Sunday, May 23, 2021

Church Is Open


If God is in control, is an empty church what God wanted?  There are empty seats and empty rows in our churches where church member sat before the pandemic.  Why did God let this happen?  We don’t always understand God and His purposes, but He did reveal to us that because of the Fall in Genesis 3; “The whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time.”Romans 8:22. Because of sin, nothing is the way God created it to be.

God didn’t cause this to happen.  He is not the author of evil.  You can rest assured that “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”Romans 8:28.  Maybe God is using this to call sinners to those empty seats.  Maybe He let believers be scattered for an eternal purpose – to gather a new harvest.  Maybe God is making room to grow the church.  Believers scattered because of the pandemic.   Now He is bringing us back along with sinners who need Jesus as their Savior.  God intended us to meet together.  The church is rebooting.

Don’t give up on God.  He has a plan and you are a part of it.  We don’t always understand, but all He does is what’s best for us because He loves us.  Don’t beat yourself up because you haven’t stayed faithful this past year.  Look at the disciples.  Peter denied Jesus three times, they slept while Jesus prayed drops of blood, they scattered when Jesus was crucified, and only John and the women were at the cross when He was resurrected.  Maybe you don’t always read your Bible each morning.  No one is perfect, so don’t let the enemy beat you up for it.

Be thankful that He created the technology ahead of time so we could meet together online when we needed to.  We are not thankful for all the sickness and deaths brought about because of the pandemic, but we can be thankful for the Covid-19 tests and the miracle of the Covid-19 vaccines. 

God doesn’t want a building to fill.  He wants to fill our hearts.  By allowing us to go through all we’ve gone through this past year, He is trying to wake us up.  He is drawing us to Himself.

Join me here next time. --- I encourage you to trust in Jesus.


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