Monday, November 14, 2022

Kingdom Divided Lesson 9 – 2 Kings 4 – 6:1-7


2 Kings 4 – 6:7 – God Works Miracles Through Elisha

The Widow’s Oil

A woman whose husband from the company of prophets died leaving his family destitute.  She appealed to Elisha asking him what she should do to pay off her debts.  The only thing she had of any value was a small jar of olive oil.  Elisha sent the woman to her neighbors to ask for every empty jar they could spare.  He told her to put her oil into all the jars.  As she filled each jar the oil miraculously multiplied and filled all the jars.  He then told her to sell the oil and pay her debts.

As usual there are lessons in miracles.  The lesson here is faith.  Having faith often doesn’t make sense.  She probably thought this gathering of empty jars didn’t make sense and may have felt uncomfortable and embarrassed.  Her faith was demonstrated by saying yes to God’s plan.  Having faith doesn’t mean we should sit around and wait for God to do all the work.  Have you noticed the miracles in the Bible?  God’s plan unusually involves people actually doing something.  Sometime we have to ask before we receive.  What would have happened is she hadn’t asked her neighbors for the jars?  God wanted others to be involved.  He wanted to show Himself to her and to her neighbors.  Let’s be like the widow and live by faith. 

The Shunammite Woman

Elisha often traveled through the town of Shunem.  There he would visit a rich woman and her husband for a meal.  She knew he was a man of God so she made a small bedroom for him to stay when he was in town.  He offered to repay her in some way, but she told Elisha that she had everything she needed but a child.  Elisha told her next year she would have a son.  One year later, she had a son.  He grew and one day he became ill.  Soon after he died.  She and her servant went to Elisha for help.  Elisha told the servant to go on ahead and take his staff and lay it on the boy’s face.  He did as he was told, but there was no response from the boy.  When Elisha reached the woman’s house and saw the boy had not awakened.  He shut the door and prayed to the Lord.  He lay on the boy and he awoke.

The woman believed that God could save her son.  She knew God gave her the son in the first place and she knew He was the One who could restore his life.  She didn’t hesitate to go to Elisha, the man of God.  From kings to widows, God cares about the needs of His followers.  He hears our prayers.

The lessons here are: use what you have to be a blessing, share generously, offer hospitality, seek to serve even in suffering, give God gratitude, and walk by faith in the one true God.

Stew Purified

Elisha returned to the company of prophet in Gilgal.  There was  famine in the land, food was scarce and resources were limited.  One of the servants went out and gathered herbs and wild vine to prepare a large pot of stew for the prophets.   As they ate the stew they realized it was toxic and they shouldn’t eat it.  They said, there is death in the pot!  Elisha added flour and the stew became edible and nourishing.  It wasn’t the flour that made the stew good to it.  The real purification was the miraculous work of God through Elisha.

There is death in the pot when you don’t desire Bible truth, when you don’t grow spiritually, when you focus on worldly ways, when you accept false doctrine and worldly philosophy, and when you know there is death in the pot but you continue to eat.

Are you in a situation that seems like “poisonous stew”?

What part of your life will you ask God to purify?

Loaves Multiplied

A man brought Elisha 20 loaves of bread.  Elisha said to give it to the people to eat.  His small amount of bread fed 100 men.  God promised to provide beyond the immediate need.  Elisha trusted the promise of God, acted on it and saw the promise miraculously fulfilled.  They ate and had food left over.  This reminds me of the miracle where Jesus fed the 5,000.  Elisha was like Jesus. 

Leprosy Healed

Naaman was the commander in the army of the king of Aram who had leprosy.  A maid to Naaman’s wife told her the prophet Elisha could cure Naaman.  Naaman didn’t know that God’s grace was free and was willing to pay the prophet for His service.  The king of Aram sent a letter to the king of Israel asking for help for Naaman.  The king of Israel had no relationship with God or Elisha.  When the king of Israel read the letter, he became suspicious and tore his clothes.  Elisha heard of the situation and sent his servant to meet with Naaman.  Naaman was told him to wash in the Jordan seven times and he would be healed.  Naaman resisted and was offended, because he was sent instructions by a servant and it was such a simply plan.  He left in anger. 

Naaman was a proud man and it wasn’t easy for a proud man to do such a humble thing, but his servants showed wisdom.  They urged him to obey the prophet.  Naaman followed their advice and went to the Jordan.  He dipped himself seven times as he was told and God cured him.  Naaman returned and offered gifts to Elisha, but Elisha refused.  Elisha wanted to show that God’s grace and love was free.

Naaman experienced something more wonderful than his healing.  He saw God as the true God and he believed.  He wanted to worship the true God so he asked for a little soil the take home.   He thought he could only worship God on Israel’s soil and Elisha didn’t argue with him.  He began his new life of faith and knew all other gods were false gods.

Elisha’s servant Gehazi overheard that Elisha refuse Naaman’s gifts.  Gehazi ran after Naaman and told him a lie.  He falsely claimed Elisha had sent him to ask for the money and gifts.  Naaman was pleased and wanted to thank God.  This was an opportunity to give to God so he gave him twice as much.  Gehazi hid the gifts in the house before Elisha could see.  When he returned, Elisha confronted him.  Elisha knew Gehazi had lied and did this evil thing against God.  In judgment Gehazi was struck with Naaman’s leprosy which would cling to him and to his descendants forever.  This might seem harsh, but God in His wisdom gives blessings and also judgments.  His ways are always right.

Gehazi was like Judas.  Both loved money.  A person can’t serve both God and money (Matthew 6:24).  The love of money is the root of all sin (1 Timothy 6:10).   

Ax Head Recovered

The place where the prophets lived and trained was not large enough to meet the needs of all those who wanted to be trained in ministry.  So they asked Elisha to go with them to the Jordan and they would build a larger center. During the construction there was an accident.  As one of them was cutting down a tree, the ax head fell into the water.  This alarmed them because they had borrowed the ax head and didn’t want to lose it.  They told Elisha.  Elisha cut a stick and threw it where the ax head had gone in the water.  Then the ax head was made to float.  This was another miracle from God through Elisha.  We all know that iron is very heavy and doesn’t float.  But with God all things are possible. 

This story teaches us that God supplies what His people need.  He even cares about the small things that His people worry about each day (Matthew 6:28-34).

The principles for these miracles:

God will provide what we need.
Our actions give proof of our faith in God.
In His mercy God doesn’t leave us with poisonous stew; His grace is extended to anyone who calls on Him.
God’s power can be used either for us or against us.
With God all things are possible.

This week’s attribute of God is He is Good.  God does not always fix every problem or make all pain go away, but He is good, righteous, faithful, and compassionate.  He offers hope, refuge and care for those who come to Him.  “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7.

Next time we will continue our study of Kingdom Divided in 2 Kings.  Hope to see you here. – I encourage you to trust in Jesus. 



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Monday, November 7, 2022

Kingdom Divided Lesson 8 – 2 Kings 2 – 3


Note:  For clarity the Kings of Israel are coded in Orange and Kings of Judah are coded in Blue.

2 Kings 2 – God Called Elijah Home

“When the Lord was about to take Elijah up to heaven by a whirlwind …” 2 Kings 2:1.  This is the first time we have an indication that Elijah would not die.  We previously learned that God called Elisha to follow Elijah.  Elijah and Elisha were on their way to Gilgal.  Three times Elijah told Elisha to stay behind as he traveled through Israel, but Elisha refused and said he would not leave especially since he was aware that his master was about to leave him.  So they continued together on the journey. 

Why did Elijah ask Elisha three times to stay behind?  He was testing Elisha’s commitment.  He was giving him the opportunity to decline the difficult life and calling of a prophet.  Elijah knew he would have to endure the same hardships he did.  He had to be sure Elisha had the character to withstand the harsh challenges of being a prophet of the Lord in a hostile world.

It’s the same today for a true Christian.  The Christian life is not easy.  To follow in the footsteps of Jesus we must develop a strong character to push forward despite every distraction, discouragement, and resistance.

They came to the bank of the Jordan River along with a company of 50 other prophets.  Elijah struck the water with his cloak and God parted the Jordan.  They crossed over on dry ground.  This reminds me of the parting of the Red Sea when the Israelites fled Egypt and God parted the Jordon for the Israelites enter Canaan.   

Before Elijah is taken, Elisha asked him for a double portion of his spirit.  Elijah told him that what he was asking was a hard thing, but when he saw him taken it will be his.  Elijah knew nothing was too hard for God, but continuing the work God had given him was.  Elijah’s life had been difficult.  His life had been threatened and even though he had performed great works of God there had been no change or repentance in Israel.  Then as they walked and talked a chariot of fire and horses of fire appeared and Elijah ascends into heaven in a whirlwind.  Again God broke the power of death.  He did it before in Genesis 5 when Enoch who walked with God and was not. 

Elisha picked up Elijah’s cloak that had fallen and went back to the Jordan and struck the water with it.  He asked where was the Lord.  He wanted to know how this happened and was God still in Israel.  The answer was yes as the waters divided and he crossed over.  Elisha began his ministry with the same miracle that Elijah ended his with:  He parted the Jordan river.  This confirmed He was God’s representative and prophet.  This was important because it gave Elisha confidence he would need to do God’s work.

God gives people what they need in order to do His will.  This still applies today.  God does not change!  He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.  “I the Lord do not change.” – Malachi 3:6.  “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” Hebrews 13:8.  He still has incredible plans and he wants all people to enter His Kingdom.  He wants to use you and me to tell others about Jesus and His salvation.  He doesn’t expect us to do this in our own strength.  He gives all believers His Holy Spirit and everything else we need to do His work.   

Principle:  God does not change.

The authority that God had given to Elijah now belonged to Elisha.  The prophets who were watching came to Elisha and bowed before him to show they accepted his authority.  They wanted to search for Elijah because they didn’t think he had scended into heaven.  They persisted that they go and look for him so because of their persistence Elisha agreed even though he knew exactly where Elijah was.  They searched for three days but couldn’t find him.

God continued to demonstrate His power through Elisha.  The people in the city told Elisha that their water was bad and the land unproductive.  Elisha had them bring a new bowl with salt in it.  He threw the salt into the water and declared that the Lord had healed the water.  The water would no longer cause death or make the land unproductive.

What is the lesson here?  Salt is used to purify and preserve.  It’s a lesson of newness, purity, and preservation.  When we are made new in Christ, God gives us victory over all the things that have had a hold of us.  The salt represents the Holy Spirit being poured into the water, which is us, renewing, purifying and making us it useful again. 

From there Elisha went to Bethel, which was the center of false worship in Israel.  A large group of boys had no respect for the man God had appointed and began to yell insults at him.  They made fun of his baldness and his connection with Elijah.  Elisha knew they were mocking his ministry, Elijah’s ministry, and the God they both faithfully served.  He left any correction up to God by pronouncing a curse on them.  Then two bears came out of the woods and mauled 42 of boys.  The boys were showing their true attitudes and disbelief toward God.  They were telling Elisha to disappear like Elijah.  They were scoffing at his authority just as Israel had rejected Elijah.  They were mocking and dishonoring God himself.  These were not innocent children.  They were wicked young men who had no respect for authority, especially God’s authority.  Such contempt for the Lord was punishable by death.

Nothing was going to persuade Elisha to stop following Elijah and God.  Once he made his decision to follow, he was not going to turn back.  This is the kind of disciple that Jesus is looking for in us.  To truly follow Jesus means that nothing will stop you from serving, worshiping, loving, and seeking our Lord Jesus.  Nothing.

Principle:  God judges those who reject Him.

What kind of disciple are you?
What is keeping you from serving, worshiping, loving, and seeking Jesus daily?

There are similarities between Elijah and Jesus: 
Both didn’t eat for 40 days in the wilderness.
Both were ministered to by angels.
Both confronted leaders.
Both had people seeking to kill them.
Both raised the dead.
Both had followers.
Both walked on water.
Elijah and Jesus’ authority were both mocked.
Elijah’s ascension transferred the power and authority to Elisha just as Jesus’ ascension transferred power and authority to the apostles to continue the Lord’s work. 

2 Kings 3 – War Against Moab

Remember after King Solomon died, God allowed Israel to be split into 2 nations: Israel in the North and Judah in the South.  Ahab was the evil King of Israel who was married to the wicked Jezebel. They ruled while Elijah was the leading prophet.  Now Elijah is gone; Ahab and Jezebel are dead.  Ahab’s son, Joram was now king of Israel.  He was evil, but not as much as his parents.  Jehoshaphat king of Judah was a good king and trusted God.

Mesha king of Moab decided to rebel against Israel.  King Joram asked King Jehoshaphat to unite and fight the Moab army.  They would attack by way of the Desert of Edom.  The king of Edom and Jehoshaphat agreed to fight this common enemy.  After marching for seven days, they were out of water.  They asked Elisha to help them.  Elisha prophesied that God would provide water and deliver Moab in battle only in order to help Jehoshaphat.  He told them to dig ditches all over the land and they would be filled with water.  Then the Lord would hand Moab over to them.  The soldiers believed God and dug the ditches and the ditches filled with water.  The Moab army saw the water and thought it was blood.  So the army came running down expecting all their enemies to be dead.  Instead they were taken by surprise and the soldiers of Israel and Judah ran out to fight.  They fought the Moabites until they fled. They destroyed the towns, stopped up all the springs, and cut down the trees. 

When the king of Moab saw all this he tried to break through to the king of Edom with 700 men, but failed.  He was so frustrated and desperate that he took his eldest son and offered him as sacrifice on the city wall.  This was done to honor his pagan gods and to show his own people his determination to prevent defeat.  Israel was so angered and sickened he would do such a thing to offer a human sacrifice that they left content with the near-complete victory.

Child sacrifice or any human sacrifice illustrates the results of ungodliness, idolatry, and what can happen when people turn away from God.  When you turn away from God, you are turned over to depraved hearts and minds.  This includes many rationalizations like resentment, criticism, hate, homosexuality and idolatry in various forms even leading to murder of children.  Today babies are aborted and rationalized as a mother’s right to choose; it’s her body and it would relieve her of great deal of stress and responsibility.  The principle is the same – wrong or indifference to God always leads to wrong relationship with people and many degrading sins.  --- Sorry, I got on my soapbox and couldn’t stop.

Elisha helped the kings only because Jehoshaphat respected and trusted God.  This is true today.  God is with His children and He remembers those who trust in Him.  Whenever God blesses you, be sure to give Him the credit and glory for it.

Principle:  God blesses those who trust and believe in Him.

God again demonstrated His power and faithfulness to His people, despite their unfaithfulness.   He saved the armies and gave them victory.  Jehoshaphat experienced God’s mercy when he again joined an unwise alliance with the North and entered a battle he should have avoided.  Joram’s rescue was underserved and gave this rebellious king and the Israelites another chance to repent of their idolatry.

Principle:  God persistently extends grace to those who rebel.

This week’s attribute of God is He is Unchanging.  Elijah and Elisha were powerful men of God, but they didn’t do it by their own strength but God’s.  God empowered them to do miraculous works.  He has not changed.  He empowers His children to do His work today.  “For it is God who works in you to will and to act in accordingly to his good purpose.” Philippians 2:13.

Key verses:
“I the Lord do not change.” – Malachi 3:6. 
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” Hebrews 13:8.
“For it is God who works in you to will and to act in accordingly to his good purpose.” Philippians 2:13.

Next week we will continue our study of Kingdom Divided in 2 Kings 4-6.  Hope to see you here. -- I encourage you to trust in Jesus.



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