Thursday, January 4, 2024

John Lesson 14 – John 10


Last time we learned that God uses suffering to demonstrate His power and grace. We saw this when Jesus healed the blind man both physically and spiritually. 

John 10:1-6 – Ture and False Shepherds

Why does the Bible often refer to people as sheep?  I think it’s because people are like sheep and are so easy to be led astray.  We are lazy and it seems we believe anything that sounds good without testing and proving it factual.  We don’t take the time to go to God's Word or to prayer for guidance.

Jesus told a parable about shepherds and sheep.  The Pharisees pretended to be shepherds of God’s people, but they were not true shepherds.  The Pharisees were considered thieves and robbers, because they were out for themselves, they led the people astray, and they refused to accept Jesus. 

Characteristics of false shepherds:  False shepherds tend to be cunning and use deception.  They are like robbers who break into your house and steal without your knowledge.  They don’t wear signs so they can be recognized.  They appear harmless and are able to deceive.  They don’t strengthen the weak or heal the sick.  They speak empty worthless words; in other words, they lie.  You need to be grounded in sound doctrine so you can know if their words are true.  You have to know and be able to defend from the Scriptures.  The Pharisees are great examples of false shepherds.  They claimed to speak for God, but lie.  They were only out for themselves.

Characteristics of good shepherds:  At night good shepherds would put their sheep up in a pen to keep them from danger of wild animals and thieves.  The shepherd would stay with his sheep during the day and sleep with them at night.  Shepherds could identify each sheep and would even give them a name.  The sheep know their shepherd and they know his voice.  They would follow him wherever he went.  They would never follow a stranger.  A good shepherd is loving, caring and has sacrificial service to his sheep.  He understands their needs.  He works tirelessly to provide protection and security.  He searches out his sheep when they stray and defends them against all enemies.  Jesus is our good Shepherd.

There are false shepherds or leaders today who pretend to know other ways to God.  These are like thieves.  The devil is like a thief.  He deceives people and tries to convince them that Jesus is not the only way to God.  Only Jesus can offer salvation.  Only Jesus gives us life.  Once you believe in Jesus you are safe.  The devil can never take away the eternal life that Jesus gives.

There are ways we can avoid false shepherds and stand firm when they try to deceive us:

Know the Word of God
Believe in the power of God
Rely on the Holy Spirit
Practice tough faith
Never give in to what you know is wrong
Order your priorities
Stand for righteousness
Be persistent in prayer
Surrender in worship
Always cling to hope

God will hold these false shepherds accountable, will remove them from tending the sheep, and will rescue the flock.  He will search for the sheep and look after them and give them good grazing with rich pasture.  He will tend His sheep.  He will search for the lost, bind up the injured, and strengthen the weak.  He will be the shepherd of justice. (Ezekiel 34:1-16).

Principle:  Jesus is the true Shepherd that warns the flock about false shepherds.

What is keeping you from recognizing the voice of Jesus, the True Shepherd?

How has He had your best interest in mind?
If you are a leader or shepherd, are you teaching biblical truths?
Do you have your sheep’s best interest in mind?
Do you strengthen the weak and point them to Jesus?

John 10:7-21 – Jesus is the Good Shepherd

Jesus called Himself the Gate or the Door for His sheep.  “…. I am the gate for the sheep.”John 10:7.  This means He is the gate to heaven.  In John 14:6 He said, “I am the way and the truth and the life.  No one come to the Father except through me.”

 “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”John 10:10

  “I am the good shepherd.  The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.” John 10:11.  “I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me.” John 10:14

John 10:11-15 describe the actions and attitudes of a good shepherd.  He knows his sheep and is known by his sheep.  He even will sacrifice his own life for his sheep.

In John 10:16 Jesus talked about other sheep.  These other sheep are the Gentiles.  Jesus came to save the Gentiles as well as the Jews.  He will save everyone who believes in Him no matter who they are or where they are or what nationality they are.  All Christians belong to God’s family and Jesus is the Shepherd.

In John:17-18 Jesus talked about laying down His life.  The Jewish leaders wanted to kill Him and He knew He had to die to save the people.  This was God’s plan.  Jesus obeyed and loved God.  No one forced Him to do this.  He went willing to the cross.  He knew He would be resurrected on the 3rd day, which was also God’s plan.

Jesus’ Words should encourage us and can be applied today.  Believers are His sheep.  We follow the Good Shepherd, because we know His voice.  The Gate is Jesus who gives us access to God.  Those who do not believe and teach untruths are thieves and robbers. 

Principle:  The Good Shepherd lays down His life for the sheep.

John 10:22-33 – Eternally Secure

Jesus went to the Feast of Dedication festival.  The Jewish leaders wanting to kill Jesus asked Him if He was the Christ (John 10:24).  Jesus never answered them with a yes or a no.  Instead He spoke about the miracles as the evidence of who He was.  He spoke again about the shepherd and the sheep.  His sheep were all the people who believed in Him.  The leaders didn’t believe and were so stubborn that they even refused to believe in the miracles they had seen.

Then Jesus made a promise to all who believed in Him.  He promised He would always look after them and that not even death could separate them from Him.  “I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand.”John 10:28.  This is such a comfort because He didn’t say you had to be good enough or have perfect faith.  All you have do to is believe.  Jesus gives security to all who believe in Him.

Do you believe in Jesus?

Do you hear Jesus’ voice?
Do you know Jesus and does He know you?
How secure are you in your salvation?

Jesus claimed to be in complete unity with God.  They share the same thoughts, desires, and qualities.  “I and the Father are one.” John 10:30.  The Pharisees wanted Him to say it clearly who He was and He did.  Here the Bible states clearly that Jesus is certainly God.  This truth about Jesus is of ultimate importance for us today, because there can be no mistake that Jesus if God! 

After reading this do you still doubt that Jesus is God?

They picked up stones to stone Him because He made Himself equal with God.  They tried to seize Him, but God prevented it.  He escaped because it was not yet Him time. 

He knew He would have to die soon, but the time was not now.  He left Jerusalem not because of fear, but to prepare Himself for His return to Jerusalem for His cross.  Many people followed realizing that John the Baptist’s prophecies were right.  They decided to believe because of all the evidence.

Jesus willing gave His life for us.  No one made Him do it.  He had the authority to die and the authority to rise again.  It was all up to Him.  He is God!

Jesus described a true believer:

My sheep hear my voice.
I know them.
They follow me.
I give them eternal life.
They will never perish.
No one can snatch them from my hand.

Are you a true believer?

Principle:  Jesus’ sheep are eternally secured.

John 10:34-42 – Division in the Crowd

Jesus offered validating proof that He spoke for God.  In the Old Testament judges were called gods.  Jesus said since that was the case, why would they consider it blasphemy that He call Himself the Son of God.  They again tried to seize Him, but He escaped.

God’s power and plan offers us hope.  He is always in control and has a plan for each of our lives; nothing can stop Him.  Jesus is God and is always with us as our Good Shepherd.

Jesus went back across the Jordan and there many people came to believe in Him.  It’s like that in our world today.  There are many who reject Him and many who believe.  Which group are you in?

Principle:  God’s power and plan offers hope.

Key verses: 

“I am the gate” – John 10:7, 9
“I am the good shepherd”John 10:11, 14
“I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand.”John 10:28.
“I and the Father are one.” John 10:30

WOW!  Love the book of John.  Next week we will study John 11.  Have a blessed day and thanks for visiting my site.  – I encourage you to trust in Jesus.


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The Holy Bible NIV

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