Sunday, October 10, 2021

Matthew 4 – Lesson 4


Matthew 4:1-11 - The Temptation of Jesus

Jesus had been given super national powers at His baptism, but was still human.  The Holy Spirit led Jesus into the desert where it was dry and there He fasted for 40 days.  He was exhausted and hungry.  Satan took advantage of Jesus’ situation and tempted Him over and over.  Jesus used what He had in His human body to resist.  He used God’s Word.  He trusted God’s Word.  Satan’s purpose was to cause Him to sin against God and to cause Him to turn away from God's plan, which would ultimately be to redeem humanity through His suffering on the cross.  He was trying to get Jesus to sin by denying truths about God – God’s provision, God’s plan, and God’s preeminence.  Satan wanted to be in charge, more powerful, more important and to be worshiped.

There are differences and similarities of Adam and Eve temptation in the garden and Jesus in the wilderness: 

Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness; Adam and Eve were already in Eden.
Jesus was alone; Adam and Eve had each other.
Jesus was tempted 3 times by Satan; Adam and Eve were tempted once.
Jesus’ temptation was after fasting; Adam and Eve after abundance of food.
Jesus quoted Scripture accurately; Adam and Eve didn’t.
Jesus obeyed and trusted God; Adam and Eve didn’t.
Jesus sent Satan away; Adam and Eve didn’t.
Jesus had victory over Satan, Adam and Eve didn’t.

Temptation #1 – Jesus was tempted with food.  He had fasted for 40 days and 40 nights so He was very hungry.  In Matt. 4:4 Jesus quoted the Scripture Deut. 8:3“It is written: Man does not live by bread alone, on every word that comes from the mouth of God.”  He was very weary, but strengthened by the Word of God. 

Temptation #2 – Jesus was tempted with proving God’s authority.  Satan demanded Jesus to jump off the highest point of the temple and God would protect Him if He was really the Son of God.  In Matt. 4:7 Jesus quoted Scripture Deut. 6:16 – “Do not put the Lord your God to the test.”

Temptation #3 – Satan took Jesus to a high mountain and promised Him the whole world if He bowed down and worshiped him.  Again in Matt. 4:10 Jesus quoted Scripture Deut. 6:13“Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.”

God had a purpose in allowing Jesus to be tempted.  In Hebrews 2:17-18 it tells us why Jesus had to be tempted.  “For this reason he had to be made like his brothers in every way, in order that He might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, and that he might make atonement for sins of people.  Because he himself suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted.”  The Lord’s temptation proved His worthiness and the perfect one to be our Savior.  Being tempted allowed Him to appreciate and understand our temptations.  God needed us to see this perfect example of Jesus.  God allowed Satan to tempt, but one day He will never tempt anyone again.

Satan wants us to deny God’s truths in the same way.  We have the same Word of God available to us.  Satan accuses us to God.  He masquerades around as beauty and comes in many forms.  He’s not red with a long tail.  Satan tempts us by saying to us, “You need it.  You deserve it.” 

People are tempted in their thinking and lives today.  They are tempted to be afraid instead of trusting and believing in God.  They worry about money, the uncertainty of world events, their health, and the future.  They don’t focus on God, but the worldly things.  They love the pleasures of the world and all the world has to offer.  They are tempted by their desires, which can lead to sin.

God’s Word strengthens us to stand against temptation.  Heb. 4:12 tells us that God’s Word is living and active and sharper than any double-edge sword.  He judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.  We should resist temptation and rely on the Holy Spirit to give us strength to resist the temptation to deny God.  Know His Word and remember:  “No temptation has seized you except what is common to man.  And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.  But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.” -  1 cor. 10:13

Where are you vulnerable to temptation?

How have you experienced similar temptations like Christ?
Have you experienced victory through power of the Holy Spirit?
Do you use God’s Word to give you strength?

Who is Satan?  Some say there is no hell and no such person as Satan.  Satan is real!  He is called “the prince of this world” in John 12:31; 14:30, “the evil one” in Matt. 13:19, 38, “the devil” in Matt. 25:41; Luke 8:12; John 8:44.  He is the “father of lies”, “a murderer”, and “the deceiver”.  He is a spiritual, invisible being.  He is extremely powerful whose influence and whose invisible evil angels attack all the earth.  He is God’s powerful adversary.  The devil was created by God among angelic beings, but his heart was overcome with the sin of pride, which led him to exalt himself against God.  As a result of his rebellion, he was banished from God’s presence and took with him other spiritual beings called demons.  God allowed him to rule in “the kingdom of darkness".  He exercises his evil authority by leading his fallen spirits and his dominion over all of lost humanity.  “The whole world is under the control of the evil one.” - 1 John 5:19.

Jesus’ main work was to destroy him who holds the power of death – that is the devil and free all those who live under the devil’s control.  Christ has delivered us from the fear of Satan’s power and the temptation to sin.  God promised we can resist Satan by faith in Jesus and then he will flee from us.  Satan’s power over us was defeated at the Cross.

The story of Jesus’ temptation ends with “then the devil left him”.  Angels then came and attended Jesus.  It is not known exactly what they did, but I am sure they brought food and met all his physical needs.  We receive comfort that in every victory over temptation, God will provide for us.

Principle:  The devil is real and God’s Word helps believers to resist temptation.

Matthew 4:12-25 – Jesus Begins His Ministry

Jesus began His ministry in Galilee and preached the call to repentance.  “Repent, for the kingdom of Heaven is near.” Matthew 4:17.  He called 4 men fishermen to be His first disciples - Peter, Andrew, James and John.  He said, “Come, follow me…I will make you fishers of men”. Matthew 4:19.  In calling them, He was calling them to help share the good news of the Gospel, to be soul winners.  They immediately left and followed Him.  Notice they did not hesitate.  This is a great example for us.

Do you want to be a soul winner?  Many of us want to witness before we follow the command of Jesus – “Follow Me”!  A follower is a disciple and a disciple is a learner.  A committed disciple of Christ will be the most effective witness.  To truly follow Jesus involves salvation, sacrifice, and being a learner.  Jesus’ disciples spent lots of time with Him.  They ate with Him, worked with Him, listened, learned from Him, and submitted to Him.  They saw miracles and what He was like in His private times when the world was not watching.

How will you learn from Jesus today?  You first need to learn to love and read His Word.  Then you need to communicate with Him through prayer.  Jesus calls it abiding or remaining.  “If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you.” John 15:7.  Then you need to be a disciple by being a godly follower. “It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up.” – Eph. 4:11-12.

Jesus said it simply.  “If you love me, keep my commandments.” John 14:15.  “Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves.  He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love him and show myself to him.” John 14:21. 

Do you know now that He is the Messiah?

Are you a follower of Jesus?
What blessings have you received as a result of following Jesus?

Prayer is very important to Jesus and should be important to us.  He started His day with prayer.  He sets the example for us.  He needed to pray for the busy day that was ahead.  We need to pray for our busy day ahead.  Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.”Mark 1:35.

Have you established a habit of early morning prayer or do you give God your leftovers of the day?

Matthew 4:23-25 summarizes Jesus’ ministry of teaching, preaching, and working of miracles.  Jesus did 9 miracles.  His ability to heal all different kinds of diseases demonstrates He has authentic power over sickness, over demons and over all creation.  Great multitudes followed Him as He taught and healed. 

Principle:  God's power in us draws others to Him.

Maybe through His power you can forgive someone.  People are drawn to Jesus in us.  Let Him shine in you.  No one was there to see Jesus being tempted.  It's private obedience that draws us to Him.

Join me here next week as we continue our study of Matthew -- I encourage you to trust in Jesus.



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My research and my insights are from:
The Holy Bible – New International Version
BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) - Visit https: for a class near you.

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Matthew 3 – Lesson 3

 Matthew 3:1-12 – Preparing the Way for Jesus

There were 30 silent years before Jesus baptism.  We are not told much about Jesus’ life growing up.  We do know that He grew up as a normal child.  He had a mother who was deeply spiritual.  She loved, trusted, and obeyed God.  Jesus was blessed by His foster father, Joseph.  Joseph became a carpenter.  He recognized God’s will for him and his family.  He obeyed God.  So Jesus was brought up in a loving, God-fearing family.  What a great start in life.

Do you give your child the best start in life?

Do you read Bible stories to him, take him to church, and live a righteous life as an example?

In Hebrews 2:10-18; 4:15-16; 5:7-9; Luke 2:40-52 we learn some things about Jesus’ early life.  He had brothers.  He was tempted in every way.  He prayed with loud cries and tears.  He learned obedience.  He grew and was filled with wisdom.  The grace of God came upon Him.  At the age of 12 He stayed in Jerusalem and talked with teachers and had understanding.  He grew in wisdom and statue and in favor with God and men.  During these silent years in Nazareth He experienced all that we experience.  So He knows exactly how we feel in every circumstance.

In the OT God sent prophets to foretell the coming of Jesus, but for 400 years God had been silent toward His people.  Then He sent the prophet, John the Baptist.  He was to prepare the way for Israel’s coming King, Messiah Jesus.  Isaiah 40:3“A voice of one calling: ‘In the desert prepare the way for the Lord; make straight in the wilderness a highway for our God.’”  John the Baptist was that voice. 

John chose to give up the comforts of life and live in the desert.  He was a bold preacher and warned of the coming wrath.  His work was a call to repentance.  He said all should repent and be baptized.  John baptized with water, but He said the one to come would baptize with the Holy Spirit and with fire.  John prepared the way for the Lord Jesus by causing people to recognize and confess their sins.  He pointed them to Jesus, the Lamb of God.  His purpose was to prepare hearts for the Messiah.

People from all of Judea came to John, confessed their sins, and were baptized.  When John saw the Pharisees and Sadducees coming, he called them vipers.  These two groups represented the leadership of Judaism.  The Pharisees believed you are righteous by keeping the law.  They often misinterpreted the law, they held many traditions to be equal authority to Scripture, and they were often hypocrites in their practice of the law.  The Sadducees were more conservative.  They were wealthy upper class, held powerful positions, and more concerned with politics rather than religion.

Confession VS Repentance:
Confession is to admit your sins.  Repentance is to turn from sins by changing how you act and turn to God.  Repentance is not about feelings or being sorry for your sin.  Yes, you should be sorry for your sin, but John said people must make a change of the mind.  Repentance is a change of direction not just a sorrowful heart.  Sin can become a pattern in our life and become normal.  We need to recognize sin and not rationalize it.  There can be no true repentance without confession of sin.  So repentance produces behavior changes.  Baptism identifies us with Christ and symbolizes spiritual and moral cleansing that lasts for eternity.

What sin do you rationalize, but deep down know it is wrong?

Will you ask God to show you your sin?

John preached to the crowds about Jesus.  Luke 3:18“With many other words John exhorted the people and preached the good news to them.”  He said Jesus would be more powerful, He would baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire and He could clear out His church and gather all believers together. 

Who is the Holy Spirit?   

He is part of the Trinity – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit works in the life of a Christian.  Joel 2:28 – The Holy Spirit will come on all people and they will prophesy and dream dreams and see visions.  Ez. 36:25-27 – The Holy Spirit will cleanse you from all impurities.  John 7:37-39 – He will satisfy our deep inward thirst.  John 15:26 – He will be our Counselor and will testify about Jesus.  John 16:13-14 – He will guide you into all truth.  Rom. 8:9 – Sin doesn’t control you, because the Spirit of God lives in you.  Acts 1:8 – He gives power.  Gal. 4:6 – He lives in our hearts, because we are sons of God. 

Luke 3 gives extra details about John the Baptist’s message.  He told the people to share with others, collect no more taxes than what was due, not exhort money or accuse people falsely, and to be content with your pay.  These are good lessons for us all.

The difference in John’s baptism and the baptism of Christians since Pentecost is John baptized with water and simply prepared the people for Christ.  Christian baptism today includes these things, but much more.  Today we are baptized with the Holy Spirit.  Baptism is a sign that points to God’s promise and includes a new life in Christ.  Our baptism unites us forever with Christ.

Matthew 3:13-17 – Jesus’ Baptism

Jesus came to John the Baptist and wanted to be baptized.  He had no sin and didn’t need to be baptized.  But Jesus said in Matt. 3:15b“It is proper for us to do this to fulfill all righteousness.”  This was His first identification with us as sinners.  He set the example for us.  Although He had no sin, He took our sins upon Himself at the Cross.  His baptism marked the beginning of His public ministry.  It was the anointing for service.  When Jesus came up out of the water, heaven opened and the Spirit of God descended on Him like a dove.  “And a voice from heaven said, ‘This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.’” Matt. 3:17.   This distinguished Jesus as the Messiah from all the others John baptized.

Why did Jesus decide to be baptized?

He needed to be identified with us as sinners.
It anointed Him to begin His public ministry.
He sets the example for us to follow.
He was obeying God.
It fulfilled prophesy.


Every person needs to confess and repent.
True confession acknowledges the reality of our sinful identification without Christ.
Repentance produces behavioral changes.
Repentance leads to a new identity in Christ and sets us apart by His grace.
Believers can follow Christ’s example of obedience through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Have you confessed of your sins?
Have you repented and truly turned from sin and turned to God?
Have you ever intentionally received Christ into your being through faith?

Join me here next week as we continue our study of Matthew -- I encourage you to trust in Jesus.



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My research and my insights are from:
The Holy Bible – New International Version
BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) - Visit https: for a class near you.