Friday, January 26, 2018

Romans 9 - God's Sovereign Choice

Paul has just told us in chapter 8 that nothing can separate us from the love of God.  Now in chapter 9 he wants us to know that he is sincere.  He thought that some may have the impression that because of the law God has rejected the people of Israel and His promises.  Now Paul explains that God chose Israel and that He has not rejected his people. 

Romans 9:1-5 – Paul Loves

Paul says he is speaking the truth because Christ is in him.  He says he is not lying.  He trusts the Holy Spirit that is in him.  He is very sad when he thinks about his fellow Jews who haven’t accepted Jesus as their Messiah.  He wishes he himself could suffer God’s punishment for them. – Rom. 9:1-3.

The Jews were God’s chosen people and God promised to bless them and all nations through them, but most of them were rejecting Jesus.  Paul shows that he is deeply concerned for those Jews who don’t accept Christ as Savior.  He loved them more than himself.  He is willing to give up his own salvation if it meant they would be saved.  He knew that would not be possible, because he just told us in Romans 8:29 that nothing can separate us from the love of Christ.  I think he is trying to show just how much he cares for the lost. 

Are you burdened for the salvation of the lost?

Principle:  We should be burdened for the salvation of the lost.

Paul lists the spiritual privileges God gave the Jews.  They were the people of Israel. They were adopted as sons.  They had the divine glory, the covenants, the receiving of the law, the temple worship and the promises of God.  They could trace their ancestry to Christ. – Rom. 9:4-5.

The Israelites were descendants of Jacob.  Jacob’s name was changed to Israel.  They were adopted as sons of God.  They had the glory and saw it many times in their history.  They had the covenants that God made with Abraham, Moses, and David.  They had the Law which told them how to live and please God.  They received God’s pattern of the temple service with the various feasts and sacrifices to observe.  They received God’s promises and blessings.  They have the fully human Messiah Jesus who is fully God.

Many people are separated from God because of their sins and failure to accept Jesus.  If you are a Christian, you have many privileges.  You have God, Jesus, the Bible and His promises.  You have many freedoms in this life.  You have freedom to worship and believe as we please without fear.

What are some of your blessings?
Do you thank God daily for them?

Romans 9:6-29 – God Chooses

Paul quickly states that God’s promises had not failed.  He reminds them that true Israel is not simply the physical descendants of Israel.  It is not the natural children who are His children, but it is the children of the promise who are regarded as Abraham’s offspring.  It depends on what God has chosen according to His purpose.  He illustrates this through the contrast of Isaac and Ishmael and then through Jacob and Esau. - Rom. 9:6-13.

Paul asks if God is unjust and then answers, “not at all”.  He quotes Ex. 33:19 - “I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.”  It doesn’t depend on man’s desire or effort, but on God’s mercy.  He quotes what God said to Pharaoh in Ex. 9:16, “I raised you up for this very purpose, that I might display my power in you and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth.” Rom. 9:14-21.

God chose Jacob and rejected Esau.  God knew Jacob would decide to trust God and Esau would reject God.  God is sovereign over His creation and has a perfect right to choose whom He wills.  His character if holy, impartial, just, and His goodness and love guarantees His choices will always be for His glory and our good.

Paul quotes Exodus where God hardened Pharaoh’s heart.  God did that for the greater purpose of displaying God’s glory in power and judgment.  He did to so His fame would spread throughout the world.  God didn’t cause Pharaoh to sin, but withdrew His restraint allowing Pharaoh to be responsible for his own sin.  God uses sinners for His purposes today by withdrawing His restraint and leaves them to their own sin.

Election shows salvation is by God’s power and grace alone.  When we think of election, we think of the negative.  We think God doesn’t elect all people.  The Bible focuses on the positive - the grace of God.  If God wanted people to go to hell, He would have no need for the Bible or the death of His Son.  He wants everyone to accept Him.  He wants us to repent and believe in Jesus.

Paul imagines a person complaining about God and asks the questions, “Then why does God still blame us?” and “Why did you make me like this”. (Rom 9:19-20).  We might say, “it’s just not fair”.  It’s not true that God made us to be sinners.  The human race became sinners when Adam and Eve sinned in the garden.  Their actions affected the entire race.  When arguing with God we don’t have a leg to stand on.  Paul is not teaching we are just robots, but that we all have free will.  God foreknew who would trust in Him and He hardened all those whom He foreknew would reject Him. 

God has the right to show His anger and His power.  He has been patient with those who oppose Him and has delayed the time for judgment.  He wants to give them more opportunity to repent and turn to Him.

Remember Rom. 8:28“…..all things work together for good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”  He does this by including the sinful actions of all human beings.  He predestined the cross to save the most sinful actions of people throughout the history of the world.

Predestination or election is a comfort to believers because it assures us that what God purposed to do for us, He will complete in spite of our sins.  No one can stop God’s plan or His purposes. 

How do you know if you are one of His elect?
How do you know if God prepared you beforehand for glory?

Principle:  God is sovereign and has the right to do what He wants.

Romans 9:30-33 – Israel Stumbles

Paul contrasts the Jews and the Gentiles.  The Gentiles were not looking for a relationship with God, but when they discovered the gospel they accepted it by faith.  The Jews thought they could earn their way to heaven so they tried to obey the law and God would accept them for their good deeds.  They tried to obtain righteousness by their good works.  No one can earn salvation.  The only way to obtain righteous is by faith in Jesus.  The gospel is for everyone, both Jews and Gentiles. 

The Jews didn’t accept God’s offer of forgiveness although Christ died for them.  Paul says Jesus was like a “stumbling stone”.  They were trying to save themselves by their works so they stumbled over the simple fact that Jesus died for them and all they had to do is believe and accept Him as their Messiah.  God’s plan was to use the salvation of the Gentiles to make Israel jealous so they would eventually turn to Christ.

Principle:  Approaching God through our works is built on faith in ourselves and will cause us to stumble over Christ and be lost.

Christ is either one or the other to you right now.  He is a rock in which you believe and build your life on or He is a stumbling stone of offense to your sinful pride.  Don’t stumble over Christ by trusting in your good works to save you.  Trust in Christ alone and you will not be ashamed at the judgment.  He will never disappoint.

Is Christ your Rock or your stumbling stone?

Next time we will study Romans 10.  Have a blessed day and thanks for visiting my site.  Hope to see you here again.  --  I encourage you to trust in Jesus.

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