Thursday, October 24, 2019

Acts 8-9

Acts 8 – Persecution Spreads the Gospel

Saul was there at Stephen’s death and gave his approval.  Persecution officially began against the church.  Saul began to destroy the church.  He went from house to house and dragged off men and women and put them in prison (Acts 8:1-2).  The apostles and the early church were persecuted for their belief in Jesus.  We today as Christians can expect persecution.  Though the apostles were persecuted, it did not stop them.  Even good things happened.  This persecution united them even more.  They were scattered throughout Judea and Samaria. (Acts 8:4) - They preached the word wherever they went.  By being scattered they could now preach to more people. 

When facing hard times do you talk about what God is teaching you?

Philip went to Samaria where the apostles had already proclaimed the Christ there.  When Philip performed miraculous signs, they listened.  Many people received Christ and were baptized.  Preaching the word to them was a new outlook for the Jewish Christians.  The Jews and Samaritans did not get along at all.  The Jews thought they were special, since they had the law and were God’s chosen people.  Samaritans were thought to be the lowest of people and were despised by the Jews.  They were probably the last people the apostles thought they would ever preach to.

Do you let your prejudices stand in your way of telling others about Jesus?

The apostles came face to face with the occult.  Simon was a sorcerer and had many followers.  He boasted that he was someone great.  When he heard Philip’s preaching of the good news and saw his great signs and miracles, Simon believed and was baptized.  To believe doesn’t always mean saving faith.  (Even Satan believes.)  When he saw Peter and John giving the people who believed the Holy Spirit, Simon offered them money and said “Give me also this ability so that everyone on whom I lay my hands may receive the Holy Spirit”Acts 8:19.  Peter explained that he cannot buy this gift of God and he had no part in this ministry because your heart is not right before God.  Peter told him to repent of this wickedness and pray for forgiveness. (Acts 8:20-23)  Simon was amazed by the power of the Holy Spirit and not interested in salvation.

Simon was awed by the miracles he saw Philip do, but his faith was not real.  His heart was not right.  He never truly repented.  This shows that God knows your heart and you cannot deceive the Holy Spirit.  You cannot manipulate Him for your own purposes.

Salvation is a matter of God changing your heart. (Acts 8:21).  He makes you a new creation in Christ.  Believers don’t live for self like Simon, but for God and His glory.  Living for God’s glory is a live long process.  Believers struggle daily, but continue to repent and trust God.

The Ethiopian
An angel of the Lord told Philip to go south toward Gaza.  On this way he met an Ethiopian who was going to Jerusalem to worship.  He was sitting in his chariot reading the book of Isaiah.  The Ethiopian didn’t understand the Isaiah passage.  He was dedicated to God, but didn’t know Jesus Christ.  God knew the Ethiopian’s heart and sent Philip to witness to him.  Philip did not question God, he just went.  God prepares the person and makes all the arrangements of time and place.  Philip was prepared.  A student of the scriptures and he knew Jesus Christ.  Philip explained Isaiah 53 to him.  This passage is talking about Jesus and how He was led to the cross as the sheep to slaughter.  Jesus didn’t try to talk His way out.  He was humiliated and deprived of justice and His life was taken.  God sends just the right person just when we need them as He did for the Ethiopian.

Principle:  God evangelizes the world through obedient Christians.

How much are you really seeking God?
How willing and available are you to go where He’s directing you?
How willing are you to cross over boundaries like life style, race, etc.?
Are you willing and ready or intimated to share the gospel?

Acts 9:1-30 – Saul’s Conversion

Saul was a highly religious and educated man.  He was the leading persecutor of Christians.  He believed he was working for God.  Saul was threatening the disciples and persecuting them and their followers.  One day on the road to Damascus a bright brilliant light from heaven slashed all around him and he fell to the ground blinded.  He heard a voice (Jesus) saying, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?”Acts 9:4.   To hurt any Christian is to hurt Jesus Himself.  The voice replied, “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting.  Now get up and go to the city and you will be told what you must do.” – Acts 9:5.  The men traveling with Saul led him to Damascus and for 3 days he was blind and didn’t eat or drink anything. 

Who are you persecuting?

Then a disciple named Ananias (this is a different Ananias that the one in chapter 5) was told by the Lord to go and minister to Saul.  Ananias is not described as a pastor or of anyone special.  He was afraid and for he had heard of Saul’s reputation for persecuting Christians, but Ananias overcame his fears and obeyed God.  By the time he arrived, Saul was ready to receive God’s gift of the Holy Spirit.  He placed his hands on Saul and immediately Saul could see again.  Saul believed and was baptized.  God turned his mission of hate to a mission of heaven.

Saul (later known as Paul) then preached in Damascus.  Then he went to Jerusalem and to all Judea to the Gentiles, preaching that they should repent and turn to God and prove their repentance by their deeds.  He never lost sight of the glory of God throughout his life.  He endured many types of persecution, but continued to do God’s will.

We must follow God’s will and obey whatever He asked, even if we are afraid.  What if Ananias had said “No”?  What a privilege he had to lead Saul to Christ.  God used Saul to evangelize to most of the unknown world.  He wrote much of the New Testament. 

Principles:  No heart is too hard for Jesus Christ to change.

Who do you identify with?
            Philip – trusting, going without question and doing what God says
            Ethiopian – seeking God, but clueless
            Ananias – feeling fearful and overwhelmed of what God is asking you to do
            Saul – showing a hard heart
Do you have a Saul in your life?
 Are you willing to minister and pray for them? 

God wants all of us to be ready, willing and available to help someone else to have life in a new direction.

Join me here next week for our next study in the book of Acts.  --  I encourage you to trust in Jesus.

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