Monday, October 30, 2023

John Lesson 7 – John 5


Last time we learned that believers are to be alert to the spiritual harvest and that Jesus is not limited by time and space.  We learned of Jesus’ encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well.  She told others about Jesus and many Samaritans believed and called Him, “the Savior of the world”.  We also learned of Jesus’ second miracle when He healed the official’s son.

John 5:1-15 – Sabbath Healing at the Pool

Later after healing of the royal official’s son, Jesus went to Jerusalem for one of the Jewish feasts.  He may have been by Himself since the disciples aren’t mentioned.  He went to the pool called Bethesda.  This is where crowds of sick people gathered, because they believed when the pool moved it would heal them.  There Jesus saw a man who had been an invalid for 38 years trying to get into the water before the movement stopped.  The man was alone and helpless.  Jesus had compassion on him and knew he was not only physically sick, but spiritually sick.  Jesus asked the man, “Do you want to get well?”John 5:6.  The man answered that he did, but had no one to help him get into the pool.  Jesus told the man, “Get up! Pick up your mat and walk.”John 5:8  Through faith the man picked up his mat and walked.  (John 4:1-9) 

What do you need healing from?

What has left you in a sinful state for years?

We’re not told if Jesus cured any others that day at the pool.  He cured the invalid man, because He knew his heart and that he had faith.  Jesus asked him if he wanted to get well perhaps to get the man’s attention.  He challenged the man to be obedient.  He wanted the man to look at Him.  This was necessary for his faith to come alive so he could be cured.  We need to look at the cross with our hearts and spirits.

The invalid man may have been comfortable in his condition just a sinners are comfortable in their sin.  They are not willing to be cured of their sins.  Many people don’t want to receive divine help in their problems.  They love their weakness and are always craving the attention of others through their helplessness.  Whatever the reason Jesus asked him the question, Jesus healed the man immediately showing that nothing is impossible for God.

Jesus told him to get up, pick up his mat, and to walk.  There are times we tend to feel helpless and sorry for ourselves.  We need to choose not to be helpless.  We need to accept our circumstances, stop feeling sorry for ourselves, and stop being bitter and rise above our circumstance.  He’s not asking us to do this alone.  It is impossible without Jesus.  “What is impossible with men is possible with God.” Luke 18:27.  We need to walk or move from where we are into a new life.  We need to choose a new life to become whole.

Principle:  What is impossible with men is possible with God.

It was the Sabbath when Jesus healed the man and people were watching.  Jews were not allowed to do any work on the Sabbath and carrying a mat was considered work.  Needless to say the Jewish leaders were not pleased.  Jesus had no regard for their man-made rules, but always obeyed the Law of God.  The leaders questioned the man as to why he was carrying his mat.  He answered that a man told him to.  He had no idea it was Jesus who healed him.  (John 5:10-13)

Later Jesus found the man at the temple and told him to stop sinning or something worse would happen to him.  Then the man told the Jews that is was Jesus who made him well.  (John 5:14-15)  He wanted them to know that it was Jesus, the Messiah who performed the miracle.  He thought they would be excited that the Messiah had come, but instead it made the leaders angry.

Has Jesus made you whole?

How are you telling others?
Do you have compassion like Jesus to seek out lonely, helpless people and offer His healing?

John 5:16-30 – Jesus Is God

Because Jesus was doing these things on the Sabbath, the Jews were extremely angry.  They continued to persecute Him for it and tried harder to kill Him.  Jesus told them, “My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I, too, am working.” John 5:17.  Jesus was making Himself equal with God and they didn’t like that at all.  (John 5:16-18)  Many say that Jesus never claimed to be God, but this is one of the Scriptures that says otherwise.  Another Scripture is John 8:24 - “Unless you believe that I AM, you shall die in your sins.”

Jesus said He is working just as the Father is working.  God continues to work on Sundays.  It still rains on Sunday.  Plants and trees still grow on Sunday.  He still saves the lost on Sunday.  He still performs miracles on Sunday.  He never stops working. 

Jesus went on to say that God, the Father shows Him all He does and He will show Him even greater things in the future.  “For just as the Father raises the dead and gives them life, even so the Son gives life to whom he is pleased to give it.  Moreover, the Father judges no one, but has entrusted all judgment to the Son, that all may honor the Son just as they honor the Father.  He who does not honor the Son does not honor the Father, who sent him.” John 5:21-23.

Jesus’ divine authority is described in verses 17-23: 

Jesus is equal with God in His nature.
Jesus is equal with God in His works.
Jesus is equal with God in His love and knowledge.
Jesus is equal with God in His sovereign power.
Jesus is equal with God in judgment.
Jesus is equal with God in worship.

Our response to Jesus’ deity and divine authority should be recognizing who He is and be in awe of Him.  We should honor and worship Him and Him alone.  We should have respect, faith, gratitude, acceptance, belief, worship, and obedience.  He should be in the center of our lives, meaning He should be in control.

“I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life.”   John 5:24  He went on to say a time is coming when even the dead will hear His voice and to not be amazed.  A time is coming when all those in the graves will hear His voice and will come out of their graves.  Those who have done good will live and those who have done evil will be condemned.  (John 5:24-30)

Friends, the time is getting much closer to the Rapture and the Tribulation than ever before.  Just look around of all the wickedness in our world that is filled with deception and turmoil.  Deception is taking hold of our culture.  We are accepting all sorts of immoral behaviors.  Christianity is under attack.  Many churches have stopped teaching sound doctrine.  Jesus said there would be ‘wars and rumors of wars’.  There is growing instability all around the world with wars that are springing up everywhere.  There are famines and natural disasters like never before.  So what do we do?  If you are a believer,  hold on to your confidence in God , stand firm, and live by faith.  If you are not a believer, surrender to Jesus now before it’s too late.

After hearing these things about Jesus’ deity and divine authority, our response should be that of awe, belief, reverence, and worship.

Principle:  Those who believe in Jesus will have eternal life.

What do you believe about Jesus?

John 5:31-47 –Testimonies About Jesus

Jesus spoke of His authority because He knew the minds of His audience.  The Jews wanted to know what gave Him the authority to make the claims He was making.  After all He was just a man who was trying to make Himself equal with God. 

Jesus said to testify about Himself is not valid, but the testimony of John the Baptist is valid.  But Jesus’ testimony is weightier than that of John.  The main witness is the Father.  He uses various witnesses to testify to the truth of who Jesus is – the testimony of men, John the Baptist, Jesus’ works that was given Him to  do, the scriptures, Moses, and most important was God Himself.  The case of Jesus is solid.  He is the Christ , the Son of God.  He is God!

He said they hadn’t heard God’s voice and His Word didn’t dwell in them.  They thought all their knowledge would give them eternal life.  They studied the Scriptures which testifies about Jesus, but they refused to come to Him.  (John 5:31-40)

It is important to believe that Jesus is God’s Son and equal to God in power and authority because our lives depend on it.  Jesus was sent to save us from eternal death and punishment.  He was sent to give use salvation and eternal life with Him.  Only He can give us this salvation because of His death and resurrection.

Jesus gave reasons for the people’s refusal to believe.  He said He didn’t accept the praises of men, but He knew them and they didn’t have the love of God in their hearts.  He said He comes in the Father’s name, but they don’t accept Him.  They were more concerned with man’s honor than the honor that comes from God.  He asked them how can they believe if they accept praises of others and make no effort to obtain praise from God.  (John 5:41-44)  They were just using excuses, when the real reason was pride and honor from one another.  They didn’t seek the honor that comes from God.

Jesus said they didn’t think He would accuse them before the Father, but that their accuser was Moses.  He said if they believed Moses they would believe Him, because Moses wrote about Him.  Since they didn’t believe what Moses wrote, how could they believe what Jesus said.  (John 5:45-47)  Jesus didn’t call these religious leaders with a new or different faith.  He called them to believe what Moses, the Scriptures, and John the Baptist testified about: that He is the Messiah, the Son of God and God the Son.

Principle:  Biblical faith is not blind; it is grounded on evidence.

With all these witnesses, what is your response to Jesus?

Do you know the Scriptures, but simply refuse to come to Him?
Do you refuse to believe because you are comfortable in your sin?
Do you refuse to believe, because you just don’t want to make a commitment?

What keeps people today from believing in Christ?  Why would anyone not want to have eternal life?  There are many reasons.  Some like the Muslims reject Him because they don’t really know who He is and it would bring shame on their family.  They could even be targeted for death.   Some have been wounded by so called Christians or by the church.  Maybe their priest or their parents have abused them.  Maybe they see those who profess to be Christian setting bad examples.  They may have been influenced by atheistic professors.  They may be full of pride and just don’t want to give up control of their lives.  There are many reasons people don’t believe in Jesus as Savior and Lord.

It is impossible to truly love God and reject Jesus at the same time.  Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.  No one can truly connect with God except through Him.  “He who hates me hates my father as well.”John 15:24

Principle:  It is impossible to love God and reject Jesus, because Jesus is God.

Next week we will study John 6.  Have a blessed day and thanks for visiting my site.  – I encourage you to trust in Jesus.


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The Holy Bible NIV

Sunday, October 22, 2023

John Lesson 6 – John 4:31-54

                                   Food You Don't Know About" — John 4:31-33 (What Jesus Did!)

Last time we learned about the woman at the well and how Jesus offered her living water as He offers living water to all thirsty sinners.

John 4:31-38 – The Harvest

The disciples rejoined Jesus and urged Him to eat.  Jesus said that He had food that they knew nothing about.  “My food, is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work.”John 4:34.   He was saying that His true satisfaction was to do the will of His Father.  Jesus knew the mission He came to do.  He came to finish His work on the cross.

The disciples were confused by Jesus’ words.  They thought He needed physical food for strength, but Jesus found greater strength and satisfaction in doing the Father’s will.  He came to seek and to save the lost (Luke 19:10).  Food and drink were secondary.

(John 4:34-38) Jesus spoke of the harvest, fields, crop, sower, reaper and wages.  He said the disciples shouldn’t think there were still four months and then the harvest.  He said the fields were ripe for the harvest.  The harvest is ready now meaning there were many people ready to be received into His kingdom.  They were to open up their eyes and see people the spiritual harvest is ready.  The disciples should see themselves as worker or reapers in the harvest. 

The fields and crops are the people of the world.  The harvest is those who are ready to receive the truth.  People are searching and are hungry for something or someone to believe in.  They may not realize it, but deep down they are not satisfied and are searching.

The sower and the reaper in this case is Jesus, but the disciples and all believers are sowers.  We plant the seed of the gospel.  We may or may not see or reap the results right away.  The reaper is one who actually sees the person come to believe in Christ.  The wages are the joy, blessings, rewards, and satisfaction in seeing someone saved.  Jesus says one sows and one reaps the harvest.  All who work the harvest will be rewarded and rejoice together.  It’s encouraging to know that even though we may not see the fruits of our labor, those seeds we planted will grow and mature and someday that person that we’ve witnessed to and prayed for will be saved.

How are you doing the work God has given you?

Are you planting seeds? 
Who in your life is ripe for the harvest?

Principle:  Believers are to be alert to the readiness of the spiritual harvest.

John 4:39-42 – The Belief

The Samaritan woman took the gospel to her town and many Samaritans came to see Jesus.  They spent time with Him and because of His Words, they became believers.  They called Him, “The Savior of the world”. (John 4:39-42)

The town’s people saw a change in the woman and they had to see for themselves.  It started with seeds she planted.   Through her planting their souls were harvested.

How are you planting the seeds of the gospel?

What keeps you from telling others about Jesus?
Do you feel you are not knowledgeable enough?  She didn’t have all the answers or a lot of Bible knowledge, but she told others.  So you don’t have an excuse.  Even when we don’t speak the words, we are still giving testimony by our actions. 

So many people today here in America with all kinds of opportunities are rejecting Jesus.  But people in the more backward countries who are less fortunate and don’t have the opportunities we have, are hearing about Jesus and accepting Him almost without question.  It’s just like the Jews rejecting Jesus and people like the Samaritans accepting Him.

Principle:  Jesus is the Savior of the world.

John 4:43-54 – The Faith

Jesus left Samaria for His own home country, Galilee.  The people welcomed Him, but not in the way that honored Him.  They were just interested in His signs and wonders.  Jesus had pointed out that a prophet has no honor in his own country.  John 7:5 states even His own brothers didn’t believe in Him.  He visited Cana in Galilee where He had turned water into wine. 

In John 4:46-51 news about Jesus had spread.  A royal official traveled from Capernaum to the Cana in Galilee to see Jesus.  He worked for the government so he had authority over Jesus, but he was humble and realized that Jesus had a different kind of authority.  Probably a crowd had gathered because of Jesus used the words, “Unless you people see miraculous signs and wonders, you will never believe.” John 4:48.  He was rebuking people because of their superficial reasons for seeking Him.  They knew His miracles, but didn’t understand He was their Messiah. 

The official didn’t get angry and leave.  He told Jesus his son was ill and was going to die.  Jesus told him to go home and his son would live.  The official acted in faith by believing Jesus and returned home.  To believe is to act and that’s just what he did.  He had faith when he believed Jesus could help his son, faith by believing Jesus’ words, and faith when saw his son healed.  This is real faith to believe in a miracle before you see it.  It was grace that healed his son, not for anything he had done.

The official realized that the exact time Jesus told him “your son will live” was the exact time his fever broke so all his household believed.  This was Jesus’ 2nd miracle.  (John 4:53-54).  He was healed with a word, over distance, and at once.  Such is the power of Jesus.

Principle:  As infinite God, Jesus is not limited by time and space.

We learn in this passage that Jesus is compassionate.  He can do all things.  He can change lives.  We need to give our concerns and problems to Him, believe, and He will do the rest.  You won’t receive, if you don’t ask.

What miracle has God done in your life? 

Where is Jesus calling you to prove your faith?

I am sure the official had some doubts, but Jesus challenged his faith.  True faith is not absence of doubts – it’s acting in spite of it.  True faith is believing God and courageously acting on His Word.

Next week we will study John 5.  Have a blessed day and thanks for visiting my site.  Hope to see you here next time. – I encourage you to trust in Jesus.


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The Holy Bible NIV