Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Introduction to Romans

The book of Romans was written by Paul and shows us the truth about Jesus Christ.  Throughout centuries, Paul’s letter has changed lives.  There are layers upon layers of doctrine in this book.  As you study you will go deeper into these truths.  There will be some confusion and there will be some wow moments.  The book is simple yet eternally complex and full of doctrine.  It will challenge you and make you rethink why you believe what you believe.  If you are not confused during this study, you are not stretching your mind enough.  It will show you the character of God and that He is truth and trustworthy.

Romans can be broken up into sections:  Rom. 1 -11 lays out the doctrine, truth of Christianity and Rom. 12-16 is about how do we live based on this doctrine.   

The theme is the righteous revelation of God in the gospel.  He talks about the gospel, sin, grace, faith, salvation, sanctification, sovereignty of God and service to God.  Paul sums up his theme in Rom. 1:16-17.  “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile.  For in the gospel righteousness from God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: ‘The righteous will live by faith.’”

What is the gospel?  The gospel is the story of Jesus.  It means “good news”.  It’s God's plan for salvation.  We have all done wrong things called sin.  We can’t save ourselves from punishment by our own efforts so we are hopeless, but God didn’t leave us hopeless.  He sent Jesus into the world to take the punishment we deserve.  Jesus was sent by God, born of a virgin, was crucified, died on the cross and was buried.  Then 3 days later He was raised to life.  He did all this so man could have a renewed relationship with God.  All we have to do to be saved from the punishment we deserve is to believe in Jesus and His story. 

In chapters 1-3:20 we learn about sin and the human condition.  Chapters 3:21-8 we learn salvation comes through Jesus Christ.  Chapters 6-8 are about sanctification.  Chapters 9-11 are all about the sovereignty of God and His glorious plan for creation.  Chapters 12-16 are about service and tell us how we can live for Him. 
Romans will show the true identity of every person.  The book shows how God will deal with humanity’s sin by the work of Jesus on the cross.  It starts off telling us how bad we are then tells us there is hope.  That hope is Jesus Christ.

The book of Romans contains some of the deepest theological truths in all the Bible.  I have studied Romans several times, but each time God has something different to teach me.  I am excited to dive into this book again.  I hope you will join me as we study together each week.

Next time we will begin with Romans 1.  Have a blessed day and thanks for visiting my site.  Hope to see you here again.

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