoughts and challenges us to believe the impossible.

Join me here next week for the next study of Genesis.  -- I encourage you to trust in Jesus. 


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Sunday, November 22, 2020

Genesis 15 - 16


Genesis 15 – God Confirms His Covenant

God knew Abram was shaky and needed assurance.  It had been a very intense time for Abram.  If you remember in the previous chapter, Abram went to war against four kings to rescue Lot and his family.  Abram going after Lot is an example of grace.  At one time, we were all “Lots” living in sin.  God loved us and chased us down in spite of who we were. 

Abram had refused any of the spoils of war from the most powerful king of the land, King Sodom.  I’m sure Abram was somewhat fearful and discouraged that the king could come back for revenge against him so God came to him in a vision.  Gen. 15:1“After this, the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision: ‘Do not be afraid, Abram.  I am your shield, your very great reward.’”.  God wanted to reassure him that He was his protector.  We should not look at our circumstances, but look to God who is in control.  There is no need to fear the future.  We need to rely on God and He will calm our fears.

What “after this” are you facing in life?
Is it after a cancer treatment, bankruptcy, divorce, loss of a loved some, etc.?  
Are you sacrificially committed to living God’s Word?  He assures us with His protection as He did Abram.  He will protect us, but that doesn’t mean we won’t have times of trouble.
Where do you need to trust God? 
How is God asking you to fearless obey Him?
What makes you afraid?  Failure, death.  There are over 200 verses in the Bible stating “fear not” to reassure us when we are afraid.
Are you willing to place your faith and trust in God?

God said He would be Abram’s shield.  God is our shield by protecting, deflecting and absorbing the arrows and darts from the enemy, Satan.  God said He is Abram’s very great reward.  He is our very great reward when we place our faith in Him.  We get a relationship with Him for all eternity.

Principle:  God is a shield and reward to those who trust in Him.

If God said to you “I am your very great reward”, what would this mean to you? 
Are you living by faith? 
Do you trust God to do what He says He will do? 
What does it mean to have faith? – To have faith is to trust God completely and by believing in Jesus and that He died to make us perfect in God’s sight.
What does it mean to be righteous? – To be righteous means you believe in God and live by faith.

Abram was struggling with doubt.  Years had passed since God made the promises to him.  Abram questioned God in Gen. 15:2-6.  He was questing God because he knew he didn’t have the ability at his age to have a son.  He probably wondered if he even heard God right.  He wanted very much to do his part in fulfilling God’s promise.  He probably was wondering how this would happen.  There was no disapproval from God.  God just said, “Look up at the heavens and count the stars…. So shall your offspring be.”Gen. 15:5.  Abram’s offspring today are all those who believe in Christ Jesus.  See Rom. 4:16. Gal. 3:7, 29.

Doubt is different than unbelief.  Doubt is the natural journey of faith.  Are you doubting?  Are you open to dialog with God?  God is where we go when afraid and experiencing doubt.  We all need assurance from God.  To us, God’s timing seems so off.  God showed Abram the stars to assure him that He was capable of fulfilling His promise.  Abram was led to focus on God and what God could do.  Abram took God at His Word and believed God.  “Abram believed the Lord, and he credited it to him as righteousness.”Gen. 15:6.  Rom. 1:16-17 tells us that the righteousness will live by faith.  Abram was righteous because he lived by faith.

Principle:  Sinful men are counted righteous by grace through faith in the Word of God.

What is the tough question you need to ask God?
What disappointment are you living with that leads you to doubt or even unbelief?
Are you willing to trust God with your tears?

God had promised that Abram would possess the land.  Abram asked, “How can I know that I will gain possession of it?”Gen 15:8.  Abram didn’t demand how this was going to happen.  He just went to God submissive, but confused.  God didn’t answer Aram, but instead told him to bring a heifer, a goat and a ram, each three years old, along with a dove and a young pigeon.  Abram did as God said, but then he killed them and cut them in half even though God didn’t tell him to do that.  Abram simply understood what this was all about.  It was to be a covenant with God.

In those days there was no written contract.  A covenant was made with sacrificial animals, split them in half, and the parties of the covenant would ratify it by walking between the halves.  God was personally and deeply committed to this covenant with Abram.  With this covenant Abram was guaranteed God’s promise.  If we believe, God promises us that we are saved and our salvation is secure.  It is not secure based on you obeying, but on the Jesus’ work on the cross.  Don’t live life afraid that you are not good enough.

Abram fell asleep and God revealed to him His future plans.  God’s plans for Abram’s descendants were good, but there would be many terrible troubles.  God told Abram that his descendants would be slaves in Egypt for 400 years. (Gen. 15:12-17).  We learn in the book of Exodus that all these things happened as God said.  After the 400 years God used Moses to free the people and God let them back to the country called Canaan.  God makes something good out of something horrible.  He freed them from Egypt.  God did not enslave Israel.  It was man’s free will that did that.  Today God assures us that trouble will come, but He is our very present help in times of trouble.

Are you waiting for God to fulfill a promise?
What are you focusing on, your circumstances or God?  He will fulfill His promises at the perfect time.
How will you live while waiting?
How will you protect your mind and heart?  He is committed to anyone who is committed by faith to Him.

Israel is the most disputed piece of real estate on the earth.  Israel today is one of the tiniest nations on the earth.  It’s only 260 miles at its longest point.  It would fit into the United States 768 times.  Israel is a democratic nation, but is surrounded by 22 hostile Arab/Islamic nations.  These Arab countries are 640 times larger than Israel.  They want Israel to turn over all the West Bank (Judea and Samaria), the Golan Heights and half of Jerusalem to them.  Islam’s Koran commands Muslims to force the entire planet to submit to its control, yet Israel is viewed as an aggressor.  Israel fights only defensive wars, because it resists total destruction from its enemies.  Even though it’s a tiny nation, God continues to protect Israel to this day. 

God promised Abram and his descendants the land of Israel, which includes from the river of Egypt to the Euphrates.  Abram believed God and entered into a covenant with Him.   When the sun had set, a smoking firepot with a blazing torch appeared and passed between the animal pieces.  That was God.  “On that day the Lord made a covenant with Abram and said, ‘To your descendants I give this land from the river of Egypt to the great river, the Euphrates…’.” – Gen. 15:18.  This is their Promised Land.

Principle:  God’s grace is sufficient while we wait for His promises to be fulfilled.


Genesis 16 – Hagar and Ishmael

God promised Abram a son, but so far after 10 years it didn’t happen.  They became impatient waiting on God.  Sarai lived in pain and disgrace.  So after much frustration and the social stigma she took matters into her own hands.  She suggested to Abram that he sleep with her maidservant Hagar and maybe that way they could build a family through her. (Gen. 16:1-4)  At that time Sarai’s suggestion was acceptable practice in society.  Abram went along with this and Hagar became pregnant.   They were influenced by the world’s standards.  They did not seek God in their decision.  God was not consulted or His will sought.  God had told them several times that they would have a son, but it had been 10 years and time tested their faith.  True faith waits for God’s timing. 

Hagar probably considered it a privilege to carry Abram’s son, but resented Sarai because she had to submit to her.  Sarai was jealous of her being pregnant.  Hagar despised Sarai.  Sarai blamed Abram.  Abram refused to intervene.  Sarai mistreated Hagar.  Hagar fled into the desert.  What a mess!  I think Abram was the one who was really at fault in all this.  He was a passive husband and not a loving leader.  He followed the instructions of his wife and did what she told him.  Instead he should have shown Sarai understanding, security and leadership for her heartache.  He should have gone to God along with Sarai to ask for strength and patience.  Plans without prayer produce problems.

What way do you fail your spouse?
Is there some kind of pain in your life that puts you in the planning mode without God?
Are you suggesting something to someone that might be a sin?
How can you glorify God while you are waiting for God’s promise?

Hagar was prideful and angry.  She was so unhappy that she ran away.  She was God’s child and He loved her as He loves us.  God chased after her just as He chases after us.  Verse 7 says the angel of the Lord appeared to Hagar, but I think it was Jesus who appeared to her.  He said, “Hagar, servant of Sarai, where have you come from, and where are you going?”Gen. 16:8.  By Him addressing her as “servant of Sarai” showed that this marriage was outside God’s law and was wrong and sinful.  Marriage is between 1 man and 1 woman.  He appeared 3 times, which shows He cared for her.  He told her to go back and submit to Sarai, that she was to have a son and his name would be Ishmael, and that he would have lots of descendants but also lots of hostility.  She needed confidence from God that everything was alright.  God’s promise to have many descendants would encourage her.  Hagar gave the Lord a name, “the God who sees me”Gen. 16:13.

When Abram was 86 years old, Hagar gave birth to a son and Abram named him Ishmael.  There were would be consequences because of the decision that Abram and Sarai made.  Hagar’s descendants would become some of the Arab nations of today.  There was hostility between Hagar and Sarai and it continues today between Arabs and Jews.

Are you struggling and think you need to get your act together before God helps you?  Hagar was a mess.  Are you on the run?  When you meet with God, it can be hard.  Hagar was told to go back and submit to Sarai.  If you are running away, God is watching and will meet you where you are.  Just trust and submit to Him.

Principle:  Whenever we run ahead of God, there is trouble; true faith waits on God’s timing.

Join me here next week for the next chapter in Genesis.  -- I encourage you to trust in Jesus.



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