Sunday, November 5, 2023

John Lesson 8 – John 6:1-21


Last time we saw Jesus heal the invalid man at the pool and learned that what is impossible with men is possible with God.  We also learned of Jesus’ divine authority:  that He is equal with God in nature, works, love, knowledge, sovereign power, judgment and worship. 

John 6:1-15 – Jesus Feeds 5,000

A great crowd of people followed Jesus because of the miracles He had performed.  Jesus went up on a mountain with His disciples.  When He saw a great crowd coming to Him, He asked Philip where they would buy food for all these people.  He was asking this as a test because He already knew what He was going to do. (John 6:1-7)  Mark 6:30-34 tells us Jesus and His disciples needed a break.  They needed a time for eating and resting.  Jesus needed a place of quiet rest so He could pray and be rejuvenated in order to continue His work.

People were traveling to Jerusalem for the Passover.  They saw Jesus and began following Him.  They became tired and hungry.  Even though Jesus needed rest, He had compassion on them and wanted to feed them.  Jesus values people’s needs instead of His own.  The people were not following Him because of His message of forgiveness of sin, but because of the miracles He was performing.  They were walking by sight not by faith.

Are you distracted and stressed and need time to take a break from your busy schedule?

Will you spend time reading your Bible and in prayer with God?
What is keeping you from walking by faith instead of by sight?

Jesus asked Philip the question because He was training him.  He was giving Philip a test wanting to strengthen his faith.  God sometimes puts us in situations that are difficult.  These tests are for our growth and endurance.  “Consider it pure joy, my brothers, when you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.” James 1:2.  It teaches us that Jesus can handle it and we must have faith that He will.

Philip tried to think of a solution to the problem and said even eight months of wages would not feed all these people.  Andrew offered a solution and said there was a boy who had 5 small loaves of bread and 2 small fish.  The boy willing gave all he had and shared his bread and fish. 

Jesus said to have all the people sit down.  After taking the bread and fish, Jesus’ first response was to give thanks.  He then distributed it to the people.  When they had finished they gathered all the pieces that were left.  Jesus said to let nothing be wasted.  There were 12 baskets filled with leftovers. (John 6:7-13)

Scripture says there were 5,000 men, but there were really many more if you include all their families – maybe as many as 20,000.  Jesus had no problem turning water into wine so He had no problem feeding that many people with 5 loaves and 2 fish.  They ate until they were satisfied and could eat no more.

Principle:  Nothing is too hard for Jesus, for all authority and power belong to Him.

How has He provided for you?

Are you thankful for what God has given you?
What is keeping you from giving all you have to Jesus?

After the people saw what Jesus had done, they misunderstood His actions and said “Surely this is the Prophet who is to come into the world.”John 6:14.  Jesus knew they wanted to make Him an earthly king so He withdrew again to a mountain by Himself.  (John 6:15)

The Prophet mentioned is referring to the prophesy in Deut. 18:15 when Moses said God would raise a prophet like him and that they should listen to him.  They wanted to make Jesus their earthly king, a political ruler and leader to fight against the Romans.  They wanted Him for their plans and purposes not God’s.

Why should you follow Jesus? 

You should follow Jesus because of who He is, because He loves you.
He willing died for you.
He is the only source of eternal salvation.
He gives comfort and hope.
He forgives sin and makes us right with God.

John 6:16-21 – Jesus Walks on Water

Now Jesus was on the mountain praying and it became night.  The disciples got into a boat and set off across the lake.  Mark 6:45 tells us that Jesus made them get into the boat and go ahead of Him.  A strong wind blew and the waters grew rough.  They had rowed about 3½ miles when they saw Jesus walking on the water coming toward the boat.  They didn’t recognize Him at first and were terrified.  Jesus told them to not be afraid.  Then they took Him into their boat and immediately the boat reached the shore.  (John 6:16-21)

The disciples had seen Jesus do miracles, but never walking on water.  They thought He was a ghost (Matt. 14:26).  His walking on water was a miracle, but there was another miracle.  The boat immediately reached the shore and they were safe.  Sometimes we go through storms in life and have no control.  We are not alone.  Jesus is there and protects us so we are safe with Him.  Jesus came to them at exactly the right time.   He will come to you exactly at the right time, when you need Him most. 

Do you ever feel God has left you on your own?  Does everything seem dark and you are terrified?  Have you not seen God lately?  The Lord put them in that situation.  He puts us in helpless situations, too.  He does that so we will turn to Him and then see that he is our deliverer.  He’s telling you “do not be afraid”.  Invite Him into your boat.

What strong wind is blowing against you today?

Are you willing to invite Jesus into your boat?

Principle:  The Lord uses challenges, temptations and storms to reveal more of Himself to His children.

Next week we will continue the study of John 6.  Have a blessed day and thanks for visiting my site.  – I encourage you to trust in Jesus.


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