Monday, May 1, 2023

Kingdom Divided Lesson 30 – Final Reflections

This concludes the study of Kingdom Divided.  We end the study with Israel and Judah exiled to foreign lands.  Even though they were scattered, they rested in God’s promises that they would one day be restored.  We may feel are lives are scattered and uncertain, but by faith we trust God’s promises while we wait for His full plan for our lives.  Believers live assured that Jesus will return in triumph and sin’s dominion will end.

How has God spoken to you through this study? 
Do you now have a deeper appreciation for God and His Word? 
Were you challenged or encouraged? 
How has your view of God and His works expanded?
Has your faith been stretched?

God brought you here for this study for a reason.  He knows your life challenges.  He knows your doubts and fears and your deepest needs.  He meets you in your sinfulness and pursues you despite your waywardness.  In Him alone can you find true peace and refuge.  If you are not a true follower of Jesus, what is keeping you from total surrender? He is lovely waiting for you.  He persistently invites you to trust and follow Him.

May you have a deeper trust and a greater confidence in His plan for your life and for this world.  I hope you have grown to recognize your personal sin and surrendered it to God.  This study was very convicting for me.  I hope it has for you, too.  For the most part this study has been a sad one just to see people so hardheaded and rebellious and all the judgment they went through.  But God is not finished.  There are still rebellious people and greater judgment to come for those who reject Him.  Justice will triumph. Sin’s dominion will end and everything God has promised will happen.

Principle:  Believers live assured that Jesus will return in triumph and sin’s dominion will end.

I hope you have enjoyed this study of Kingdom Divided.  I know there was a lot of reading and confusion as we read about all these different kings.  Join me here for my posts throughout the summer and again in the fall when BSF studies return with the study of John.  -- I encourage you to trust in Jesus.



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Anonymous said...

Your post has help me in having a clearer understanding in God's Reveled Word. which help me to continue to grow in the Lord as I know him Better to ibey God and trust in Him his Faithfulness. Thank You

Walking in the Light said...

Thanks. So glad you are growing. I am growing, too. Each time I read the Word I learn something new.