Monday, April 12, 2021

Genesis 43 - 44


Genesis 43 – Another Trip

The food finally ran out and Jacob’s family needed to go back to Egypt for more.  Judah persuaded Jacob to let Benjamin go back to Egypt with him and that he would be responsible for his safety.  Jacob feared he wouldn’t see his Benjamin again, but agreed.  He recognized that only God would protect them.  He said, “If I am bereaved, I a bereaved.”Gen. 43:14.  Sometimes we need to let go of control and trust God.  That’s what Jacob did. He surrendered to God’s will.  He sent his 11 sons back to Egypt.  Jacob sent gifts and doubled the money. 

When the brothers arrived, they told Joseph’s steward about the silver found in their bags and made it clear they wanted to return it.  The steward assured them they weren’t accused of stealing and that God had given it to them and they shouldn’t be afraid.  Then Simeon was brought out to them.  The brothers were taken into Joseph’s house and given water to wash their feet and fodder for their donkeys.

The brothers received blessings of love and kindness from Joseph without really knowing who he was.  God gives us love and blessings even when we don’t recognize from who our blessings come.

When Joseph returned to his residence, they presented him with gifts and bowed before him, once again fulfilling Joseph’s dreams as a youth.  He began to ask questions about his father and his emotions grew.  Then when Joseph saw Benjamin, he was deeply moved and left the room to weep in private.  When he returned, he ordered a celebration with a feast.  Joseph still didn’t tell them who he was.  He wanted to test them further.  In the past they had been jealous and cruel.  Joseph needed to know if their attitudes had changed.

There is joy and celebration in heaven when someone receives Christ as their Savior.  There is also a celebration when someone falls away from the Lord and then returns.  Maybe you have left him, but He has never left you.  All you have to do is come back to the Father and ask His forgiveness.

The brothers were seated at the table in order of their age.  The brothers were astonished as to how Joseph could have known their ages.  Joseph ate by himself, because Egyptians weren’t allowed to eat with Hebrews.  I am sure Joseph listened and observed his brothers as they ate.  Benjamin’s portion was five greater than the others.  This was probably another test to see if the brothers would be jealous of Benjamin.

Principle:  When things seem to be against you, trust in the God who is for you.

Joseph is a picture of Jesus.  Jesus wants to eat with us and He wants a close relationship with us.  “Behold, I stand at the door and knock.  If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.”Rev. 3:20.

Genesis 44 – Another Test

Before his brothers left for home Joseph gave them a final test.  He instructed the steward to put his silver cup in Benjamin’s sack.  With this test Joseph gave his brothers the opportunity to make Benjamin a slave.  Maybe they were now jealous of Benjamin.  This would tell Joseph if they had truly changed. 

The next day they left, but hadn’t gone far when Joseph’s steward was instruction to go after them and accuse them of theft of his cup.  Of course it was found in Benjamin’s sack.  Judah told Joseph that they are his slaves and that God had caught them.  He was referring to their sin committed against Joseph as a youth knowing they would have to pay.  Joseph pretended he didn’t know what they are talking about and let them go except for Benjamin.

Judah pleaded for Benjamin’s life and told Joseph the whole story of what they had done years ago.  Judah showed love and concern for the grief it would cause his father if he lost Benjamin.  He laid his heart before Joseph.  He volunteered to take Benjamin’s place and serve as a slave in Egypt.  What an amazing change!  He showed great humility and real repentance.

Principle:  God uses daily life challenges to test our character and turn our focus to Him. 

Do you have regrets?
Is there some sin you need to repent?
What do your daily challenges reveal about you?
Is there someone you need to forgive?
Are you tempted to be bitter and seek revenge?
You may think you have already forgiven them, but have you truly?
Will you be able the repay the evil with good?  That is the true forgiveness.
Can others see evidence of God’s work in your life?
When has God used a fearful time in your life to accomplish His purpose?
Is there a difficulty in your life that requires you to give God control?

 Join me here next week for the next chapter in Genesis.  -- I encourage you to trust in Jesus.


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