Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Acts 6-7 – Stephen - the Man, the Message, the Martyr

As a church grows there is always some kind of strife.  Satan is always at work to divide and conquer, because he hates the church.  It happened in the first church and it happens today.  The church and the apostles were threatened and distracted from their God-given call, because the Grecian Jews complained that some of the widows were being overlooked in daily food distribution.  God wanted the apostles to spread the word of God and saturate themselves in prayer and ministry of the word and not let social pressures of the time divert their attention.  So the whole church met together and they appointed 7 men (first elders of the church) to be responsible for such matters.  They were to be full of the Holy Spirit and full of wisdom.  They must be in submission to God’s Word.  1 Tim. 3 tells many more characteristics deacons and elders should have like being trustworthy, men of respect, self-controlled, able to teach, etc. 

The church presented these men to the apostles, who prayed and laid their hands on them. So God’s Word kept spreading and the number of disciples increased.  God worked through the gospel to bring people to salvation.

God set His seal of authority on their choices.  One of the men chosen was Stephen.  He was as powerful as the apostles by doing great wonders and miraculous signs (Acts 6:8). 

Stephen was a godly man and displayed courage as he witnessed for Jesus.   He was full of the Holy Spirit.  He was full of wisdom.  He was full of faith.  He was full of grace.  He was full of power. 

Opposition arose.  Members of the Synagogue began to argue with Stephen, but they couldn’t stand up against his wisdom or the Spirit in him.  They secretly persuaded men to be false witnesses against him saying he spoke blasphemy against the temple and the law. 

Stephen answered the Jewish leaders’ accusations by reminding them of their history from Abraham to Moses.   He showed them God’s grace throughout history.  He reminded them of their continued rejection and their resistance to the Holy Spirit.  He accused them of the murder of Jesus and disobeying of the law.  He called them “stiff-necked people”.  He used the Bible quoting Isaiah 66:1-2. 

When they heard all Stephen said they were furious, but Stephen was calm and confident.  This was the start of persecution of the church.  They dragged him out of the city for stoning.  He looked up and saw the glory of God in heaven and Jesus standing at the right hand of God.  As Stephen was stoned to death he asked God to not hold this sin against them just as Jesus asked God to forgive them as He died on the cross.

Principles:  God’s truth will be opposed.

As we witness we should be prepared for opposition especially when we talk to religious blinded, hardened sinners.  These kinds of people can’t defeat the message so they go after the messenger.   They took Stephen’s statements and twisted them.  Does that sound familiar?  I’m sure it’s happened to you sometime during your life time no matter the subject.  I see it in our politics with words and actions being twisted to serve the opposition’s purpose.  There is blinded hate and jealousy when we should be living in unity.  Logic and wisdom are not enough to make converts.  Only God can do that.  We just have to plant the seeds and God will do the work.

Principle:  God gives us power through the Holy Spirit to share the truth.

What effect does opposition to Christian activity and life in the Spirit have on you?
Are you a Christian, but living otherwise?
Do you pray for your pastor and church leaders?
What truths are you refusing to receive that God has shown you?
Where do you need to stand up for Jesus?
Do you tell others about Jesus? When witnessing you don’t need to be defensive, just tell your story.
Join me here next week for our next study in the book of Acts.  --  I encourage you to trust in Jesus.

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