Monday, March 18, 2019

1 Kings 3-4

1 Kings 3:1-15 – Wise Request

Solomon made a treaty with the king of Egypt and married his daughter.  Solomon had many foreign wives which would turn his heart after other gods and make his heart not loyal to the Lord, which we will learn in 1 Kings 11.  He did love the Lord, but he also loved foreign wives who helped turn his heart away.  His marriage to the Egyptian princess was the beginning of his moving in the wrong direction.

Solomon brought his Egyptian wife to the City of David until he finished building his palace and the temple of the Lord.  Solomon and the people were offering sacrifices in the high places.  These high places were known for worship of foreign gods.  They were not offering sacrifices to the wrong gods, but offering them to the Lord in the wrong places.  Solomon was in Gibeon, which was the most important high place where God appeared to Solomon in a dream.  Instead of rebuking Solomon, God offered anything he wished.  Solomon asked for a discerning heart to govern and to distinguish between right and wrong.

God was pleased with Solomon’s wish, because he didn’t ask for a long life or wealth for himself.  Solomon was young and knew he lacked wisdom so that’s what he asked God for.  God gave him wisdom and also riches and honor.  If Solomon walked in the Lord’s ways, he would also be given a long life, but we know he didn’t and died at 60 years old.  Solomon woke up and realized it was all a dream.  He returned to Jerusalem and offered sacrifices and offerings.  Then he gave a feast for all his court. 

What kinds of things do you pray for?
Do you pray for material things or for a mind and spirit to discern God’s way to live?

We know that Solomon was the wisest man who ever lived.  His wealth and power were known by all.  So we know that Solomon received his dream.  Scripture doesn’t say that the Spirit came upon on him like He did David when he was anointed king, which tells me that we need not have a spectacular experience in order to be empowered by the Spirit.

Solomon showed wisdom in handling a dispute between two women who claimed the same child as their own.  These two women came to Solomon to settle their dispute.  Both had a child, but one accidentally suffocated in the night.  He settled it by threatening to cut the child in half and give each half to each woman.  The mother of the dead child was willing to accept Solomon’s judgment.  The mother of the living child was willing to give him up in order to save him.  Then Solomon knew that the boy was her child and gave him to his true mother.  When the people heard the verdict, they were in awe of such a wise ruling.

1 Kings 3:16 – 4:1-34 – Wise Reign

We see Solomon’s administrative wisdom as he chose his governors and officials.  Israel prospered and grew in number.  Solomon was rich and during his lifetime the people lived in safety.  God gave Solomon wisdom and great insight and understanding.  He was given many gifts and abilities.  He wrote 3,000 proverbs and over 1,000 songs.  He taught about animals, birds, reptiles and fish.  All nations came to listen to Solomon’s wisdom.  We will see in the next chapter that he had great wisdom as a builder.

Solomon’s reign hinted at the Messiah’s glorious kingdom:
   Solomon was wise; Jesus embodied divine wisdom.
   Solomon reigned in peace; Jesus guarantees eternal peace.
   Solomon’s people enjoyed satisfaction; Jesus promises to satisfy 
   us forever.

Principle:  True wisdom loves and desires God above everything.

Do you seek God’s wisdom?
Will you seek His ways over your life?
How are you using the gifts God has given you?

We all wish we had everything we dreamed of.  The Bible says:
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you”Matt. 7:7.
“If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you.” John 15:7
“This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.  And if we know that he hears us – whatever we ask – we know that we have what we asked of him.”1 John 5:14.

Principle:  Seek God before anything or anyone and trust Him to provide.

God loved Solomon and chose him as king.  Solomon loved God and desired to obey Him.  God wanted to bless Solomon, because He knew his heart.  God gave him great wisdom and wealth, but Solomon made choices that would set his course away from God.  It started with his marriage to a foreign princess of Egypt.  Sin would weaken his kingdom, but God continued to use him to bless His people.

How do the pleasures of life distract you from God and His goodness?
When have you dishonored God through partial obedience?

Next time we will continue our study of 1 Kings.  Hope to see you here.

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paragonworldreview said...

Amazing blog. This post is looking interesting. Thanks for sharing this with us read more

Walking in the Light said...

Thank you. I hope you enjoy my other posts as well. - Blessings, Linda

Harry Ray said...

Indeed Solomon was some sort a wisest man ever lived. He mostly applied his wisdom to earthly gains which did not last. Christians should learn not to be earthly conscious only since eventually the heavenly things matter most.

Walking in the Light said...

We let God be God in our lives when we follow His wisdom instead of our own reasoning. Thanks for reading my thoughts. I will be posting on the Acts of the Apostles starting this month as I continue my Bible Study Fellowship classes. Blessings, Linda