Monday, February 28, 2022

Matthew 20-21:1-17 – Lesson 21

Matthew 20:1-16 – Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard

Jesus assured the disciples that they would be richly rewarded for all they had left behind for following Him.  In Matthew 19:28-30 He told them that many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first.  He continued telling them what that meant in the parable of the workers in the vineyard.  This parable illustrates the principle that God’s manner of rewarding isn’t like man’s practice of giving rewards.

He said the kingdom of God is like a landowner who went out to hire workers.  He hired five groups of workers at different times throughout the day.  They all agreed to a day’s wage.  He paid the last group the same amount that he paid the group hired early in the morning, but they grumbled even though they received what they had agreed to and had not been cheated.  The landowner insisted he had the right to show generosity to whomever he wished.  “So the last will be first, and the first will be last.”Matt. 20:16.

Notice the landowner went looking for workers.  The landowner is God.  God initiates salvation.  He is the one who does the seeking and the saving.  Our salvation is entirely His work.  It is His alone to show mercy to whomever He chooses and He continues to call workers into His kingdom.

People come to God in different stages of their life.  Some come at the beginning of their life, some in their youth, some in adulthood, some in old age, and some at the very end of their life.  No matter when they decide to follow Jesus, He rewards and blesses all.  God rewards and blesses us according to His will and pleasure, not according to what we deserve.  The point is God rewards on the principle of grace and we shouldn’t be surprised.  He will never be less than fair and He always operates righteously.  

Heaven is not a reward to be earned by labor.  It is a gracious gift, given in full to all believers equally.  “…God does not show favoritism...”Acts 10:34.  God keeps His promises and always gives us more than we deserve.  He is gracious and we should always celebrate His grace.


Salvation is not earned, but a gift that God gives purely by grace according to His sovereign will.
God gives the same abundant grace to everyone who follows Christ.
God keeps His promises and always gives us more than we deserve.

Matthew 20:17-19 – Jesus Again Predicts His Death

Jesus knew he would suffer and die.  As He and the disciples were on their way to Jerusalem He warned the disciples for a 3rd time about his death when they reached Jerusalem.  He gave more details about what would happen.  He knew He would suffer severe mental and physical pain, but He also knew He would become alive again.  He told them He would be condemned to death by the Jewish religious leaders and would be handed over to the Gentiles to be mocked, flogged, and crucified.  He added that He would be raised to life on the 3rd day.

Principle:  Jesus knew He would suffer severe mental and physical pain, but went willingly.

Matthew 20:20-28 – To Serve or To Be Served

The mother of James and John asked Jesus if her sons could sit at Jesus’ left and right in His kingdom.  Jesus answered that they didn’t know what they’re asking.  He asked if they could drink His cup, meaning the suffering that He was going to experience.  They answered quickly that they could, but Jesus knew they really didn’t understand.  Jesus agreed that they will drink His cup – enduring their own trials and persecution.  James would be the first martyr to die among the apostles.  John would be the last apostle to die although he didn’t die through martyrdom.  Jesus answered that the Father is the one who will grant such position in the kingdom.

The other disciples were furious that James and John wanted to elevate themselves about the rest.  Jesus explained that greatness in His kingdom isn’t about power and ruling over others, but about being great serving others.  Jesus demonstrated this in a very personal way when He washed the disciple’s feet during the Last Supper in John 13:12-18.

Christians are to be servants of Jesus.  You don’t have to be a Mother Teresa.  You don’t have to go to a foreign country to serve.  God is sending you where you are.  What can you do?  Write encouraging notes to others, give a tip to your waitress whether they do a good job or not.  God put you where He wants you to serve.  “… what does the Lord your God ask of you but to fear the Lord your God, to walk in all his ways, to love him, to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul.”Deut. 10:12.

There are plenty of opportunities to serve.  Just think about others and not yourself.  “Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”Matt. 20:28.  Do what you can where you are.  He has a purpose for you.

Principle:  True leadership is found in serving others.

Matthew 20:29-34 – Blind Men Receive Sight

As Jesus and the disciples were on their way to Jerusalem, they passed two blind beggars.  The beggars called out to Jesus and asked Him to have mercy on them.  They called Him the Son of David.  Jesus asked them what they wanted.  Jesus probably noticed they were blind, but He wanted them say what they needed.  God knows what we need, but He wants us to pray to Him and show that we trust and rely on Him.  Jesus healed their blindness and they followed Him.  These blind men didn’t know it, but this was their last chance to meet Christ.  We never know when a call to follow Jesus in faith will be the last one of our lives. 

These men needed help and they knew it.  They needed mercy from Jesus and they knew that He had mercy for them.  Many in the crowd might have expected Jesus to say He didn’t have time for them, but He heard their cry for mercy.  He had time for their request and showed them mercy, which led to transformation in their lives, both physically and spiritually.  As a result of their transformation, they followed Him.  Jesus has mercy for you, He has time for you, and He has transformation for you.

How can Jesus help you?

Have you experienced His transforming mercy?
Do you know that He is Messiah?
Have you been changed by Jesus?

Principle:  Jesus is a life changer, not only for your life on earth but your life for all eternity.

Matthew 21:1-11 – Jesus Enters Jerusalem

We call this triumphal entry of Jesus to Jerusalem Palm Sunday.  It is the beginning of Holy Week leading up to the crucifixion and resurrection.  As Jesus and his disciples approached Jerusalem, He told two of his disciples to go ahead and that they would find a donkey and her colt tied there.  They were to tell the owner that they needed them for the Lord.  This was a prophecy found in Zech. 9:9.  The disciples did as they were told and brought the donkey and colt to Jesus.

Jesus knew the religious leaders were going to arrest Him and turn Him over to the Romans for crucifixion.  Yet He had courage to enter Jerusalem in a public way.  Jesus sat on the colt and entered the city.  The crowd spread their cloaks and branches on the road.  They shouted “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!  Hosanna in the highest!”Matt. 21:9.

A donkey was a symbol of humility and a king bringing peace.  Jesus used this image to point to His Kingdom of Peace.  He was a servant of the people.  The spreading of their clothes on the road was a sign that the Messiah was here.  They sang “Hosanna” which means praise.  The people thought Jesus was the Messiah that would save them from the Roman rulers.

Matthew 21:12-17 – Jesus Cleanses House

Every spring thousands of worshippers poured into Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover and the temple became a noisy market where people were trying to pay the temple tax.  Many foreign visitors had different currency that would not be accepted so they had to exchange their money for acceptable money.  Many were charging too much for the exchange.  They also had to give perfect animals and birds for the priest to offer to God.  It was so noisy that nobody could pray.  The priests encouraged cheating of the people as they traded. 

Jesus entered the temple and became angry as He saw this and drove out all those who were buying and selling.  He overturned the tables of the money changers of those selling doves that were to be used as sacrifices.  He scolded them saying, “It is written my house will be called a house of prayer, but you making it a den of robbers.”Matt. 21:13.

Making a profit is not wrong, but exploitation and preventing true worship is.  It’s ok to have bake sales in a church, just not in the place of worship, distracting from the purpose of the church or making it a requirement to enter.

Is Jesus pleased with what He finds in your church?

Principle:  Our churches are meant to be a houses of prayer and worship.

God cleans house today.  That happens when people who are not really true followers of Christ don’t stick around in a church that proclaims the whole truth of God word.  “They went out from us, but they did not really belong to us.  For is they had belonged to us, they would have remained with us; but their going showed that none of them belonged to us.”1 John 2:19.

The blind and lame came to Jesus at the temple and He healed them.  In that day the blind and lame were rejected by society, even by the Jewish leaders.  The leaders didn’t like that Jesus healed in the temple.  They didn’t like the people shouting “Hosanna” in the temple, but it seemed to be ok for all the other noise.  The hypocrisy of the leaders was evident.  Greed and theft in the temple didn’t bother them, but praise to Jesus did.  Jesus quoted Psalm 8:2 showing that God wanted His children to praise Him.  Then Jesus left and went to Bethany to spend the night with friends Martha, Mary and Lazarus.

Who in your community is being rejected?

How can you welcome them into your church?

This passage is about expectations and disappointments.  The people expected a king who would redeem them from their oppression.  They didn’t see the real oppression, the one of sin.  They didn’t see the Scriptures that foretold the real King Jesus who would redeem.  They felt betrayed and called for His crucifixion a few days later then they didn’t get their way.

Join me here next week as we continue our study of Matthew -- I encourage you to trust in Jesus.



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The Holy Bible – New International Version
My research and my insights are from BSF (Bible Study Fellowship)
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Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Matthew 19 – Lesson 20


Matthew 19:1-12 - Divorce or Not to Divorce

Again the Pharisees came to Jesus to test Him on the controversial subject of divorce.  They ask, "Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for any and every reason?" - Matt. 19:3.  Jesus answered, "What God has joined together, let not man separate." - Matt. 19:6.  Jesus always turned to the Scriptures.  He said from the beginning, God created man and woman in His own image (Gen. 1:17-28; 2:23-25).  Then they asked, "Why did Moses command that a man give his wife a certificate of divorce and send her away?" - Matt. 19:7.  Jesus answered, "Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard.  But it was not this way from the beginning.  I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, and marries another woman commits adultery." -Matt. 19:8-9. 

Notice He said Moses permitted it, not commanded it.  Actually it was God who permitted it, but Moses wrote down what he received from God.  In Moses' time women were considered property and when a man was tired of his wife or she became old and not as attractive, he would put her out and she had no way to support herself.  God mercifully protected women by permitting divorce.   Then she would not be discarded without provision.

God defined marriage as a holy joining of one man and one woman.  This was to be an eternal commitment, but God knew mankind was human and He provided a way out for people who are stuck in an unhealthy marriage.  Jesus said divorce was only permitted for adultery.  Today our laws allow divorce for any reason.  People think they know better than God and even play God thinking His laws are outdated in today's society.  God is very clear about this issue of marriage and divorce.  God said, "I hate divorce." - Mal. 2:16.

What has caused your heart to be hard?

What is your response to divorce?

Today Christians are pressured to drift away from the biblical view of marriage.  There is divorce everywhere, in every family, and for every reason.  Today couples don’t even get married.  They just live together.  There is sex outside marriage and even gay marriage.  It is viewed as the norm.  Society is influenced by seeing this practiced in movies and on TV.  We are told to be tolerant and non-judgmental and that times have changed.  What do you think God would say about that?  I guess we will find out when He returns.  If it was wrong hundreds of years ago, it's wrong now.

We can strengthen ourselves and influence others by knowing what the Scriptures say on these matters.  Jesus always turned to the Scriptures.  Biblical knowledge is power.  It's a weapon against Satan and his evil.  The more you know the stronger you are.  "For the word of God is living and active.  Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart." - Heb.  4:12.

Are you considering divorce?

Will you take this to God in prayer?

Then the disciples asked if it was better to not marry.  Jesus replied that marriage is not for everyone.  "For some are eunuchs because they were born that way; others were made that way by men; and others have renounced marriage because of the kingdom of heaven." - Matt. 19:12.  (Eunuchs were usually castrated males or those with reproductive birth defects.  It was also common practice for rulers to castrate their servants for those who tended to the royal harem.)  He said marriage may not be for those who wish to devote themselves totally to God for marriage may be a distraction.  However, if they cannot control their lust, then it is best to marry and remain with that person.  This is also taught by Paul in 1 Cor. 7. 

The Bible does not teach that it is best to marry.  There are those who are called to devote themselves to God's work.  Paul is a great example.  Whether you are married or not, the only life that brings joy, fulfillment and purpose if one that does the will of God.

Eph. 5:21-33 tells us to be loving and submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.  Husbands and wives are meant to be one flesh and work in unity.  Paul compared marriage for a man and woman as that of Christ and the church.  We are to love our spouse as Christ loved the church.  He loved it enough to die for it.

If you have been divorced outside of God's loop hole of adultery and have remarried, stay in the marriage or you will commit another sin if you leave.  Because of Jesus if you repent, you are forgiven and cleansed.  Do not dwell on it.  It's in the past and we all have past sins.  Just live your life knowing God still loves you and that you are forgiven. Then prayerfully commit to make God the center of your married life.

Do you live with the guilt of divorce?

Will you repent and ask God for forgiveness? 
Will you then live a life of forgiveness without guilt?

Principle:  God hates divorce and meant for marriage to be permanent.

Matthew 19:13-15 – Jesus and Children

Jesus and the disciples were on their way to Jerusalem.  Along the way parents brought their little children to Jesus for Him to touch them, bless them, and to pray over them.  The disciples disapproved of this probably thinking children were not important and Jesus was busy and had more important business to attend to.  They were only trying to protect Jesus, because they knew He was tired and thought the children would interrupt his work.  Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." - Matt. 19:14.  

Children are very open and honest.  They have a simple humble faith.  This is how we should approach Jesus - completely honest, open, and with a humble faith like a little child.  This story of Jesus welcoming little children is reassuring for both parents and children that children are important to God!

Christians today fail to bring children to Jesus.  We think children are too young to understand.  We ignore them thinking they are not worthy of attention.  We forget that they have feelings, too and that they are important.  Parents leave the teaching of Jesus to the Sunday school teacher.  We can bring them to Jesus by setting a good example, blessing our meals, treating them with respect, reading stories of Jesus, praying for them and with them, giving God the glory openly in front of them, and talking about God and Jesus often.  Prov. 22:6 tell us “Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it.”

What can you do to help bring children to Jesus?

How can you be a good example for children?
How do you communicate Jesus’ great love to your child?

Principle:  Jesus welcomes little children.

Matthew 19:16-22 - The Rich Young Ruler

A rich young ruler came to Jesus and asked what good thing must he do to have eternal life.  He didn't recognize Jesus as Lord or the Son of God.  He called Him teacher.  Jesus answered, "Why do you ask me about what is good?  There is only One who is good.  If you want to enter life, obey the commandments." - Matt. 19:17.  The ruler was young, wealthy, powerful, religious, and a good moral man.   When he asked his question, he was putting himself in God's position and using his own values to make judgments.  He was also focusing on his works and what he could do instead of having the heart of God.  Jesus told him to sell his possessions and give to the poor, which he was unwilling to do.  The man left and was sorrowful, but not sorrowful enough to repent and trust Jesus.  He lost the joy of being filled with the Holy Spirit and having purpose for his life.

To have eternal life is not about what you can do.  Jesus exposed his sin showing him that his heart was prideful and that he loved money more than God.  Money and possessions were his idols.  This doesn't mean you have to give everything up to follow Jesus to have eternal life.  It does mean you must give up your idols.  An idol is anything that you put before God.  It's where you spend most of your energy, time, and money.  Your idol can be your children, spouse, love of your talents, social position, career, or anything you love more than Jesus Christ.

Because of their wealth, rich people may not feel that they need God.  It’s their money that makes them feel safe and they think it can rescue them from any problem.  It’s easier for the rich to forget that life on earth doesn’t last forever.  

There are people like the rich young ruler today, even in our churches.  They obey all God's laws, come to church each week, and probably even serve as an elder or Sunday school teacher - but they put their love of their idols before their love of God.  Salvation is through faith in Christ alone, but there are certain things like money that can keep us from putting our faith in Him.  Jesus didn’t say it was impossible for rich people to get to heaven.  He was saying the man should give up his possessions because it was keeping him from exercising his faith in Christ.

How are you like the rich young ruler?
What is the hardest thing for you to give up?
What thing to you love more than God?
What steps will you take to change?
Do you have the assurance of eternal life?

Principle:  To have eternal life you must be willing to give up everything.

Matthew 19:23-30 – Disciples’ Rewards

Jesus said “I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.  Again I tell you it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.” Matt. 19:23-24.  He knew that wealth and success are big influences for the rich.  They are self-reliant and it becomes much harder humbling themselves and admitting their need for God.  He is saying we should be aware of the love of money.

Peter asked, “Who then can be saved?”Matt. 19:25.  Jesus answered, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”Matt. 19:26.  Salvation doesn’t depend on our status or ability, but on God’s generous grace.  

Peter knew he and the other disciples were different from the rich man.  They had given up homes, families and possession to follow Jesus.  He asked Jesus what rewards they would have.  Jesus told them that God would make everything new.  They had given up their families, but would become part of God’s much larger family.  Christians have brothers and sisters everywhere in the world.  They will have life that lasts forever.

Some may think someone deserves a reward, but it’s what God thinks that matters.  God knows what a person in thinking and He understands their actions.  People who are humble on earth may become important in heaven and those who are important on earth may become not important in heaven.

Principle:  With God all things are possible.

Join me here next week as we continue our study of Matthew -- I encourage you to trust in Jesus.



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The Holy Bible – New International Version
My research and my insights are from BSF (Bible Study Fellowship)
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