Monday, April 5, 2021

Genesis 41 - 42


Genesis 41 – From the Prison to the Palace

The sovereignty of God is a major theme in the whole story of Joseph and it’s very obvious God had His hand on all the events of Joseph’s life.  Joseph had honored the Lord, whether he was in Potiphar’s house or in prison and the Lord continued to honor Joseph.

Pharaoh had 2 strange dreams.  In the first, 7 thin cows ate 7 fat cows.  In the second, 7 thin stems of grain ate 7 good ones.  He was very troubled and didn’t know what they meant.  He could find no one to interpret them.  Then finally the cupbearer remembered Joseph and told Pharaoh that Joseph could interpret dreams.  Joseph was brought out of prison to Pharaoh and as he stood before him, Joseph refused to take any glory for himself.  He resisted temptation and gave the glory to God.  He said, “I cannot do it, but God will give Pharaoh the answer he desires.” Gen 41:16. 

Pharaoh realized his dreams were from God as God showed Joseph that both dreams had the same meaning.  For 7 years there would be a good harvest, but afterwards there would be 7 years of famine.  God revealed to Joseph what Pharaoh should do.  Joseph advised Pharaoh to store food from the good harvests so it would be available during the famine.  “Then Pharaoh said to Joseph, ‘Since God has made all this known to you, there is no one so discerning and wise as you.’” Gen. 41:39. 

God allows tragedies, but He also can send them, “I form the light and create darkness, I bring prosperity and create disaster; I, the Lord, do all these things.” Is. 45:7.  God is in control of everything, but we shouldn’t just sit back and wait and do nothing and say it’s God’s will.  We need to be like Joseph.  He had knowledge of the coming famine so he made preparations.  All the while he was a witness to a sovereign God who is in control.

Pharaoh was so impressed by Joseph that he was made governor over all of Egypt and in charge of the food.  He was put in charge of Pharaoh’s house, his business, the people, and authority over all the land of Egypt.  Joseph was a slave at 17 and at 30 he was second in the kingdom behind Pharaoh.

In Joseph’s God-given wisdom he saw the coming crisis and put a plan into place.  He understood the problem.  He put the right people in place and prepared for what was to come.  Pharaoh saw the Spirit of God upon Joseph.  Others can see the power of the Holy Spirit in Christians today.  They see Him in our character, in our humility, and in how we treat others.

Joseph was given new clothes.  He went from the coat his father gave him, to the cloak with which Potiphar’s wife tried to seduce him, to garments given to him by Pharaoh.  He was given a new name.  He was given a wife and God blessed him with two sons.

The famine came as Joseph said it would and covered all the earth.  The entire world had to come to Egypt to buy grain.  Famine is not a good thing, but God used it in His plan for Joseph’s life.

Waiting is common in the life of a Christian.
Sometimes it seems good deeds are unrewarded.
When we think God isn’t doing anything, He is developing our character.
God can be trusted for His perfect timing.

How often do you ask God for His wisdom and discernment?
Do you give God the glory for your talents, abilities and success?
Are you prepared for upcoming hardships in your life?

God can speak to us in our dreams, but today God usually speaks to us through His Word, the Bible.  In those days they didn’t have the Bible so it was very common for God to speak to people through dreams.

Joseph was patient in waiting on God’s timing; he was courageous in living out his convictions; he was diligent to carry out the plan God had revealed to him; he lived a righteous life so Pharaoh could see the Spirit of God; and he remembered God’s faithfulness to him.  God had His hand on all the events of Joseph’s life: his dreams as a boy, his brother’s selling him into slavery, his being sold to Potiphar, his imprisonment, his release, and his authority over Egypt. 

When you are waiting on God to complete His purpose in your life, live with confidence that what He is doing or allowing is being used to accomplish His purpose.  While you are waiting, continue to live faithfully and courageously, trusting Him for your future.

Genesis 42 – The Examination

There were 7 years of abundance followed by 7 years of famine just as God had told Joseph.  All the countries came to Egypt to buy grain from Joseph because the famine was severe throughout the entire world. 

Jacob learned that there was food in Egypt so he sent 10 of his sons to Egypt to buy food leaving the youngest, Benjamin at home.  When they arrived they bowed down before the Joseph who was governor of Egypt.  This was the fulfillment of Joseph’s dreams as a youth.  Remember 20 years ago Joseph told them his dreams that they would bow down to him.  His brothers said to him, “Do you intend to reign over us?  Will you actually rule us?”Gen. 37:8. 

Joseph recognized his brothers, but they didn’t recognize him because he used an interrupter.  He began testing their loyalty.  They gave Joseph all kinds of details about themselves and their families.  Joseph was in complete authority and could have done anything with them that he wanted.  He put them through a series of questions probably hoping they would think about how it felt for Joseph when they mistreated and sold Him.  God does this to us sometimes.  He lets us think about what we have done.  He wants us to realize that we have sinned so we will not do it again.  He gives us time to ask for forgiveness.

Joseph is another picture of Jesus.  Jesus sees who we really are long before we see who He is.  He recognizes you and all your flaws and still He loves you.

After 3 days Joseph tested them again wanting to know how they felt about their younger brother, Benjamin and if they would treat him as they had Joseph in his youth.  He wanted to know if they had changed.  He knew his father loved Benjamin and I am sure he was anxious to see his brother.  The brothers realized they were being punished for what they had done to Joseph many years ago.  “Surely we are being punished because of our brother.  We saw how distressed he was when he pleaded with us for his life, but we would not listen; that’s why this distress has come upon us.” Gen. 42:21. 

Guilt makes us afraid and uncomfortable.  Unresolved sin comes back to haunt us.  They acknowledged their actions as sin and when Joseph saw this, he wept.  He was overcome with emotion as he saw God work in the conscience of his brothers.   The brothers didn’t deserve anything Joseph had to offer.  When we sin we don’t deserve anything, but God gives us grace. 

Joseph told them to go get Benjamin and bring him back to Egypt.  Joseph not only sent food with them, but secretly put their money back in their sacks so the food didn’t cost them anything.  He bound his brother Simeon in front of them and kept him in prison to insure they would return.  This probably showed them they too are bound by their sin against Joseph.  The only way to get Simeon back was for them to confess their sin to their father.  Sin binds us, too stealing our joy.  We need to confess it to our heavenly Father.  He already knows about it anyway. 

The money put in their sacks was another test - a test of their hearts.  Would they be deceptive and hide it; would they lie about it and make up a story; would they be proud and think they deserved it; would they simply think nothing of it?

We are tested by what God give us, too.  He does this to develop our character and grow our faith.  Joseph accepted no payment for the food.  Jesus accepts no payment from us.  Salvation is free.  He only wants us to appreciate and be grateful for what He has given us. 

Even 20 years later the sin against Joseph is still fresh on their minds.  His brothers returned home and told everything to their father, Jacob.  They didn’t lie to him as they had done in their youth.  They respected him.  Jacob found the money in their sacks and feared that Simeon will be killed. 

As time went by they needed to buy more food.  Jacob didn’t want Benjamin to go back with them as Joseph had instructed.  Reuben pleaded to take Benjamin back offering his 2 sons’ lives, if he didn’t return with both Simeon and Benjamin.  But Jacob said no.

Reuben was willing to lay down his own sons to reassure Jacob and rescue his brothers.  He didn’t have to, of course.  However, God did give the life of His own Son, Jesus to deliver us and rescue us.

Have you sinned against someone as much as 20 years ago?
Have you asked them for forgiveness?

You can brush your sin under the rug, but one day, God will stir your conscience as He did for these brothers.  Your sin will flash before your eyes.  God could have washed His hands of Joseph’s brothers and us for our sins, but He loves us too much to let us go without a fight.  He uses tough love by bring crisis into our lives that forces us to address our sin.   He is trying to awaken us.  He put Jacob and his family in the middle of a famine in order to draw them to Himself.

Are you going through a tough time?
Is God trying to awaken your conscience?
Could it be that God is trying to get your attention?

Principle:  God wants us to realize our sin while giving us time to repent.

 Join me here next week for the next chapter in Genesis.  -- I encourage you to trust in Jesus.


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