Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Romans 1:1-17

The book of Romans contains some of the deepest theological truths in all the Bible.  I have studied Romans several times, but each time God has something different to teach me.  I am excited to dive into this book again.  Since there is so much in this 1st chapter, I am breaking it up into 2 parts.  Part 1 is Rom. 1:1-17.  Part 2 is Rom. 1:18-32.

Romans is a letter written by Paul to the church in Rome.  The theme is the righteous revelation of God in the gospel.  He talks about the gospel, sin, grace, faith, salvation, sanctification, sovereignty of God and service to God.  Paul sums up his theme in Rom. 1:16-17.  “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile.  For in the gospel righteousness from God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: ‘The righteous will live by faith.’”

Romans 1:1-5 – Concerning Paul

We learn who Paul is right from the start of his letter.  He testifies about himself.  He is a servant of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle.  He is set apart for the gospel of God.  We learn that the gospel comes to us from God and it’s all about Him.  The gospel was promised beforehand through the prophets in the Holy Scriptures.  (Rom. 1:1-2).

Paul describes himself as “a servant of Christ Jesus”, “called to be an apostle”, and “set apart for the gospel of God.”  An apostle is someone who has the authority to preach the gospel.  Paul told the church that he had that authority from Jesus to spread the Word and that all Christian should spread God’s good news.

How are you spreading His Word?

God saves us and gives us gifts so we can take the gospel to others, too.  All of us are not cut out to be a missionary like Paul, but you can be one right in your own community.  You can pray for people around the world right in your own home.  You can support missions financially.  You can be a volunteer in your church and in your community.  There are many ways you can spread the gospel.  God has a job especially for you.  Ask Him to reveal to you just what that is.

Paul was a highly educated Jew.  He had never visited the church in Rome, but wanted to very much.  The Christians there were a mix of Jews and Gentiles.  A Gentile is anyone who is not Jewish.  Because of their different backgrounds the Jews looked at things differently.  God had given Israel rules to obey, because they were His special people and He wanted them to act special.  God had not given these laws to the Gentiles, but some Jews thought the Gentiles should obey those rules.  Paul wanted them to know that those rules cannot save people.

Paul’s previous job was to persecute and kill Christians.  God knew Paul would be the perfect apostle for the gospel so He got Paul’s attention one day when he was on the way to Damascus to persecute more Christians.  He met Jesus there on the road and came to believe and was saved.  God set him apart.  Set apart means He was consecrated and dedicated for a job given by God.  God called him to take the gospel to the Gentiles.  He became an apostle and was devoted to the Lord. 

Who is Jesus to you?
Is Jesus your Savior and Lord?
What job has He given you?

Paul tells us that God’s son, Jesus is the center of the gospel.  He tells us that Jesus was a descendant of David and that God fulfilled His promises told through His prophets.  He tells us that through God and His name’s sake, we received grace and apostleship to save the Gentiles.  Jesus has the power by the resurrection from the dead according to the Spirit of holiness. (Rom. 1:3-5).

Paul uses the word grace many times in his writings.  He received grace.  What is grace?  Grace is unmerited favor.  It’s a gift that no one deserves.  If you deserve it, it’s not grace.  It’s not about the good works you do.  God owes you nothing.  We deserve His wrath, because we are sinners.  If we ask Him for forgiveness, He forgives us giving us grace because Jesus paid the penalty for what we deserved when He died on the cross.

Have you received God’s grace?
How are you extending grace to others?

Principle:  God commands us to repent and turn to Him and away from sin.

Romans 1:6-15 – Concerning the Romans

Paul called the Christians in Rome saints.  (All believers are saints.)  Paul tells the church in Rome that their witness of faith has been heard all over the world.  He encourages them by telling them that he is constantly praying for them and that he longs to visit them.  He wants to come and preach to them and share the things of God.  He wants to use his gifts to serve them and for their gifts to serve him.   (Rom. 1:7-15)

How are you serving God?
Are you constantly praying for others?
Has God called you as a saint and set you apart for Him?
What work has He called you to do?

Principle:  God’s people are to take the good news of Jesus to everyone.

Do you ever get frustrated because it seems God is not answering your prayers?  Are you patient in your waiting like Paul?  God may have His reasons that He is not answering them the way you want.  God did answer Paul’s prayer to visit Rome, but it probably wasn’t the way he expected.  God was waiting on His perfect timing.  Maybe unanswered prayer may be God’s way of teaching you something.  He may have other work for you to do.  There may be spiritual warfare that you are unaware.  Use Paul as your example and keep praying and be patient.

Romans 1:16-17 – Concerning the Gospel

Romans 1:16-17 is the theme of this book.  “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile.  For in the gospel righteousness from God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: ‘The righteous will live by faith.’”

What is the gospel?  The gospel is the story of Jesus.  It means “good news”.  It’s God's plan for salvation.  We have all done wrong things called sin.  We can’t save ourselves from punishment by our own efforts so we are hopeless, but God didn’t leave us hopeless.  He sent Jesus into the world to take the punishment we deserve.  Jesus was sent by God, born of a virgin, was crucified, died on the cross and was buried.  Then 3 days later He was raised to life.  He did all this so man could have a renewed relationship with God.  All we have to do to be saved from the punishment we deserve is to believe in Jesus and His story. 

Is your gospel about you or Jesus?  
Are you trying to earn you salvation? 
Are you allowing your faith to shape you personally?

Salvation means to be rescued from God’s wrath and the judgment that we deserve because of our sin.   It means to be delivered from the penalty of sin.  This happens the moment we first believe.  We can’t attain salvation by our own efforts or good works.  If this was the case, then Jesus would not have had to die on the cross.  Salvation is received by faith alone.  Belief in Jesus is a choice.  It’s a choice that each person must make on their own.  You must personally believe in Christ.

What choice have you made?

The gospel message isn’t believed by everyone.  Some say it is foolish thinking.  Paul knew that many would be ashamed to follow Jesus.  Jesus knew that, too.  Jesus knew it would be hard to be His follower.  He knew people would laugh at them and tell lies about them just as they did Jesus.  He warned that we should not be ashamed of Him.  “If anyone is ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when he comes to his Father’s glory with the holy angels.”Mark 8:38.

The world is opposed to God’s gospel and ridicules it.  They did it in Paul’s day and they do it today and they will do it in the future.  We are all tempted to be ashamed of the gospel at one time or another.  Maybe you don’t want to admit that.  It is the power of God for salvation for anyone who will believe.  We need never be ashamed of it.

Do you believe the gospel?
How are you tempted to be ashamed of the gospel?
Do you still believe when you fail and Satan accuses you?
Is your salvation evident in your relationships?

The gospel is the good news that God has revealed to us so we can be rescued from the wrath to come.

The gospel reconciles us to God.  We like to compare ourselves with others, but others are not the standard we should look to.  Our Creator is the standard.

Next time we will study the rest of Romans 1.  Have a blessed day and thanks for visiting my site.  Hope to see you here again.

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1 comment:

  1. Praise the Lord.
    Thank you,it's very easy to understand those words of God.
