Monday, April 19, 2021

Genesis 45 - 46

Genesis 45 – Reconciliation

Joseph had tested the hearts of his brothers to see if there had been any inward change.  They passed the tests and he could no longer continue to hide his identity and control his emotions.  He realized his brothers had real repentance and he had to reveal himself to them.  “I am Joseph!  Is my father still living?  But his brothers were not able to answer him, because they were terrified at his presence.  Then Joseph said to his brothers, ‘Come close to me.  When they had done so, he said, ‘I am your brother Joseph, the one you sold into Egypt!  And now, do not be distressed and do not be angry with yourselves for selling me here, because it was to save lives that God sent me ahead of you.  For two years now there has been famine in the land and for the next five years there will not be plowing and reaping.  But God sent me ahead of you to preserve for you a remnant on earth and to save your lives by a great deliverance.  So then, it was not you who sent me here, but God.  He made me father to Pharaoh, lord of his entire household and ruler of all Egypt.  Now hurry back to my father and say to him, This is what your son Joseph says:  God has made me lord of all Egypt.  Come down to me; don’t delay” Gen. 45:3-9. 

Joseph credits God 4 times with having brought him to Egypt. 
“…God sent me ahead of you”Gen. 45:5
“God sent me ahead of you to preserve for you a remnant on earth and to save your lives”Gen. 45:7
“So it was not you who sent me here, but God.”Gen. 45:8
“God has made me lord of all Egypt.”Gen. 45:9

How consistently do you give God all the glory for your success?

When they heard this was Joseph, they were terrified and probably expecting prison or even death, instead they heard of God’s sovereign plan to protect them.  If God had not placed Joseph in charge of the food in Egypt, the people of Israel would die in the famine.  Joseph told them to go home, take Benjamin, tell their father the whole story and bring him back with them.  He threw his arms around them.   They kissed, wept with joy, and talked.  Can you imagine what all they talked about?  What a joyful time they must have had.

Sin separates us from God.  Apart from Jesus Christ we face condemnation.  Joseph called his brothers to come close to him.  God calls us to come close to Him and be reconciled.

Joseph gave them a tough love, but God was with Joseph and clothe him in holy love.  God hates sin, but loves the sinner.  Joseph wanted them to recognize their sins and repent and that’s what God wants for us.  Joseph teaches us what real love is.  Real love is not self-centered, but a redemptive love.

Joseph wept so loudly that it was heard by the whole palace.  When Pharaoh heard the news that Joseph’s brothers had come, he and all his officials were pleased.  Pharaoh told Joseph that they should return with their father and he would give them the best land in Egypt.  Joseph gave them new clothes and provisions for their journey.  He gave Benjamin 3 hundred shekels of silver and 5 sets of clothing.  He sent his father donkeys, grain, bread and other provisions.

When the brothers returned home, they told Jacob all that had happened and that Joseph was alive.  Jacob was revived.  He said he would go and see Joseph before he died.

Principle:  God invites repentant sinners to come close to Him for eternal abundant life.

What can you do to show love and forgiveness to someone in your family?
Are you willing to trust God’s when your life seems to be going in the wrong direction?

Joseph’s humiliation is compared with Jesus:
Joseph – sold for money, accused falsely, betrayed, suffered, felt shame, rejected by his own, was a servant, humble, loving, compassionate, unselfish, obedient to God, gave God the credit, he was put in a high place, every knee bowed to him.
Christ – sold for money, accused falsely, betrayed, suffered, felt shame, made Himself nothing, had the nature of a servant, humble, loving, compassionate, unselfish, obedient to God, had the title of Savior, gave God the credit, God exalted Him to the highest place, every knee will bow to Him.

Genesis 46 – Trusting God to Go

Jacob and all his family left Canaan to go Egypt.  He stopped along the way at Beersheba to worship God.  He wasn’t really sure what God wanted him to do, but was confident he would hear from God.  He faced a major decision to move his family out of Canaan, the land promised by God.  He wanted to see his son, Joseph, but wasn’t sure it was wise to leave.  In Genesis 26 God told his father Isaac not to go to Egypt so Jacob needed to know what to do.  What would you do?  Jacob prayed.  He sought God’s guidance.  God told him not to be afraid, but to go and He would be with him, but that He would bring him back to the Promise Land.

What do you do when faced with a decision? 
Do you ask others what they would do?
Do you read books to find the answer?
Do you pray first to God for guidance?
How do you know God’s will?  It begins with worship.  When you are worshipping, you are focused on God and are open to Him and his guidance.

God gave 4 prophecies to Jacob in Genesis 46:1-4:
I will make you a great nation.  I will be with you in Egypt.  I will bring you back again.  Joseph’s own hand will close your eyes.  All these promises were fulfilled.  See Exodus 1-12.

Jacob and his family needed to go to Egypt so his people would be preserved and not starve to death during the famine.  Jacob took his entire family – 66 in all.  Counting Joseph and his sons there were 70 in Jacob’s family.  The number 70 is like the number 7, symbolizing perfection.   All the names of Jacob’s family are listed in this chapter.  Why do you think it was necessary to list these names?  This is a list of every tribe which would later become the nation of Israel.  They are also listed, because God wants us to know that each one of us is important and special. 

God records the names of people today.  All of the names of the church are written in heaven in the book of life. (Luke 10:20, Rev. 20:12-15).  It includes anyone who has accepted Jesus as Savior.  Are you sure your name is listed?  There is no reason not to be sure.

Principle:  God works through our individual obedience to grow and strengthen the body of Christ. 

After 22 years Joseph and Jacob met.  When Joseph saw his father he threw his arms around him and wept for a long time.  Imagine the emotions of their hearts.  

God had a plan and a place for His people.  Through Joseph He prepared a place for them in Goshen.  Since they were shepherds, Goshen had the most fertile land for their sheep to graze.  It was also on the border of Egypt separating the Egyptians from the Hebrews.  The Hebrews needed to be isolated, because Egyptians considered sheep unclean and hated shepherds. 

There are many lessons for us from the study of the life of Joseph.  Here are just a few:
God tests us.
God rescues us.
God works in our lives to restore individuals.
God is always sovereign even if it seems He has forgotten you.
God is never unfaithful.
God’s promises are true in His timing, not ours.
We are not responsible of others’ behavior.
We are responsible for our own behavior and attitudes
God’s grace is sufficient.
When others wrong us, we should not hold a grudge. 
God will do the judging.
It’s never too late to change when we have made wrong decisions.
God will always forgive us, if we repent.
God hates sin, but loves the sinner.
Always give the glory to God.
Forgiveness brings reconciliation.
Real love is not self-centered.
Man’s problems are really love problems. (Example: Potiphar’s wife trying to satisfy her desire for love by satisfying her lust.
Joseph is being like Jesus is to us.  Jesus tests us as Joseph tested his brothers.  Based on what we do in this life, Jesus will reward us.
Joseph prepared a place for his people and Jesus has gone to heaven to prepare a place for us.

Join me here next week for the next chapter in Genesis.  -- I encourage you to trust in Jesus. 


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