Thursday, February 1, 2024

John Lesson 18 – John 13:31-14:14


Last time Jesus washed the disciples’ feet to teach them humility.  Then Jesus revealed Judas as His betrayer.  Jesus told Judas to do what he was about to do and to do it quickly.

John 13:31-35 – Jesus Prepares for Glory

When Judas had gone, Jesus knew everything was set in motion beginning with His arrest and ending in His crucifixion.  He made four references to how the Father and Son would be glorified.  He said, “Now is the Son of Man glorified and God is glorified in him.  If God is glorified in him, God will glorify the Son in himself, and will glorify him at once.”John 13:31-32. 

Glorify actually means to lift up.  For Jesus, His glory would involve His being lifted up on the cross out of love for us and in obedience to the Father.  Through His death, burial and resurrection, Jesus would bring the Father glory by fulfilling the Father’s plan to bring us out of bondage of sin and death. 

The world’s definition of glory is very different.  The world’s definition is to be famous, have notability, have prestige, and be renown by notable achievements.  It’s to have great pride and pleasure in something.

Jesus knew Judas was going to the Jewish leaders and that He would die soon and then be made alive again.  This would bring glory to God.  The disciples didn’t understand this.  Jesus would go to heaven and they could not follow at that time.  He knew this would make them sad.  Later Jesus explained how they would have the Holy Spirit to help them after He was gone.

Jesus called His disciples His children.  He meant this as a sense of tenderness and care.  Jesus gave the disciples a new command.  He told them to love each other another as He had loved them.  He showed just how much He loved them by His death.  He became a sacrifice on our behalf.  He willingly suffered the punishment that we deserve.

Principle:  We are to love with selflessness, humility, and forgiveness as Jesus loves us.

John 13:36-38 – Jesus Predicts Peter’s Denial

Peter asked where Jesus was going and wanted to follow Him, but Jesus told him he couldn’t until later.  Peter said he would lay down his life for Jesus, but Jesus said Peter would disown Him three times before the rooster crowed.  Peter thought he was fully committed to Jesus, which he was in many ways.  Jesus knew all the disciples would flee for their lives when He was arrested.  Jesus loved His disciples and was committed to them and to Peter in spite of their failures.  He didn’t reject them because of it.  Still He loved them and restored them and used them to spread the gospel after His resurrection.

When have you run from Christ?

When have you denied Christ out of fear?
Are you shamed of the Gospel?

It’s easy to make promises to God when we don’t have trouble in our lives.  God knows our hearts and whether we are sincere.  We don’t really know what we’ll do in a difficult situation.  But we do know that if we mess up, He will forgive us.  To truly remain loyal to Him we need to stay in His Word and trust Him to guide us.  We must stay faithful in the small things as well as the large ones.  We must live our lives to please God. 

Love can be costly.  It can mean we have to sacrifice our selfishness for others.  We are to see others as Christ sees them and become more like Him.  You don’t have to like a person to love them.  You don’t have to be their best friend and spend all your time with them.  Even Jesus spent more time with Peter, James and John than the other disciples, but He loved them all the same.  He loves each one of us the same.  He shows no favoritism.  Jesus loved His enemies even though they were constantly trying to kill Him.  “Love you enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” Matt. 5:44.  This kind of love requires effort.

When have you broken a promise to God?

What do you need to show the love of Christ?

Principle:  Jesus loves us despite our failures.

John 14:1-4 – Jesus Comforts His Disciples

“Do not let your hearts be troubled.  Trust in God, trust also in me.  In my Father’s house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you.  I am going there to prepare a place for you.  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.”John 14:1-3.

Jesus spoke words of comfort to His troubled disciples.  These are words of comfort for all believers.

“Do not let your hearts be troubled” – He doesn’t want us to fear, but to trust in Him.  We are the ones who lets our hearts be troubled.  We control it.  We get anxious and fearful.  Life will happen and we will find ourselves in situations we don’t like.  God gives us the strength and hope to prevent troubled hearts.  We are to believe in God and in Jesus.  We are to commit, believe and trust Him and He will guard our hearts.  God is in control and aware of our situation.  He wants us to be thankful in every situation.  Remember this and you will have peace which will keep your heart trouble free.

What situation is troubling you?

Are you trying to handle it on your own or are you taking it to God?

“In my Father’s house are many rooms … I will come back and take you to be with me …” - Jesus told His disciples and us that there is life after death.  He promises heaven for us.  There is room in heaven for everyone who believes in Him.  We need not fear death.  He will come back for us one day.  Until then we are to stand firm and trust Him.  He keeps His promises.

Principle:  Hope in Christ’s promises will comfort your troubled heart.

John 14:5-14 – Jesus is the Only Way

Thomas asked where Jesus was going.  He thought Jesus was just going on a trip and didn’t understand that He was going to leave this earth and go to heaven.  Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me.”John 14:6.  These words are VERY important.  Jesus didn’t say He knows the way to heaven.  He said He IS the way.  Jesus is the ONLY way to heaven.  He is our only access to God and salvation.  There is no other way to be saved.  Our good works cannot save us nor our positions in church.  This Scripture is a non-negotiable requirement to be saved!

Believing that Jesus is the way should comfort you because you have access to God through Jesus.  You can bring all your troubles to Him.  You can stand securely in the truth of who Jesus is.  Trusting in Him gives assurance of eternal life and escape from the second death.

In the book of John, Jesus told us 14 times who He is.  He left no doubt.

“I am the bread of life.”John 6:35, 48 
“I am the light of the world.”John 8:12, 9:5 
“… before Abraham was born, I am!”John 8:58 
“I am the gate.” – John 10:9
“I am the good shepherd.”John 10:11, 14
“I and the Father are one.”John 10:30
“I am the resurrection and the life.”John 11:25
“I am the way and the truth and the life.”John 14:6
“Believe me when I say that I am in the Father, and the Father is in me ...”John 14:11
“I am the true vine” – John 15:1

There is no other way to the Father than through Jesus.  He is the only way to God.  Salvation is found in no one else.  This is absolute truth.  He is the exclusive way to God.  He alone can give eternal life.  This eliminates all other ways to God.  So Jesus is either right or He is wrong and a liar.

Principle:  Salvation is found in Jesus alone.

Who do you say Jesus is?

Sinners will spend eternity in hell away from God.  “… for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Rom. 3:23.  You cannot get to heaven by doing good works.  The only way is Jesus.  He is the way.  “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”Rom. 6:23.  Jesus gives us the gift of grace and died in our place.

Philip wanted Jesus to show him the Father.  Jesus told him that He and God are the same.  He saw the evidence of the miracles.  If they see Jesus, they have seen God.  Many people want to know and see God.  We cannot see God in this life, but Jesus shows us what God is like.  He shows us God’s character.  Jesus’ words and actions were God’s words and actions.  If we want to know God, we need to just look at Jesus then we will know God.  (John 14:5-12).

Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing.  He will do even greater things then these, because I am going to the Father.” – John 14:12.  The ’greater’ here doesn’t mean to do more sensational things, but greater in magnitude.  He is leaving behind those followers who would spread His kingdom to more people and more places than Jesus ever did in His life time.

“And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father.  You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.”John 14:13-14.  Jesus said He will do anything we ask in His name.  When we pray we are to submit to God’s will.  To pray in Jesus’ Name refers to all that He is and all He has done for us on the cross.  We pray under the authority of what Jesus did for us and all He represents.  He promises He will do anything implies it must be in the will and nature of Christ.  It must honor Him.  It should be our desire to see God glorified through Jesus.  That should be our objective when we pray.  Just because you ask God for something and pray in Jesus’ name doesn’t mean you will get it.  He won’t do it if it doesn’t fulfill the purpose of glorifying the Father through Christ.

Principle:  The goal of prayer is to glorify God.

Key verse:  “I am the way and the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me.”John 14:6.

Next week we will continue our study in John 14.  Have a blessed day and thanks for visiting my site. – I encourage you to trust in Jesus


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Friday, January 26, 2024

John Lesson 17 – John 13:1-30


Last time we learned that Jesus was anointed with oil by Mary, made His triumphal entry into Jerusalem, and predicted His death.  Many still continued in their unbelief fulfilling Isaiah’s prophecy proving Jesus is the Messiah.

John 13:1-17 – Jesus Washes His Disciples’ Feet

Jesus knew what was going to happen to Him and He wanted to prepare His disciples for His death and resurrection.  “Having loved his own who were in the world, he now showed them the full extent of his love.”John 13:1b.  He wanted them to know His love for them would never end.  He loves us the same way.  He came to earth and died for us because of His love.  Now, nothing can separate us from His love.

‘Having loved his own’ refers to His disciples, but doesn’t mean that He only loved His disciples, because Jesus loves all people.  But loving His followers is a different love.  The love of Jesus for His own is greater because of the response – love answers with love.  All followers (the church) are really His own.  He chose them, gave Himself to them, they yielded themselves to Him, and He purchased them with His life.

Are you one of His own?

The devil had already put into Judas’ heart the thought of betraying Jesus.  Yes, Satan can put thoughts into your head.  He can put thoughts of jealousy, greed, power, and the like.  But we have a choice just as Judas had a choice.  He could have said, “No.  I will not betray Jesus.”  He could have asked God to help him not to submit to such evil thoughts.  But we know this was not God’s plan.

It was just before Passover and Jesus knew His time had come to leave this world.  He was going to prove how much He loved people.  Jesus already knew the devil had prompted Judas to betray Him, but He knew God had put all things under His power and that He would be returning to God.  Jesus also knew that Peter would deny Him and all the disciples would desert Him. 

Jesus wanted to teach His disciples about humility by showing them how to be humble.  So as He and the disciples were finishing their evening meal, Jesus began washing the disciples’ feet.  This surprised the disciples.  Peter didn’t understand and asked why Jesus was doing this.  I am pretty sure they were all shocked and Peter said what the others were thinking, but were afraid to say.  Jesus told him that he didn’t realize exactly what He was doing, but would later understand.  Peter said, “No, you shall never wash my feet.” John 13:8a.  Jesus answered, “Unless I wash you, you have no part with me.”John 13:8b.    Then Peter told Jesus to wash not only his feet, but his hands and head as well.  Jesus said a person who has had a bath need only to wash his feet and you are clean though one of you is not.  The unclean one He was talking about was Judas.

Jesus told them He had set the example and they were now to wash one another’s feet.  He was showing them how to behave.  “I tell you the truth, no servant is greater than his master, nor a messenger greater than the one who sent him.  Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.”John 13:15-17.

The picture of needing to have their dirty feet washed shows the need of cleansing from sin.  We all have dirty feet and need Jesus to wash them.  Washing someone’s feet shows humility.  This chore was the job of the lowest servant in a household.  Jesus took this lowly place as a servant.  He wants us to serve each other.  We are to be humble and not proud of our service.

If we want to belong to Jesus, we must let Him take away our sins.  Sin makes us dirty inside, but His blood removes that sin.  Only His blood can make us clean.  We Christians still sin, because we are only human and certainly not perfect.  We need ongoing cleansing, because we walk in a sinful world and our feet get dirty.  We need Jesus to wash our dirty feet and remove sin.  So we should say we are sorry for our sins and ask for forgiveness daily. 

We all are guilty sinners in need of cleansing.  “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”Rom. 3:23.

Where is there pride in your life?

What is keeping you from consistently following Christ’s example of humble service?
Do you consistently come to Him for cleansing from sin?
What is keeping you from washing dirty feet?

What does is really mean to wash one another’s feet?  You don’t have to literally wash someone’s feet.  It’s a ministry of forgiveness.   It’s being kind to one another, forgiving each other just as Jesus has forgiven  you.  It’s a ministry of humble service.  It’s doing unpleasant tasks that serve others in their area of need.  We wash one another’s feet by being in close relationship with others, getting involved and sharing in their struggles.  When we share God’s encouraging Word, we are washing off the dirty world.  The Word can refresh and give hope in troubled times.  When you humbly serve Christ, you will be blessed.  “Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.”John 13:17.

Lessons in Jesus’ feet washings:

Jesus’ love is humble.
Jesus’ love takes initiative.
Jesus loves first, even when people have no idea to love Him back.
Jesus’ love is expressed in action.
Jesus loves us even in our dirtiness and smelliness.
Jesus’ love is personal and intimate.

Principle:  Humility requires thinking of others more highly than or yourself.

John 13:18-30 – Jesus Predicts His Betrayal

Jesus told the disciples that one of them was going to betray Him.  In John 13:18b He used words from Ps. 41:9 – “Even my close friend, whom I trusted, he who shared my bread, has lifted up his heel against me.”  This fulfilled Scripture.    

Betrayal means an act of deliberate disloyalty.  It means to mislead and deceive.  It is a violation of a person’s trust or confidence.

The disciples looked at one another in wonder of who He meant.  John, the one Jesus loved asked Jesus if it was him.  Jesus said, “It is the one whom I will give this piece of bread when I have dipped it in the dish.”John 13:26.  Then Jesus dipped the bread and gave it to Judas.  When He did this, Satan entered Judas.  Jesus told Judas whatever you are going to do, do it quickly.  Judas took the bread and left.

Judas left quickly because he had been discovered.  Maybe he felt guilty and embarrassed.  He realized that Jesus still loved him.  He had shut his heart against Jesus and opened it to the devil.

Satan knew Jesus was the Son of God and he wanted to kill Him.  He thought he could stop God’s plan, but of course he could not.  Judas’ betrayal troubled Jesus.  He loved Judas and was troubled for Judas’ sake just as He is for all sinners.

Judas heard Jesus preach and teach.  He saw His miracles.  He saw Jesus heal the sick and raise the dead.  It was money and greed that clouded Judas’s judgment.  His heart became hardened.  The devil put in his heart to betray Jesus and Judas gave in.  Later Judas felt remorse, but did not repent.  He threw away his betrayal money and hanged himself.

How and when have you betrayed Jesus?

How has Satan tempted you to doubt Christ?
What are some ways you can fight temptation?

There are several lessons from Judas’ sin.  We learn that wicked actions can still accomplish God’s purposes.  We also learn we need more than a good example to be saved.  Judas had the best example, but still was dead in his sins.  Judas’s sin is one of many warnings that apply to religious people.  Some are like Judas and have never repent of their sins.  They are  prideful and self-righteous.  There are hypocrites among the followers of Jesus, but they can never fool God.  Judas looked like a Christian, but he had inner motives.  He may have become a follower because he thought Jesus would set up a political kingdom and he could be in line for a once in a lifetime job.  We all like positions of authority.  Let Judas teach you there is a bitter end to those who walk away from Jesus. 

We can learn a lot about Jesus from the way He interacted with Judas.  First of all He had wisdom in choosing a man like Judas to be a disciple.  We see Jesus’ sovereign control over all the event surrounding His death.  He was even in control of Judas when he betrayed Him.  We see His humanity by being deeply troubled for Judas.  We see His patience and love toward Judas right to the end.

Principle:  Satan thought he could stop God’s plan, but of course he could not.

Next week we will finish our study of John 13.  Have a blessed day and thanks for visiting my site.  – I encourage you to trust in Jesus.


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Thursday, January 18, 2024

John Lesson 16 – John 12


Last time we learned as a result of the miraculous raising of Lazarus, the glory of God was proclaimed.  This miracle made the religious leaders even more determined to kill Jesus.

John 12:1-11 – Jesus’ Anointing

Jesus knew His time was coming to an end so He spent time with His friends at the home of Lazarus, Martha and Mary.  While they were reclining at a dinner, Mary took a pint of expensive perfume and poured it on Jesus’ feet.  She then wiped His feet with her hair.  Somehow she realized His end was near and she wanted to honor Him.  She wanted to show her gratitude and love in the midst of all the rejection and hatred He faced.  She poured this precious and costly ointment on Him as a token of honor and worship.

Mary’s heart is revealed in her actions.  She loved Jesus and wanted to spend time with Him.  She was in awe and had deep gratitude for Him for raising her brother to life.  She showed unselfish love and worship of Him when she poured the expensive perfume on His feet.  We can show our love and gratitude to Jesus by spending more time with Him in prayer and in His Word.  We can be less selfish and think more of others than ourselves.

When have you done something extravagant not thinking of yourself, but thinking of another?

Do you treasure Jesus more than your stuff?

One of the disciples, Judas Iscariot was there along with all the other disciples.  He was the accountant of the group and was in charge of the money.  When Mary used this expensive perfume on Jesus, Judas’ heart is revealed.  He became very angry and spoke up and said this perfume costs as much as a year’s wages and she could have used this money for the poor instead of wasting it on Jesus.  Judas really didn’t care about the poor.  He just loved money.  He thought he could have used it for his own pocket.  I think he was planning on betraying Jesus all along and this was all he could take.  His greed finally showed through.

Jesus responded by telling him to “Leave her alone.  It was intended that she should save this perfume for the day of my burial.  You will always have the poor among you, but you will not always have me.” John 12:7-8.  Perfume was poured over a dead body before the body was put in the grave.  When she did this she was prophesying about Jesus’ death, even though she may have not realized it.  Jesus acknowledged Mary’s actions and her faith.  She knew Jesus was worthy of worship.

Principle:  A life spent in selfless devotion to Jesus is not wasted.

The Jews found out where Jesus was and the chief priest made plans to kill not only Jesus, but Lazarus as well.  With Lazarus’ testimony that Jesus raised him from the dead, many people had put their faith in Jesus and the Jews surely didn’t want that.

John 12:12-22 – Jesus’ Triumphal Entry

Many people had seen Lazarus come out of the grave and the news quickly spread.  A large crown followed Jesus as He entered Jerusalem for the Passover.  They greeted Him as their Messiah and shouted “Hosanna!  Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!  Blessed is the King of Israel!!”John 12:13.  His disciples didn’t understand this until after Jesus was glorified.  Within a week their shouts turned to “Crucify him!” John 19:15.  The fickle crowd was following Jesus for the wrong reasons.

Jesus rode into the city on a young donkey as prophesied in Zechariah 9:9 – “Rejoice greatly, O Daughter of Zion! Shout, Daughter of Jerusalem! See, your king comes to you, righteous and having salvation, gentle and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.”  Jesus came in peace.  He came on a donkey, which is a symbol of peace.  He came to give eternal peace to you and me.  The second time He comes will not be in peace, but on a white horse to judge and defeat evil.

Until now Jesus kept His identity as Messiah quiet because His time had not yet come.  Now this Triumphal Entry of Jesus was declaring Himself to be Israel’s Messiah, but not the kind of Messiah they expected.  He didn’t ride in on a powerful war horse to lead the charge against Rome, but on a lowly donkey.

Many people who greeted Him didn’t remain loyal to Him and later didn’t try to prevent His death.  They would even shout, “Crucify him!” John 19:15.

Why do you follow Jesus?

Do you follow Jesus because of what He might provide for you?
Do you follow Him because of who He is:  God’s Messiah and King?
How are you making Him Lord and King of your life?

Principle:  Fulfilled prophecies prove that Jesus is the Messiah.

John 12:23-36 – Jesus’ Hour

Some Greeks came to Philip and asked to see Jesus.  They wanted to know Him.  Philip told Andrew and they told Jesus.  Jesus responded by announcing that the hour had come.  He said, “The hour has come of the Son of Man to be glorified ”John 12:23.  He was referring to the cross.  God’s ultimate aim in history is to glorify His Son.  The cross reveals God’s glory in Christ by having all people come to Him alone for salvation.

What did He mean by “the hour”?

The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. (John 12:23).
His hour of personal suffering had come (John 12:27-30). 
It was the hour of the world’s judgment and the world’s prince will be driven out (John 12:31) – This is speaking of the ruler of the world, the devil who was defeated by Jesus’ death and resurrection.
At this hour He will be lifted up to draw all men to Him (John 12:32-33). 

Jesus said, “Unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed.  But if it dies it produces many seeds.”John 12:24.  This means just as a seed will never become a plant until it dies and is buried so the death and burial of Jesus was necessary to His glorification.  There can be no resurrection until there is death.  Through the cross, the gospel was opened to all people.

Jesus said, “The man who loves his life will lose it, while the man who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life.  Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be.  My Father will honor the one who serves me.” – John 12:25-26.  To hate your life in this world is to want to follow Jesus, serve Him, and be with Him forever.  To lose your life is to give up your selfish desires and put those desires in your life to death.  It’s not a physical death, but a death that allows Christ to grow in you.  This doesn’t mean you are not to enjoy life, but live to serve God and not live for your own pleasures.  We should want what Jesus wants and let Him control our lives.

Why should you hate your life?  To follow Jesus, you must not love your life in this world.  People who are without Jesus in this world live for material things.  They want power and are greedy and want more and more stuff.  They want anything they think will make them happy.  Their goals and desires are focused on self.  To hate your life is the same thing as denying yourself and taking up your cross daily to follow Jesus.  It means living for God’s glory and His purposes.  We submit our thoughts, our words, and our deeds to Jesus.  Our motivation is to serve Jesus.

Jesus knew what was going to happen to Him, but He always gave God the glory.  “Father, glorify your name!”John 12:28a.  “Then a voice came from heaven, ‘I have glorified it, and will glorify it again.’”John 12:28b.  When the crowd heard this, some said it had thundered while others said it was an angel speaking.

This was the 2nd  time God spoke.  1st He spoke when Jesus was baptized saying, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.”Matt. 3:17.  The 3rd  time was at His transfiguration in Matt. 17:5.

John 12:30-33 revealed that at the cross is the time for judgment on this world.  It not only judged the world, but defeated Satan.  Jesus will be lifted up on the cross and raised in honor; He will draw men to Himself.  It was a victory for all people.

Jesus told His disciple that they would have Him only a little longer.  Soon His time on earth as a man would end.  Jesus told us in John 9:5 that He was the Light.  He told them to put their trust in the Light while He was here.  He wants us to ‘walk in the light’. 

So how do we walk in the light?  By choosing God’s Word over your lusts and desires and obeying His commands.  It’s not a list of rules.  It’s about cultivating a relationship with the Lord through the Spirit.  We abide in Christ and feed on His Word.  We spend time with Him in worship and prayer.  Then as we grow in Him, we display love, joy, kindness, longsuffering, and all the fruits of the Spirit.

Principle:  To see Jesus and His glory, look to the cross.

John 12:37-50 – Continued Unbelief

Jesus had done many miracles, but still many didn’t believe in Him (John 12:37).  They couldn’t believe because, “He has blinded their eyes and deadened their hearts, so they can neither see with their eyes, nor understand with their hearts, nor turn – and I would heal them.”John 12:40; Isaiah 6:10.  In was the same in Isaiah’s day.  People were hardened because knew God’s laws, but refused to live right.

John 12:38 and 40 quotes Isaiah 53 and Isaiah 6:10 warning why some people fail to acknowledge their faith in Jesus.  They refuse the truth and it becomes impossible for them to believe.  Their hearts are calloused and their minds are closed.  God allows these people to remain this way which is a result of their own choice.  To reject the truth is to reject God.  They, like the Pharisees like the praises of men more than praise from God.   They think if they talk about Jesus and tell others, people will reject them.  They are afraid of what other might think of them.  They are afraid they will be called ‘Jesus freaks’.  True Christians are not ashamed to confess Christ.  Man’s approval may last a few years; God’s approval lasts forever.

John 12:42-43 tell us some of the people failed to acknowledge their faith in Jesus, because of fear.  They were afraid they would be put out of the synagogue and because they loved praises from men more than praise from God.

2 Timothy 1:7-8 tell us to not be afraid because God has given us a spirit of power, of love, and of self-discipline.  We should not be ashamed to testify about Jesus.

Are you shamed of your belief in the gospel?

Do you fear the opinions of other?
Are you embarrassed by your faith?

Be careful not to fall away from Jesus when He doesn’t fit your expectations.  As a believer, Jesus probably won’t fit your expectations of what you thought He would be when you trusted Him as Savior.  You may have thought He would fix all your problems and expected Him to save all your family members.

Things you can expect from God:

His unchanging, unconditional love (Heb. 13:8, Rom. 8:38). 
He will never leave you (Deu. 31:6).
He will use your suffering to grow you (Rom. 5:3-5).
He will return (John 14:3). 
He meets your needs (Phil. 4:19). 
He keeps His promises (Ps. 145:13). 
He gives hope (Jer. 29:11).
He gives you rest (Matt. 11:28).
He gives you strength to endure (Is. 40:29).
He promises peace (Prov. 1:33, John 14:27).
He gives you salvation (Rom. 10:9, 6:23).

Are you trusting the Lord when He does things that don’t fit your expectations?

Jesus repeated the most important parts of His message.  God sent Him to earth and He is the Light.  He gave them a choice to believe in Him.  He said if you reject Him, the Word of God will be your judge.  When the end comes, there will not be any excuse for rejecting Jesus.  The Word will judge and condemn all who reject Him.  “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you shall be saved.”Acts 16:31.

Jesus cried out, “When a man believes in me, he does not believe in me only, but the one who sent me.  When he looks at me, he sees the one who sent me.  I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.”John 12:44-45.  Jesus crying out shows He is strongly appealing to the people.  He wants them to pay attention to these truths.  He and the Father are one.  To deny Jesus is to deny the one true God.  A world without Christ is in spiritual and moral darkness.  Jesus is the Light and has come to save the world.

“There is a judge for the one who rejects me and does not accept my words; that very word which I spoke will condemn him on the last day.” John 12:48.  There will be a last day and it will be a day of judgment.  Jesus wants all who reject Him to be aware of that day.  He gives a final notice of the coming judgment and is appealing to those who don’t believe.  Don’t ignore Jesus’ final notice!

Do you believe in Jesus Christ?

Do you know where you will spend eternity?

Principle:  Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved for all eternity.

Next week we will study John 13.  Have a blessed day and thanks for visiting my site.  – I encourage you to trust in Jesus


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