Monday, February 5, 2018

Romans 10 – Refusing God’s Righteousness

Romans 10:1-13 – True Righteousness

Paul’s desire and prayer for the Israel was that they be saved.  They were zealous for God, but their zeal was not based on knowledge.  They tried to establish their own righteousness instead of righteousness that comes from God.  They didn’t submit to God’s righteousness.  Christ is the end of the law so there may be righteousness for all who believe. (Rom. 10:1-4).

Paul was a Jew and was very concerned for his people.  They were religious people, but missed salvation.  They wanted to please God but didn’t know how.  They thought they had to obey all their laws and were fanatics about it.  They even came up with many extra laws to live by.  Their rules had rules.  They were all about good works and thought works would make them righteous.  They were wrong. 

Who has God called you to pray for?

No one can earn a right relationship with God by their works.  The only way to have that right relationship is to believe in Jesus.  The purpose of the law is to show people their sin and that they need faith in Him.  Jesus’ death was the perfect sacrifice for sin.  Through belief and His blood we are made righteous before God.

Paul goes on to explain that Moses described the way to righteousness was not by the law.  It is by faith.  If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.  It is with your heart that you believe and are justified and with your mouth that you confess and are saved.  Anyone who trusts in Him will never be put to shame.  There is no difference between Jew and Gentile.  It is the same Lord who blesses all who call on Him and will be saved. (Rom 10:5-13).

No one can obey the law perfectly, but we can have a relationship with God.  We don’t achieve this by our own efforts, but need to believe His message in our hearts.  We need to recognize that we cannot save ourselves.  To be saved we are to confess with our mouth that Jesus is Lord.  To be saved by faith, we must truly believe in Jesus as the risen Savior and Lord. 

Principle:  True faith confesses openly that Jesus is the risen Lord and Savior.

Don’t make the mistake of thinking that because you are a good person, you are saved.  If that were so, why would Jesus have to die that horrible death?

Romans 10:14-21 – Excuses

Paul describes the steps to believing in Jesus.  Preachers are sent out, they preach, people hear, people believe and then they call on the Lord.  This is good news, but not all Israelites accepted this good news.  Isaiah says faith comes from hearing the message that is through the Word of Christ.  Paul asked if they didn’t hear or understand.  Isaiah boldly says, yes they did. (Rom. 10:14-21).

Hearing is listening or giving attention to something, but taking no action.  Understanding is knowing or comprehending something, but taking no action.  Believing is being persuaded of the truth with full confidence and then taking action.  It’s like telling a child to pick up his toys.  He hears and understands you, but takes no action by do it.

Faith comes from the message heard from the Word of Christ.  We need to stay in God’s Word daily and let Him teach and guide us.  “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.”2 Tim. 3:16.  How else can we hear?  Just carrying our Bible to church without opening it and reading it just won’t work.  To know what God says you have to actually read His Word.

Principle:  Faith comes from hearing and believing God’s Word.

How often do you read you Bible?
Where and to whom is God calling you to share the gospel?

Some people don’t respond to the good news when they hear it.  They may not believe it because it’s too simple.  Maybe they are too independent or self-righteous and think they don’t need God in their life.  Some may think they are just too busy right now and they will have plenty of time later in life.  They may not believe because they don’t really understand.  It was like this in Isaiah’s day as it is today.

Some people believe in the myth of evolution, but not Jesus.  I think intelligent people latch onto this belief because it gives them an escape from the uncomfortable truth that God created the heavens and the earth (Gen. 1:1).  There is no debate of this truth and you had better get reconciled with your Creator before you meet Him at judgment.

If you don’t believe, what is your excuse?
Are you ready to meet your Creator?

God sends out messengers and is ready to forgive any sinner who will receive His grace.  Jesus paid the price and provided us a pardon.  He chose you to believe in Him way before you your born.  It’s up to you to choose to believe in Him or not.  You cannot blame God for not choosing you.  If you have not repented of your sins and believed in Jesus as your Savior, your sinful unbelief is totally your own fault.  Unbelief is from a disobedient, hardened heart that loves sin more that it loves God. 

Christians are called to share the gospel.  We are His messengers.  We are to share the truth about God and Jesus.  We are to share the truth about sin.  We are also to share that a response is required.  It may be scary to share the gospel and we may not always say the right thing, but what is not right is not sharing.  What is right is to be obedient to God’s call to share.

Principle:  Those who reject the gospel cannot blame God, but are responsible for their own actions at the judgment.

What is your response to the greatest news in the World?

Next time we will study Romans 11.  Have a blessed day and thanks for visiting my site.  Hope to see you here again.  --  I encourage you to trust in Jesus.

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