Monday, February 4, 2019

2 Samuel 7

2 Samuel 7:1-7 – God Says No to David        

King David settled in his palace and the Lord had given him rest from all his enemies.  David saw all that God had given him.  He was troubled of the thought of him living in a nicer house than the Lord. He was so thankful for what the Lord had done for him and he wanted to do something to show his gratitude.  He told the prophet Nathan that he wanted to build the Lord a house of cedar, a temple to replace the tabernacle.  The tent where the ark lived was called the tent of meeting and also known as the tabernacle.  It was perfectly suited for moving easily as Israel journeyed to their promised land.  Now David wanted a more appropriate place for the ark.  Nathan told David to go and do all that is in his heart. 

The house referred to here means temple.  David wanted to show honor to the Lord for all that He had done for him.  He thought a tent wasn’t good enough for the Lord.  He wanted to build the Lord a great temple.  So what could be wrong with that?

That night the Lord came to Nathan and asked him to tell David, “Are you the one to build me a house to dwell in?”  I have not dwelt in a house from the day I brought the Israelites up out of Egypt to this day.  I have been moving from place to place with a tent as my dwelling.”  The Lord never said He asked for a house.  In others words the Lord refused David.  The Lord was not angry, but was honored that David wanted to do this for Him.

Sometimes we pray to God with good motives and even a pure heart, but God still says “no”.  When God says “no”, we need to remember He isn’t rejecting us.  He has a better plan in mind for our lives.

When has God said “no” to you for something you wanted?
What was the outcome?
Was His plan better?

2 Samuel 7:8-17 – God’s Covenant with David

The Lord reminder David of all He had done for him.  He told David that He took him from being a shepherd to being a ruler.  He had been with David wherever he had gone and given him victory over his enemies.  Now the Lord would make David a great name and provide a place the people of Israel.  The wicked would not oppress them anymore.  David would have rest from all his enemies.

The Lord chose David and made him king over Israel.  He promised David that someone from his family would always be king.  The Lord would raise up his offspring to succeed him and will establish his kingdom.  He is the one who will build a house in the Lord’s name.  David’s son refers to Solomon who would build the temple.  It also refers to all the other kings who would come from David’s family.  All the kings of Israel were sons of God and were special to Him.  Jesus would come through David’s family.  His kingdom will endure forever and David’s throne would be established forever.

Even though the Lord said “no” to David, His “yes” to him was even greater.  He said “yes” to David’s deepest desire, which was to glorify God.  God’s plan was much greater than David’s good intent.  David wanted to build a physical house, but God was building a living house that would endure forever.  Through David, Jesus would build His church – a living spiritual house for those who would believe in Him.

Peace for Israel would last for a time, but because of sin there would be more conflict just as it is in the world today.  Where there is sin there is turmoil, but as followers of Jesus we can experience His eternal peace.

Do you believe in God’s promises?
If not, what is keeping you from believing?

2 Samuel 7:18-29 – David’s Prayer of Thanksgiving

David didn’t become proud when he heard what the Lord promised.  He was so thankful and humbled that he prayed to the Lord.  He praised the Lord for His greatness and called himself His servant 10 times in this passage.  He didn’t call himself “king”, but “your servant”.  He could hardly believe all the Lord had promised.  The Sovereign Lord had given this unworthy man eternal love and privilege.  The Lord told David what would happen in the future.  David knew he didn’t deserve anything.  He asked the Lord to keep His promises knowing He would.  He gave Him honor and wanted his family to always serve the Lord.

David didn’t build the temple, but accepted the Lord’s decision and obeyed Him.  However in Chronicles 28 the Lord gave David the plans for the temple.  This helped his son Solomon with the preparations for the future building of the temple.

What is keeping you from praising God even when He doesn’t give you what you’ve asked?

Principle:  God keeps all His promises in His timing and for His purposes and our good.

The world is filled with people who are self-absorbed and want to be famous at any cost.  David’s desire was to make God’s name great.  What’s your desire?

Next time we will continue in the book of 2 Samuel.  See you here next time.

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