Monday, May 31, 2021

How Should Christians Respond to Modern Times

These times have been the most challenging we have ever seen.  Our world has been rocked with the global pandemic and unrest with mobs, riots, chaos, rebellion, looting, and destruction.  It seems there is no law and order any more.  Our freedoms are at risk.  Even Christianity is a target of oppression.  It’s safe to say that our world is broken.  Lives have been lost, economies have been shaken, and there’s division between races as well as nations.

God permits this evil because He gave us free choice.  God’s nature is love and since we are made in His image, we are to love.  In order to be capable of love, we must be free.  Love can never be demanded.  If it was, it would not be true love.  Therefore, everyone is free to make their own choices.  It may be good choices or bad ones, but it is a choice.

There are lessons in these choices.  God is sending us a message which should challenge us to respond morally with compassion for the victims.  He wants us to work to remedy any wrong that has been committed.  He wants us to be forgiving and pray for those who do evil like Jesus did in Mark 23:34“Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”  The Bible teaches that through suffering, we grow spiritually.  It produces courage, perseverance, patience, endurance, character, love, and compassion.  Through suffering we turn to God which can deepen our faith and hope.

It all boils down to SIN.  Maybe God is trying to stir our conscience and wake us up telling us we need to repent, because Jesus will be coming soon. 

Despite God’s mercy, the world was filled with violence in the book of Genesis and it’s getting worse today.  God wiped the slate clean through the flood and ultimately God sent His Son, Jesus to rescue his people from their rebellion and sin. 

One thing remains.  God has remained faithful.  He is our Rock, Redeemer and Friend.  He is always with us even when we can't see or feel Him.  We may not understand what He is doing or allowing, but He is in control and has a plan.  Even though our world seems to be falling apart, we can always find comfort and peace in Him.  He knows exactly what each of us is going through and His plan is still in place.  He still moves in hearts.  He still loves us.  His plan is continuing and will come to fruition.

How Should Christians Respond to Modern Times?

Don’t forget to thank God for His sovereignty and His faithfulness.  His Word is still making an impact in the lives of countless people around the world.  Pray that the Holy Spirit will awaken the hearts of those who are discontent and discouraged.

Pray that Jesus will help us stand firm, be patient and be watchful as we wait for His return.  We can stay focused on Jesus and keep our eyes on the prize of eternal life with Him.  A relationship with God should be above all else.  Don’t let the world influence you, frustrate you, or break you.  “What good is it for man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul?” Mark 8:36.

Recognize there are those who don’t have your same beliefs by showing love and don’t be judgmental.  Show love and not hate.  Stick to your morals and don’t give in to what the world calls normal.  Don’t relax your views on issues the Bible states clearly are forbidden.  Expect resistant toward your beliefs if they don’t line up with the worlds.

Keep going to church.  Church is a safe place.  There you will be encouraged and have support from others who are like-minded and love God.   They will understand your struggles; they will pray for you; they will lift you up when your feel down.

Stay in service to others.  You can work in your church, volunteer in your community, mentor someone, and help the less fortunate.  This is a witness to others showing God is working in you to make the world a better place.

Learn to be forgiving.  No one is perfect and everyone makes mistakes.  People are human and words can hurt others.  Everyone wishes they could take back something they’ve said in the past.  You can control how you respond.  God calls us to forgive just as He has forgiven us.

Pray regularly to strengthen your relationship with God.  Make a habit of reading and studying the Word of God.  Stay away from temptations.  True Christians are loving and kind.

We are to continue to work tirelessly for the salvation of souls.

How should Christians respond to modern times?  The answer is given to us by Jesus, “Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.”Luke 6:27-28.

Please join me here next time -- I encourage you to trust in Jesus.



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