Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Matthew 19 – Lesson 20


Matthew 19:1-12 - Divorce or Not to Divorce

Again the Pharisees came to Jesus to test Him on the controversial subject of divorce.  They ask, "Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for any and every reason?" - Matt. 19:3.  Jesus answered, "What God has joined together, let not man separate." - Matt. 19:6.  Jesus always turned to the Scriptures.  He said from the beginning, God created man and woman in His own image (Gen. 1:17-28; 2:23-25).  Then they asked, "Why did Moses command that a man give his wife a certificate of divorce and send her away?" - Matt. 19:7.  Jesus answered, "Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard.  But it was not this way from the beginning.  I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, and marries another woman commits adultery." -Matt. 19:8-9. 

Notice He said Moses permitted it, not commanded it.  Actually it was God who permitted it, but Moses wrote down what he received from God.  In Moses' time women were considered property and when a man was tired of his wife or she became old and not as attractive, he would put her out and she had no way to support herself.  God mercifully protected women by permitting divorce.   Then she would not be discarded without provision.

God defined marriage as a holy joining of one man and one woman.  This was to be an eternal commitment, but God knew mankind was human and He provided a way out for people who are stuck in an unhealthy marriage.  Jesus said divorce was only permitted for adultery.  Today our laws allow divorce for any reason.  People think they know better than God and even play God thinking His laws are outdated in today's society.  God is very clear about this issue of marriage and divorce.  God said, "I hate divorce." - Mal. 2:16.

What has caused your heart to be hard?

What is your response to divorce?

Today Christians are pressured to drift away from the biblical view of marriage.  There is divorce everywhere, in every family, and for every reason.  Today couples don’t even get married.  They just live together.  There is sex outside marriage and even gay marriage.  It is viewed as the norm.  Society is influenced by seeing this practiced in movies and on TV.  We are told to be tolerant and non-judgmental and that times have changed.  What do you think God would say about that?  I guess we will find out when He returns.  If it was wrong hundreds of years ago, it's wrong now.

We can strengthen ourselves and influence others by knowing what the Scriptures say on these matters.  Jesus always turned to the Scriptures.  Biblical knowledge is power.  It's a weapon against Satan and his evil.  The more you know the stronger you are.  "For the word of God is living and active.  Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart." - Heb.  4:12.

Are you considering divorce?

Will you take this to God in prayer?

Then the disciples asked if it was better to not marry.  Jesus replied that marriage is not for everyone.  "For some are eunuchs because they were born that way; others were made that way by men; and others have renounced marriage because of the kingdom of heaven." - Matt. 19:12.  (Eunuchs were usually castrated males or those with reproductive birth defects.  It was also common practice for rulers to castrate their servants for those who tended to the royal harem.)  He said marriage may not be for those who wish to devote themselves totally to God for marriage may be a distraction.  However, if they cannot control their lust, then it is best to marry and remain with that person.  This is also taught by Paul in 1 Cor. 7. 

The Bible does not teach that it is best to marry.  There are those who are called to devote themselves to God's work.  Paul is a great example.  Whether you are married or not, the only life that brings joy, fulfillment and purpose if one that does the will of God.

Eph. 5:21-33 tells us to be loving and submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.  Husbands and wives are meant to be one flesh and work in unity.  Paul compared marriage for a man and woman as that of Christ and the church.  We are to love our spouse as Christ loved the church.  He loved it enough to die for it.

If you have been divorced outside of God's loop hole of adultery and have remarried, stay in the marriage or you will commit another sin if you leave.  Because of Jesus if you repent, you are forgiven and cleansed.  Do not dwell on it.  It's in the past and we all have past sins.  Just live your life knowing God still loves you and that you are forgiven. Then prayerfully commit to make God the center of your married life.

Do you live with the guilt of divorce?

Will you repent and ask God for forgiveness? 
Will you then live a life of forgiveness without guilt?

Principle:  God hates divorce and meant for marriage to be permanent.

Matthew 19:13-15 – Jesus and Children

Jesus and the disciples were on their way to Jerusalem.  Along the way parents brought their little children to Jesus for Him to touch them, bless them, and to pray over them.  The disciples disapproved of this probably thinking children were not important and Jesus was busy and had more important business to attend to.  They were only trying to protect Jesus, because they knew He was tired and thought the children would interrupt his work.  Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." - Matt. 19:14.  

Children are very open and honest.  They have a simple humble faith.  This is how we should approach Jesus - completely honest, open, and with a humble faith like a little child.  This story of Jesus welcoming little children is reassuring for both parents and children that children are important to God!

Christians today fail to bring children to Jesus.  We think children are too young to understand.  We ignore them thinking they are not worthy of attention.  We forget that they have feelings, too and that they are important.  Parents leave the teaching of Jesus to the Sunday school teacher.  We can bring them to Jesus by setting a good example, blessing our meals, treating them with respect, reading stories of Jesus, praying for them and with them, giving God the glory openly in front of them, and talking about God and Jesus often.  Prov. 22:6 tell us “Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it.”

What can you do to help bring children to Jesus?

How can you be a good example for children?
How do you communicate Jesus’ great love to your child?

Principle:  Jesus welcomes little children.

Matthew 19:16-22 - The Rich Young Ruler

A rich young ruler came to Jesus and asked what good thing must he do to have eternal life.  He didn't recognize Jesus as Lord or the Son of God.  He called Him teacher.  Jesus answered, "Why do you ask me about what is good?  There is only One who is good.  If you want to enter life, obey the commandments." - Matt. 19:17.  The ruler was young, wealthy, powerful, religious, and a good moral man.   When he asked his question, he was putting himself in God's position and using his own values to make judgments.  He was also focusing on his works and what he could do instead of having the heart of God.  Jesus told him to sell his possessions and give to the poor, which he was unwilling to do.  The man left and was sorrowful, but not sorrowful enough to repent and trust Jesus.  He lost the joy of being filled with the Holy Spirit and having purpose for his life.

To have eternal life is not about what you can do.  Jesus exposed his sin showing him that his heart was prideful and that he loved money more than God.  Money and possessions were his idols.  This doesn't mean you have to give everything up to follow Jesus to have eternal life.  It does mean you must give up your idols.  An idol is anything that you put before God.  It's where you spend most of your energy, time, and money.  Your idol can be your children, spouse, love of your talents, social position, career, or anything you love more than Jesus Christ.

Because of their wealth, rich people may not feel that they need God.  It’s their money that makes them feel safe and they think it can rescue them from any problem.  It’s easier for the rich to forget that life on earth doesn’t last forever.  

There are people like the rich young ruler today, even in our churches.  They obey all God's laws, come to church each week, and probably even serve as an elder or Sunday school teacher - but they put their love of their idols before their love of God.  Salvation is through faith in Christ alone, but there are certain things like money that can keep us from putting our faith in Him.  Jesus didn’t say it was impossible for rich people to get to heaven.  He was saying the man should give up his possessions because it was keeping him from exercising his faith in Christ.

How are you like the rich young ruler?
What is the hardest thing for you to give up?
What thing to you love more than God?
What steps will you take to change?
Do you have the assurance of eternal life?

Principle:  To have eternal life you must be willing to give up everything.

Matthew 19:23-30 – Disciples’ Rewards

Jesus said “I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.  Again I tell you it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.” Matt. 19:23-24.  He knew that wealth and success are big influences for the rich.  They are self-reliant and it becomes much harder humbling themselves and admitting their need for God.  He is saying we should be aware of the love of money.

Peter asked, “Who then can be saved?”Matt. 19:25.  Jesus answered, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”Matt. 19:26.  Salvation doesn’t depend on our status or ability, but on God’s generous grace.  

Peter knew he and the other disciples were different from the rich man.  They had given up homes, families and possession to follow Jesus.  He asked Jesus what rewards they would have.  Jesus told them that God would make everything new.  They had given up their families, but would become part of God’s much larger family.  Christians have brothers and sisters everywhere in the world.  They will have life that lasts forever.

Some may think someone deserves a reward, but it’s what God thinks that matters.  God knows what a person in thinking and He understands their actions.  People who are humble on earth may become important in heaven and those who are important on earth may become not important in heaven.

Principle:  With God all things are possible.

Join me here next week as we continue our study of Matthew -- I encourage you to trust in Jesus.



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The Holy Bible – New International Version
My research and my insights are from BSF (Bible Study Fellowship)
Visit https: www.bstinternational.org for a class near you.

Monday, February 14, 2022

Matthew 18 – Lesson 19


Matthew 18:1-14 - True Greatness

The disciples were arguing who was the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.  They wanted to have the best seat in His kingdom.  They thought Jesus was going to rule an earthly kingdom and they were thinking of political greatness and not greatest of character.  Jesus used a child to make His point.  He said, "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.  Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven." - Matt. 18:3-4. 

The world calls someone greater, because the person is superior to others.  God calls a person greater if he is humble and serves others.  We are to serve others who are weak, helpless and despised by the world.  The key to true spiritual greatest is humility.  We are to submit to Jesus as a child yields and trusts his parents.  Jesus tells His disciples they need to change.

Our attitude should be like that of Jesus.  He didn't think Himself greater that anyone else.  He was selfless and humble.  He didn't think about His own needs, but the needs of others.

Principle:  The greatest in God’s kingdom is the one who humbles himself like a child.

When Jesus says "I tell you the truth", He is really emphasizing His words.  There are about seventy references to this same quote.  We hear people say all the time say ‘I tell you the truth’, but their actions don’t show it.  Jesus backed it up with miracles demonstrating He was from God.  He backed it up with authoritative preaching and teaching.  He backed it up with predicting his own death and resurrection and then seeing it through.  That’s proof that when He said, ‘I tell you the truth’ He was, in fact, telling the truth.  His most important truth is that God loved the world so much that He sent His one and only Son to redeem a sinful world.

Do you believe Jesus when He says that He is telling the truth?

He said we are to be like ‘little children’ meaning we are to be humble and recognize that we are powerless and completely dependent on God like children are dependent on adults to care and protect them from harm.  Little children trust adults to provide for them and the disciples needed to trust Jesus completely. 

Also when He speaks of ‘little children’, He is speaking not only to His disciples but to all believers.  They were young Christians new in belief in Jesus.  Luke 9:46-48 refers to the "lease among you" which are new believers and to those unable to defend themselves - the handicap, the poor, and to children.  Ways we can put into practice what Jesus is saying here is to accept others who might not be worthy by worldly standards.  We can give them credit when they deserve it, stand up for them when they can't stand up for themselves, and not judge them.  When we welcome the "little children", we welcome Jesus and God.  Mark 9:33-35 tell us that if you want to be first, you must be last and a servant to all. 

"But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea." - Matt. 18:6.  We can influence others to sin by our bad examples or we can influence them positively by setting good examples.  If we cause them to sin by our words or actions, then Jesus takes this very seriously.  We are in danger of Hell. 

As parents we set bad examples by gossiping, arguing, swearing, cursing, not reading our Bible or praying, and not going to church.  We set good examples by teaching and letting them see us pray, studying the Bible, attending church, and helping others.  Don't say, "Do as I say, not as I do", but be an example and do and say what they should do and say.

Do you set good examples for your children?
Do you insist on religious education as you do secular education?

In verses 8-9 Jesus talks about removing hands, feet or eyes that causes you to sin.  He doesn’t mean you should actually remove a hand, foot or eye.  Our hands and feet can do bad things and our eyes can look at wrong things.  He’s saying we must control them so we won’t sin.  Sin should not be taken lightly.  Sin leads to judgment and the eternal fire.  Loosing a body part would be bad, but it would be much worse to lose our souls in eternal punishment.

Matthew 18:10-14 Jesus continued teaching by telling the disciples to not look down on or disrespect other believers.  He called them ‘little ones’.  He demonstrated this by teaching the parable of the lost sheep.  To Jesus all believers are precious to God, especially new believers.  The lost sheep in the story is a sinful man.  When one sheep stumbled and fell away, God left heaven to save him.  When he was found or saved, all of heaven rejoiced.  This teaches us that a believer sometimes stumbles and falls away yet God still loves him.  Each one of us is important to God.  Each one of us is personally and individually cared for.  He truly loves us and is not willing for any to perish.  When we stumble or lose our way, He is there to find us and bring us back.  "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." - John 3:16.

If Jesus cares for everyone of His sheep and will even search after those who have gone astray, then how could we even think about looking down on or despising any believer?

What causes you to stumble?

What have you done that caused others to stumble?

Principle:  God judges those who causes another to stumble.

Matthew 18:15-35 - True Forgiveness

In this section Jesus is talking about church discipline.  He teaches what to do if a brother or believer sins against you.  The normal thing to do is to ignore the problem hoping it will go away, hold a grudge, or complain to others.  Complaining or holding a grudge is not true love and can cause division in the church.  Jesus said we are to first go to him and show him his fault.  If he doesn't listen then we are go to him again taking one or two others with us.  If he still will not listen, then we are to take him before the church meaning a group of Christians.  If he still refuses to listen, then we are to treat him as a pagan.  By doing these things we are showing love and concern for him and have a desire for him to repent.  We want him to be restored in fellowship with other believers.  Gal. 6:2 says we are to "carry each other's burdens".

"I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven.  For where two or three come together in my name, there am I will them." - Matt. 18:19. Jesus is borrowing language from this Old Testament passage in Deut. 19 where it says that two or three witnesses must agree in order to bring a legally binding charge against someone.  God is the authority and when we come together, He is there to guide and direct us in our decisions.  He doesn’t mean that He is not with us when we pray alone.  He listens to our prayers whether we are alone or not.  I think this is a promise to the disciples and to us for the days to come after He is resurrected and returns to heaven.  He is reassuring the disciples that He will be among them in some way even though He is not physically there.

Peter asked Jesus how many times he should forgive someone.  Jesus said "I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times." - Matt. 18:22.  In other words we are to continually forgive no matter how many times it takes.  There is no limit of how many times we should forgive. 

Jesus told the story of how a master forgave his servant for a large debt he owed.  The servant then had an opportunity to forgive one of his servants for a small debt, but did not.  He had him put into prison and tortured for his debt.  "This is how my heavenly Father will treat each of you unless you forgive your brother from our heart." - Matt. 18:35.  This symbolizes Hell for us, if we do not forgive.  If we forgive others, then God will forgive us.  We should remember what Jesus did for us on the cross. "Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." - Eph. 6:32.

Just think if we lived by these truths in our home, church, school, and workplace.  There would be less arguing and fights and no bullies in school.  Our home and our workplace would be less stressful and a happier place to live and work.

Principle: Godly humility forgives others because God has forgiven us.

How can you forgive someone when you don't feel like it?

How many times are you willing to forgive someone?

Tell God how grateful you are for His forgiveness.  Here are some words you might use.

Father God,

Thank you for your eternal forgiveness and your loving grace even though I don't deserve it.  When I stumble or lose my way, you seek me out and bring me back.  Help me to be more loving, compassionate, and forgiving to others as you have to me.  I am forever grateful. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Join me here next week as we continue our study of Matthew -- I encourage you to trust in Jesus.



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The Holy Bible – New International Version
My research and my insights are from BSF (Bible Study Fellowship)
Visit https: www.bstinternational.org for a class near you.